Puput is a powerful and simple Django app to manage a blog. It uses the awesome Wagtail CMS as content management system.
Puput is the catalan name for Hoopoe which is indeed a beautiful bird.
Visit the documentation for an in-depth look at Puput.
- Built with Wagtail CMS and Django
- Inspired in Wordpress and Zinnia
- Simple & responsive HTML template by default
- SEO friendly urls
- Support for Disqus comments
- Entries by author, tags, categories, archives and search term
- Last & popular entries
- Configurable sidebar widgets
- RSS feeds
- Related entries
- Extensible entry model
- Configurable default template color
- Social share of blog entries (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Open Study Room
- Ncora Blog
- Ncora TV
- Nautic Advisor
- Trespams
- Body Therapy
- Astro
- Kontrabando Film Festival
The setup process is explained here.
- wordpress-to-puput: Import your Wordpress blog data into Puput.
- blogger-to-puput: Import your Blogger blog data into Puput.
- zinnia-to-puput: Import your Zinnia blog data into Puput.
- docker-puput: Docker image for Puput blog.
- puput-demo: An example of blog Django app using Puput.
- divio-wagtail-puput: A Divio Cloud addo 759B n to install the Wagtail Puput weblog.