Not That Either Ricky |
He/they. I call it national television so when I call myself out here I can say I was called out on national television. #gender talks is me yelling/complaining/explaining my weird-ass gender experience. Side blogs are @9-virtues-last-dilemmas and @h0llis and art blog is @chameleonfoots. Icon by @chid0rita and header by @phantom-thieves-official |
Ə (Schwa)
SEED: 11
BIO: this letter is to linguistics as pi is to mathematics.
ʁ (Small Capital Inverted R)
SEED: 118
BIO: one of those uvular rhotics.
(via hbmmaster)
(so mad i can’t see straight) Yeah i just don’t think chat gpt is a good classroom tool
what do you MEAN you “just” want to use it to synthesize your ideas. What do you think the point of an assignment is. grow up and do the work yourself and book with a tutor or ask the professor if you need help oh my god
like i struggle so much with synthesizing my thoughts but you know what doesn’t help? outsourcing it to Fancy Autocorrect. you know what DOES help? PRACTICING. BY DOING THE ASSIGNMENTS MY PROFESSORS ASSIGNED SO WE CAN GET BETTER AT SYNTHESIZING INFORMATION
(via notapearfarmer)
My very delayed response to Terry Pratchett’s death a few weeks back. Not going to lie, it wrecked me. I wanted to make something right away but had no idea what would be appropriate, and kept running out of free time.
I feel like everything I have to say about him and his work and world has already been said a million times over, I don’t have a lot to add to it. I’ve yet to read all of Discworld, and at this point I’m probably going to purposely drag my feet just to delay the end as long as possible.
GNU Terry PratchettDiscworld Heritage Post
(via lebagelboy)
Prince: I wish to marry!
Queen: Only if she can pass my test: failing to sleep on a bed with a pea under it!
Prince: Why are you screening for princesses with sensory issues?
Queen: She must be true royalty! Only the most autistic girl in all the land shall marry my son!
The phrase “most autistic girl in all the land” popped unbidden into my head last night and I couldn’t remember who had made the joke and had to Google it
jut found this random kingdom hearts edit and???
like DAMN OKAY???
what is this gay DRAMA???
i’m so invested but i’ve never played the games in my LIFE someone come tell me what this is all about
(via xionisunderrated)
A master to his action-hero trainee says, “Your movements are sloppy. You lack awareness of your body when you fight. Your hands move and yet you do not hold them in your mind’s eye. Come. We will remedy this.”
And then the master paints his trainee’s fingernails and orders the trainee to complete a series of complicated tasks without smudging the nail polish.
Trainee grumbles that this is stupid when the first set of tasks is just cleaning the dojo. Within two minutes he reaches for the dustpan and knocks the edge of his pinky nail against it in a way he’s never noticed before. He’s staring at the baby blue smudge and suddenly he understands things differently.
There’s a montage of days passing as he fetches water, chops wood, hoes crops, washes clothes. His nails are a different color during each cut. He’s sprinting up the mountain with a fresh wet pedicure and the master is nodding in approval. The master’s nails are flawless tech art.
He’s reached his final assessment and it’s a sparing match against his master. The air smells of acetone. His and the master’s nails are all freshly painted. He must land a blow on the master with his mani and pedi fully intact.
Suns and moons pass. Streak in the ring finger. Smudge on the pinky. A full-handed block at the cost of three nails of paint. A hit on his master, and he hoots in delight until the master points out the unguarded toe whose polish is now streaked across the master’s robe.
Days pass in frustration and exhaustion. By day 40, he has every digit of his acutely in his mind’s eye. He senses the master’s attack, ducks, dodges, all fingers all toes all himself, aware, and he strikes with his wooden sword.
It connects with the master. The master pauses. The trainee raises his left hand into view–5 digits of flawless sunflower yellow. His left foot. His right foot. And finally his right hand, raised in triumph.
The master smiles. “You have passed. I have just one more technique to teach you.”
The technique is how to draw little flowers into the nail art. So really this one is optional.
it’s optional but in the final climactic battle nonetheless somehow important
(via zekedms)