Capitol Hill is an application designed to easily connect people with their Senators and Congressional representatives, and to keep constituents up to date with their representative’s legislative actions. Users can search for their district’s representatives, or state Senators, and will be returned with that politician’s contact information and voting track record. Users can also search by a map, which has each Congressional district, and can find representatives through this method.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
mongoDB Command Client
In the command line, begin running Mongo:
In a separate shell:
-USE CapitolHill_Db
Go to routes/apiRoutes.js
and uncomment the following lines:
45-47 80-83 102-109
this will run the initial population of your databates. In the command line:
npm install
webpack -w
node server.js
After your server has run once and your databases are populated, comment the above lines out again to prevent dublicate data.
Search for your representative by name
View all congressional districts by map
Click through districts to quick view representatives or follow the link to their full profile
View representatives' full profiles with contact info and recent legislation
-Input address to locate address -Heroku app crash from recent commit
- React - The web frame 6169 work used
- Leafjs - JavaScript library used for mapping
- Material Design Lite - CSS framework
- Propublica - API used for representatives' voting history
- Passportjs - User authentication middleware
- Cullan Shewfelt - cullanrocks
- Eric Choi - eric2turbo
- William Leung - thisiswhale
- Paige Pittman - paigepittman
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.