Warning The ARK Desktop Wallet is no longer supported. Please use the new ARKVault wallet instead: https://app.arkvault.io
Install via AUR:
pamac build ark-desktop
Install via Homebrew:
brew install --cask ark-desktop-wallet
Translations are no longer accepted for the Desktop Wallet. We are using plugins to provide languages.
In Ubuntu the development files of libudev
are necessary:
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libusb-1.
- Python 2.7
- Visual Studio 2017
To download, head over to here and download Node 12.
If you already have npm installed, you can run
npm install -g n
sudo n 12
Install the Yarn dependency manager
npm install -g yarn
List of commands
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Execute the electron application. Making changes in the code, updates the application (hot reloading).
yarn dev
# Execute the browser version application. Making changes in the code, updates the application (hot reloading) good for designing :3.
yarn start
# Runs linter over the files
yarn lint
# Try to automatically fix lint errors
yarn lint:fix
# Builds the production code for the react application
yarn build
# Build and electron application for production (Mac)
yarn build:mac
# Build and electron application for production (Linux)
yarn build:linux
# Build electron application for production (Windows - x32 and x64)
yarn build:win
# Run the default test switch in default watch mode
yarn test
# Run unit tests and generate and display the coverage report
yarn test:coverage
If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to security@ark.io. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.