Converts a part of an alignment (.PAF perhaps others sometimes) to a Circos image using BED and fasta files.
- biopython
- circos
- pandas
- numpy
usage: [-h] [--templates TEMPLATES] [--min-length MIN_LENGTH]
[--bed BED] [--cov COV] [--snps SNPS]
PAF Query Reference BED Output
Circos plot all alignments against each target in the .paf file.
positional arguments:
PAF An alignment .paf formatted
Query A fasta file containing the query sequences
Reference A fasta file containing the target sequences
BED A .bed file containing the target contigs regions to plot
Output A directory path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--templates TEMPLATES, -t TEMPLATES A directory path containing the template files
--min-length MIN_LENGTH, -m MIN_LENGTH Minimum length. Default: 1000.
--bed BED, -b BED A .bed file with regions to highlight.
--scov COV, -sc COV A file formatted like the output of samtools depth.
--ccov COV, -cc COV A file formatted for circos.
--snps SNPS, -s SNPS A .vcf file of the query and/or target.