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Releases: Apostles1/Apostles1

economic anthropology

26 Nov 22:09
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Board of trade

Tools of creation stewardship engineering
Connection with God 'Gospel Word' Enterprise Architecture
Design Constant 'Constructions stewardship portfolio'

{GPS} guidance system co-ordinates to facillitate 'the vocation, enterprise and stewardship of man's dynasty of engineering precision in conquest of the unified relative sequencial lifepath revelations of 'genesis' 'ontology of man,world,animal 'fundemental-foundations of lifeform obligation to serve the virtues of creation ethical reality of animal ,world mechanology , lifestyle of man's compliance to resolve translation of confidence through subsistence methodology of life endeavors,survival-exsistence manuscript/all seeing eye 'satellite'
Domestic,Commercial, Industrial 'Evolution of Stewardship engineering legacy of man. facillitating the true 107% focus and concentration' inspiring adaptation to creation instruments of animate lifeform ettiquette ,hierachy, 'bodies of creation and arrangedment of virtual 'intellectual variable factor sequence, 'fundemental-foundation of lifeform 'world occipital conciousness 'authentic participation to collective belonging to world 'emancipation and stewardship productivity of man .
Tradition of stewardship engineering practices and exercises through observation, ‘hypothesis of occipital environment performance technology in the life endeavors of lifeform protocols' reflecting creation 5g network channels of success' providence of world prodigy; alfa,beta,delta,gamma orthodox engineering statutes of creations 'confidence in aphfredesiac of ideological conciousness of man . With the previous occipital confidence belonging to a centred idea of social decree in policy, law' moral conduct/code' apostalic bio binary wellbeing in the alignment with 'genesis revelations .
aliment to connection and translation of creation reasource application to pack evolution model capable to restore preserve and maintain infrastructure of urban life system graphics and ideology

Newly recognized economic 'brand of trade' despite entitlement of human right that parrallel ideology of occipital binary creations 'generic/hereditary architecture; application of 'statutory' ergonomic iso chemical/micro unified tradjectory , chronicle, linguistic of 'humanity geographic curricular life system cycle {word of promisary} 'methodology'. Are required intel/information for analogous occipital operator to define or reconstruct random co-ordinates of creation generic/hereditary, 'world binary life endeavors, co-ordinates as linguistic can be analyzed for design logistics objectives 'to reveal the ettiquette of life ideologic ; hard/soft methodology , unified world curricular productive process, developedment growth; routine, regimen, methodology to interpret for fields of theory in scale to world objectives of natural system factors' capable to stimulate authentic growth developedment ;subsistence economic growth, developedment system reasources of life enterprise endeavors'ethics of .

Avatar, 300Spartans,Rome, Cardinal/Pope, diciples of christ ,apostles of christ , 'The storyboard of bible prophecy that through analysis can be exploited to communicate and serve the knowledge of the worlds fundemental mystic life tradition. That through the virtues and human technological integration great known men as christ and his family and their direct decendants were channelled through our conciousness of human reasources which reflected on the immunization of moral world preceptions worlds mathematics and engineering of life education, ‘the virtues of interactive communication with the world and beyond through immunized human world divine virtue as exsistence in cognitive survival tutelage of man experience hearing , visualize , sense of smell and touch and develop the world precision of productive interactions of life simpleness principal and virtue sense of world properties-matter textures and bodily warmth are the erogronomic force cononical manuscripts of dual image atonomic human, scripture(world prodigy). with The power, potential to reinterpret the collective curricular of world education, ‘ methodology 'generic-hereditary in life exercises and practices. all communicate processed and observed through the function of atonomic human understanding to apply coherence to world compliance through mitigated re-interpretation of life orthodox methodology a renewed human scripture to use as a guide to best practices to adapt to lifes ever evolving developing, growing understanding of traditional best practices . as life evolves and purpose of mechanology implimented coherence and compliance to tuteledge of intellectual property or creative socialethic of life vocation principals, ‘ world fundamental foundation represents positive ecological demographic compliance to reasearch as cononical means of human resources the intellectual property of life vocations cultivate through the human interactivity of conciousness’ gospel mechanology ‘the principals of life, ‘to reverse the natural process of life form immunization mechanology to disclose The information lintel of our present day essential- nessesitys stratedgy for the True and precision geographic characteristics of world benovelant longevity, happiness, lifestyle, social ethic congregation to covenant life intelligence exercise,practice and methodology to impliment a world compliant mechanology to the natural world characteristics compliance . The theme of our story (life) as translated by man- economics , law-order, science-technology , domestic mechanology, ect. human reasources of man.

allowing logistic hypothesis mechanology covenant diversity factors amongst the priority protocols for survival (old tradition) learning ,training, teaching ‘ human developedment stages, refference to the era and biographic poetry, focus concentration, and also the strength, persona , accomplishment that wields the key to the endeavor to these reasources.

Nebuchadnezzar dream - The mechanology of christ (son of god).

Introductory to the vocational diciplines of geographic mapping to life society. Survival-exsistence, manifest-providence , economics and salvation , salvation-manuscripts

intuitive architecture component

21 Nov 22:36
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re-assignment of creation dynasty ;defrenciation from 'apocaltyptic armeggedon, multiple empiric 'linguistiic, transformation to creation canonical mastery election edification to imply inhabitant inheritance 'mystic tradition Infrastructure, 'orthogenesis;creation 'canonical prophecy; 2 points in space iterate-mitigate asynchronous solution, 'engineering delegate`enterprise 'time,matter; compose mechanology,'demographics, 'epoc' to 'united 'lunar relative and parrallel, 'probable 'gravity in search for creation 'virtual tradjectory; 'geographic, 'human anthropic manifesto, 'dynasty of creation; 'world probable-outcome, 'organology of creation 'scriptures/manuscripts; of contractual creation, mechanology/theology; 'enroute to intrinsic 'Nirvana 'protocols for intuitive 'civilization build context of 'human capable, anthropic componentry technology; 'low carbon, exclusive variable geometric tradjectory; capable 'optical, analytic paradism; of images, 'ballast framework; intuitive conciousness method for function, developedment 'lifeform, 'organs,organisms lifesysstem sub atonomic creation; {human} ballast precision; bestowed unto all naturalized lifeform subjective-objective; precision of creation and 'lifeform.

'creation lifeform and 'ballast;

' guidance from 'covenant variables of creation rituals ect. 'the education, 'science unveiled in accountable reparainchen to 'genesis epoc 'birth of life; 'events from: global revelations ;'civilization revolutions of man. ''Equity of Nirvana; 'to deliver from creation 'lifepath 'multi-dimensional,resonance 'art of vocation service 'prophet;

corporate topology of empiric covenant

'Enterprise architecture -Topology of corporate covenant; 'buisness duty's; 'redsea,caligraphy to define implied; 'curvature landscape,cosmological eco functuality 'trending, 'performance enhansing 'buisness demographics, 'canonical, 'buisness demographics,
canonical enterprise 'buisness tradjectory, of 'aligned {lunar} creation analytic instrumentation, 'componentry of 'explicint initiative and of lifesystem 'compose purpose, 'automated enterprise 'estates/ of 'creation corporate, 'caligraphic architecture schematic; 'definition 'automate product from 'caligraphy 'from, 'corporation binary;, 'compose topology's, 'buisness architecture 'of compiled 'global methodology's;

lexical-logistic 'duty's of 'buisness corporation democracy/civic individual

'congregation of 'intuitive architecture,

21 Nov 08:07
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Civilizations elemental trades organology/archeology developedment concept

Through the creations alighnment power to path of life 'we are able to interpret life prophecy through the relative and parallel experience of world natures environmental conciousness {rom/ram} in it's ecological character of life forces and matter from 'life revelation,
of the biographic world fundemental basis's in the planning and desighning of a functioning schematic blueprint, concieved of 'creations ,'precision/perfection literature, 're-iterate organology, for study ethic, 'witness to process, implied translation of ecological information/ intel from the revelations. elemental nucleotide for automated creation lexical data/information graphic of life salvation/manifeast, 'essentials/nessesitys of compiled organology’s, ‘methodologys implied for survival protocol that are recieved from world millenia chronicles/chronology and used to synchronize from the lifeform equalibrium information to reasoures of 'civil application for engineering mechanology for survival purpose and meaning in lifestyle of civilization. , customized arhitectural administration of literature focused on the authentic life abilitys of the world effective engineering mechanology; of the world social ethics and creative arts performance characteristic interpreneur of handed down manuscripts for civilizations orthodox methodology and generic orientation. {selfsustainance}.

Innovative reasearch for the compatible implimentation of manuscript artifacts; of human intelligence .translations from mystic world fundemental foundations 'discoverys of productive compose, 'relative environmental i.p, 'intelligence analytics, 'mitigate mechanology of dual image 'creation horizon, industrial ettiquette, of world forces:parable of world social ethics 'essentials/nessesity's ofg 'survival-exsistence; the creative arts, life vocations, ''geographic "compose geometry's" 'canonical, 'form-factor; 'creation parrallel/relative statutory analytics;
'structure, construct , principal, "from methodological compilations of 'sustainance manuscripts" :geographic ontologys' dualism theorys; man,world,animal and dual image world prodigy of creations lifeform inhabitant,foodchain; inhabitant and practitioner of the 'creation mechanology; 'organology for 'hirogliphic manifestation of creation desighn and industrial reasource; 'interface with the functioning life system methodology of man and 'customized administration of 'creation enterprise; in magnificents, with an individuals one on one experience with human mechanology; 'consent to forward reasearch with the prodigy of creations life constants: as world chronology of life chronicles{Anthropology concept} of collective life meaning and purpose to aquire the "gifts of mystical life and world" authentic estoric/lexicxal world intellectual, 'generic trades, skills of life vocations human reasources

Implimented geology and topologic etiquette in the synergy of lifes new world architecture reflects on the ontology of mans new world opportunity of innovative logic

On that journey represents: 'attitude of survival, hope, manifest and salvation of world 'innovative prodigy; evolved from the earths many ideology's emerges the advanced methodology of earths dynamic parameters to facillitate the technological reasources of man , protocol and evolution via structuralism, the reconstruction of the rights that enable prodigy in the generic logic path of survival and manifest, 'in it's relative chronological alighnment to world prodigy. Family belonging through demography control or is pending to the practice and exercise of ecological life system forces and stimulus of mechanology, labour and skilled trades work to the synoptic gospel of applied orthodox stimulus 'noble proffession/commongood to survival salvation and manifest of world mystic tradition transitioned adaptive world fundemental principals to bind with innovative technological orthodox standards of the world fundemental foundation that interface anthropic intelligence mechanology with the legacy of the worlds vocational: process ,developedment and growth ontologys 'the innovative human of the world gives birth to authentic world prodigy from the stewardship of life vocation, 'councils response to it's probability, of free will to " labour ,and of 'service to the "capital" in civilization as counsil responds to the spiritual rituals of human/earth preservation. Architecture of creation design; 'world civilization,'universe creation 'binary geneology. hieroglyphic, 'spiritual enlightenedment . 'creation, 'cultural succession to 'creation-man 'parrallel/relative automation; ''tactics-skillset, selfsustainance 'lineage of geographic ontology; 'life provision of creation growth 'Enterprise-Architecture, 'multi-dimensional , 'prophecy of creation 'orthodox protocols{correct intel}.

World creations lifeform fundemental foundation 'Evolves a powerful world force of lifeform, parables,and 'logistics 'world constants, 'implimentation stimulus for global demographic/implimentation context; 'positions 'anthropic networks of lifes, 'natural-human reasources; of infrastructure divine elemental world virtues.

Component Intrinsic creation theology; estoric creation theology.united through, 'creation hommage of 'creation ballast monad

canonical enterprise architecture

20 Nov 21:09
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from the dawn of civilization the folklore rituals of creation, planned succesion to the 'equity inheritance of 'world capitalism, gifted through the mystic astrology 'inclusion, of each individual connected with united binary purpose of universe cosmos cosmology; creation synaptic energy's and elements fortifiing nutrition (anatomic) impetus of lifeform a}exponential growth b}logistic cell energy millenia evolution 2 points in space.
mythologic creatures of the 'norse mythology, 'help to define 'the intrinsic/estoric, 'miracles of prophecy;'value from the 'quantified life ideology; 'religeon for 'creation revolutions, scripture revelations of the ascending upward growth-developedment for the endeavour to theological antiquity of creations 'first-nations 'sustainance, survival-exsistence; 'block-chain,'civilization, 'manuscripts, tuteledge, 'sociology lineage; productivity, developedment, of 'focused compliamnce to 'estoric ontology; reproduction of method 'extracted via regiemen of 'collective creation; 'diversity logistic's, 'millenia-evolution;

draining inspiration, focus from intuitive priority's of survival, selfsustainance. the delegate constitution litigation .
mapping Island -exoplorer {creation}, 'priority-protocols , 'geographic, 'human authority-exodus. Asynchronous manuscripts-scriptures,geographic.Armeggedon developedment

guidance back to life

20 Nov 05:12
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A rise in understanding of enlightenedment experience can forsee options in the logical decree of the stratedgic-planning enroute to formidable outcome for ergronomic race un alighned to the moral inuens in the lifepath of world fundemental foundation.

Mike's~ ~life map

. And a quest were set 'for being enlightened. As the results of the enlightenedment had taken it's toll as 'the first principals' overepowering conciousness to the world 'it's daily chores, rutine , I guess plans for the future, but that an overwhwelming storyline of authentication to a wealth and belonging 'that could not be taught by no one alive eventually consumed my curiosity to establish what were the untruth behind enlightenedment findings, ‘mind boggling feeling that everything would be fine’ in life under the enlightenedment provision of power ‘strength, stamina, agility and alighned connection to the plantives of an individuals purpose to serve of the glory gifted unto him through inheritance to the oath of deliberation to the enlightenedment’ growing insignificance as the prophecy are being fullfilled and all natural forms of process developedment and growth are liberated to befall the supremacy of the enlightenedment , forming the cultural ethic methodology pre-ordainedment, ‘magnificents not to be see or heard of authentically but of regards to magnificents ultamite survival of creation. archaic civilization egyption.

The enterprise Problem triad

personelle that are chosen through the revelation of "genesis" are converted to conciousness in world's sphere's of horizons lifepath world prodigy 'of world geographic life system education horizon .
⦁ To achieve this
⦁ Tennent’s of creation collective genealogy of to achieve productive connection to central integrity of unified life,

Our envisioned social enterprise
Virtual real truth of life focus and concentration ‘deserves the repitoire of life interconnected ecology network to varify {mail-telegram} interactive communication {technology}with world biology and social interactive congregation movedments. Enabling a diverse manuscript report of the circumstances and situation status efficient/proficient innovation of life.

• Human reasource has an emotional form (Scripture) and an oral form intelligence(Tradition). Human reasource is interpreted, preserved, expounded, and taught through the Successors of the Apostles. And is central to the findings to the exsistencial sensory of consciousness and world intelligence, ‘permitted to be arranged under the authority of social norm human reasources policy's.
Theory of change
We want to promote the technology of our platform to show effective relation to all the becomings of this life abide by inclusion to participate in creations ‘enterprise architecture’.Apostle, diciple, Mentor, teacher, Allumini, scholar ‘in providence enterprise architecture.

• Theory of change is in the foresight of a problem, circumstance or situation social,physical,psycological ‘that is the intended most reliable conscience for adjective manifestation of prophecy,
‘common,trustworthy, ecologically interactive as an old artifact of 20th century, the engineering mechanology here remains of hellistic ?
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Ecosystem map
• Construction of the universe man
,animal ,world and omni presents, ‘creation life system theory in the form of life aboundant process ,developedment and growth bottom up framework of life systems natural ‘ergronomic enuen, ‘foodchain and intelligence to guide and direct and apply of the means and cause to imply purposeful incentive
• collective archeives of creation ‘enterprise architecture’

• The problem I want to tackle ‘is that the dynamic of the traditional ecological learning process ‘posseses many options to cultivate legitamite moral enuen throughout the animate-inanimate naturalization of creation learning, ‘the anatomic timing co-ordinated to generate enuen from the prodigy of man,animal,world ‘ecological dual purpose exercises and practices implemented into mainstream relative vision for simultaneous career path ,life path interactive deity ‘culmulated by subsistence methodology {hr}standards of creation economy,sociology. of life ecological property extraction of creation values and quality’s of copywright and patent .

• The reasource of the ecological dicipline and learning comprehension of environmental experience to define industry for social activist participation of ritual {moral enune} or artifact for collective ethical scriptural compilation of creation discipline, ‘the header for life vocation and paradox, choreography of grace in the chronological mechanology of life divine-virtue human conscious sense of intelligent life on this planet earth.
The Solution We Came Up With New city
• To deliver innovative methodologic scenario for essentials/nessesity’s compiled through apostolic geneology, mythology of genesis and northern tuteledge and psuedoscience ideology build of cononical paradism of guidance and direction through exsistencial consciousness to facilitate order of curriculum portfolio in authentic creation enterprise, ‘vocational orthodox compilation of talent, skills, elite education methodology in ergronomic institution 'relative to creations enterprise industry personelle choice ,developedment ,future of enterprise.

• Metaphores reveal truths of creation tradjectory. Explinations of a unified geographic creation and the consciousness of the destiny that resides in of the patent /copywright mechanology of the life system method to extract or obtain the resources of lifepath manifestation under observation of human belonging and identity in creations aboundant life ecological methodology of survival system
• World biographic iso tennets alignment to natural forms and authentic processes and functions of creation growth and adaptive life innovation standards ,

Solution we came up with
Illustration of enuen mind ,soul,body “newcity”
• Let us begin by pointing out the common elements which are found universally throughout the natural world. Every entity possesses dual characteristics of yang (masculinity) and yin (femininity) and comes into existence only when these characteristics have formed reciprocal relationships, both within the entity and between it and other entities.

• The human mind imparts to every person a natural inclination to join with others in harmony. Likewise, positive ions and negative ions come together to form particular molecules, because within every one of them exists a rudimentary internal nature that guides them toward that end {tennents}. Electrons assemble around nuclei to form atoms because they possess an attribute of internal nature which directs them toward that purpose. According to modern science, all particles that constitute atoms are made up of energy. For energy to form particles, it, too, must possess an internal nature which directs it to assume specific forms
• The structural characteristics for the network portal of the chronology generated by the desighn of life ;of the life tree {generic and life source elemental} by the common fundamental logic conceived through the natural processes of the elememental life virtue simpleness principal and virtue and of the interactive process ‘of the social and intellectual life dynamic conceived through the consciousness and interaction of the natural forces co-relative’ integral nucleus and harmonious subject partner the yin and yang
Why This Solution is Unique
<< I haven’t found a direct association of this organization, from the life map these principals were reference to authentic enuen of creation provision and world prodigy ‘enuen’ canonical ,statutory ,standards ,aeomeba ect. The science of my enterprise system is naturally unique through the truthful characteristics of apostolic biographys where everything is
eneurable ,unified ,synchronized,orthodox and intellectual of chronicle ‘emotional quotient by intelligent quotation meaning ,purpose ,cause branch anthropology ,anthropology nexus ‘the identity and belonging of earth’s naturalized intellect of intelligence message` of build developedment to adapt to form of life recreated to conform specifications of biological translation to the foundation of fundamental characteristics by of life brand and trend of identity and inheritance of belonging in purpose ,meaning and cause ‘the biographic scenario of priority in creation protocol ‘integral structure ‘absolution of primary stratedgic foundation of execution process in creations vocation of arts and liberation of mankind. 6 diciples to guide world by covenant , ‘and understudy of apostolic mentor to creations human reasources guidance of human biography.

Why We’re the Best People to Tackle It
<< Insert a brief description of the skills and experiences you bring to the table that make you uniquely suited to tackle this problem.
Visuals are also welcome!>> I bring the journey of apostalic biography and manuscript inherited through absolution to apostolic exercises-practices of creation developedment ‘the methodology of productive ascention to apostolic faith in destiny of practices and ideology’ and moral enune.institutions freshman, prologue persona, simpleness principal and virtue of creation and life.

Our Theory of Change
<< To establish the order or deity of world consciousness ,’in the aspects of change
And establishment to the designated foundation for incentive of life prosperity may it be to fight or encourage

The diversive techniques behold of a true simple life without all the inheritant super models and coherence of their petty decency lies to a child’s hope of a planned future and destiny ‘but the truth and glory of the will to participate and belong with the trends of this modern era co-ordinated through ‘us the people ‘willing s...

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creation linguistic litigation

19 Nov 19:40
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Armeggedon of human supremacy
These are the facts that are deployment to the ideologys of millenia expansion and evolution constant factors of life virtual-reality.


1 - Civilization New world creation of man's world intelligence, god's work emotion toward ecologically productive evolutionary outcomes, 'in themes of civilization ettiquette: religeon, governance, economics,social-science, patriotism, curricular regiemen .
The strength of the individual and his universe- The strength of all population and their universe. Contracting the law of the world through ethical methodology to produce culture and to develop materialism through the logistics cultural arts; life methodology { value of transendential energy} "the gospel" translated in the ethics manifestation of human reasource provide s control of the material boarders that confine the moral disposition in probable ecologic potencial of the '5 horizons 'capabi lity of successsion to lifes destiny ,manifestation {only as strong as it's army} to life hieroglyphic life image quality's of known environmental inheritance in world architecture of "life choice" cononicle gospel and reality of world. The exercises of “life weaponary” the provisions of success, 'the serrenity of salvation /manifest . ‘instruments of life variable factor and logistic co efficients from this we define the life constructs, 'the purpose of 'human ettiquette' from reading, analysis,diversity, appraisal of life capital {essentials and nessesitys} life from the code of conduct, natural intuition or the ettiquette in human chronicl e brotherhood of gospel define a choice in the level of committment ‘spared to obtain comprehension of lifes, ‘world precision and personelle objectives’ ‘that fit and that fullfill mandate of the worlds provisional asset for any geometric stimulus {life vocations}} of world efficiency in compliance objectives to the world protocols {natural science}: competance stage 1

2 - Through the evolutions 'intelletual guidance of creation logistic theorem, mechanology 'resides the "UNICORN " of 'modern sociology' tradition binding to the enterprise interface of human first-principals technology, dual ontological interactive biography of five horizons 'unifed creation stewardship engineering'.
Introduction Connection to life' of evolutions, new world intelligence matrix, stewardship 'life progression. Creation 'tuteledge, social ethics, religeous philosiphy, creation inheritance message, alfa-omega 'Five gospels 'creation natural reasource of'occipital stewardship'.

Set up your project. Provide some context and color. What are you doing?
Research and Preparation 'for innovation "The Centre of gravity" {explicint} alfa-omega 'define the terms of creation enterprise architecture.
Explain how you prepared
A layout on transparent canvas of creation reflecting 'the complex world from diversive variable factors of creation mystic survival theosiphy {subsistence} 'inheritant through the adaptive 'occipital' lifeform genes of social interactive creation algorithm of the millenial operations purpose and function; 'dedication to the complete 'life process,developedment and growth applications in the evolution chronicles, 'the theosiphic' "enterprise-architecture" of creation and life mechanology of man. In the demographic evolution of creations new millenia. An ideology facillitating 'creation mystic authentication' of orthodox or logical generic process of revolution, 'binding unified world covenant to creation protocols' so that superior anatomic connection to experience of creation 'statutory' binary are envisioned aesthetics of creation manuscripts/creator. profficient life censuses/stewardship purpose .
Redemption of stewardship
Content Marketing : carried by endeavors of creations’ life form and lifeform geneology of vocational world,animal,man hereditary naturally descriptive gene characteristics. Are the psycological virtual/reality arranged by the creation psuedoscience ‘earth’s mystic gene life aphredesiac
(hypothesis) metaphore of world infrastructures social anthropological manuscript , ‘ the geneology of world survival-exsistence promise for exsistencial subsistence plan of life; culinary arts ,stewardship engineering, household engineering , gene architecture of diversity’infrastructure, tuteledge and hierarchy of “family” 'revolution of world manifestation.
The exsistencial subsistence logistics/plan of Global world Enterprise; creation operates on reverse principals of the countenance binary (Iso) precision of unified productivity, characteristics in creations collective archive of “forager” subsistence metaphors of life animate virtual-reality and materialism .
The both inspire bothe the constructs and mechanology of spiritual creation exsistencial message.
And that the triangulation of world guidance and direction of the holy primate chemistry ‘’archaic investigation for life course trajectory of creation manuscripts in the divine-liturgy of world hunter gatherer subsistenance organology,’and then methodology that plays tribute in ritual , environmental conciousness ,purpose , cause , meaning in spiritually mediated duty of abiding to call of greater importance or cause .
generic characteristic potential
gospels dispose of any falsification in the prodigy of ballistic/forensic world characteristic profiles of the covenant .
environment ,institution ,opportunity of unified productive ‘world fundemental foundation, of relative lifeform brand and trends ‘immunized vocational personelle of diversity.
And binded are Logistics of God to man's evolutionary intelligence . So the Ontological guidance - direction for survival-exsistence , 'evolving into world prodigy of the intellectual dimensions in field of covenant 'occipital' mechanology, 'where logistic tuteledge of creation enterprise defines creation world architecture through the purpose of creations logistic occipital education selfsustainance of world family, 'subsistence training/curricular 'creation learning through virtual-reality of selfsustainance survival exsistence focusing on anatomic human intelligence geneology 'function endeavor world/life ettiquette of environmental "isometric equal and unified committment to the focus of economic/demographic/industrial civiliation of stewardship governance and evolution programming for process,developedment and growth of the life vocations curricular governance of world Ontology 'of the enterprise 'architecture producing .

3 - Proffesional social infrastructure 'circle of the quality's embraced upon the land in the name of life industry and decendant /ancestor or bearer of purpose to land of covenant, testament, 'stakeholder will enshure that the cycle of a new world civilization resistence are born to uphold to the corporate sector from the archaic heroism

4 - Relative archaic design graphics in the fine-arts 'establishes this community of the intellectual prophecy in god and inheritant evolution in man, remake the theosiphic hypothesis for the dynamic world prodigy of guidance tuteledge ,ontology of man's quest for control of the fraternity codex/ tuteledge that builds the traits/trades of the ergronomic community culture 'the fundemental empiracle logistics that makes-up for the structural ecological reasource intelligence and diversive emotional evolution 'analyze synchronization of ecological system risk,of the statutory principals, fundemental cononical tradjectory of covenant were to take in effect the measurment for scalable reasource efficiency dimension and integrated data incorporation and implimentation to world industry system technology, 'the subsistence knowledge wisdom of ecological world prodigy/ creation engineering mechanology, a biblical prodigy of creation gospel facts .
Leadership ideology
To following a decendance power which has interpret defined and left artifact evidence for the aphfredesiac/psuedoscience of sanity transparent intellectual elements of creation fullfillment fundemental intellectual foundation and exercising authority of the industrial trend for life endeavor 'way of fullfillment is crucial. By practicing adaptive leadership beyond the authoritative management of scholar creiteria, {entrepreneurs} risk telling people what they need to hear rather than what they want to hear, but you can also help your organization, community, or society make progress on its most prressing matters .
1}.You know what people value based on their behavior, not based on what they say. 2}.stakeholder could lose if progress is made. identity, competence, power, reputation, 'for exchange to capture new "innovative" stakeholding principals or stratedgy's. 3}.

5 - Stakeholders ,Proffesionals ,Entrepreneurs ; 'Each with a unique genome identifier of character reflecting purposeful outcomes in the field of creation life endeavors{ettiquette} of human supremacy. Ergronomic infrastructure.of creation innovative revelation .


6 - Inspiration for life growth evolution, 'betterment for commongood ,weath,exposure to the hereditary fundemental foundation in genome censuses 'entitlement to serve order in all endeavors of life primary protocol preserve globalworld survival-exsistence, 'essentials and nessesity's.

7 - Buddah ,Missletoe , Jesus ,Gospel word, implied as corporate operations managedment of creations' "enterprise architecture" dicipline of stewardship apprentis-mentor .To a bide the service entity of life work. approachable applications of linguistic complex...

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congregation report anthropology

19 Nov 19:16
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hieroglyphic transformation

19 Nov 18:41
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20 miranda ave
Toronto Ont M6e4g
(123) 456-7890
World lamination of the lamentations
Hierarchy of creations prophecy /endeavor of lifeforms
4th September 20XX


Biblical-cyberspace revolution for creation revelations ‘life vocations field of life endeavors enterprise-architecture; life vocations sociology of economic corporation , ‘man, apes, caveman, ‘anthropologic ‘economic, ecology,
Preservation/conservation ‘priority-protocol of priori Hieroglyphic ‘revolutions’ of creation revelations unified graphics network lifesystem practices/exercises. Logistic allocation in ecologic creation mechanology, ‘a vertical adaptation to the creations geographic ontology of creations electromagnetic binary chronology of earths “Supply/Demand” reasources and vocation/carer interpreted training and manifestation to cultivate harnessed inspiration of creation mystic hypothesis ,manifest the serrenity of truth from the protocols of creation instrumentation of the essentials-necessity’s diversity forces of guidance in creation alignment to paradox. Designconstant ‘agent , actor, player ‘analytics of human binded to the world dicipline, ‘lineage
of parables. Engineering ‘stewardship of parables.
Genesis Congregation of six senses translate creation psycological methodology the graphic image of creation tuteledge enroute to define enlightenedment in optional lifeform venture mission of life from beggining and end of fundemental-foundation journey to paradox from ettiquette of life methodology of complete astrological triangular footprint of ancient decendance varify and defines reasource from the implimentation of intel/information on the core mainframe archaic algorithms of ‘creation ontology’ revelations revolution of “genesis” united the and led the world into the praised state of equalibrium conciousness with “Gods” ideology of love from creation theorys. Prominent social culture ‘but investigated a universe competant archeology’ mechanism. Canons of “genesis” revelations , cononical gospel characteristics’ of linguistic covenant skillset methodology, ‘creation life vocation of life endeavors and revolution of cultural social goals .
Enlightenedment for jurisprudence “New City”

Envision to attain probable outcome to creation ‘orientation, demonstration of exsistence metaphore of fundemental build construction principals attained through ’ organization of creation collective infrastructure crown {sky} foundation stock {roots/seed} alignment of ergronomic protocol in all life endeavors utilize the true potencial of their strength as creiteria to stage the architectural logistic circular life system process to attain providence of life.
On the creation lineage of creation ideology dual image world prodigy of prophecy’s probable-outcome. Geographic lineage of creations reasources raw forces that signify the anatomic diversity the incubation from the exposure to creation binary energy source of chronological forces which collecting the binary chronicles insignia to redeem creation codex as are defined through elemental hierarchy of world fundemental-foundation aphfredesiac and intersecting covenant ‘innovation/technology’ of atlas animate-inanimate life endeavors of creation linguistic prophecy, finder for hieroglyphic hierarchy of authentic society codex.

Codex of creation Manipulate tradition hieroglyphic culture inscribed into cononical shadow of creation disambiguation the matching portfolio of creation selfsustainance chronicles-chronology. inhabitant population enshuring options for sucessful overview

Illustration of earth crosshairs terminator through satellite observation, ‘to bring insight into the inscribed cononical messages, ‘logistic scriptual lineage emerging from the collective archeives’ to the ‘foodchain/priority protocol’. A reflection of the creation mechanology about the translation of the ‘divine-liturgic methodology’ ‘the free wil generically included into the endeavors of life compliance to tuteledge in the options and choices of life field of endeavors. choices inspired of the choreography in the emotional and intelligence queery of the ‘ventures and missions of the ‘biblical prophecy’ ‘hieroglyphic society’ image of life creation world prodigy.

We choose to attain the provisions of defined: truths ,folklore ,aphfredesiac ,tuteledge of the virtual-reality ‘rendered by the creation legacy’s of world man, animal, ‘genesis” methodologic ideology of world logistic chronicles and chronology of the dual world prodigy lineage and liturgic education image. One clockwise and one deducted on liturgic probability of creation education lineage ‘abstract deduction.. perspective to be decyphered within the probable creative image ‘subject of creation’ unified ‘adaptive best-practices of creation immunization ‘standards.
.1 Geographic ontology

world erogronomic opportunity theory of needs for man to complete world of precision through gods purpose of man and life vocation ‘in field of life endeavors, and it's competance of his living prophecy through life varification of the essentials/nessesity to characterise an order of humility to honor him in fields of human endeavors and world adaptive administration of the human logos mission for the democracy practices in life fundemental foundation are benifactor of the orthodox efficiency and profficiency of life cononicle {gametheory} model in every virtual environment of instincts and reflexes and responses ; 'alertness of life system constant and interface of monumental decencys in gametheory of life’s ‘Anthropologic Ideology stratedgy’, mosiac totem monuments war valor cultural supremacy mankind censuses community family home methodological process and function of man's natural intuition of survival and exsistence.

And now integration of the geneological mandates of standards and protocol structurally interpreted to restore world order in the inherited ethical life inhabitant and interpret the ergronomic matter to synchronize ‘lifeform’ natural intuitive characteristic profiles in covenant for purposes of restoration of bliss/stimulus from the lifesystem conservation/preservation rejuvenation cycles of world chronological emotional/intelligence constants.
Cononical truths:

  1. For the revelations of mans success to define adaptive lineage for field of endeavor ‘advantage of man’s cononical truths’ from descriptive mathematic philosiphy’s of lfe vocation, labour to the ethical tradjectories of man’s methodology of anthropological impetus mechanism for power and inspiration from a religeous congregation of God’s popular ideology to foresee creation adventis stewardship. designconstant.

Dual-Image world prodigy clockwise rotation/Creation tuteledge of domestic, commercial , Industrial I.P stock, Capital reasources of human infrastructure.
From cononical shadow.
Natural balance bringing virtual creation aclimatization elements and variables ‘to your door’ employing survey of liturgic data statistics to determine aphrodisiac environment growth fertility *-Inclusion to engineer and create Industry/human curricular regiemen alignment to mystic rituals ‘folklore to find depth of the capable international unity @ elemental ergronomic channels of life variable factors .
Inspiration of incentive to had create triangular world guidance coordinate
State of higher education adapt to the expertice of the precision environmental alignment to lifepath world destiny enroute the quantified personelle of divine literacy in man's fine arts extending his belief for application of the honorable and benovelant service to mankind .
In the new millenia grace to the monument of conquered milestones that obstructed the magnitude of learning
Learning the alighnment in all aspects of mans natural adaptation potencial for sucessful connectivity to world information applications platform of life graphic binary tenents image and link of where the tennents of industry standard positions and situations of are compliance to tenent enterprise ‘honor of nation complexity to bring people capable occipital alignment detail of creation constant to vision the standings of the creation world creative design architecture, map of cognitive conciousness and vision of statutory enterprise codex of standards with focused archaic forager 'world method and
strategic ‘assesments of survival inverted social competent dependency of statistic iteration of creation binary/orthodox tenent focus and concentration as foraging stratedgy are challenged ‘that traditional culture ideology dosn’t imply with the parameters of mainstream Interactive field of Anthropology

Natural equalibrium
Archaic skillset methodology legacy of man, ‘stewardship engineering . Human supremacy to render the creation ettiquette of human species. Representing Linguistics of all creation I.P lifeform ergronomic balance and evolution From ‘ethos, pathos, logos creation retribution of the fundemental-foundation ‘enigma’ of world mandate to define data information/intel of the dual image manifestation of creation dimensional world prodigy of lifeforms. To accomplish interpretation of A.I technology the enterprise analytic managedment, enterprise cyclismic ‘creation logos, nucleotide natural chronologic restoration to vision of anthropology conveying life hierarchy of conciousness six senses as hieroglyphic terminator of creation ‘biological logistics’ to define entrepreneur design constant into latter mandate dimensions of enterprise database of logistic operations stratedgy, “genesis” ‘orthodox ideology of creation met...

Read more


19 Nov 19:22
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Hieroglyphic Prophecy

27 Feb 01:02
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Hieroglyphic Prophecy Pre-release

Jurisprudence, 'an authentic 'geographic' 'initiative', 'indestined' from 'decadence of creation Administration', of 'creation' "innovative civilization", 'Enterprise' of foraging-harvesting' composite creativity' from 'naturalism forces', 'iterated' of 'creation' "Enterprise-Architecture", "occipital-orthogenesis", 'to resolve 'civilization 'engineering' 'breakthrough'. "Psuedoscience-apfredesiac", of 'creation "NewCity" 'lifesystem 'framework'.
Today our enterprise goals are more refined, our experience of 'learning' 'dedicated to; hierarchy,bennediction 'to "logos venture" of 'covenant governance; ,Quram of 'Anthropology', the 'fundamental-foundation of 'legal tender assets', 'artifacts, manuscripts, 'from tactical-skillset monetary-cognitive gametheory of creation 'civilization' autonomous/covenant 'methodology, work , business solution of interactive hieroglyphic admistration 'Empiric Civilization', 'growth' image of 'Anthropology' .