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Satish Goda satishgoda

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satishgoda / README.md
Created August 31, 2024 19:47
Homebrew on MacOS
>>> import sys
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(sys.path)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
satishgoda / DownloadMixamoByLouisHong.js
Created May 20, 2023 02:57 — forked from ChairGraveyard/DownloadMixamoByLouisHong.js
Downloads all the free Mixamo Animations
// Anonymous "self-invoking" function
alert("Thank you for using this script created by Louis Hong (/u/loolo78)\n\nThe download will now begin.");
(function() {
// Load the script
var script = document.createElement("SCRIPT");
script.src = 'https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js';
script.type = 'text/javascript';
satishgoda / BlenderToUsdCurves.py
Created April 3, 2023 19:31 — forked from n-burk/BlenderToUsdCurves.py
Converting blender curve geometry to UsdGeomBasisCurves
# This script works on a single selected hair geometry object
# modify the stagePath before using
import bpy
from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, Sdf, Gf
stagePath = r'C:\work\dumpTest.usda'
satishgoda / README.md
Last active April 26, 2020 02:30 — forked from ryanflorence/static_server.js
Node.JS static file web server. Put it in your path to fire up servers in any directory, takes an optional port argument.

The upstream script was failing with an error on the path.exists function call. So I forked the script and patched it. I am using node.js v12.16.2

satishgoda / dyn_return_func.py
Created August 29, 2019 08:03 — forked from r4inm4ker/dyn_return_func.py
dynamic return func
class A(object):
def __init__(self):
self.var1 = None
self.var2 = None
class B(object):
def __init__(self):
self.var3 = None
self.var4 = None
def reMap(value, maxInput, minInput, maxOutput, minOutput):
value = maxInput if value > maxInput else value
value = minInput if value < minInput else value
inputSpan = maxInput - minInput
outputSpan = maxOutput - minOutput
scaledThrust = float(value - minInput) / float(inputSpan)
satishgoda / 1.html
Last active September 19, 2017 06:54
Web Programming
import maya.cmds
import maya.utils
from SimpleWebSocketServer import SimpleWebSocketServer, WebSocket
from threading import Thread
class SimpleEcho(WebSocket):
def handleMessage(self):
# echo message back to client
satishgoda / painting2sprites.sh
Created April 18, 2017 02:50 — forked from jessevanherk/painting2sprites.sh
script to convert an ORA file from Krita to PNGs
# painting2sprites - A simple script to read an ORA, resize and trim output PNGs.
if [ "$2" == "" ]; then