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Quality & Metering


Multi-functional electric energy meters

Q.1 Multi-functional electric energy meters

Introduction 3

Q.1 - Multi-functional electric energy meters

Product selection table 5

Single-phase active energy meter, Class 1 Q1-7

Single-phase active energy meter, Class B and reactive, Class 2 Q1-9

Three-phase energy meter Q1-11

Digital multi-function three-phase meter Q1-15

High-performance, multi-function static meter Q1-18

Concentrator for PLC systems Q1-21

Relation between products and accessories Q1-23

Multi-functional electric energy meters Q .1
Multi-functional electric energy meters

CIRWATT is a family of combined mul-
ti-functional meters that can meet any
requirement of an energy metering sys-
tem, including important aspects, such
as quality, accuracy, safety and reliability.

The new metering technologies have

allowed CIRCUTOR to develop new
state-of-the-art equipment, including
additional functions for the control and
management of metering systems, for
example, astronomical clocks, control
of the maximum demand, control of
programmable power, multi-supply me-
ter (water and gas), meters with pho-
tovoltaic applications (two-directional),
communications with PLC systems, etc.

The CIRWATT family offers a full range

of electrical energy meters that are
adapted to the type of application. It has
the following sub-families:


In general, electrical consumption meters and voltage in a disc, influenced by the

are devices that meter the consumption magnetic fields produced by the turn-
of electrical energy in a circuit or electric- ing movement of the needles on a face.
ity service. The market offers electrome- Electronic meters use a digital metering
chanical and electronic meters. Electro- mechanism.
mechanical meters use parasitic current

Q .1 Multi-functional electric energy meters

Advantage of CIRWATT meters: }}There are no mobile parts, so there }}Integration in home energy manage-
is no wear. ment systems. Configurable contracts,
}}Remote management through differ- }}There is an internal memory (load rates and seasons.
ent channels, for example, through the curve + billing + events). }}Storage in the event log memory:
RS-232 port, RS-485, PLC, etc. }}Programmable outputs: yyVoltage interruptions
}}Readings can be taken with local yyEnergy impulses yyIncorrect phase connection
(Optical Reader), centralised or remote yyTaximeter pulse yyManipulation
systems. yyActive rate }}Simple display on the screen:
yyMaximum demand alarm yySimple and interesting interface
yyConfigurable alarms (V, A, W, etc.). with the parameters metered by the
}}Lower error diversion throughout the meter.
meter's working life. yyThe user can check the partial
}}Remote loading of the meter's consumption. The user can check
firmware. Updates. and control his own consumption.
}}Cost optimisation. yyText messages can be sent to
}}Greater reading accuracy. the users with notifications or alarms
}}Optimisation of the space inside me- through the alarm outputs integrated
ter cabinets (meter + analyzer + clock + in the meter and external GSM/GPRS
taximeter) in a single device. modem.
}}Metering of electrical parameters yyBilling simulation with the software,
(Voltage, Current, Power Factor, Reac- using the meter's internal memory.
tive Energy in 4 quadrants, ).
}}Detection of fraud or manipulation. This section includes the billing meters,
}}Remote interruption and reinstate- but it does not show the sub-metering
ment. meters. Submetering meters are shown
}}Centralisation of the impulses of in section M3.
other meters (water, gas, ...).
}}Variable regulation of the weight of
the impulse.


Applicable to billing water and energy readings will be taken Submetering installations
through the PLC communications.
CIRWATT meters are energy meters Another application used is submeter-
designed to meter the transfer of en- Photovoltaic installations ing, not for official billing purposes, but
ergy between frontier points. They are for the metering of energy in the dif-
used by utilities companies and other There are two possible CIRWATT. ferent plots, bungalows, rented apart-
customers. The use of all types of com- ments, etc.
munications means that the information The first application involves the place-
can be recorded by the meters locally ment of the single-phase meter con- In these cases, metering can be single
or remotely. nected to the inverter's output of the or three-phase, with CIRWATT meters
solar panel and a totalizer, usually three- and PLC communications, centralising
Ports phase, located at the frontier point. The all readings in a single PLC-800 con-
second application involves the installa- centrator. This is the way to achieve
CIRWATT's meters can be used as sub- tion of a three-phase meter in the con- a more efficient installation in energy
metering units in wharfs. One of the typi- nection point of the electricity company. terms.
cal applications of the said units uses
PLC communications, since remote One of the key positions for both appli- Single-phase meters with circuit break-
communications can be used to cen- cations is the communications with me- ers can be used for the remote manage-
tralise the readings in the port's control ters. In the first one, the optical system ment of the consumption, so that the
centre. uses PLC communications and in the relay is opened and closed to record /
second one, when there are different cancel the supply and limit the current,
The consumption of water can be me- installations with various totalizers, the programming the internal relay and con-
tered with the impulses emitted by the communications can be Ethernet, RS- trolling the demand.
water meter, connected to the digital in- 485 or Modem, thus gathering the data
puts of the energy meter, depending on in centralised form.
the type of meter. Therefore, automatic

Multi-functional electric energy meters Q .1
Product selection table


Active / Reactive

Direct / Indirect
Energy Class

Load curve 1

Load curve 2

Outputs ***


Inputs /




1 month
Single 230 V 10(120) A
Direct 127 V 10(60) A
PLC - (60 min) - - 1 7

Single 3 months

230 V 10(60) A PLC -
(60 min)
- 512 1 9


Phase 5(10) A 3 months

Direct / 10(100) A
(60 min)
- 512 1 11

Three- PLC -
3x57/100 V
Phase 5(10) A RS-232 RS-485 213 days 53 days
Direct /

10(100) A RS-232 Ethernet (60 min) (15 min)
512 64 15
3x230/400 V
Indirect RS-485 RS-485

3x57/100 V
0,23 / 0,5 1(2) A RS-485 213 days 53 days
0,55 / 1
3x63.5/110 5(10) A
Ethernet (60 min) (15 min)
512 64 18

3x230/400 V
- - - PLC
- - 21
3x127/220 V

(*) For other voltages, please ask

(**) Only models with PLC
(***) See specific catalogue

SELECTION TABLE - Single-phase Energy Meters

CIRWATT - - x -


2 wires, asymmetrical connection 2

Class 1 Active 10
Class B Active / Class 2.0 Reactive 12

1 x 127 V c.a. B
1 x 230 V c.a. E

5 (60) S2
10 (120) S3
10 (60) S4

50 Hz A
60 Hz B

Without communication 0

RS-485 2
R1 / R2 (PLC) PLC A 4

R1 / R2 (PLC) PLC B 5

Without card 0

2 rrelays 5A 250V (tarif indicator) 3 Expansion

impulse meter input A

type B B
type A A

Import only (2 Quadrants) 0

Bidirectional (4 Quadrants) 1 Registration

Unidirectional (4 Quadrants) 2

Cut off relay (phase) 2 More features

Q .1 Multi-functional electric energy meters

SELECTION TABLE - Three-phase Energy Meters

CIRWATT - - x -


4 wires 4

0.2S active class / 0.5 Reactive class 02

0.5S active class/ 1.0 Reactive class 05

C Active class / 1.0 Reactive class 05

B Active class / 2.0 Reactive class 10

3 x 57 / 100 V a.c. (4w) L

3 x 63.5 / 110 V a.c. (4w) M

3 x 127 / 220 V a.c. N Measured

3 x 220 / 380 V a.c. O voltage

3 x 230 / 400 V a.c. (4w) Q

3 x 127 / 220 V a.c....3x230/400 Va.c. U

5 (10) A Transformer T5
Current measure
10 (100) A Direct D1

50 Hz A

60 Hz B Frequency

Automatic (50 / 60 Hz) C

Without communications 0

RS232 /
R1 / R2 (PLC) RS232 / - 1

RS232 /
R1 / R2 (PLC) RS485 / - 2

RS232 /
R1 / R2 (PLC) Ethernet / - 3

R1 / R2 (PLC) PLC A 4
/ - (PLC A)

R1 / R2 (PLC) PLC B 5
/ - (PLC B)
RS232 / RS232 /
R1 / R2 (PLC) 7
RS232 RS232

RS485 / RS485 /
R1 / R2 (PLC) 8
RS485 RS485

RS232 / RS232 /
R1 / R2 (PLC) 9
RS485 RS485

RS232 / RS232 /
R1 / R2 (PLC) A
Ether. Ether.

R1 / R2 (PLC) C

RS485 /
R1 / R2 (PLC) D

Without card 0

Inputs / outputs (optomos) 4

inputs / outputs (relay) 5
Inputs (water and gas) A

Earth leakage measure B

type B meter B

type C meter C Type

type D meter D

Import only (2 Quadrants) 0

Bidirectional (4 Quadrants) 1 Registration

Unidirectional (4 Quadrants) 2

Without more features 0

More features
Cutoff relay 2

Multi-functional electric energy meters Q .1

Single-phase active energy meter, Class 1

Description Features

CIRWATT A is a single-phase, digital multi- Power supply Self-powered

function meter, Class 1, for the metering of Nominal voltage 127 V or 230 V (depending on the type)
active energy. Consumption < 2 W / 10 VA
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz, no differentiation
CIRWATT A complies with the existing regu- Operating temperature - 20 C ... + 60 C
lations applicable to electronic meters and it Voltage metering
has an autonomous data retention system Connection Symmetrical or asymmetrical
that avoids them from being lost when there
Reference voltages 127 V or 230 V (depending on the type)
is an interruption in the power supply. Like-
Frequency Automatic (50 / 60 Hz, with no differentiation)
wise, it can be read through the screen (even
Current metering
when there is no power supply) and through
5 A Direct (Maximum 60 A)
the optical port (protocol IEC-61107). Currents (in)
10 A Direct (Maximum 120 A)
Maximum current 12 In
There is also a type with PLC (Power Line
Carrier) communications and an internal cir-
Active Energy Class 1.0 (IEC 62053-21)
cuit breaker for the management of the de-
mand, with an innovating reclosure system. Calculation and processing
Microprocessor Based on DSP
Converter 16 bits
Application Data RAM type, stored by Lithium battery
Setup and events Non-volatile memory of the FLASH type
It has been specially designed for installa- Battery
tions where electromechanical meters do not
Type Lithium
satisfy the current needs, particularly those
Working Life > 10 years
that require a single-phase meter with a bill-
ing system.
Type Grid frequency quartz oscillator

There are three main types of A-meters: Drift < 0.5 s/day at 25 C

multi-rate meter; for photovoltaic applications Digital outputs Potential-free

and meter with PLC communications. Type Optocoupler (24 V)
Relay outputs 230 V - 10 A
Type Mechanical relay
LED Outputs
Maximum rate 1000 impulses / kWh
Safety Category III (110 V) in accordance with EN-61010
Build features
Enclosure In compliance with DIN 43859
Dimensions In compliance with DIN 43857
Degree of protection IP 51
Optical reader IEC-61107 for local access

Q .1 Multi-functional electric energy meters

CIRWATT A Dimensions
Single-phase active energy meter, Class 1


EN 62053-21 Standards for static, active energy meters for alternating current, Class 1
EN 55022 Driven emissions: Class B / Radiated emissions: Class B
EN 61000-4-6 Immunity to RF fields coupled to cables (common mode): 10 V
EN 61000-4-8 Immunity to magnetic fields and grid frequency: 30 A/m

Impulse outputs

voltage 230 Vac

Impulse inputs

Internal Circuit

Relay outputs
range (A)



10 (120) DH1 2 1 CIRWATT A - 210-ED3-01A-00

10 (120) DH0 2 2 CIRWATT A - 210-ED3-01A-00

5 (60) DH1 2 1 CIRWATT A - 210-ED4-01A-00

5 (60) DH0 2 1 CIRWATT A - 210-ED4-01A-00

10 (120) DH1 4 1 CIRWATT A - 210-ED3-01A-10

10 (120) DH1 2 1 PLC A CIRWATT A - 210-ED3-41A-00

10 (120) DH1 2 2 PLC A CIRWATT A - 210-ED3-44A-00

5 (60) DH1 2 1 PLC A CIRWATT A - 210-ED3-41A-02

10 (120) DH1 4 1 PLC A CIRWATT A - 210-ED3-41A-00


With one or two outputs of the mechanical relay With a digital energy impulse output

21 22 23 24 21 22

1 3 4 6 1 3 4 6


Multi-functional electric energy meters Q .1

Single-phase active energy meter, Class B and
reactive, Class 2

Description Features

CIRWATT B is a multi-function digital single- Power supply Self-powered

phase meter, Class B, for the metering of ac- Nominal voltage 230 V
tive energy and Class 2 for the metering of Tolerance 20 %
reactive energy. Consumption < 2 W / 10 VA
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz, no differentiation
The meter complies with the current Euro- Operating temperature - 25 C ... + 70 C
pean legislation related to energy meters Voltage metering
(MID) EN 50470-1 and EN 50470-3, which
Connection Asymmetrical
approves the installation of these meters in
Reference voltages 230 V
any country of the European Union.
Frequency Automatic (50 / 60 Hz, with no differentiation)
Self-consumption of the voltage circuit < 2 W / 10 VA
It includes PLC (Power Line Carrier) commu-
nications through the power grid and an op- Current metering

tical port. Both types of communications use Currents (in) 10 A Direct (Maximum 60 A)
the EC-870-5-102 protocol. It also includes an Maximum current 60 A
analyzer that can store up to 3 months of hour- Start-up current < 10 mA
ly records of the 6 types of energy. Likewise, Self-consumption of the voltage circuit 0.2 VA at 10 A
data can be read when there is no voltage. Accuracy
Active Energy Class B (50470)
It includes a circuit breaker, which can be
Reactive Energy Class 2.0 (IEC 62053-21)
used by the user to control the supply de-
Calculation and processing
mand with a reliable and safe approach.
Microprocessor Risc 16 bits
Converter 16 bits
Application Memory
Data RAM type, stored by Lithium battery
The main application of the CIRWATT B me- Setup and events Non-volatile memory of the FLASH type
ter is the metering of active and reactive en- Battery Lithium
ergy for billing purposes, whenever a meter Working Life > 15 years
with high performance features is required at Clock
an optimised cost. PLC communications can
Type Self-compensated quartz crystal oscillator
be used for the remote download of all data
Drift < 0.5 s/day at 25 C
recorded by the meter through a PLC800
Billing output
Type Relay

The circuit breaker integrated in the meter Operational Selection of the activation rate

can be used to manage the supply remotely, Max. 250 Vac 5 A with connection to the
neutral potential when activated
opening/closing the circuit breaker and pro-
Build features
gramming the hired power above a value that
will activate the circuit breaker, opening it and Enclosure In compliance with DIN 43859

reclosing it to guarantee the safety for the fi- Dimensions In compliance with DIN 43857
nal user. Degree of protection IP 53

Q .1 Multi-functional electric energy meters

CIRWATT B II Dimensions
Single-phase active energy meter, Class B and
reactive, Class 2
62 129


Features Standards

Optical port EN 50470-1 and EN 50470-3

Hardware EN 62056 Standards for static, active energy meters for alternating current, Class B

Speed 9600 baud EN 55022

CIRCUTOR version Protocol REE Protocol, based on IEC 870 Driven emissions: Class B
Radiated emissions: Class B
EN 61000-4-11
Protocol CIRCUTOR - Renesas and PRIME Gaps or brief voltage interruptions

Modulation system DCSK with repeater system EN 61000-4-2

Electrostatic discharges
Consumption 1.2 W - 12 VA
EN 61000-4-3
Tampering detector
Radio-frequency electromagnetic fields
Manipulation of the meter
Activation EN 61000-4-4
or connections
Activation is delayed 72 hours Electrical transient bursts
to facilitate the installation
EN 61000-4-5
Insulation Shockwave
Alternating voltage 4 kV RMS 50 Hz during 1 minute EN 61000-4-6

Over-impulse Alterations driven and induced by radio-frequency fields

6 kV at 60 C and 240 C with EN 61000-4-8

1.2/50 ms - 0 W - strong impedance
positive and negative polarity
Magnetic fields in the grid frequency with an external origin

References Connections
Current metering
Metering voltage

Impulse outputs

Impulse inputs

Internal Circuit

Relay outputs

23 24
range (A)
230 Vac


1 3 4 6
Type Code
10 (60) DH1 4 2 PLC A CIRWATT B - 212-ES4-43B-12 QB330
10 (60) DH0 4 2 PLC A CIRWATT B - 212-ED4-43B-12 QBL30

Multi-functional electric energy meters Q .1

Three-phase energy meter

Description Features

The new technological changes in the in- Power supply Direct Indirect
ternational electrical sector have given rise 3x230 (400)V - 3x230 (400) V - 3x127 (230)
Nominal voltage
3x127 (230)V V - 3x63,5 (110)V
to new needs and requirements in terms of
Tolerance 80 % ... 115 % Un
more flexible rates, new communication me- Consumption <2 W; 10 VA
thods and a clear optimisation of prices. All Frequency 50 60 Hz
of these changes have led us towards the Voltage measurement
optimisation of the management of energy in Connection Asymmetrical
installations and distribution networks. Reference voltage 400 V
Frequency 50 60 Hz
Voltage consumption of the circuit < 2 W; 10 VA
Cirwatt B III can adapt to all of these new
Current measurament Class B Class B Class C
challenges. It can use many different types of
Nominal reference current lref 10 A .../5 A, .../1 A
communication methods and rates that can
Maximum current lmax 100 A 10 A / 2 A
be adapted to any sector requirement.
Start-up current lst < 0,04 x Itr 0,04 x Itr 0,02 x Itr
Minimum current lmin < 0,5 x Itr 0,2 x Itr 0,2 x Itr
Finally, but also as important, is the complian- Current consumption of the circuit < 0,1 VA 0,25 0,1
ce with the most relevant sector regulations: Accuracy class
EN, IEC and MID. Accuracy measured in active energy EN 50470 - Class B EN 50470 - Class B, Class C
UNE-EN 62053-
Accuracy measured in reactive energy UNE-EN 62053-21 - Class 2, Class 1
21 - Class 2
Data Non-volatile memory Non-volatile memory
Setup and events Serial flash Serial flash
Type Lithium

Application Working Life >20 years @ 30C

CIRWATT B is ideal for LV and MV power su- Type Gregorian calendar
pplies up to 450 kW. Special 4Q meter for FV Source Temperature compensated oscillator
Accuracy (EN61038) < 0.5 s/day at 23 C
plants, with an endless number of communi-
Environmental influence
cations options.
Operating temperature range -25 ...+70 C

Storage temperature range -40 ... +85 C

Temperature coefficient < 15 ppm/K

Humidity 95 % mx.
Insulating voltage 4 kV a 50 Hz during 1 min
Impulse voltage 1.2/50
8 kV
s - IEC 62052-11
Protection degree (IEC 62052-11) II
Type LCD
Number of data digits up to 8
Size of data digits 8 mm
Display data readingwhen
there is no voltage.

Q .1 Multi-functional electric energy meters

Three-phase energy meter


Optical communications interface Rate programming

Type Serial, two-directional Number of days 12

Hardware IEC 62056-21 Types of days 10

Protocol REE, based on IEC 870-5-102 Contracts 3

Tampering detector Number of rates 9

Detection Opening the terminal cover Discrimination 1 hour

Type Micro-switch Holidays/festivities 30

Detects intruders when
Function Special days 12
there is no voltage.
Construction features Load curve

Connection Asymmetrical Number of load curves 2

External dimensions DIN 43857 Integration time Programmable: 1 ... 253 min

Enclosing features DIN 43859 Recording depth 4000

IP Degree (IEC 60529) IP 51 Events

PLC Number of events 200

Modulation system DSCK with repeater system Billing closures

Hardware CENELEC A or CENELEC B Number of locks 12, per contract

CirPLC and PEP (PLC Disabled / Programmable
Protocol Type
Encapsulated Protocol) date and hour

Measuring range A
Measuring range V


Frequency (Hz)
Class (Active/





B/2 2 50 Hz 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A RS232 RS232 CIRWATT B 410-QD1A-70B00 QB2A0

B/2 2 50 Hz 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A RS485 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-QD1A-80B00 QB2E0
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A RS232 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-QD1A-90B00 QB2B0
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-QD1A-A0B00 QB2C0
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A RS485 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-QD1A-D0B00 QB2D0
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x127/220 V 10 (100)A RS232 RS232 CIRWATT B 410-ND1A-70B00 QB540
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x127/220 V 10 (100)A RS485 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-ND1A-80B00 QB5E0
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x127/220 V 10 (100)A RS232 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-ND1A-90B00 QB5B0
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x127/220 V 10 (100)A RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-ND1A-A0B00 QB5C0
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x127/220 V 10 (100)A RS485 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-ND1A-D0B00 QB5D0
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x230/400 V /5A RS232 RS232 CIRWATT B 410-QT5A-70B00 QB660
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x230/400 V /5A RS485 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-QT5A-80B00 QB6A0
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x230/400 V /5A RS232 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-QT5A-90B00 QB670
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x230/400 V /5A RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-QT5A-A0B00 QB680
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x230/400 V /5A RS485 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-QT5A-D0B00 QB690
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x127/220 V /5A RS232 RS232 CIRWATT B 410-NT5A-70B00 QBF60
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x127/220 V /5A RS485 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-NT5A-80B00 QBFA0
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x127/220 V /5A RS232 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-NT5A-90B00 QBF70
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x127/220 V /5A RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-NT5A-A0B00 QBF80
B/2 2 50 Hz 3x127/220 V /5A RS485 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-NT5A-D0B00 QBF90

Multi-functional electric energy meters Q .1
Three-phase energy meter


Measuring range A
Measuring range V


Frequency (Hz)
Class (Active/




B/2 4 50 Hz 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A RS232 RS232 CIRWATT B 410-QD1A-70B10 QB4A0

B/2 4 50 Hz 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A RS485 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-QD1A-80B10 QB4E0

B/2 4 50 Hz 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A RS232 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-QD1A-90B10 QB4B0

B/2 4 50 Hz 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-QD1A-A0B10 QB4C0

B/2 4 50 Hz 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A RS485 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-QD1A-D0B10 QB4D0
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x127/220 V 10 (100)A RS232 RS232 CIRWATT B 410-ND1A-70B10 QB740
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x127/220 V 10 (100)A RS485 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-ND1A-80B10 QB7E0
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x127/220 V 10 (100)A RS232 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-ND1A-90B10 QB7B0
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x127/220 V 10 (100)A RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-ND1A-A0B10 QB7C0
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x127/220 V 10 (100)A RS485 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-ND1A-D0B10 QB7D0
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x230/400 V /5A RS232 RS232 CIRWATT B 410-QT5A-70B10 QB860
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x230/400 V /5A RS485 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-QT5A-80B10 QB8A0
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x230/400 V /5A RS232 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-QT5A-90B10 QB870
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x230/400 V /5A RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-QT5A-A0B10 QB880
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x230/400 V /5A RS485 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-QT5A-D0B10 QB890
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x127/220 V /5A RS232 RS232 CIRWATT B 410-NT5A-70B10 QBG60
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x127/220 V /5A RS485 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-NT5A-80B10 QBGA0
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x127/220 V /5A RS232 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-NT5A-90B10 QBG70
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x127/220 V /5A RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-NT5A-A0B10 QBG80
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x127/220 V /5A RS485 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-NT5A-D0B10 QBG90
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x63,5/110 V /5A RS232 RS232 CIRWATT B 410-MT5A-70B10 QBH20
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x63,5/110 V /5A RS485 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-MT5A-80B10 QBH60
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x63,5/110 V /5A RS232 RS485 CIRWATT B 410-MT5A-90B10 QBH30
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x63,5/110 V /5A RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-MT5A-A0B10 QBH40
B/2 4 50 Hz 3x63,5/110 V /5A RS485 ETHERNET CIRWATT B 410-MT5A-D0B10 QBH50

Q .1 Multi-functional electric energy meters

Three-phase energy meter


Terminal cover option Wire cover option

67 6

172 205,5


150 67

172 150


CIRWATT B III direct connection CIRWATT B III indirect connection

2 5 8

1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11

S1 S2
L1 S1 S2
L2 L2 P1 P2 S1 S2
L3 L3 P1 P2

N N P1 P2

Multi-functional electric energy meters Q .1

Digital multi-function three-phase meter

Description Features

Digital multi-function three-phase meter, with Power supply circuit Self-powered

2 or 4 quadrants, with type-1 accuracy in ac- Nominal voltage Multi-range, from 3x57.7/100 V to 3x230/400 Vac
tive energy and type-2 accuracy in reactive Tolerance 20 %
energy, direct or indirect metering, with the Consumption < 2 W / 10 VA
possibility of programming up to 3 contracts. Frequency 50 ... 60 Hz
Operating temperature - 20 C ... + 60 C
In accordance with the demands and needs
Metering circuit
of the electricity market, CIRCUTOR has in-
Connection 3 or 4 wires from the same unit
cluded 2 communications ports (on demand),
Reference voltages Multi-range, from 3x57.7/100 V to 3x230/400 Vac
respecting the IEC and MODBUS commu-
Frequency 50 ... 60 Hz
nications protocols. It is committed to future
technologies, adapting a range of Type C Current circuit

meters to the new communications system, Nominal base currents .../5 or .../1 A (indirect metering; 10 A (direct metering)

PLC. 10 or 2 A (2 x In) (indirect metering);

Maximum current
100 A (10 x In) (direct metering)
The main display shows the following visual
indicators in standby mode: Active Energy Class 1 (IEC 61036)
Reactive Energy Class 1 (IEC 61268)
}}Energy direction Data memory FLASH (non-volatile memory)
}}Reactive capacitive / reactive Events: 512 records / Billing closing: 64 /
}}Quadrant being used Capacity Load curve: 213 days / 2nd programmable
load curve: 5,120 records
}}Phases activated and their direction
Clock maintenance battery Lithium
}}Active rate per contract
Working Life 10 years (50% load)
}}The meter also has 3 alarms to indicate
Operation with no battery or voltage Maximum 24 hours
the status of the contact or the installation:
critical, non-critical and battery. Clock
Quartz oscillator / grid synchronism
(adjustable by the programmer)

Application Quartz oscillator drift < 0.5 s/day at 25 C

Digital inputs (on demand) 4 inputs (60...300 Vac)

CIRWATT C is ideal for LV and MV power Digital outputs (on demand) 3 mechanical relay outputs (up to 400 Vac) optoMOS

supplies up to 450 kW. Verification LED output

20 000 impulses / kWh or kvarh, in terms
Rate of secondary values (indirect metering);
Special 4Q meter for FV plants, with an end- 1 000 impulses / kWh (direct metering)
less number of communications options.
Optical interface IEC-61107
COM 1 RS-232 / RS-485 / Ethernet / PLC (depending type)
Protocols IEC-870-5-102, IEC-61107

Build features
Enclosure In compliance with DIN 43859
Weight 1.9 kg

Q .1 Multi-functional electric energy meters

CIRWATT C Dimensions
Digital multi-function three-phase meter


IEC60687 Static active energy meters for ac, Class 0.5S, 0.2S
IEC61036 Static active energy meters for ac, Class 1
IEC61268 Static reactive energy meters for ac, Class 1 and 2
EN -50081-1 Residential emissions
EN -50082-2 Industrial immunity
EN 55022 Driven emissions: Class B / Radiated emissions: Class B
EN 61000-4-6 Immunity to RF fields coupled to cables (common mode): 10 V
EN 61000-4-8 Immunity to magnetic fields and grid frequency: 30 A/m


3 / 4 Wire Connection (LV) 3 Wire Connection (MV)

3 Wire Connection (MV) Direct metering

Multi-functional electric energy meters Q .1
Digital multi-function three-phase meter


Communication COM1

Communication COM2
Class (active/reactive)

Input / Output relays

Measuring range A
Measuring range V

Input impulses



1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - RS232 - CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-10C0 Q1C521

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - RS485 - CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-20C0 Q1C525

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - ETHERNET - CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-30C0 Q1C52D

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - RS232 RS232 CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-70C0 Q1C52W

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - RS485 RS485 CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-80C0 Q1C52U

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - RS232 RS485 CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-90C0 Q1C52T

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-A0C0 Q1C52V

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - RS232 - CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-10C0 Q1C511

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - RS485 - CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-20C0 Q1C515

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - ETHERNET - CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-30C0 Q1C51D

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - RS232 RS232 CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-70C0 Q1C51W

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - RS485 RS485 CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-80C0 Q1C51U

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - RS232 RS485 CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-90C0 Q1C51T

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-A0C0 Q1C51V

4 quadrants - Energy generation

1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - RS232 - CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-10C1 Q1C421

1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - RS485 - CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-20C1 Q1C425
1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - ETHERNET - CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-30C1 Q1C42D
1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - RS232 RS232 CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-70C1 Q1C42W
1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - RS485 RS485 CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-80C1 Q1C42U
1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - RS232 RS485 CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-90C1 Q1C42T
1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A - - RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-A0C1 Q1C42V
1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - RS232 - CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-10C1 Q1C411
1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - RS485 - CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-20C1 Q1C415
1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - ETHERNET - CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-30C1 Q1C41D
1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - RS232 RS232 CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-70C1 Q1C41W
1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - RS485 RS485 CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-80C1 Q1C41U
1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - RS232 RS485 CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-90C1 Q1C41T
1/2 4 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A - - RS232 ETHERNET CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-A0C1 Q1C41V
Inputs / outputs
1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A 4/3 Opto RS232 - CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-14C0 Q1C522
1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A 4/3 Rele RS232 - CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-15C0 Q1C523
1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A 4/3 Opto RS485 - CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-24C0 Q1C526
1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V 10 (100)A 4/3 Rele RS485 - CIRWATT C 410-UD1C-25C0 Q1C527

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A 4/3 Opto RS232 - CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-14C0 Q1C512

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A 4/3 Rele RS232 - CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-15C0 Q1C513

1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A 4/3 Opto RS485 - CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-24C0 Q1C516
1/2 2 3x57/110 V a 3x230/400 V /5A 4/3 Rele RS485 - CIRWATT C 410-UT5C-25C0 Q1C517

Q .1 Multi-functional electric energy meters

High-performance, multi-function static meter

Description Features

High-accuracy meter, metering in 4 quad- Power supply circuit Self-powered

rants and offering the maximum program- Nominal voltage Depending on the type
ming and communications flexibility, in order Consumption < 2 W / 10 VA
to cater for any type of requirement. The best Frequency 50 or 60 Hz (depending on the type)
option for large-scale consumers. The meter Operating temperature - 20 C ... + 60 C
has an LCD display with 3 lines, where all pa- Metering circuit
rameters are displayed on 2 buttons.
Connection 3 or 4 wires from the same unit
3x63.5/110 V, 3x110/190 V, 3x127/220 V,
The main display shows the following visual Reference voltages
3x230/400 V (depending on the type)
indicators in standby mode: Frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Current circuit
}}Energy direction
Nominal base currents .../5 or .../1 A (indirect reading)
}}Reactive capacitive / reactive
Maximum current 10 or 2 A (2 x In) (indirect reading)
}}Quadrant being used
}}Phases activated and their direction
Active Energy Class 1 (IEC 61036); Class 0.2S or 0.5S (IEC 60687)
}}Active rate per contract
Reactive Energy Class 0,5 or 1 (IEC 61268); Class 2 (61268)

The meter also has 3 alarms to indicate the Data memory FLASH (non-volatile memory)
status of the contact or the installation: criti- Events: 512 records / Billing closing: 64 /
Capacity Load curve: 213 days / 2nd programmable
cal, non-critical and battery. load curve: 5,120 records
Clock maintenance battery Lithium

Application Working Life 10 years (50% load)

Operation with no battery or voltage Maximum 24 hours
It has been specially designed for installa-
tions that require: billing by contract, dual Type Grid frequency / quartz oscillator

load profile or various remote metering sys- Quartz oscillator drift < 0.5 s/day at 25 C
tems operating in parallel. It adapts to the Digital inputs (on demand) 3 inputs (60...300 Vac)
needs of each client, thanks to the many dif- 3 mechanical relay outputs (up to 400 Vac)
Digital outputs (on demand)
optoMOS (depending on the type)
ferent communications ports and protocols.
Verification LED output

}}RS-232 - RS-232 20 000 impulses / kWh or kvarh, in

terms of secondary values
}}RS-232 - RS-485
Optical interface IEC-61107 - Reading / Programming
COM 1 RS-232 - Reading / Programming
COM 2 RS-232 / RS-485 - Reading
Protocols IEC-870-5-102, Modbus-RTU, IEC-61107

Build features
Enclosure In compliance with DIN 43859
Weight 2.2 kg

Multi-functional electric energy meters Q .1
CIRWATT D Dimensions
High-performance, multi-function static meter


IEC 60687 Static active energy meters for ac, Class 0.5S, 0.2S
IEC 61036 Static active energy meters for ac, Class 1
IEC 61268 Static reactive energy meters for ac, Class1 and 2
EN-50081-1 Residential emissions
EN-50082-2 Industrial immunity
EN 55022 Driven emissions: Class B / Radiated emissions: Class B
EN 61000-4-6 Immunity to RF fields coupled to cables (common mode): 10 V
EN 61000-4-8 Immunity to magnetic fields and grid frequency: 30 A/m


3 / 4 Wire Connection (LV) 3 Wire Connection (MV)

3 Wire Connection (MV) 3 ARON Wire Connection (MV)

Q .1 Multi-functional electric energy meters

High-performance, multi-function static meter


OptoMOS Input / Output

Relay Input / Output

Metering range A
Metering range V
Consumer type




TYPE code

2 0.5S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A - - RS232 RS232 CIRWATT D 405-MT5A-10D Q1D251

2 0.5S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A - - RS232 RS485 CIRWATT D 405-MT5A-20D Q1D255

2 0.5S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A - 3/4 RS232 RS232 CIRWATT D 405-MT5A-15D Q1D253

2 0.5S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A 3/4 - RS232 RS232 CIRWATT D 405-MT5A-14D Q1D252

2 0.5S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A - 3/4 RS232 RS485 CIRWATT D 405-MT5A-25D Q1D257

2 0.5S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A 3/4 - RS232 RS485 CIRWATT D 405-MT5A-24D Q1D256

1 0.2S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A - - RS232 RS232 CIRWATT D 402-MT5A-10D Q1D051

1 0.2S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A - - RS232 RS485 CIRWATT D 402-MT5A-20D Q1D055

1 0.2S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A - 3/4 RS232 RS232 CIRWATT D 402-MT5A-15D Q1D053

1 0.2S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A 3/4 - RS232 RS232 CIRWATT D 402-MT5A-14D Q1D052

1 0.2S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A - 3/4 RS232 RS485 CIRWATT D 402-MT5A-25D Q1D057

1 0.2S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A 3/4 - RS232 RS485 CIRWATT D 402-MT5A-24D Q1D056

Indicate: Distribution, area, hourly discrimination and current transformer ratio, if applicable.

Three-phase meters with additional features


2 0.5S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A - - RS232 Ether. CIRWATT D 405-MT5A-30D Q1D25E

1 0.2S 4 3x63.5/110 V ... / 5 A RS232 Ether. CIRWATT D 402-MT5A-30D Q1D05E

FOR OTHER CONFIGURATIONS (inputs, outputs and other communications), PLEASE ASK

Multi-functional electric energy meters Q .1

Concentrator for PLC systems

Description Features

The product proposed by CIRCUTOR, General

S.A as the lead device for reading energy Reference voltage 3x230/400 V or 3x127/220 (3/4 wires)
meters with PLC communications - either
Operating limit voltage 440 V during 6 hours
three-phase or single-phase - connected to
the low-voltage mains, and normally located Reference frequency 50 Hz
within a substation - either interior or exterior
Minimum temperature - 25 C
- is the PLC-800 concentrator.
Maximum temperature + 70 C, 95 % of relative humidity

This device can connect to different commu- IP protection IP 51

nications systems, such as PLC (Power Line
Clock Automatic daily synchronisation
Carrier), Ethernet, GSM and GPRS. These
communications offer different options to the Type SD (512 Mb)
Memory 1,000 meters
PLC800 concentrator, so that it can com- 20 years without maintenance
municate with the concentrator, either with
1 Ethernet port
the purpose of configuring the concentrator Communications 2 USB ports
1 GSM/GPRS modem port
or to send the information automatically to a
server. Display Colour LCD

Buttons 2 buttons for navigating through screens


The main objective is to gather the data from It is a Plug&Play system, so that the meters
the meters through PLC communications, are detected automatically by the concentra-
i.e., through the power grid. tor when they are installed in the grid. The
concentrator then starts to download all data
The installation of the PLC-800 must be the in the memory of the meters, including en-
header of the distribution line, near the me- ergy load curves, events and billing closing,
dium voltage transformer, connected to the up to the current date. On the other hand, the
low voltage line. The unit has a colour screen, PLC-800 uses different routines that, for ex-
which can be used to configure the different ample, send the data downloaded from the
communication parameters and data related meters every day to an FTP server, adding
to the files stored, as well as to display a list the new file with the daily energy summary
of the meters that are connected correctly; or of all meters
with a deviation of more than 6 hours, or a dif-
ference of 24 h, identified by different colours.

Q .1 Multi-functional electric energy meters

PLC-800 Dimensions
Concentrator for PLC systems


Metering voltage

Number of PLC
Power supply

Ethernet Port
3x230/400 V
voltage 127

USB Ports
... 230 Vac


Type Code
A 1 2 1 PLC800-U-1-2M00-12-0 Q45210

B 1 2 1 PLC800-U-1-4M00-12-0 Q45310

A 2 2 1 PLC800-U-1-2M2M-12-0 Q45211


Transf 1

Transf 2


Multi-functional electric energy meters Q .1
Relation between products and accessories
Converters TRMC Modem LOC LM4-PLC Software

Communications Management and

Current transformers GSM, RTC, protector Optical reader Impulse concentrator
converters control Software
See M.5 See Q.3 See Q.3 See Q.3 See Q.3 See Q.3

- - -

- - -



- - - -

Q .1 Multi-functional electric energy meters


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