If you want to know what I do check my repos or webpage, which should have all relevant links. The website also has contact information so you can get in contact with me.
So how do I get started? Oh I got it:
I made a 2d minecraft clone in Scratch which I was quite proud of at the time.
I started with "real" programing in Batch (ik bad language). I have programed a 93CA working Chat with it while I followed a YouTube video. After that was finished I started adding more an more features until I started:
After I used Batch. I tried myself in HTML and CSS. I understand how it works and gave me some Ideas. But I'm not the creative person and I didn't like HTML that much (maybe I'd love it if I learned it more). I now restarted with them on my page I got bored and started with:
I thought since when I started programing I always heard of Java but I thought it was to complicated. But it was already 2 Years since I started programing. I started Java mainly because I started playing minecraft Java edition and wanted to code a plugin. After I did my plugin I strted with console applications and started programing QSE:
Here I am. I ported QSE to C# because a friend said I could build a GUI. I made the GUI and ported the code in about 3 hours. At first I developed new features in C# and Java but I quickly realized that it was to much work. That's why I discontinued the Java Version. I started Loving C# that much that I now only code in C# And wanted to make a GUI for everything:
With my Website I ofc had to start with js to make it more interactive/have a use. Along with that the streamer tools client is now written in node.js with electron and html for the UI.
I have my basic Code I use for almost every project (Buttons, Layout, Update Code). But It takes about half an hour to an hour to get the GUI to look nice and set up everything for a new program. So I sometimes hate it. At least I now have one big project which is easier to manage. Still is a lot of affort but it pays of.
Various things. I won't update the status.