In this workshop, learn to build blazing fast apps and websites with React using Gatsby, a static PWA (Progressive Web App) generator. Over 50% of people will abandon a mobile site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Unless you’re willing to give up half of your potential customers, performance is no longer optional on the modern web. Fortunately, there are a lot of tools available to help you build screaming fast websites. Unfortunately, there’s a frighteningly large number of performance considerations, and many of them are easy to get wrong.
- Learn how to leverage free, open source tools including Gatsby, React, and GraphQL to build high-performance websites.
- Deliver an excellent experience to your users by providing only critical assets on load and prefetching assets for subsequent page loads.
- Implement performance best practices, such as the PRPL pattern, lazy loading assets, and more.
- Learn to build and deploy blazing fast websites in the fraction of time.
- Create websites quickly with performance baked in.
- Deploy your sites for free in minutes with Netlify.
- schedule Netlify build with
github action
we need a file called gatsby-config.js
module.export = {
plugins: ['gatsby-plugin-emotion'],
Doing that gatsby knows how to use emotion
Anything created in src/pages
directory will be treated as a page. Like - index.js
is index.html
the home page.
Link & Routing
<a href="/">← Back to Home.</a>
if i do that it will load the whole page when we go to the page. But we do not want that. We want
that to be smooth. As i am generating a react app i have the ability to use dynamic routing. As Gatsby
comes prepackaged with reach-router
Also gatsby Link
comes with prefetching resources in background & other fancy stuff.
npm i @emotion/react @emotion/styled gatsby-plugin-emotion
- @emotion/react, will give us access to global styles & css props
- @emotion/styled, give us
kind of interface - gatsby-plugin-emotion, add the things nedded for gatsby to build with emotion.
add global styles using emotion
- create a wrapper component, where we pass the
& apply global styles import {Global, css} from '@emotion/core
,- where
is component that emotion give us to apply global styles. - With this component, common components like -
<Header />
, also for every page<main>{children}</main>
add google font in gatsby project gatsby-plugin-google-fonts
at first, add site metadata
- without it browser will show only url in tab. user will have no idea what is tab about, if he or she in another tab. which is not good user experience.
- so i want to show the title & for seo purposes i will add some description.
- go to
, add a propertysiteMetadata
, which is an object. - add
{title: '', description: ''}
or anything i want. This will not show anything on browser. - we have to use graphql to access the metadata.
To access in graphql-playground http://localhost:8000/___graphql
So, graphql
at its core is way of describe the relation between types of data. we can write query
or mutation
in graphql. query
is for getting data & mutation
is for create, update, delete.
With gatsby, gatsby doesn't do a whole lot with graphql. It will setup some default QUERIES, like -
sitePage, sitePlugin, site etc. to acess site-metadata, using query
query {
site {
siteMetadata {
now after knowing how to get the data, i want to modify the title of my site.
- to do that i have to add some boilerplate,
gatsby-plugin-react-helmet, react-helmet
. - react-helmet, is a library which allows us to modify the head of html document in react. it allows us to create title, metatags, twitter-cards, opengrah-descriptions also i can set language attribute of my html tag.
- gatsby-plugin-react-helmet, this allow us to do server side rendering with helmet. just i have to add it
. - create a hook, sothat i can use this siteMetadata anwhere in my app.
JSX - react uses jsx
, which gives us the ability to use html
in javascript template.
MDX - mdx
gives us the ability to use react component in markdown. It lets me write JSX embedded inside markdown.
to know more gatsby-plugin-mdx
- to get mdx up&running
npm i gatsby-plugin-mdx @mdx-js/mdx @mdx-js/react
. - create a page
write like markdown. This allow us to write simplehtml
without setting up a react-component. - If i want some interactivity, i will do the state-management stuff and interactivity in react-component, then import the component to the mdx file. Than add the component as we do in react component.
- i also can combine html with markdown, but not recomended.
- start by creating some posts. so create folder called
outside ofsrc
folder. it doesn't matter where we put folder to, just make sure it can be accessable. - in
folder, the structure will be00-folder-name/post-name.mdx
. inpost-name.mdx
if we want some info not to show anyone we can use a term in markdown calledfront-matter
, inside if we write something it will not show. slug
, means the url the page is gonna have.- after creating posts, to get them into gatsby, we have to use a gatsby plugin
which allow us to use local file as part of the graphql data layer.
rendering a post listing
- if i go to my
i will see moreQUERIES
, one of them isall-mdx
i have to query that.
GraphQL theory time
graphql comes from graph theory, which is a way of describing relation between things. So, on graphql data, we see
nodes - the data itself. edges - describes relation between the nodes.
- now get this data, and show this blog posts on home-page. to get the data i use another custom-hook.
generating post pages by programatic page generation
- we do that by creating a file next to
. - gatsby exposes us set of apis - browser set of apis, node set of apis & some ssr apis. Each of those named
. - in this file i can export a function is the same name of one of those hooks we look for & will do whatever i want it to do at that built phase.
- we want create page per post. for posts pages, i need a layout/template. To do that, create a folder named
and create apost
getting postdata by slug
- to get the data we have to make use of
property ofpost.createPage({})
. we can access this from the component we assign for thecomponent
property. - so in
we can access it fromprops
. the data will be like -
"slug": "hello-world"
now i can use that in my data & anything i want to configure i can pass it through. Theoratically i can put the title, post, body into
and use it. but it gets difficult when the data becomes complecated & links between types of data.
- so, recomended way would be, export a
graphql query
. one thing to understand how to do variables in graphql. - if i want to get one
file (post) frommdx QUERY
query {
mdx(frontmatter: { slug: { eq: "hello-world" } }) {
frontmatter {
here we are filtering, mdx nodes has a frontmatter field i wanna use that for quering, which has a slug field i wanna use that for quering. Then we can choose whether i want it to be
to theslug
value. now we can able to select a single thing.
- now i need to get a variable in query, so that the quering becomes dynamic. so, we need to access the value of
& when gatsby provides anything as context that not only available atpageContext
but also asgraphql variable
. so final look would be -
export const query = graphql`
query($slug: String!) {
mdx(frontmatter: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) {
frontmatter {
so what will happen is because we pass this slug as
, graphql will set variable calledslug
is little funky to look at. it mdx doing something under the hood to to show it on screen. we can't drop this directly, this to work we needMDXRenderer
. -
now to use that
data in component, so anything we query will be available asdata
in props in that component
i got every post in my own subfolder, is that necessary for mdx?
- no, anything i put on
folder will get pulled out & read. but it is a good idea beacause i want to add images for every posts. also there are some gatsby convinience.
in this graphql query instance, i used one type of post, how will i handle when there is multiple types of posts?
- then there would be different query
query {
allFile(filter: { sourceInstanceName: { eq: "posts" } }) {
nodes {
childMdx {
frontmatter {
here is showing a relation, where we looking at the files. i included the posts of
folder usinggatsby-source-filesystem
where in option we addedname: 'posts'
. so i am basically saying give me everything namedposts
so if i want to create another post type like - docs, cars etc. i can create a folder on that name or a common pattern
. then ingatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
name: 'posts',
path: 'content/posts',
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
name: 'docs',
path: 'content/docs',
optimizing images with sharp
- The hero image, if we check in network tab in devtools, browser is downloading a big image even for mobile size. common solution is to create bunch of different sizes & writing some media-query.
- but in gatsby will handle that, i have to add some plugins.
sharp - sharp is third party library that does image transformation. High performance Node.js image processing. gatsby-plugin-sharp - install sharp, enable it to do various things. gatsby-transformer-sharp - it will look for nodes that are images & apply image transformation.
transformer in gatsby will look for data & transform them into another.
- create a folder
, configure it withgatsby-source-filesystem
and move the background-img there. now gatsby gonna look inside this images-folder & assharp
plugins will do stuff to those images.
query {
allFile(filter: { sourceInstanceName: { eq: "images" } }) {
nodes {
childImageSharp {
fluid {
so here we will find, gatsby took that image & made an array of that image with different sizes.
if it is a single image, we can query this way -
query {
image: file(relativePath: { eq: "steijn-leijzer-mn.jpg" }) {
sharp: childImageSharp {
fluid {
sharp: childImageSharp
, graphql let us modify the field name. so in returnedjson
file the field-name will besharp
, this is graphql fragment with gatsby helper. this will includ all the fields offluid
. also_withwebp
will usewebp
format for modern browser, which is more performat & compressed.
Adding images on MDX posts
- create
folder for each post, now in the post-file(mdx), add this image location inside thefrontmatter
, also addalt
for image. it is best practise to have a image-alt in everypost's frontmatter. - now we can access the image from graphql-query. add query for the image & alt in
query {
allMdx {
nodes {
frontmatter {
image {
sharp: childImageSharp {
fluid {
we can add settings in
. i can get the settings options from graphql-playground or docs.
maxWidth: 100
maxHeight: 100
duotone: {shadow: "#any", highlight: "#any"}
show image in my blog post-page
- to add image in my post, as i have a relative path for the image, i can add image as i add image in markdown. but this will not work we will get a broken image, because gatsby is building this files & files are not exactly where i want them to be.
- to solve this, we have to install a plugin
gatsby-remark-images 85E6 code>.
remark - if i use md
instead of mdx
i would use remark
. it is a markdown parser that can convert md-files into html
. mdx
is compatable with all the remark-plugins so with mdx
we can use remark
with the added benefit of using react
- now add
into the options ofgatsby-plugin-mdx
. then we will see the image in the post page. also i can see it is working withgatsby-image
. so we have all the image-optimization.
loading posts from instagram
- i wanna grab any instagram account i want, i will be able to show the posts. i am gonna use the same graphql layer to get that.
- to do that, i have to install a plugin
. i have to configure it ingatsby-config.js
. read the plugin docs carefully beacause there are four ways to get information from instagram. - i am gonna use
Public scraping for posts
. the graphql query would be -
query {
allInstaNode {
nodes {
localFile {
childImageSharp {
fluid {
here we can see as
are installed, the instagram images will be optimized too. awesome!!!.
- to show the data, create a component & get the data from graphql create a custom-hook.
even theough you are giving the source images from instagram, u are getting them on the server side and doing all the transformation then writing the images on static folder and them serving them up. that works here because we r running a devserver so we are getting recent 12 posts. will it be automatically updated?
It will update every time the site builts. if i want this to always be up to date, i could use webhooks(instagram doesn't suport it) or i can have
every time a new instagram post to trigger a webhook that rebuild my gatsby site. that is the most standard way, which is use webhooks or zappier to retrigger a built when the data changes.
what if a post contains multiple photos, how to handle it?
it doesn't matter, i can put multiple images inmdx
file. asgatsby-remark-images
is installed it will take care of the image. if the images are embeded(from graphql) in using regulargatsby-image
, then i just setup multiple queries. so if i need multiple images, i can set multiple query with differen alias.
query {
imageOne: file(relativePath: { regex: "/braz/" }) {
childImageSharp {
fluid {
imageTwo: file(relativePath: { regex: "/tyler/" }) {
childImageSharp {
fluid {
what about handeling video?
gatsby has plugins for video hosting platforms like -
orcloudnary for video hosting
. but gatsby doesn't optimizemp4
. because the platforms do that.
how about other data sources like - wordpress?
gatsby has a source plugin
for wordpress. it hooks into wordpress rest api.
all third-party sources needs a plugin?
the don't need one. if i want to use axios i can absolutely do that. but data-sources is easier when it's done with plugins because that gonna give us some graphql convinience. there is a doc for that -
analyzing gatsby bundle sizes
- The risk of using bundlers like -
etc. is accidentally including whole bunch of stuff that i am not using. - to solve this problem, first we have to check actually we have this problem or not. to check that install
. this plugin is fromwebpack-bundle-analyzer
. we have to configure some minor things. - in
add an script - "analyze": "cross-env ANALYZE_BUNDLE_SIZE=true gatsby build". when i run this build will happen and then a report file will be opened in browser. - The report shows everything being used. we can see the report and analyze are we including anything we shouldn't be.
one of the example can be
. if i am using one or two lodash function, if i include them wrong way, the whole lodash will load. so loading a function fromloadash
i have to be very careful.
Q&A what is pre-fetch?
prefetch is browser thing. it is built in browser technology.
each of this are hints for the browser, which says to browser - 'hey i am going to load this page or i am going to available this resources'. in doing so browser makes the call. this hints are low priority, so if the data saver turned browser will not even try.
can u explain, how graphql schema genenrated when we install a gatsby plugin? is it possible to modify the schema?
yes & yes. if i go to
gatsby node apis
and read thesourceNodes
topic, i can see that works. for changing graphql-schema, Customizing GraphQL
is there anything for crud screens or kind of dynamically generated data?
dashboard with gatsby. anything u can build in build time we encourage u to do so. if anything that u shouldn't build ahead of time or hard to build like -
, i wanna do that asynchronously. for that we can usegatsby dynamic routing
- deploy in
. - cool thing about
is it will automatically build a deploy preview for all pull-request.
package.json scripts
- build, builds our production site, put everything in the public folder.
- serve, to see the built site, to see the site after
. - analyze, analyze the gatsby bundle size.
source plugins are plentiful in gatsby, gatsby has source-plugin for all most all
& also others. a gatsby site works javascript disabled, works offline with the plugins & only takes a fewkb
to download.
- jason Lengstorf repo
- gatsby_workflow