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An easy to use, powerful and multi-functionality tools-kit library for NodeJS written entirely in JavaScript.


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Tools-Kit Logo
An easy to use, powerful and multi-functionality tools-kit library for NodeJS written entirely in JavaScript.

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© Tools-Kit By BlackB1RD-Development (Author: @RealBlackB1RD). All rights reserved ©


  • A Hastebin Client that can post and fetch code easily from Hastebin.
  • A Logger Manager that can log a styled and colored text into the console.
  • A Styles Manager that can transfer your simple text into a styled and modern one.
  • A collection of easy to use and useful functions.
  • Extremely configurable and debuggable.
  • Well documented.


NPM Through GitHub

npm install BlackB1RD-Development/tools-kit --save


npm install tools-kit --save


yarn add tools-kit


Read the Documentations for more information about each method.

Table of Content

Click to jump between class examples

Class Name Class Description
Hastebin Client Post and fetch code easily from Hastebin
Logger Manager Log a styled and colored text into the console
Styles Manager Transfer your simple text into a styled and modern one (Console support only)
Utilities A collection of easy to use and useful functions

Hastebin Client

With the Hastebin Client you can post and fetch code easily from Hastebin.

const { logger, hastebin } = require('tools-kit');

hastebin.post('var test = \'test\';\n\nconsole.log(test);', '.js')
  .then(async postRes => {
    logger.success({ tag: 'POST RES' }, postRes);
    // Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | POST RES]: HastebinObject{}

    await hastebin.get(postRes.link)
      .then(getRes => {
        logger.success({ tag: 'GET RES' }, getRes);
        // Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | GET RES]: HastebinObject{}
      .catch(getErr => {
        logger.error({ tag: 'GET ERROR' }, getErr);
        // Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | GET ERROR]: Error: Get Error
  .catch(postErr => {
    logger.error({ tag: 'POST ERROR' }, postErr);
    // Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | POST ERROR]: Error: Post Error

Logger Manager

With the Logger Manager you can log a styled and colored text into the console with pre made logging settings in each method.

const { logger } = require('tools-kit');

// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | LOG]: content

logger.important('Important log');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | IMPORTANT]: Important log

logger.success('Success log');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | SUCCESS]: Success log

logger.fatal('Fatal log');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FATAL]: Fatal log

logger.trace('Trace log');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | TRACE]: Trace log

logger.error('Error log');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | ERROR]: Error log

logger.debug('Debug log');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | DEBUG]: Debugging log

logger.info('Information log');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | INFO]: Information log

logger.warn('Warning log');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | WARN]: Warning log

logger.figlet('FIGLET', 'LOG');
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:   _____ ___ ____ _     _____ _____   _     ___   ____
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:  |  ___|_ _/ ___| |   | ____|_   _| | |   / _ \ / ___|
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:  | |_   | | |  _| |   |  _|   | |   | |  | | | | |  _
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:  |  _|  | | |_| | |___| |___  | |   | |__| |_| | |_| |
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:  |_|   |___\____|_____|_____| |_|   |_____\___/ \____|
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:

Using custom options:

const { logger } = require('tools-kit');

// Support custom logging options and rewriting of existing methods settings
const scsSettings = {
    time: 'H:mm',
    format: (options) => {
      return `[${options.tag}]: Published ${options.content} successfully at ${options.time}`;
  }, errSettings = {
    time: 'H:mm',
    tag: 'PUBLISH ERROR',
    format: (options) => {
      return `[${options.tag}]: Couldn't publish ${options.content} at ${options.time}`;
  }, settings = {
    tag: 'PUBLISH API',
    format: (options) => {
      return `[${options.tag}]: Publish API ${options.content} | Last Check: ${options.time}`;
  }, figSettings = {
    figlet: {
      font: 'Ghost',
      verticalLayout: 'default',
      horizontalLayout: 'default'
    log: {
      name: 'figlet',
      options: {
        background: 'black',
        color: 'red',
        style: 'bold',
        type: 'log',
        time: 'MM/DD/YY',
        tag: true,
        format: (options) => {
          return !options.time && !options.tag ? options.content : !options.time ? `[${options.tag}]: ${options.content}` : !options.tag ? `[${options.time}]: ${options.content}` : `[${options.time} | ${options.tag}]: ${options.content}`;
  }, image = {
    name: 'logo.png',
    size: '5MB'
  }, api = {
    message: 'Internal Server Error',
    code: '500'

logger.success(scsSettings, 'image named "%s" with a total size of %s', image.name, image.size);
// Console > [PUBLISH SUCCESS]: Published image named "logo.png" with a total size of 5MB successfully at 20:00

logger.error(errSettings, 'image named "%s" with a total size of %s', image.name, image.size);
// Console > [PUBLISH ERROR]: Couldn't publish image named "logo.png" with a total size of 5MB at 20:00

logger.info(settings, 'respond with %s status code and "%s" message', api.code, api.message);
// Console > [PUBLISH API]: Publish API respond with 500 status code and "Internal Server Error" message | Last Check: 20/2/2020 - 20:00:00

logger.log({ time: false }, 'log', 'no time');
// Console > [LOG]: log no time

logger.figlet(figSettings, 'Boo');
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]: .-. .-')
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]: \  ( OO )
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:  ;-----.\  .-'),-----.  .-'),-----.
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:  | .-.  | ( OO'  .-.  '( OO'  .-.  '
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:  | '-' /_)/   |  | |  |/   |  | |  |
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:  | .-. `. \_) |  |\|  |\_) |  |\|  |
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:  | |  \  |  \ |  | |  |  \ |  | |  |
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:  | '--'  /   `'  '-'  '   `'  '-'  '
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIGLET]:  `------'      `-----'      `-----'

logger.log({ time: 'MM-DD-YY' }, 'log', 'custom time format');
// Console > [02-20-2020 | LOG]: log custom time format

logger.log({ tag: false }, 'log', 'no tag');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00]: log no tag

logger.log({ tag: 'CUSTOM TAG' }, 'log', 'custom tag');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | CUSTOM TAG]: log custom tag

logger.log({ time: false, tag: false }, 'log', 'no tag', 'no time');
// Console > log no tag no time

logger // Support chain logging
  .log({ tag: 'FIRST LOG' }, 'First content')
  .log({ tag: 'SECOND LOG' }, 'Second content')
  .log({ tag: 'THIRD LOG' }, 'Third content');
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | FIRST LOG]: First content
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | SECOND LOG]: Second content
  Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | THIRD LOG]: Third content

See more backgrounds, colors, styles & consoles types by clicking here

Styles Manager

With the Styles Manager you can transfer your simple text into a styled and modern one.

const { logger, style } = require('tools-kit');

logger.log({ tag: 'STYLE' },
  styles.bgGreen('testing %s', 'background'),
  styles.red('testing %s', 'color'),
  styles.underline('testing %s', 'style'),
  styles.bgGreen.red.underline('testing %s', 'a style chain')
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | STYLE]: testing background testing color testing style testing a style chain

logger.log({ tag: 'STYLE OBJECT' }, styles.stylify({ background: 'bgGreen' }, 'styled background'), 'normal background');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | STYLE OBJECT]: styled background normal background

logger.log({ tag: 'STYLE OBJECT' }, styles.stylify({ color: 'red' }, 'styled color'), 'normal color');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | STYLE OBJECT]: styled color normal color

logger.log({ tag: 'STYLE OBJECT' }, styles.stylify({ style: 'underline' }, 'styled style'), 'normal style');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | STYLE OBJECT]: styled style normal style

logger.log({ tag: 'STYLE OBJECT' }, styles.stylify({ background: 'bgGreen', color: 'red', style: 'underline' }, 'styled text'), 'normal text');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | STYLE OBJECT]: styled text normal text

logger.log({ tag: 'STYLE METHOD' }, styles.background('bgGreen', 'styled background'), 'normal style');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | STYLE METHOD]: styled background normal style

logger.log({ tag: 'STYLE METHOD' }, styles.color('red', 'styled color'), 'normal style');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | STYLE METHOD]: styled color normal style

logger.log({ tag: 'STYLE METHOD' }, styles.style('underline', 'styled style'), 'normal style');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | STYLE METHOD]: styled style normal style

logger.log({ tag: 'STYLE METHOD' }, styles.bgGreen.red.underline('styled text'), 'normal text');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | STYLE METHOD]: styled text normal text

const colors = [
  styles.rgb([255, 0, 0]),
  styles.hsv([180, 100, 100]),
  styles.hsl([120, 100, 50]),
  styles.hwb([240, 0, 0]),
  styles.lab([35, 80, -104]),
  styles.xyz([59, 28, 97]),
  styles.lch([88, 90, 149]),
  styles.cmyk([100, 50, 0, 0]),

logger.log({ tag: 'CUSTOM MAP' }, styles.map('custom map styled-text', colors), 'normal text');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | CUSTOM MAP]: custom map styled-text normal text

Using pre-made cool colors maps:

const { logger, color } = require('tools-kit');

logger.log({ tag: 'RAINBOW' }, styles.rainbow('rainbow styled-text'), 'normal text');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | RAINBOW]: rainbow styled-text normal text

logger.log({ tag: 'RANDOM' }, styles.random('random styled-text'), 'normal text');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | RANDOM]: random styled-text normal text

logger.log({ tag: 'ZEBRA' }, styles.zebra('zebra styled-text'), 'normal text');
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | ZEBRA]: zebra styled-text normal text


With Tools-Kit Utilities you can use the functions that everyone uses in one simple line.

const { logger, util } = require('tools-kit');

logger.log({ tag: 'HAS?' }, util.has({}, 'name'));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | HAS?]: false

logger.log({ tag: 'HAS?' }, util.has([], 'name'));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | HAS?]: false

logger.log({ tag: 'HAS?' }, util.has({ name: 'test' }, 'name'));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | HAS?]: true

logger.log({ tag: 'HAS?' }, util.has({ name: 'test' }, 'test'));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | HAS?]: false

logger.log({ tag: 'HAS?' }, util.has({ name: 'test' }, 'name', 'test'));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | HAS?]: true

logger.log({ tag: 'HAS?' }, util.has({ name: 'test' }, 'name', 'not test'));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | HAS?]: false

logger.log({ tag: 'HAS?' }, util.has(['name', 'test'], 'name'));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | HAS?]: true

logger.log({ tag: 'HAS?' }, util.has(['test', 'not test'], 'name'));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | HAS?]: false

logger.log({ tag: 'HAS?' }, util.has([{ 'name': 'not test' }, { 'name': 'test' }], 'name'));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | HAS?]: true

logger.log({ tag: 'HAS?' }, util.has([{ 'name': 'not test' }, { 'name': 'test' }], 'test', 'name'));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | HAS?]: false

logger.log({ tag: 'HAS?' }, util.has([{ 'name': 'not test' }, { 'name': 'test' }], 'name', 'test'));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | HAS?]: true

logger.log({ tag: 'ARRAY?' }, util.isArray(new Array()));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | ARRAY?]: true

logger.log({ tag: 'ARRAY?' }, util.isArray(new Object()));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | ARRAY?]: false

logger.log({ tag: 'ARRAY?' }, util.isArray([]));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | ARRAY?]: true

logger.log({ tag: 'ARRAY?' }, util.isArray({}));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | ARRAY?]: false

logger.log({ tag: 'OBJECT?' }, util.isObject(new Object()));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | OBJECT?]: true

logger.log({ tag: 'OBJECT?' }, util.isObject(new Array()));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | OBJECT?]: false

logger.log({ tag: 'OBJECT?' }, util.isObject({}));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | OBJECT?]: true

logger.log({ tag: 'OBJECT?' }, util.isObject([]));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | OBJECT?]: false

logger.log({ tag: 'RANDOM ITEM' }, util.randomItem(['cat', 'dog', 'fish']));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | RANDOM ITEM]: fish

logger.log({ tag: 'RANDOM NUMBER' }, util.randomNumber(5, 10));
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | RANDOM NUMBER]: 8

logger.log({ tag: 'RANDOM NUMBER' }, util.randomNumber(5, 10, false)); // Default is true
// Console > [20/02/2020 - 00:00:00 | RANDOM NUMBER]: 9.478004123859458

Logger Options


  • bgBlack
  • bgGray
  • bgGrey
  • bgRed
  • bgGreen
  • bgYellow
  • bgBlue
  • bgMagenta
  • bgCyan
  • bgWhite

Light Backgrounds

  • bgLBlack
  • bgLRed
  • bgLGreen
  • bgLYellow
  • bgLBlue
  • bgLMagenta
  • bgLCyan
  • bgLWhite

Bright Backgrounds

  • bgBGray
  • bgBGrey
  • bgBRed
  • bgBGreen
  • bgBYellow
  • bgBBlue
  • bgBMagenta
  • bgBCyan
  • bgBWhite


  • black
  • gray
  • grey
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white

Light Colors

  • lblack
  • lred
  • lgreen
  • lyellow
  • lblue
  • lmagenta
  • lcyan
  • lwhite

Bright Colors

  • bgray
  • bgrey
  • bred
  • bgreen
  • byellow
  • bblue
  • bmagenta
  • bcyan
  • bwhite


  • reset - Resets the current color to the default console color.
  • bold - Make the text bold.
  • dim - Emitting only a small amount of the text light.
  • italic - Make the text italic styled - Not widely supported
  • underline - Make the text underline styled - Not widely supported
  • inverse- Inverse the background and the foreground colors.
  • hidden - Prints the text, but makes it invisible.
  • strikethrough - Puts a horizontal line through the center of the text - Not widely supported


  • log - Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
  • error - Prints to stderr with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
  • trace - Prints to stderr the string 'Trace: ', followed by the util.format() formatted message and stack trace to the current position in the code.
  • debug- The console.debug() function is an alias for console.log().
  • info - The console.info() function is an alias for console.log().
  • warn - The console.warn() function is an alias for console.error().


The options.time can be either of this two

  • Boolean (true/false) - If to include the current time and date with the stock format when logging (Stock used moment format: DD/M/YYYY - H:mm:ss)
  • String - A custom moment time format to use when logging


The options.tag can be either of this two

  • Boolean (true/false) - If to include the a tag when logging
  • String - A custom string value to use as a tag when logging (Case sensitive)



See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


See the Changes Log for more information about each update.


FOSSA Status

Related Modules

  • supports-color — Detect whether a terminal supports color.
  • color-convert — Plain color conversion functions.
  • node-fetch — A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to Node.js.
  • moment — A lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
  • figlet — Creates ASCII Art from text. A full implementation of the FIGfont spec.