👋 Welcome to the Adyen GitHub organization 👋
This page contains the source code for all of our libraries, SDKs and plug-ins as well as our Open API specifications. To find a list of example integrations for those, you can visit the Adyen examples GitHub page.
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🌈 Contributions are most welcome so feel free to reach out, post issues and / or propose improvements🦄
- Web Drop-in and components
- iOS Drop-in and components
- Android Drop-in and components
- React Native Drop-in and components
- Flutter Drop-in and components
- Adyen POS Mobile SDK for iOS
- Adyen POS Mobile SDK for Android
- Terminal API for iOS
- Adyen SAP Customer Checkout
- Networking library for iOS
- WeChat Pay SDK wrapper for iOS
- Wrapper for 3DS 2.0 library for iOS
- Wrapper for 3DS 2.0 library for Android
- Helper functions to get 3DS 2.0 integrated for Web
- OpenAPI specification
- API library for PHP
- API library for Java
- API library for Node.js
- API library for .NET
- API library for Go
- API library for Python
- API library for Ruby
- API library for Apex [BETA]