Resellio is an e-commerce project for buying and selling second-hand goods. The project was developed using Asp.Net Core MVC and Microservices architecture. You can examine the microservices architecture used in the project in the diagram below. Additionally, you can access the project details and pictures provided.
UI microservice is responsible for displaying the data obtained from the microservices to the user and facilitating interaction with the user.
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- FluentValidation
- Ocelot
Microservice responsible for the storage and presentation of products and product categories.
- MongoDB
- MongoDB.Driver
- AutoMapper
Microservice responsible for basket operations.
- RedisDB
- StackExchange.Redis
Microservice responsible for order processing.
- Sql Server
- Entity Framework Core
- Domain Driven Design (DDD)
- CQRS (MediatR)
Microservice is responsible for the discount coupons offered to users.
- PostgreSQL
- Dapper
Microservice responsible for keeping and presenting product photographs.
Microservice is responsible for payment processing.
Microservice responsible for user data storage, token and refreshtoken generation.
- Sql Server
- Entity Framework Core
- RabbitMQ
- MassTransit
The databases used in the project have been set up as containers. At the end of the project, the microservices were dockerized and docker compose files were created
I continue to develop the project. If you have any suggestions or encounter any problems, you can send an e-mail: