7cart is a base project for building online shops, catalogs or service platforms. 7cart is written with simple code and simple database schema. It is easy to support and fast.
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7cart is for building projects that can't be built with the existing e-commerce platforms. It aims to be free of:
- difficult to support code and database
- slow requests
The project database doesn't implement EAV table, but the Entity table with JSONB columns. That gives:
- less relations and simple code
- simpler and faster SQL queries [proof link]
- built in Docker, it can be quickly deployed and run on different OSs;
- built-in Product Filters and Filer Counters
Built as a Single Page Application (SPA), it utilises the latest possible
- Ember.js
- Symfony 4
- PostgreSQL
- PHP 7
Download Zip with project source code.
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