Papers by Beata A . Basińska

The European health psychologist, Dec 1, 2014
Background: Although job satisfaction is widely analyzed, it has received limited attention in th... more Background: Although job satisfaction is widely analyzed, it has received limited attention in the literature on cultural diversity. The aim of this paper was to analyze how a multicultural environment of multinational corporations (MNCs) impacts on job satisfaction of employees, who interact with representatives of different cultures. Methods: The narrative review of theoretical and empirical studies was used. Results: The theoretical conceptualization of job satisfaction showed that job satisfaction includes both cognitive and affective components. The narrative review revealed that the effect of cultural diversity on job satisfaction was inconsistent. A positive organizational scholarship (POS) lens, including subjective well-being and positivity, was applied. Cultural diversity in a working environment was positively related to the cognitive component of job satisfaction, however, it was negatively associated with the affective component. Discussion: Having implemented the POS lens, it has been indicated that job satisfaction and positivity appear to be associated with a multicultural setting of MNCs in different ways. The recommendations for future research are presented.

International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 2013
Objective: Job rewards have both, an intrinsic and an extrinsic motivational potential, and lead ... more Objective: Job rewards have both, an intrinsic and an extrinsic motivational potential, and lead to employees' development as well as help them to achieve work goals. Rewards can balance job demands and protect from burnout. Due to changes on the labour market, new studies are needed. The aim of our study was to examine the role of demands and individual rewards (and their absence) in burnout among surgical nurses. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in 2009 and 2010 with 263 nurses who worked in surgical wards and clinics in hospitals in Southern Poland. The hypotheses were tested by the use of measures of demands and rewards (Effort-Reward Imbalance Questionnaire by Siegrist) and burnout syndrome (Maslach Burnout Inventory). A cross-sectional, correlational study design was applied. Results: Nurses experienced the largest deficiencies in salary and prestige. Exhaustion was explained by stronger demands and lack of respect (large effect). Depersonalization was explained by stronger demands, lack of respect and greater job security (medium effect). Reduced personal achievement was explained by more demands and greater job security (small effect). Conclusions: Excessive demands and lack of esteem are key reasons for burnout among surgical nurses. Job security can increase burnout when too many resources are invested and career opportunities do not appear. These results may help to improve human resource management in the healthcare sector.
W niniejszym artykule podjeto problem zagrozen w funkcjonowaniu rodzin policjantow jako skutku st... more W niniejszym artykule podjeto problem zagrozen w funkcjonowaniu rodzin policjantow jako skutku stresu pracy . Glownie niestabilnośc oraz niedostepnośc emocjonalna funkcjonariuszy sprzyjają gorszemu funkcjonowaniu zarowno związku malzenskiego, jak i calej rodziny. Ryzykowne zachowania wynikające ze stresu pracy wiązaly sie z agresją i spozywaniem alkoholu. Koszty stresu pracy meza ponoszą glownie ich zony, ktore rownocześnie odgrywają buforową role pomiedzy niekorzystnymi zachowaniami mezow a rodziną. Na prawidlowe funkcjonowanie rodziny wplywa autonomia poszczegolnych jej czlonkow, budowanie wsparcia psychospolecznego i akceptacja specyfiki pracy policjantow.

Służba żołnierzy i funkcjonariuszy służb państwowych wykonujących zadania w warunkach ekstremalny... more Służba żołnierzy i funkcjonariuszy służb państwowych wykonujących zadania w warunkach ekstremalnych, tom 8, Warszawa: Departament Wychowania i Promocji Obronności MON, Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Kultury Fizycznej w Wojsku. Streszczenie: Żołnierze pełniący służbę w misjach pokojowych i wojennych spotykają się ze szczególnym ryzykiem zawodowym. Ich praca wpływa na ich funkcjonowanie małżeńskie i rodzinne. W artykule podjęto problem funkcjonowania rodzin -żon i dzieci -żołnierzy pełniących służbę poza granicami kraju. W wielu pracach żołnierz traktowany jest jak osoba wyizolowana społecznie, a zainteresowanie badaczy ogniskuje się na jego zdrowiu psychofizycznym. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury przedstawiono specyfikę stresu i kosztów emocjonalnych, zdrowotnych i społecznych ponoszone przez rodziny wojskowe w trakcie trwania operacji i po jej zakończeniu. Zaprezentowano formy pomocy psychologicznej skierowanej do rodzin.

Stres pracy jest szczególnym ważnym zagadnieniem nie tylko dla samych pracujących, ale również dl... more Stres pracy jest szczególnym ważnym zagadnieniem nie tylko dla samych pracujących, ale również dla funkcjonowania organizacji. Trendy rozwojowe procesów pracy (prace złożone, wymagające kwalifikacji i współpracy z innymi ludźmigłównie z klientami -odbiorcami usług) oraz zwiększanie się samozatrudnienia powodują coraz większą wagę czynników psychospołecznych w miejscu pracy oraz potrzebę diagnozowania stresu i jego konsekwencji wśród pracujących (EASHW, 2000; Patent-Thirion, Person, Paoli, 2002). Stres jest pojęciem wieloznacznym. W literaturze spotyka się trzy sposoby jego definiowania (Cox i in., 2000; EASHW, 2000). W pierwszym stres rozumiany jest jako zespół bodźców opisujących środowisko pracy, wywołujący zaburzenia w stanie zdrowia i funkcjonowania. W drugim ujęciu stres definiowany jest jako reakcja na nadmierne wymagania środowiska pracy. Reakcje te są opisywane w terminach fizjologicznych, psychologicznych i behawioralnych. Trzecie podejście ujmuje stres jako relację lub interakcję pomiędzy środowiskiem a pracownikiem. Miejsce pracy może prowadzić do wytworzenia doświadczeń, które mają wpływ na promocję albo pogorszenia dobrostanu psychicznego. W krajach kandydujących do Unii Europejskiej (przed rokiem 2004) znacznie więcej osób, niż w UE, prowadzi własną działalność gospodarczą (średnio 22%, a w Polsce 33%). Wyraźne widoczne są na rynku firm zatrudniających tylko jedną osobę. Samozatrudniający się charakteryzują się dłuższym tygodniowym czasem pracy niż pracujący u innych, odpowiednio 46,1 i 36,7 godzin (Paoli, Merllié, 2001) oraz mają mniej dogodne godziny pracy (Patent-Thirion, Person, Paoli, 2002). Praca w weekendy jest częstsza niż kiedyś, zwłaszcza w soboty. W jedną niedzielę miesiąca pracowało 29% specjalistów i 34% menedżerów. Nieregularność czasu pracy w ciągu całego tygodnia jest cechą charakterystyczą zawodów wymagających wysokich kwalifikacji, czyli specjalistów i kierowników oraz samozatrudniających się. Elastyczny czas pracy deklarowało 84% pracujących na własny rachunek. Dla większośći (81%) czas pracy był dobrze dopasowany do ich życia rodzinnego i towarzyskiego . W ostatnich latach na pierwszy plan wśród źródeł generujących stres pracy wysunęły się czynniki związane z intensywnością pracy. Są to: szybkie tempo pracy, ściśle określone terminy oraz niewystarczający czas na wykonanie zadania. W krajach kandydujących do UE intensywność pracy jest większa, jeśli chodzi o szybkie tempo, ale rzadziej pod presją terminów. Praca ta ma bardziej tradycyjną organizację, charakterystyczną raczej dla przemysłu niż usług. W mniejszym stopniu wykorzystywane są nowoczesne technologie i ukierunkowanie na pracę z klientem (Patent-Thirion, Person, Paoli, 2002). Do najczęściej rejestrowanych problemów zdrowotnych powodowanych nadmierną szybkością pracy i pod presją określonych terminów należą: bóle pleców, stres, bóle mięśni ramion i karku, ogólne zmęczenie . Na jakościowe obciążenie pracą składają się nie tylko poziom jej trudności i powtarzalności, ale również stopień odpowiedzialności i złożoności, a w związku z tym zespołowość wykonywania pracy i konieczność ciągłego uczenia się. W dalszym ciągu odpowiedzialnymi za pracę są przede wszystkim menedżerowie. Większość pracujących staje przed koniecznością rozwiązywania nagłych problemów w pracy (97%) i uczenia się nowych umiejętności (78%) . Doświadczanie stresu w pracy jest zjawiskiem dość powszechnym. Zgłaszane było przez ponad 1/4 pracujących. Równocześnie warto zauważyć, iż większość pracujących jest zadowolona z warunków pracy. Częściej usatysfakcjonowani są pracujący na własny rachunek niż zatrudniani przez innych. Stres w pracy dotyka głównie zarządzających (39%) i specjalistów (38%), zwłaszcza z sektora zdrowia, pracy socjalnej i edukacji . Zawodowe ryzyko stresu było również poważne wśród menedżerów dużych korporacji

Intercultural interactions in a multicultural work environment are a peculiar type of social inte... more Intercultural interactions in a multicultural work environment are a peculiar type of social interactions. The results of prior research on the effects of interactions in such environment are inconclusive. The majority of the previous studies have emphasized problems, applied a quantitative methodology and interpreted the results with regard to social identity and categorization theory, information-processing theory and intergroup contact theory. The aim of this paper is to interpret intercultural interactions with regard to selected psychological theories. The qualitative paradigm was implemented to the authors’ study, while the grounded theory approach was used to analyze the data gathered in five subsidiaries of multinational corporations. The results suggest that working in a multicultural environment generates specific demands which can be perceived by individuals either as hindrances or challenges. Organizational resources, e.g. training courses, IT technology, organizational ...

Owing to globalization and the global mobility of workforce, working in multicultural environment... more Owing to globalization and the global mobility of workforce, working in multicultural environments has become a daily reality for an increasing number of manpower. Such an environment does introduce unique challenges to individuals, enabling some of them to thrive. The aim of the paper, therefore, is to explore the antecedents of thriving and its components in multicultural work settings of multinational corporations (MNCs). The in-depth interviews with 38 informants were conducted to analyze intercultural interactions in 2 MNCs’ subsidiaries. The study demonstrates that those individuals who thrive in MNCs assess their specific job demands as challenges. Moreover, thriving people activate their personal resources to face their challenges, which in return enhances their learning and personal growth. The learning component of thriving appeared to be more salient than vitality. The research may suggest that managers of MNCs should recruit employees whose need for growth is well-developed, since those individuals can benefit more from multicultural work settings and thrive. International experience and psychological capital are the additional factors here that may foster employees’ thriving. To the best of our knowledge this is the first research that explores thriving in multicultural work context. It looks at the antecedents of thriving with the Positive Organizational Scholarship lens. Nevertheless, the study is based on the qualitative methodology, which does not allow for a generalization of the findings.

Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2022
PurposeThis paper proposes a research model in which learning goal orientation (LGO) mediates the... more PurposeThis paper proposes a research model in which learning goal orientation (LGO) mediates the impacts of relational capital and psychological capital (PsyCap) on work engagement.Design/methodology/approachData obtained from 475 managers and employees in the manufacturing and service industries in Poland were utilized to assess the linkages given above. Common method variance was controlled by the unmeasured latent method factor technique.FindingsLGO mediates the impact of PsyCap on work engagement. More specifically, employees high on PsyCap are more learning goal-oriented, and therefore are work-engaged at elevated levels. Employees also exhibit higher work engagement as a result of their relational capital.Research limitations/implicationsThis study extends the research stream on the interrelationships of relational capital, PsyCap, LGO and work engagement to Poland. It fills a void in the relevant literature. Yet, the authors collected cross-sectional, self-report data in a s...

Zdrowie w cyklu życia człowieka, 2012
Background: Recent research has demonstrated a relationship between personality, affectivity and ... more Background: Recent research has demonstrated a relationship between personality, affectivity and performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of basic and general positive affectivity on personality traits (venturesomeness and impulsiveness) and self- -efficacy. Methods: The correlational design was used. 175 students filled in the Impulsiveness – Venturesomeness – Empathy Inventory (Eysenck et al., 1985), PANAS (Watson, Clark, 1994 – basic and general positive affectivity) and General Self-Efficacy, GESE (Schwarzer et al., 2008). Findings: Impulsiveness did not matter to the strength of self-efficacy, and was independent of positive affectivity. The results obtained indicated a significant mediating effect of basic positive affectivity, self-assurance and joviality, on the link between venturesomeness and general self-efficacy, and a direct impact of general positive affectivity on self-efficacy.
This work was performed within the project Dnr 2014/730 B 22 entitled "Konflikten arbete-familj h... more This work was performed within the project Dnr 2014/730 B 22 entitled "Konflikten arbete-familj hos sjuksköterskor" [The work-family conflict in nurses]. In order to stimulate and facilitate a replication of this pilot study this working paper comprises extended parts regarding background, methods and detailed presentation of results. The goal is to sample data with similar questionnaires from the Swedish population of nurses. The results were orally presented at the 4th World Conference on Psychology

The question of how to manage incompatible professional and non-professional demands has attracte... more The question of how to manage incompatible professional and non-professional demands has attracted attention from both scholars and practitioners in recent decades. One aim of this study was to examine the relationships between the work-family conflict (WFC), the family-work conflict (FWC), and the perception of job demands (quantitative workload and interpersonal conflicts at work). We intended also to examine the components of work engagement (vigour, dedication, and absorption) and turnover intentions. Another aim was to determine whether the variables that we examined are important for turnover intentions. This study comprised 98 nurses (mean age 41, SD = 6 years). The following instruments were used: Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict Scales, the Interpersonal Conflict at Work Scale and Quantitative Workload Index, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, and measures of turnover intentions. The score on the scale to measure WFC was positively related to perceived workload...

PLOS ONE, 2021
The study examined the factor structure of burnout, as measured with the Oldenburg Burnout Invent... more The study examined the factor structure of burnout, as measured with the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory. The participants were 235 employees of a public administration agency who assessed their burnout online for 10 consecutive working days. Two models were tested with multilevel confirmatory factor analysis, assuming the same one or two-factor structure at the within- and between-person levels. Both models showed a reasonable fit to the data, but due to a strong correlation between exhaustion and disengagement and low within-person reliability for disengagement, a unidimensional model seems more valid. A cross-level invariance was not confirmed for either of the structures, showing that factor loadings for the same items differ significantly between the levels. This suggests that burnout is not the same latent variable at each level; rather, there are factors other than daily burnout that influence person-level scores and ignoring these across-level discrepancies may lead to biased co...

Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 2020
Background: Burnout has been traditionally seen as a chronic and stable state in response to prol... more Background: Burnout has been traditionally seen as a chronic and stable state in response to prolonged stress. However, measures of momentary burnout are not well established, even though the within-person approach suggests that the symptoms of burnout may vary from day to day for the same employee. The aim of this study is to examine the daily inter-and intra-personal variability of the symptoms of burnout and the cross-lagged relationship between two components of burnout, exhaustion and disengagement. Methods: An online diary study over 10 consecutive workdays was conducted among 235 civil servants (75% women, average tenure of 15 years). Daily burnout was measured with the eight-item Oldenburg Burnout Inventory. Results: The intra-class correlation coefficients indicate that, although significant betweenperson variability exists, most of the burnout variance is within persons. Using the random intercept cross-lagged panel (RI-CLP) model to control for these between-person differences, mainly insignificant "pure" within-person cross-lagged relationships between exhaustion and disengagement were revealed. Moreover, day-to-day autoregressive effects were weaker than same-day residual correlations. Conclusion: This is one of the first studies to use daily diaries and the RI-CLP model to study burnout, including the separation of the more stable and more dynamic parts of each component. When stable parts were controlled for, the same-day relationships between exhaustion and disengagement were more pronounced than day-to-day effects. This might suggest stronger situational influences than carryover mechanism. Thus, conceptualizing burnout in terms of daily symptoms may shed promising insights into how it develops and add implications for pro-healthy changes in the workplace.

Current Psychology, 2020
Working in multicultural work environments of multinational corporations (MNCs) creates challenge... more Working in multicultural work environments of multinational corporations (MNCs) creates challenges whose expected impact on happiness is equivocal. In the following paper, we examine the relationship between psychological capital and happiness at work in the specific MNCs' context. We assume that thriving (eudemonic well-being) at work fosters individuals' development and enhances their happiness composed of both the affective (positivity) and cognitive (satisfaction with intercultural interactions) components. A sample of 137 individuals from subsidiaries of various MNCs and involved in intercultural interactions was included in the cross-sectional study. In order to test the mediating effect of vitality and learning, i.e., both components of thriving, on the psychological capital and happiness at work, as well as a moderating effect of psychological capital between thriving and happiness in a multicultural work setting, a bootstrapping analysis was conducted. Prior international experience and job tenure were control variables. The results show that psychological capital as resource caravans is positively associated with learning and further is related to more satisfaction with intercultural interactions. Moreover, psychological capital is associated with more vitality at work and further favorably relates to positivity. We also demonstrate that psychological capital does not moderate the relationship between thriving and happiness at work. The research broadens the understanding of positive aspects of well-being in the unique environment of MNCs. Our study suggests that managers should stimulate learning and vitality by managerial practices concerning improvement of employee psychological capital since then they may strengthen happiness at work.

International Journal of Contemporary Management, 2018
Background. Knowledge transfer between the HQ and subsidiary has recently been targets of increas... more Background. Knowledge transfer between the HQ and subsidiary has recently been targets of increasing research interest. However, the role of expatriate managers and local staff perspective on this process has not been examined enough. Research aims. This paper has two main objectives: first to develop a conceptual framework (model) of knowledge transfer between the headquarters and local subsidiary, and second to empirically evaluate this process in five foreign subsidiaries based in Poland from a knowledge-based perspective. Methodology. Our study relied on qualitative case study methods. The authors report the empirical findings from five multinational subsidiaries (two German, two American and one Indian) located in Poland. 68 semi-structured interviews were conducted among HR specialists and managers. The authors report that the empirical findings concerning knowledge transfer were only a part of bigger project financed by National Science Centre in Poland (the research grant no. DEC-2013/09/B/HS4/00498, entitled "Cross-cultural interactions in foreign subsidiaries of multinational corporations -traditional and Positive Organizational Scholarship approaches".
Papers by Beata A . Basińska