A C++ game simulating ants and wars between them, using SDL2 library
In the folder containing Makefile run:
A documentation will also be generated with this command
./antwars [-s] game_file
'game_file' is the file of the game location
"-s" mode will load a game save file
Without this parameter, a map file must be loaded
Providing wrong path to the file or giving a file with a wrong format will cause the error and the game won't be loaded
In the folder containing Makefile run:
make clean
You can control only your anthills (the bright ones). By clicking on a friendly anthill you select it and then you can click on another anthill to select the target, or click again on the selected anthill to cancel it. You can change the target of the anthill the same way. You can send your ants not only to the enemy anthill, but even to your friendly anthill.
To create a savefile and exit, just press 's'. It will be created in the examples folder
Each anthill has it's parameter, how often a new ant is born inside of it (it's defined in the map file or the save file). When there is no ant in the anthill, the anthill will be destroyed and will no longer produce new ants and all the ants on the way that came from this anthill will die.
When ant arrives in the enemy anthill, it will decrement the number inside by 1, if it arrives in to the friendly anthill, it will increment the number inside by 1.
If two ants from different teams meet at one position in the map, both of them will die.
If the ant destroys the enemy anthill, but there are more ants with this anthill as the target, they will return back where they came from
You can create your own map files, they must be in this format:
m n v
m n v
m n v
m n v
m n
m n
d = AI difficulty from 50 to 200 (50 is the hardest, 200 the easiest)
Under 'fa' are described all friendly anthills (must be at least one), under 'ea' all enemy anthill (again at least one) and under o all obstacles (can be without it)
m = the line (coordination) from 0 to 9
n = the column (coordination) from 0 to 9
v = birth frequency of the anthill (how often a new ant is produced) minimal is 0