CyanEmu is being replaced by ClientSim:
CyanEmu will no longer receive any updates or bug fixes. CyanEmu is currently the only way to test SDK2 worlds in editor. This repository will remain open until VRChat deprecates SDK2. At that point, this repo will be archived.
CyanEmu is a VRChat client emulator that enables you to test your VRChat worlds directly in Unity! One of the biggest problems with debugging VRChat worlds is not knowing exactly what the issue is. With CyanEmu, you can look at the state of all objects to verify things directly. CyanEmu comes with a basic player controller, allowing you to explore your worlds and use pickups and interacts. Works with both SDK2/Triggers and SDK3/Udon.
- Debug everything in Unity
- Desktop player controller
- Grab pickups and use interacts
- Execute VRC_Triggers directly
- Oversync detection for VRC_Trigger broadcasts
- Save and replay buffered events to test late joining
- Works with Udon
- Delete EditorOnly objects on Play
- Unity 2019.4.31f1
- VRChat World SDK2 or SDK3
- The latest release of CyanEmu
- Import the latest release into your Unity project
- Open your VRChat world scene
- Press play in Unity
- Test your world
Check out the wiki for how to use additional features of CyanEmu.
- View planned and in progress features
- Follow my progress on this and other VRChat projects
- Support the development of CyanEmu
- Download the latest release of CyanEmu
Copyright (c) 2020-2022 CyanLaser
Licensed under the MIT license.