8000 GitHub - Bogdanp/django_dramatiq: A Django app that integrates with Dramatiq.
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Django Dramatiq

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Seemlessly integrate Dramatiq with your Django project!



To install, ensure both Django Dramatiq and Dramatiq are installed, along with RabbitMQ:

pip install django-dramatiq 'dramatiq[rabbitmq]'

Or with Redis:

pip install django-dramatiq 'dramatiq[redis]'

If you would like to install with watch:

pip install django-dramatiq 'dramatiq[rabbitmq, watch]'

Add django_dramatiq to installed apps before any of your custom apps:


    # etc...

Configure your broker in settings.py:

    "BROKER": "dramatiq.brokers.rabbitmq.RabbitmqBroker", 
    "OPTIONS": {
        "url": "amqp://localhost:5672",

# Defines which database should be used to persist Task objects when the
# AdminMiddleware is enabled.  The default value is "default".

Getting Started

Declaring tasks

Django Dramatiq will auto-discover tasks defined in tasks modules in each of your installed apps. For example, if you have an app named customers, your tasks for that app should live in a module called customers.tasks:

import dramatiq

from django.core.mail import send_mail

from .models import Customer

def email_customer(customer_id, subject, message):
    customer = Customer.get(pk=customer_id)
    send_mail(subject, message, "webmaster@example.com", [customer.email])

You can override the name of the tasks module by setting one or more names in settings:


Running workers

Django Dramatiq comes with a management command you can use to auto-discover task modules and run workers:

    python manage.py rundramatiq

By default, rundramatiq will adjust the number of processes/threads used by Dramatiq based on the number of detected CPUs: one process will be launched per CPU, and each process will have 8 worker threads.

The default number of processes, threads per process can be overridden through environment variables, which take precedence over the defaults:

    python manage.py rundramatiq

Or alternatively through command line arguments, which take precedence over the defaults and any environment variables:

    python manage.py rundramatiq -p 2 -t 2

This is useful e.g. to facilitate faster Dramatiq restarts in your development environment.

If your project for some reason has apps with modules named tasks that are not intended for use with Dramatiq, you can ignore them:


The wildcard detection will ignore all sub modules from that point on. You will need to ignore the module itself if you don't want the __init__.py to be processed.

Results Backend

You may also configure a result backend:

    "BACKEND": "dramatiq.results.backends.redis.RedisBackend",
        "url": "redis://localhost:6379",
        "result_ttl": 1000 * 60 * 10


You should have a separate settings file for test. In that file, overwrite the broker to use Dramatiq's StubBroker:

    "BROKER": "dramatiq.brokers.stub.StubBroker",
    "OPTIONS": {},

In your conftest module set up fixtures for your broker and a worker:

import dramatiq
import pytest

def broker():
    broker = dramatiq.get_broker()
    return broker

def worker(broker):
    worker = dramatiq.Worker(broker, worker_timeout=100)
    yield worker

In your tests, use those fixtures whenever you want background tasks to be executed:

def test_customers_can_be_emailed(transactional_db, broker, worker, mailoutbox):
    customer = Customer(email="jim@gcpd.gov")
    # Assuming "send_welcome_email" enqueues an "email_customer" task

    # Wait for all the tasks to be processed

    assert len(mailoutbox) == 1
    assert mailoutbox[0].subject == "Welcome Jim!"


If your tests rely on the results of the actor, you may experience inconsistent results. Due to the nature of the worker and test running in seperate threads, the test DB state may be different.

To solve this you need to add the addtional @pytest.mark.django_db(transaction=True) decorator.

Using unittest

A simple test case has been provided that will automatically set up the broker and worker for each test, which are accessible as attributes on the test case. Note that DramatiqTestCase inherits django.test.TransactionTestCase.

from django.core import mail
from django.test import override_settings
from django_dramatiq.test import DramatiqTestCase

class CustomerTestCase(DramatiqTestCase):

    def test_customers_can_be_emailed(self):
        customer = Customer(email="jim@gcpd.gov")
        # Assuming "send_welcome_email" enqueues an "email_customer" task

        # Wait for all the tasks to be processed

        self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1)
        self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[0].subject, "Welcome Jim!")

Advanced Usage

Cleaning up old tasks

The AdminMiddleware stores task metadata in a relational DB so it's a good idea to garbage collect that data every once in a while. You can use the delete_old_tasks actor to achieve this on a cron:

from django_dramatiq.tasks import delete_old_tasks

delete_old_tasks.send(max_task_age=60 * 60 * 24)


This middleware is vital in taking care of closing expired connections after each message is processed.
This middleware stores metadata about tasks in flight to a database and exposes them via the Django admin.

Custom keyword arguments to Middleware

Some middleware classes require dynamic arguments. An example of this would be the backend argument to dramatiq.middleware.GroupCallbacks.

To do this, you might add the middleware to your settings.py:


Next, you need to extend DjangoDramatiqConfig to provide the arguments for this middleware:

from django_dramatiq.apps import DjangoDramatiqConfig

class CustomDjangoDramatiqConfig(DjangoDramatiqConfig):
    def middleware_groupcallbacks_kwargs(cls):
        return {"rate_limiter_backend": cls.get_rate_limiter_backend()}

Notice the naming convention, to provide arguments to dramatiq.middleware.GroupCallbacks you need to add a @classmethod with the name middleware_<middleware_name>_kwargs, where <middleware_name> is the lowercase name of the middleware.

Finally, add the custom app config to your settings.py, replacing the existing django_dramatiq app config:


Third-Party Support

To use django_dramatiq together with django-configurations you need to define your own rundramatiq command as a subclass of the one in this package.

In YOURPACKAGE/management/commands/rundramatiq.py:

from django_dramatiq.management.commands.rundramatiq import Command as RunDramatiqCommand

class Command(RunDramatiqCommand):
    def discover_tasks_modules(self):
        tasks_modules = super().discover_tasks_modules()
        tasks_modules[0] = "YOURPACKAGE.dramatiq_setup"
        return tasks_modules

And in YOURPACKAGE/dramatiq_setup.py:

import django

from configurations.importer import install



You can find an example application built with Django Dramatiq here.