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Global Services

Frequently asked questions

General | Access request | Badges | Non-U.S. citizen access | Event access | Point of contact | Contingent coordinators | Hosts | Security and site access | Housing | Retirees and scientist emeritus | Car rental


Visit the various pages per access type for step-by-step instructions. If you still have questions, visit the contact page to view the Global Services departments.

The Global Services department offices are located on the first floor of Wilson Hall in the NW corner and at the Fermilab Welcome and Access Center, located in Aspen East (Sauk Road and Batavia Road).

Both are open Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Below is who you can find at each office:

Wilson Hall: Campus Access and FNAP. 

Aspen East: Event Coordinators, Campus Access, Visa Office and Personnel Security (HSPD-12). 

Campus Access is located on the NW corner of the first-floor level of Wilson Hall and at the Fermilab Welcome and Access Center (Aspen East). It is open Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Stop by either location for assistance, or email campusaccess@fnal.gov. You can also call them at 630-840-3111.

Please contact the Service Desk at servicedesk@fnal.gov, 630-840-2345, or stop by their location on the ground floor of Wilson Hall.

Please contact the Service Desk at servicedesk@fnal.gov, 630-840-2345, or stop by their location on the ground floor of Wilson Hall to register your device and connect it to the Fermilab network.

Medical care in the U.S. can become very expensive, very quickly for people without medical insurance. Fermilab requires that you have medical insurance that covers medical treatment for emergency and nonemergency illnesses and injuries and extends to incidents occurring while at Fermilab.

Please see our page regarding user agreements.

Per the access policy, a business visitor is defined as:

An individual who has business with Fermilab that can be achieved in less than one week while being escorted when in non-public access areas. Business visitors do not require training or a Fermilab ID badge and do not receive payments or reimbursements using DOE funds. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Individual meeting with researchers, attending collaboration meetings, or participating in reviews.
  • Individual attending Fermilab/DOE sponsored events such as conferences, seminars, workshops, etc., which are held in general access areas of the Laboratory.
  • Individual attending directorate-approved meetings or tours, such as VIPs, Government officials/representatives, etc., which are held in both general and reviewed non-public access areas of the Laboratory.
  • Delivery personnel/vendors:
    • Making deliveries to Fermilab or construction/special projects, drivers are required to present a Bill of Lading.
    • Business Visitors coming to the lab for meetings for procurement discussions or similar meetings.

See the Business visitor access page for the access process.

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Access request

First, an access request form needs to be submitted. Once all approvals are received, you will receive an informal invitation letter with further instructions. If you are requesting on site access, you will need to schedule a badge appointment in order to obtain your Fermilab ID badge, complete training and bring the required documents to your appointment.  Further information can be found on the access types pages listed below.

Visit the access types pages per visitor type listed below for the full details on the access process and review the access workflow.

New users, affiliates, subcontractors, authorized guests, business visitors, personal visitors, and urgent short-term workers need to submit an access request form. If the person is not getting an ID badge (business visitors, personal visitors, and urgent short-term workers), they will need to be escorted by a Fermilab-badged person when in non-public areas.

Current users, affiliates, sub-contractors and authorized guests will receive emails starting 60 days prior to their expiration date with instructions to submit in an access request form to extend their access.  You can also start the process by clicking on one of the links listed above.

All access request-related links, as well as more information on the access process, can be found on the Global services homepage.

Visit the pages per access types for guidance. If you are still having issues, please reach out to your Fermilab point of contact, site access coordinator or the Campus Access Office. Visit the contact page to view all the Global Services office information.

It is recommended to set aside 20-40 minutes to complete the access form. If you exit the form before you’ve completed it, you can pick up where you left off when you return.

Due to a variety of factors including the number of approvals required before access is granted, an access request can take anywhere from a few days up to four weeks depending on the specific situation.

See the detailed workflow in English and Spanish for more information.

Check the status of your request using this page. If you need additional help, submit a question at the bottom of the form.

No, please do not submit another access request unless you have been instructed by the Global Services department to do so. An additional access request in the system may delay the processing of your initial access request. Please check the status of your request using this form. If you need additional help, please submit a question at the bottom of that form.

Your request needs to go through several approvals, which can take some time. If you have any questions about where your request is in the process, please check the status of your request here. Submit a question at the bottom of that form if you need additional help.

You will continue to receive notices until (1) your accounts are extended and your current ticket is closed and/or (2) until you get a new ID badge or your current one completely expires.


For those who requested computing accounts: after all approvals have been received and the access request has been processed, an informal invitation letter will be sent to you. This will contain instructions on how to access your computing accounts.

For those who requested on-site accessschedule a badge appointment.

You will need to check your individual email to complete the access process. You should not use an email account that you share with others, such as a general company email address. This may cause a delay.

Do not enter an email that you cannot access. If you do not have a personal email address, please consider creating a free email address through an email service (ex. Gmail, Yahoo, etc.)

Your emergency contact should be a personal contact such as your spouse, family member, or friend
who Fermilab would contact if you were hurt or if there was an emergency. This cannot be yourself or your Fermilab point of contact, supervisor, etc.

Contact your Fermilab Point of Contact to obtain your PO number information.

If you have a United States phone number, your country code is ‘1’.

If you do not have a United States phone number, please look up your country code online.

Contact your Fermilab point of contact to obtain your building information.

Yes, authorized guests and sub-contractors fills out their own access request form. This helps keep information private and speeds up the badging process.

Points of contact (POCs) may begin the access process and submit an invitation request form on behalf of their visitor. For additional information visit the pages per access type, listed below.

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For complete information on badges, visit the badges and stickers page. Below are the different worker types that require a Fermilab-issued ID badge.


  • All Fermilab employees must have a valid Fermilab ID badge.
  • Visit the employee access page for more information.

Users and affiliates


Authorized guests

  • Village Residents
    • People staying in the village, including family members and guests must have a valid Fermilab ID badge.
    • Visit the access and badging web page for more information. Contact the Campus Access office if you have questions.
  • People with children in Daycare
    • Authorized family members who need to access the Daycare must have a valid Fermilab ID badge.
    • Visit the access and badging home page for more information. Contact the Campus Access office if you have questions.

Fermilab is accessible to the public with a valid REAL ID. They are not issued a Fermilab ID badge. Read more about visiting Fermilab as a public visitor here including hours.

For more information about access, please read the Fermilab Access Policy found on the policies page (Services log-in required).

Visit the page per your access type and follow the outlined steps. For more information about access, please read the Fermilab Access Policy found on the policies page (Services log-in required).

Subcontractors must complete subcontractor orientation and receive a “blue card” as proof of completion every two years.  Blue cards are good for two years from the issue date.  Badges will not be issued past the expiration date of the blue card.

Users and affiliates must complete (1) New user/affiliate orientation and (2) Sexual harassment awareness and prevention training in order to get their first Fermilab ID badge. Additionally, the (3) Workplace violence and active shooter/active threat awareness training must be completed the first time a user/affiliate obtains an ID badge, and then every 3 years afterwards.  Training must be valid at the time a badge is issued. For example, if your blue card or Workplace violence training are expiring next month but you are receiving a badge today, you do not need to repeat them at this time.


Employees should bring any documentation requested with them for orientation. You will have received an email with a list of appropriate documentation. Visit the Human Resources webpage for more information.

Users/ Affiliates

Users and Affiliates should bring the documents listed on this page and current insurance card or proof of insurance to the Campus Access office upon arrival at Fermilab. Visit the user and affiliate page for more information.


Contractors should bring the documents listed on this page and valid blue card from contractor safety training to the Campus Access Office upon arrival at Fermilab. Visit the subcontractor page for more information.

Authorized Guests (Village residents, day care)

After applying for an authorized guest ID badge, please bring the documents listed on this page to the Campus Access office upon arrival at Fermilab.

There are various badge types to be aware of while onsite.

  • Employees, users/affiliates, and subcontractors are issued Fermi-ID badges. They do not require to be escorted in non-public areas.
  • Authorized guests are issued Fermi-ID badges. They are only allowed to access the area that they requested access for (i.e. daycare or housing).
  • Business visitors are issued blue temporary badges. They must be escorted in non-public areas.

For more information, please visit the badge and sticker page.

ID photos for badges must be updated if they are older than one year.

Contact the Security Operation Center (SOC) at 630-840-3414 or stop by the SOC on the ground floor of Wilson Hall and have your badge checked.  You can also email Card Access.  If your badge is correct in Security’s system, stop by the Campus Access office for a replacement ID badge.

Talk to your point of contact about what access you need. You can request additional building access and keys with this form. Alternatively, email access@fnal.gov for more information.

If you forgot your badge, please follow the instructions on the Badges and stickers page under “Forgotten badge process.”

Report a lost or stolen badge here and then come to the Campus Access office to replace your ID. The full process can be found here.

No. Fermilab ID badges are property of the U.S. Government and must be returned when you leave Fermilab or when it expires. Please return your ID badge to the Campus Access office, your POC, or Security before you leave or when it expires.

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Non-U.S. citizen access

A non-U.S. citizen is a person without U.S. citizenship or nationality.

No, if you have a green card then you are a legal permanent resident. You remain a citizen of your home country.

Yes, the lab is required to know who is accessing the site. Please refer to the Foreign National Access Program (FNAP) office page for information on their review process.

The requestor must complete the access process. Step-by-step instructions can be found on the user and affiliate web page. In addition, non-U.S. citizen users or affiliates must provide a current CV with no gaps in time and be reviewed and approved by the Foreign National Access Program (FNAP) and Export Control offices.

The non-U.S. citizen subcontractor must complete the access process. Step-by-step instructions can be found here. In addition, non-U.S. citizen subcontractors must be reviewed and approved by the Foreign National Access Program (FNAP) and Export Control offices. Non-U.S. citizen subcontractors are not required to provide a current CV unless conducting research.

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Event access

Events that have been fully approved in EAS are routed to the Global Services department to assign the DOE S&T Risk Matrix Level, possible exemptions, and collect foreign national security plan (FNSP) information and host information. Once this step is complete, the Indico link will be generated.

It is recommended to register for an event a minimum of 2 weeks in advance if possible. There are several approval and processing steps that need to be completed prior to access granted.

The Foreign National Access Program (FNAP) office needs to collect personal data, which is required to be entered into the DOE foreign national database, FACTS. Per DOE requirements, the FNAP office must capture foreign national access (both logical and physical) in FACTS.

The Events Coordination office is unable to complete contracting non-U.S. citizens until all sufficient documentation of immigrant or nonimmigrant status, citizenship, and identity is obtained per DOE requirements. This includes the I-94, which is issued after the individual enters the U.S. The Events Coordination office will reach out to if they require additional information, such as travel dates and times and missing visa documentation.

For more information on the I-94, please visit the document page.

To obtain access as an event visitor, follow the event visitor process found on the event visitor page.

If you will be at the lab for more than 7 days, you must fill out an access request for user/affiliate access and obtain an ID badge when you arrive onsite. See our access page for instructions on this process.

Business visitor and event visitor badges must be picked up at the Fermilab Welcome and Access Center at Aspen East after entering through the security gates and before you proceed to your event destination.

To retain Fermilab’s open site posture, the laboratory must ensure that access to activities in non-public areas are carefully monitored. Event visitors and other non-badged visitors are required to be escorted when in non-public areas.

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Point of contact

Yes, you may only be a point of contact if you have an active badge and Services account.

All points of contact (POC) must ensure that any safety, health or other important information is communicated to all subcontractors, users, visitors and affiliates as required. All training or instruction shall be conducted in a language and vocabulary that is understandable by the person receiving the information.

Visit the subcontractor access types page for instructions on applying for a contractor Fermilab ID badge.

The process for renewing a contractor is the same as applying for a new Fermilab ID. Visit the access and badging page for instructions on applying for a contractor Fermilab ID Badge.

If your contractor requires a computer account, this must be indicated on the submitted access request. If the contractor is already badged or approved for a badge and now needs to add computing access, they will need to resubmit the access request.

Yes, as the point of contact you have an approval step in the access request process. Points of contact (POCs) must review the information and either approve or reject the request. If the request is rejected by the POC, then the request is denied, and the requestor will have to resubmit the access request form to obtain access.

If you are validating the request for a subcontractor, you can send an email to the Contingent Coordinator (see your division administrator for further instructions) or CampusAccess@fnal.gov to make changes to the PO number and lab affiliation information.

If you do not know the person request access, then reject the request. Prior to rejecting the request, you can contact the requestor and/or POC and ask for more information. As an approver, you have a responsibility to identify and validate the requestor prior to granting access to the lab.

Yes, you will receive reminders on a weekly basis if you do not respond to the request.

Yes. Points of contact (POCs) are copied on the email, which includes the informal invitation letter to the requestor, at the end of the process.

Check the status of access requests using the status request page and submit a question at the bottom of the form if additional help is needed.


The on-site location is the primary location the requestor will be working. If they will not be working from a specific place, it is the building where their supervisor or point of contact is located.

Your division administrator or Site Access Coordinator can assist you through the process. The access process and helpful guidance documents are available per the access types pages.

Procurement will send out letters to subcontractors informing them of changes to the access process. As a POC, you should also be communicating the changes to your contacts.

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Contingent coordinators

If the contingent coordinator is out of office, you can reassign your tasks to another contingent coordinator, or a contingent coordinator in your group can view and work on your tasks while you’re gone. Please designate a backup if you are not available. Please review the contingent coordinator training slides.

Yes, you will get an email and a weekly reminder if you have a pending task.

Yes, the PO list on the access request form is updated from EBS. It is accurate and up to date.

To check a PO, go to the PO Lookup or Web Query on finance site and look at requisitions and PO numbers.

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A host is an FRA employee approved by the appropriate affiliation representative to be responsible for the activities and conduct associated with the successful visit or assignment of a non-U.S. citizen accessing the Fermilab site or resources. There are two categories of hosts, onsite and offsite. On-site hosts are assigned to non-U.S. citizens requesting physical access. Off-site hosts are assigned to non-U.S. citizens requesting logical access.

Hosts are required per DOE Order 142.3B Unclassified Foreign National Access Program.

Points of contact are FRA approved individuals responsible for confirming and approving an individual’s business reason and for the confirming activities associated with the individual’s access to the Fermilab site and/or use of information or technologies. All worker types have a Fermilab point of contact.

Escorts are trained individuals who are accountable for the daily activities of a visitor for the duration of a planned visit. Escorts are required to complete Fermilab Escort Training to accompany any persons at the lab who are accessing non-public areas and do not have a Fermilab badge. This role is applicable to all visitor and worker types.

Hosts are assigned to non-U.S. citizens only and are required per the DOE Order 142.3B Unclassified Foreign National Access Program. Their responsibilities are tied to their assigned non-U.S. citizen’s activities and access at the lab.

Please refer to the training for a detailed breakdown of host responsibilities. All hosts are required to take host training annually and must be familiar with their responsibilities.

The Foreign National Access Program (FNAP) office assigns hosts when access is requested or at the time of new hire or badge renewal. The assignment is based on several factors such as the non-U.S. citizen’s affiliation, the host’s current host limits, and the type of access. If you have questions, please contact the FNAP office.

Hosts are associated with a specific affiliation. When selecting a host to assign to a non-U.S. citizen, the FNAP office chooses from the list of hosts for that affiliation. Therefore, hosts are available to host for any non-U.S. citizen requesting access for that affiliation. Due to the volume of non-U.S. citizens requesting access and the ratio of hosts available to host, it is unfeasible to allow special parameters, for example, to allow a host to host a single person or a select group of people. The FNAP office appreciates your cooperation. If you have questions, please reach out to the FNAP office.

Hosts can access their host list in FermiWorks/WorkDay in the SAGE environment. Follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Log into FermiWorks/WorkDay. Enter your name into the search bar and press enter.
  2. Select “Host – (Last name, First name)” from results.
    1. If you’re not able to find this option, verify that “All of WorkDay” is selected from Categories.
  3. Click the name “Host – (Last name, First name)” and all the information related to your host project displays.
  4. Click the resources tab to display your assigned hostee(s).
  5. If the list is blank, you are not currently hosting anyone.

The on-site host limit is 20 individuals. There is no limit for offsite hosts. Offsite and on-site host limits may not be combined to determine a host’s count. Offsite and on-site counts are separate.

It is a requirement for hosts to identify themselves to their assigned non-U.S. citizen. Hosts must be aware of the scope and technologies their assigned non-U.S. citizen will have access to. The FNAP office does not anticipate that hosts know all of their assigned non-U.S. citizens personally. If you have questions about the person assigned to you, please reach out to the individual’s point of contact.

The role of hosts does not expire; however, hosts are required to take host training annually. If your host training is expired, the FNAP team will contact you to ensure your training gets updated. If you no longer wish to serve as a host, please contact the FNAP office. They will need to reallocate your assignees.

In certain circumstances, Foreign National Security Plans (FNSPs) are required. In these particular situations, the host is responsible for acknowledging their assigned non-U.S. citizen’s Foreign National Security Plan (FNSP). As required by DOE, a FNSP accompanies a non-U.S. citizen’s access request in certain circumstances. The FNSP must include details regarding the individual’s access to the Fermilab site, information, or technologies. FNSPs are intended to assist hosts in their responsibilities regarding terms and conditions of access approval, such as protecting information and facilities not intended for access by the foreign national.

To acknowledge the FNSP or make changes prior to signing off, please follow the instructions in this Knowledge Base article (Services log-in required).

If you have already signed the FNSP, but continue to receive notices, this may mean the following:

  • The individual has multiple affiliations.
  • There was an edit to the FNSP.
  • The FNSP was not attached to the original ServiceNow email.

Please contact the FNAP office if you have any questions on next steps.

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Security and site access

Follow the process outlined on the urgent short-term worker page.

Follow the process outlined on the business visitor access page.

Follow the process outlined on the urgent short-term worker page.

The subcontractor delivering supplies is granted access at the gate if they have a bill of lading or delivery location information. They are not allowed inside buildings at any time.

Read more about the process for site access and deliveries.

No. Everyone conducting work must present a valid REAL ID-compliant document. Delivery drivers are the only exception, but they must present a bill of lading or delivery slip with location and contact information.

For more information on this process, please visit the site access page and the subcontractor access page.

Visit the one-day subcontractor page on details on the process. If you have questions, please contact Security at access@listserv.fnal.gov.

Subcontractors requesting a Fermilab badge must attend subcontractor orientation prior to their badge appointment. Steps on how to request a badge appointment can be found on the access and badging page. Subcontractor orientation is conducted daily at 7:30 a.m. at the Fermilab Welcome and Access Center at Aspen East. For further information regarding subcontractor orientation, email gert@fnal.gov.

Your name should be on the housing list, and Security will check to let you in at the gate. Prior to your arrival, discuss your plans with the Housing Office. They will give you instructions regarding checking in and picking up your housing keys.

Your rental car pickup will need to be arranged with the company that you are renting from. Please note that taxi service to and from the Village is not available after hours.

Please review the following links concerning service animals:

You can request keys with the following form or contact the Security Operations Center (SOC)

  • Call 630-840-3414
  • Visit the SOC in-person: ground floor of Wilson Hall

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On-site housing is available for users, interns (participants in Fermilab student programs), and affiliates. Spouses, domestic partners, children, stepchildren, parents and parents-in-law of eligible individuals are considered “immediate family members” and are also eligible with approved site access. All Village residents must have a Fermilab badge.

Contact the Housing Office (open Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.). They can help you make the appropriate arrangements.

All Village residents 18 years or older must have a valid Fermilab ID badge; family members will receive an authorized guest badge.

Pets are not allowed to live in the Village. Refer to the following links for more information:

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Retirees and Scientists Emeriti

Non-employee retirees will be issued user/affiliate/visitor badges. They will get a new ID number and it will be a V number (with a R watermark).  Please email the Retired Guest or Scientist Emeritus coordinator for more information on this process.

Fermilab made a change to its badging policy to meet DOE’s expectations related to the evolving security environment. DOE expects Fermilab to issue badges to individuals who are employees, subcontractors, users/affiliates, authorized guests, or business visitors requiring on-site access to advance the scientific mission of the lab, fulfilling a business requirement, fulfilling a lab subcontractor requirement and/or those individuals residing on site.

This means Fermilab will no longer be offering badges to retirees.

Fermilab understands that changes in the badging policy may be disappointing for some; however, they are necessary to ensure the lab meets DOE expectations for site security. Fermilab appreciates the work and dedication of the retiree community and hopes that, with the lab being open to the public, our retirees will continue to come to the lab during public access periods, for events and lectures, and during community events such as open houses.

Abri Credit Union is on the ground floor of Wilson Hall which is accessible to the public.

While Scientists Emeriti and Retired Guests receive a user and affiliate badge, they are not eligible for recreations because they are considered on retiree status. Recreations also includes the Users Center which is only available to those with badge access.

Retirees may access public areas of the site during public access hours and during events open to the public in accordance with Fermilab policies including the policy on Access to Fermilab and the policy on Fermilab Events. For events such as retiree meetings, retired guests and scientist emeritus must follow the business visitor process. They should be able to register for an event using their V number on their Fermi ID. According to the access policy, retirees can attend lectures, seminars, and staff discussions but are restricted to business hours.

The Policy on Guest Appointment for retirees allows retiree access for the purpose of advancing the scientific mission of the laboratory, regardless of whether the person is a scientist or not.

  •  Retirees may access public areas of the site during public access hours and during events open to the public in accordance with Fermilab policies including the Policy on Access to Fermilab and the Policy on Fermilab Events.
  • According to the lab’s Policy on Fermilab Recreation Programs, club membership is authorized for active FRA badged employees, users, affiliates, and immediate family members living in the same household.
  • Access to the site for walking and hiking are governed by the lab’s public hours, and outlined on the Policy on Access to Fermilab.

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Car rental

An IDP allows you to drive abroad and is proof that you hold a valid driver’s license from your home country. You must carry both your IDP and home license while driving in Illinois.

An International Driving Permit is your driver’s license translated in English and in most cases can be used as another form of identification. You must carry both your IDP and home license while driving in Illinois.

You should purchase an IDP prior to your travel to the United States. There are different agencies that provide IDPs. You purchase it from your home country.

Direct bill and business rentals are both for official Fermilab travel only. Direct bill reservations are reservations that are being billed and paid by Fermilab through a travel code while a business rental is being paid by the User using their personal credit card. The direct bill / business rental rates are different from leisure/personal rentals (see “Leisure/Personal Rentals” at the end of this document).

Enterprise North Naperville location can pick you up at Fermilab and take you back to the Enterprise office. You are responsible for notifying Fermilab Security (630‐840‐3414). It is also your responsibility to let Enterprise know where you are located.

No, not at this time.

You have a few options:
1. Drop off during business hours at the North Naperville or West Ogden (on Saturdays only) and have Enterprise staff drop you off at Fermilab for your limo pickup.
2. Drop off at the Naperville location that is open and have the limo pick you up from that location.

  • North Naperville
    504 North Rt 59
    Naperville, IL 60563
    +1 630‐548‐9835

    • Mon‐Friday 8 a.m.‐ 5 p.m.
    • Saturday 9 a.m. – noon
  • Naperville West Ogden
    1715 W. Ogden Ave
    Naperville, IL 60540

    • Mon‐Friday 8:00am – 5:30
    • Saturday 9am‐12pm
    • Sunday 10am – 1pm

If needing a rental vehicle locally the North Naperville Office will make the reservation. If arriving by plane and need to pick up from either Chicago airport you can book with either the Enterprise or National Car Rental brands. Please note airport rentals are more expensive (higher rate and taxes) but is available and have longer hour of operations.

Administrative staff at the lab have been provided the required information when making a direct bill reservation.

Users can also make a business reservation by using the website if they are NOT being direct billed to the lab. A credit card will be required during the time of reservation.

Administrative staff will need the following information when reserving a car:

Corporate ID No.: XZ79044
Billing No.: Provided to the Administrative staff who assisted you with your travel arrangements to the lab.

Travel Code: Division/Section travel code for billing purposes

No, you do not.

Major credit cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover) are an acceptable method of payment. However, please note that debit cards are not accepted.

You or the Administrative staff will need the following information when reserving a car:

  • Corporate ID No.: XZ79044
  • Billing No.: Your Personal Credit Card information

The renter or administrative staff can request a receipt from the North Naperville office.

Administrative staff can reserve a vehicle through the Enterprise website. The system will require a corporate ID number, billing number and travel code.

No, as long as Enterprise has the Corporate ID Number, Billing Number and Travel Code.

If arriving by plane and need to pick up from either Chicago airport you can book with either the Enterprise or National Car Rental brands. Please note airport rentals are more expensive (higher rate and taxes); however that’s now an option and the airport locations have longer hour of operations.

Yes; however, there will be a drop charge and cost will depend on where it is rented from and where it is dropped off at.

Yes, Fermilab sponsored students and interns 18 years of age and older can rent a compact size vehicle. There will be a $15 fee per day for drivers who are 18‐20 years old.

All drivers need to be added to the lease and one person will be added as primary on the agreement. If a person arrives later, they must present their information at the North Naperville Office. If the primary person leaves, they must notify Enterprise and a new rental agreement will be required.

You must be present to return the vehicle. If your colleague is on the lease they may return the car.

Enterprise or National will also schedule maintenance with you. A new contract needs to get signed every 30 days. They will schedule maintenance or provide you with a new vehicle at that time.

The contract with Enterprise and National are rental agreements, not leases. A rental agreement is a month-to-month agreement and car rental companies are required to rewrite rentals every 30 days.

An Enterprise and National staff member will notify the renter the week of the re‐write (prior to the 30th day). Enterprise will require a valid email address or U.S. phone number at the start of the rental agreement

The laboratory will not cover fees associated with the following rental items unless there is an approved justification submitted to accounting.

GPS Unit Drop Fee
Satellite Radio One Way Fee
Luggage Rack Fuel Service Options
Winter Tires R.A.P/Roadside Plus
Toll Pass Device

Administrative staff who made your initial reservation would have to call the office and request an extension. Enterprise and National will require a corporate ID number, billing number and travel code.

As a Fermilab employee, user, affiliate, or subcontractor you can receive the Fermilab discounted leisure rates.

Fermilab’s corporate ID number, XZ79045 and your personal credit card.

The easiest way is to book using the customized Fermilab website. You can call the Enterprise or National location and book using the Fermilab corporate ID number, XZ79045

The Fermilab leisure discount will auto populate once you use the Fermilab corporate ID number, XZ79045

No you may not use the rental car for the driver’s license exam.

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