Call Number
A - General Works (13,068)
A - General Works|AC1 - AC999 Collections. Series. Collected works (1,857)
A - General Works|AC1 - AC999 Collections. Series. Collected works|AC1 - AC195 Collections of monographs, essays, etc. (1,774)
A - General Works|AC1 - AC999 Collections. Series. Collected works|AC1 - AC195 Collections of monographs, essays, etc.|AC1 - AC8 American and English (252)
A - General Works|AC1 - AC999 Collections. Series. Collected works|AC1 - AC195 Collections of monographs, essays, etc.|AC9 - AC195 Other languages (1,255)
A - General Works|AC1 - AC999 Collections. Series. Collected works|AC801 - AC895 Inaugural and program dissertations (17)
A - General Works|AC1 - AC999 Collections. Series. Collected works|AC901 - AC995 Pamphlet collections (64)
A - General Works|AE1 - AE88 Encyclopedias (305)
A - General Works|AE1 - AE88 Encyclopedias|AE5 - AE88 By language (209)
A - General Works|AG2 - AG600 Dictionaries and other general reference works (283)
A - General Works|AI1 - AI21 Indexes (141)
A - General Works|AM1 - AM401 Museums. Collectors and collecting (1,147)
A - General Works|AM1 - AM401 Museums. Collectors and collecting|AM10 - AM100 By country (502)
A - General Works|AM1 - AM401 Museums. Collectors and collecting|AM111 - AM160 Museology. Museum methods, technique, etc. (124)
A - General Works|AM1 - AM401 Museums. Collectors and collecting|AM200 - AM401 Collectors and collecting (93)
A - General Works|AN - Newspapers (48)
A - General Works|AP1 - AP230 Periodicals (1,463)
A - General Works|AP1 - AP230 Periodicals|AP101 - AP115 Humorous periodicals (52)
A - General Works|AP1 - AP230 Periodicals|AP200 - AP230 Juvenile periodicals (48)
A - General Works|AS1 - AS945 Academies and learned societies (5,470)
A - General Works|AS1 - AS945 Academies and learned societies|AS11 - AS785 By region or country (5,189)
A - General Works|AS1 - AS945 Academies and learned societies|AS2.5 - AS4 International associations, congresses, conferences, etc. (16)
A - General Works|AY10 - AY2001 Yearbooks. Almanacs. Directories (696)
A - General Works|AY10 - AY2001 Yearbooks. Almanacs. Directories|AY10 - AY29 Annuals (204)
A - General Works|AY10 - AY2001 Yearbooks. Almanacs. Directories|AY30 - AY1730 Almanacs (491)
A - General Works|AZ101 - AZ999 History of scholarship and learning. The humanities (839)
A - General Works|AZ101 - AZ999 History of scholarship and learning. The humanities|AZ101 - AZ111 Philosophy. Theory (145)
A - General Works|AZ101 - AZ999 History of scholarship and learning. The humanities|AZ191 - AZ193 Evaluation (5)
A - General Works|AZ101 - AZ999 History of scholarship and learning. The humanities|AZ200 - AZ361 History (329)
A - General Works|AZ101 - AZ999 History of scholarship and learning. The humanities|AZ501 - AZ908 By region or country (235)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (325,170)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|B1 - B5802 Philosophy (General) (38,106)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|B1 - B5802 Philosophy (General)|B108 - B5802 By period (32,937)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|B1 - B5802 Philosophy (General)|B108 - B5802 By period|B108 - B708 Ancient (6,391)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|B1 - B5802 Philosophy (General)|B108 - B5802 By period|B720 - B765 Medieval (1,966)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|B1 - B5802 Philosophy (General)|B108 - B5802 By period|B770 - B785 Renaissance (331)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|B1 - B5802 Philosophy (General)|B108 - B5802 By period|B790 - B5802 Modern (22,414)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|B1 - B5802 Philosophy (General)|B108 - B5802 By period|B790 - B5802 Modern|B5800 - B5802 By religion (60)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|B1 - B5802 Philosophy (General)|B108 - B5802 By period|B790 - B5802 Modern|B808 - B849 Special topics and schools of philosophy (3,114)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|B1 - B5802 Philosophy (General)|B108 - B5802 By period|B790 - B5802 Modern|B850 - B5739 By region or country (18,373)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|B1 - B5802 Philosophy (General)|B69 - B99 General works (407)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BC1 - BC199 Logic (1,270)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BC1 - BC199 Logic|BC11 - BC39 History (170)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BC1 - BC199 Logic|BC11 - BC39 History|BC25 - BC39 By period (131)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BC1 - BC199 Logic|BC171 - BC199 Special topics (334)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BC1 - BC199 Logic|BC60 - BC99 General works (323)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BD10 - BD701 Speculative philosophy (6,128)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BD10 - BD701 Speculative philosophy|BD10 - BD41 General philosophical works (213)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BD10 - BD701 Speculative philosophy|BD143 - BD237 Epistomology. Theory of knowledge (1,863)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BD10 - BD701 Speculative philosophy|BD240 - BD260 Methodology (270)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BD10 - BD701 Speculative philosophy|BD300 - BD450 Ontology (1,862)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BD10 - BD701 Speculative philosophy|BD493 - BD701 Cosmology (841)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BD10 - BD701 Speculative philosophy|BD95 - BD131 Metaphysics (325)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology (17,970)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF173 - BF175.5 Psychoanalysis (1,431)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF176 - BF176.5 Psychological tests and testing (72)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF180 - BF198.7 Experimental psychology (75)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF207 - BF209 Psychotropic drugs and other substances (9)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF231 - BF299 Sensation. Aesthesiology (355)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF309 - BF499 Consciousness. Cognition (3,986)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF38 - BF64 Philosophy. Relation to other topics (592)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF501 - BF505 Motivation (177)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF511 - BF593 Affection. Feeling. Emotion (1,875)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF608 - BF635 Will. Volition. Choice. Control (217)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF636 - BF637 Applied psychology (101)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF638 - BF648 New Thought. Menticulture, etc. (50)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF660 - BF685 Comparative psychology. Animal and human psychology (52)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF692 - BF692.5 Psychology of sex. Sexual behavior (226)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF697 - BF697.5 Differential psychology. Individuality. Self (295)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF698 - BF698.9 Personality (609)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF699 - BF711 Genetic psychology (97)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF712 - BF724.85 Developmental psychology (2,024)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF725 - BF727 Class psychology (1)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF795 - BF839 Temperament. Character (84)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF839.8 - BF885 Physiognomy. Phrenology (166)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF889 - BF905 Graphology. Study of handwriting (28)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1 - BF990 Psychology|BF908 - BF940 The hand. Palmistry (39)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1001 - BF1389 Parapsychology (1,759)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1001 - BF1389 Parapsychology|BF1001 - BF1045 Psychic research. Psychology of the conscious (485)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1001 - BF1389 Parapsychology|BF1048 - BF1108 Hallucinations. Sleep. Dreaming. Visions (329)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1001 - BF1389 Parapsychology|BF1111 - BF1156 Hypnotism. Suggestion. Mesmerism. Subliminal projection (273)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1001 - BF1389 Parapsychology|BF1228 - BF1389 Spiritualism (519)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1404 - BF2055 Occult sciences (2,699)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1404 - BF2055 Occult sciences|BF1444 - BF1486 Ghosts. Apparitions. Hauntings (158)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1404 - BF2055 Occult sciences|BF1501 - BF1562 Demonology. Satanism. Possession (223)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1404 - BF2055 Occult sciences|BF1562.5 - BF1584 Witchcraft (471)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1404 - BF2055 Occult sciences|BF1585 - BF1623 Magic. Hermetics. Necromancy (381)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1404 - BF2055 Occult sciences|BF1651 - BF1729 Astrology (320)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1404 - BF2055 Occult sciences|BF1745 - BF1779 Oracles. Sibyls. Divinations (180)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1404 - BF2055 Occult sciences|BF1783 - BF1815 Seers. Prophets. Prophecies (50)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1404 - BF2055 Occult sciences|BF1845 - BF1891 Fortune-telling (50)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BF1404 - BF2055 Occult sciences|BF2050 - BF2055 Human-alien encounters. Contact between humans and extraterrestrials (18)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BH1 - BH301 Aesthetics (1,325)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BH1 - BH301 Aesthetics|BH81 - BH208 History (340)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BJ1 - BJ1725 Ethics (7,837)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BJ1 - BJ1725 Ethics|BJ1188 - BJ1295 Religious ethics (1,737)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BJ1 - BJ1725 Ethics|BJ1298 - BJ1335 Evolutionary and genetic ethics (67)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BJ1 - BJ1725 Ethics|BJ1365 - BJ1385 Positivist ethics (1)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BJ1 - BJ1725 Ethics|BJ1390 - BJ1390.5 Communist ethics (35)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BJ1 - BJ1725 Ethics|BJ1518 - BJ1697 Individual ethics. Character. Virtue (1,895)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BJ1 - BJ1725 Ethics|BJ71 - BJ1185 History and general works (1,766)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BJ1801 - BJ2195 Social usages. Etiquette (406)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BJ1801 - BJ2195 Social usages. Etiquette|BJ2021 - BJ2078 Etiquette of entertaining (32)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism (26,572)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL1 - BL50 Religion (General) (2,149)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL175 - BL265 Natural theology (1,339)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL175 - BL265 Natural theology|BL175 - BL190 General (145)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL175 - BL265 Natural theology|BL205 - BL216 Nature and attributes of Deity (54)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL175 - BL265 Natural theology|BL224 - BL227 Creation. Theory of the Earth (34)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL175 - BL265 Natural theology|BL239 - BL265 Religion and science (865)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL2700 - BL2790 Rationalism (852)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL300 - BL325 The myth. Comparative mythology (330)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL350 - BL385 Classification of religions (14)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL425 - BL490 Religious doctrines (General) (767)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL425 - BL490 Religious doctrines (General)|BL435 - BL457 Nature worship (81)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL425 - BL490 Religious doctrines (General)|BL465 - BL470 Worship of human beings (24)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL425 - BL490 Religious doctrines (General)|BL473 - BL490 Other (397)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL500 - BL547 Eschatology (268)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL51 - BL65 Philosophy of religion. Psychology of religion. Religion in relation to other subjects (1,877)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL550 - BL619 Worship. Cultus (429)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL624 - BL629.5 Religious life (681)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL630 - BL632 Religious organization (16)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions (14,290)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental (10,437)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1050 - BL1060 By region (75)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism (5,558)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism|BL1100 - BL1107.5 General (48)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism|BL1108.19 - BL1108.7 Religious education (4)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism|BL1109.19 - BL1109.7 Antiquities. Archaeology. Inscriptions (1)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism|BL1111 - BL1143.2 Sacred books. Sources (1,663)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism|BL1145 - BL1146 Hindu literature (3)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism|BL1153.69 - BL1168 By region or country (35)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism|BL1212.32 - BL1215 Doctrines. Theology (131)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism|BL1216 - BL1225 Hindu pantheon. Deities (303)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism|BL1225.2 - BL1243.58 Religious life (639)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism|BL1243.72 - BL1243.78 Monasteries. Temples, etc. (164)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism|BL1271.2 - BL1295 Modifications. Sects (767)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1100 - BL1295 Hinduism|BL1271.2 - BL1295 Modifications. Sects|BL1284.5 - BL1289.59 Vaishnavism (263)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1300 - BL1380 Jainism (516)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1300 - BL1380 Jainism|BL1310 - BL1314.2 Sacred books. Sources (90)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1300 - BL1380 Jainism|BL1315 - BL1317 Jain literature (20)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1300 - BL1380 Jainism|BL1375.3 - BL1375.7 Jaina pantheon. Deities (3)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1300 - BL1380 Jainism|BL1376 - BL1378.85 Forms of worship (58)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1500 - BL1590 Zoroastrianism (Mazdeism). Parseeism (190)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1600 - BL1695 Semitic religions (193)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1600 - BL1695 Semitic religions|BL1600 - BL1605 General (26)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1600 - BL1695 Semitic religions|BL1615 - BL1616 Sumerian (16)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1600 - BL1695 Semitic religions|BL1620 - BL1625 Assyro-Babylonian (30)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1600 - BL1695 Semitic religions|BL1640 - BL1645 Syrian. Palestinian. Samaritan (20)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1600 - BL1695 Semitic religions|BL1660 - BL1665 Phoenician. Carthaginian, etc. (2)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1600 - BL1695 Semitic religions|BL1670 - BL1672 Canaanite (19)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1600 - BL1695 Semitic religions|BL1680 - BL1685 Arabian (except Islam) (4)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1750 - BL2350 By region or country (3,563)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1750 - BL2350 By region or country|BL1790 - BL1975 China (1,285)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1750 - BL2350 By region or country|BL1790 - BL1975 China|BL1830 - BL1883 Confucianism (155)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1750 - BL2350 By region or country|BL1790 - BL1975 China|BL1899 - BL1942.85 Taoism (676)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1750 - BL2350 By region or country|BL2000 - BL2032 India (1,002)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1750 - BL2350 By region or country|BL2000 - BL2032 India|BL2017 - BL2018.7 Sikhism (466)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1750 - BL2350 By region or country|BL2195 - BL2228 Japan (758)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1750 - BL2350 By region or country|BL2195 - BL2228 Japan|BL2216 - BL2227.8 Shinto (324)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL1000 - BL2370 Asian. Oriental|BL1750 - BL2350 By region or country|BL2230 - BL2240 Korea (225)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL2390 - BL2490 African (690)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL2390 - BL2490 African|BL2420 - BL2460 Egyptian (258)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL2500 - BL2592 American (1,033)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL2600 - BL2630 Pacific Ocean Islands. Oceania (60)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL689 - BL980 European. Occidental (1,434)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL689 - BL980 European. Occidental|BL700 - BL820 Classical (Etruscan, Greek, Roman) (883)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL689 - BL980 European. Occidental|BL830 - BL875 Germanic and Norse (87)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL660 - BL2680 History and principles of religions|BL689 - BL980 European. Occidental|BL900 - BL980 Other European (167)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL70 - BL71 Sacred books (General) (15)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL71.5 - BL73 Biography (68)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BL1 - BL2790 Religions. Mythology. Rationalism|BL74 - BL99 Religions of the world (863)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BM1 - BM990 Judaism (11,854)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BM1 - BM990 Judaism|BM1 - BM449 General (2,690)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BM1 - BM990 Judaism|BM1 - BM449 General|BM150 - BM449 History (1,512)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BM1 - BM990 Judaism|BM1 - BM449 General|BM150 - BM449 History|BM201 - BM449 By region or country (380)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BM1 - BM990 Judaism|BM1 - BM449 General|BM70 - BM135 Study and teaching (192)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BM1 - BM990 Judaism|BM480 - BM488.8 Pre-Talmudic Jewish literature (non-Biblical) (479)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BM1 - BM990 Judaism|BM495 - BM532 Sources of Jewish religion. Rabbinical literature (2,405)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc. (23,477)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam (22,529)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP1 - BP68 General (3,199)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP1 - BP68 General|BP42 - BP48 Study and teaching (232)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP1 - BP68 General|BP50 - BP68 History (1,994)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP100 - BP137 Sacred books (3,949)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP100 - BP137 Sacred books|BP100 - BP134 Koran (2,197)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP160 - BP165 General works on Islam (1,105)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP166 - BP166.94 Theology (Kalam) (1,732)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP170.3 - BP170.5 Missionary work of Islam (7)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP171 - BP173 Relation of Islam to other religions (624)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP173.25 - BP173.45 Islamic sociology (402)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP174 - BP190 The practice of Islam (3,655)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP174 - BP190 The practice of Islam|BP176 - BP181 The five duties of a Moslem. Pillars of Islam (131)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP174 - BP190 The practice of Islam|BP184 - BP184.9 Religious ceremonies, rites, etc. (187)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP174 - BP190 The practice of Islam|BP186 - BP186.97 Special days and seasons, fasts, feasts, festivals, etc. (75)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP174 - BP190 The practice of Islam|BP187 - BP187.9 Shrines, sacred places, etc. (334)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP174 - BP190 The practice of Islam|BP188 - BP190 Islamic religious life (2,370)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP174 - BP190 The practice of Islam|BP188 - BP190 Islamic religious life|BP188.2 - BP188.3 Devotional literature (20)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP174 - BP190 The practice of Islam|BP188 - BP190 Islamic religious life|BP188.45 - BP189.65 Sufism. Mysticism. Dervishes (1,542)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP174 - BP190 The practice of Islam|BP188 - BP190 Islamic religious life|BP189.68 - BP189.7 Monasticism (12)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP191 - BP253 Branches, sects, etc. (1,789)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP70 - BP80 Biography (1,008)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP70 - BP80 Biography|BP75 - BP77.75 Muhammad, Prophet, d. 632 (758)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP1 - BP253 Islam|BP87 - BP89 Islamic literature (125)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP300 - BP395 Bahai Faith (174)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP500 - BP585 Theosophy (103)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP595 - BP597 Anthroposophy (86)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BP1 - BP610 Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.|BP600 - BP610 Other beliefs and movements (498)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism (8,406)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ1001 - BQ1045 Buddhist literature (131)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ1100 - BQ3340 Tripitaka (Canonical literature) (1,041)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ251 - BQ799 History (1,315)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4000 - BQ4060 General works (271)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4061 - BQ4570 Doctrinal and systematic Buddhism (495)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4600 - BQ4610 Relation to other religious and philosophical systems (11)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4620 - BQ4905 Buddhist pantheon (126)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4911 - BQ5720 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship (391)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4911 - BQ5720 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship|BQ4965 - BQ5030 Ceremonies and rites. Ceremonial rules (55)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4911 - BQ5720 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship|BQ5035 - BQ5065 Hymns. Chants. Recitations (8)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4911 - BQ5720 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship|BQ5070 - BQ5075 Altar, liturgical objects, ornaments, memorials, etc. (3)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4911 - BQ5720 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship|BQ5080 - BQ5085 Vestments, altar cloths, etc. (1)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4911 - BQ5720 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship|BQ5100 - BQ5125 Symbols and symbolism (15)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4911 - BQ5720 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship|BQ5130 - BQ5137 Temple. Temple organization (7)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4911 - BQ5720 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship|BQ5140 - BQ5355 Buddhist ministry. Priesthood. Organization (30)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4911 - BQ5720 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship|BQ5360 - BQ5680 Religious life (209)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ4911 - BQ5720 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship|BQ5700 - BQ5720 Festivals. Days and seasons (2)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ840 - BQ999 Biography (538)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ840 - BQ999 Biography|BQ860 - BQ999 Individual (510)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BQ1 - BQ9800 Buddhism|BQ840 - BQ999 Biography|BQ860 - BQ999 Individual|BQ860 - BQ939 Gautama Buddha (150)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BR1 - BR1725 Christianity (29,111)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BR1 - BR1725 Christianity|BR140 - BR1510 History (12,774)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BR1 - BR1725 Christianity|BR140 - BR1510 History|BR160 - BR481 By period (4,376)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BR1 - BR1725 Christianity|BR140 - BR1510 History|BR500 - BR1510 By region or country (7,176)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BR1 - BR1725 Christianity|BR1690 - BR1725 Biography (897)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BR1 - BR1725 Christianity|BR60 - BR67 Early Christian literature. Fathers of the Church, etc. (3,650)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BS1 - BS2970 The Bible (34,805)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BS1 - BS2970 The Bible|BS11 - BS115 Early versions (208)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BS1 - BS2970 The Bible|BS125 - BS355 Modern texts and versions (866)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BS1 - BS2970 The Bible|BS1901 - BS2970 New Testament (11,666)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BS1 - BS2970 The Bible|BS1901 - BS2970 New Testament|BS2280 - BS2545 Works about the New Testament (2,819)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BS1 - BS2970 The Bible|BS1901 - BS2970 New Testament|BS2547 - BS2970 Special parts of the New Testament (7,803)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BS1 - BS2970 The Bible|BS410 - BS680 Works about the Bible (10,974)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BS1 - BS2970 The Bible|BS701 - BS1830 Old Testament (9,973)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology (19,415)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT1029 - BT1040 Catechisms (43)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT1095 - BT1255 Apologetics. Evidences of Christianity (561)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT1313 - BT1480 History of specific doctrines and movements. Heresies and schisms (645)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT19 - BT37 Doctrine and dogma (927)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT198 - BT590 Christology (4,010)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT595 - BT680 Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ. Mariology (688)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT695 - BT749 Creation (2,874)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT750 - BT811 Salvation. Soteriology (1,709)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT819 - BT891 Eschatology. Last things (835)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT899 - BT940 Future state. Future life (192)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT93 - BT93.6 Judaism (70)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT95 - BT97.2 Divine law. Moral government (86)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT960 - BT985 Invisible world (Saints, demons, etc.) (190)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT98 - BT180 God (2,348)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BT10 - BT1480 Doctrinal Theology|BT990 - BT1010 Creeds, confessions, covenants, etc. (237)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology (28,454)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV2000 - BV3705 Missions (4,852)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV2000 - BV3705 Missions|BV2123 - BV2595 Special churches (1,198)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV2000 - BV3705 Missions|BV2610 - BV2695 Special types of missions (247)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV2000 - BV3705 Missions|BV2750 - BV3695 Missions in individual countries (2,341)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV3750 - BV3799 Evangelism. Revivals (881)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV4000 - BV4470 Pastoral theology (5,347)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV4485 - BV5099 Practical religion. The Christian life (6,142)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV5 - BV530 Worship (Public and private) (4,643)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV5 - BV530 Worship (Public and private)|BV150 - BV168 Christian symbols and symbolism (155)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV5 - BV530 Worship (Public and private)|BV169 - BV199 Liturgy and ritual (849)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV5 - BV530 Worship (Public and private)|BV205 - BV287 Prayer (996)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV5 - BV530 Worship (Public and private)|BV30 - BV135 Times and seasons. The Church year (493)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV5 - BV530 Worship (Public and private)|BV301 - BV530 Hymnology (1,529)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV590 - BV1652 Ecclesiastical theology (6,335)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV590 - BV1652 Ecclesiastical theology|BV1460 - BV1615 Religious education (General) (1,176)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV590 - BV1652 Ecclesiastical theology|BV1620 - BV1652 Social life, recreation, etc. in the church (23)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV590 - BV1652 Ecclesiastical theology|BV659 - BV683 Ministry. Clergy. Religious vocations (538)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV590 - BV1652 Ecclesiastical theology|BV700 - BV707 Parish. Congregation. The local church (35)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV590 - BV1652 Ecclesiastical theology|BV800 - BV873 Sacraments. Ordinances (1,233)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV590 - BV1652 Ecclesiastical theology|BV895 - BV896 Shrines. Holy places (9)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BV1 - BV5099 Practical Theology|BV590 - BV1652 Ecclesiastical theology|BV900 - BV1450 Religious societies, associations, etc. (167)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations (63,874)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX1 - BX9.5 Church unity. Ecumenical movement. Interdenominational cooperation (911)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX100 - BX189 Eastern churches. Oriental churches (974)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX200 - BX756 Orthodox Eastern Church (2,812)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism (31,834)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX4872 - BX4924 Pre-Reformation (267)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX4929 - BX4951 Post-Reformation (219)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX5001 - BX5009 Anglican Communion (General) (151)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX5011 - BX5207 Church of England (4,917)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX5800 - BX5995 Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America (1,250)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX5996 - BX6030 Protestant Episcopal Church outside the United States (24)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6051 - BX6093 Reformed Episcopal Church (7)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations (22,622)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX6101 - BX6193 Adventists (125)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX6195 - BX6197 Arminians. Remonstrants (66)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX6201 - BX6495 Baptists (1,661)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX6551 - BX6593 Catholic Apostolic Church. Irvingites (15)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX6651 - BX6693 Christadelphians. Brothers of Christ (3)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX6751 - BX6793 Christian Church (11)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX6801 - BX6843 Christian Reformed Church (20)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX6901 - BX6997 Christian Science (114)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX7020 - BX7060 Church of God (43)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX7079 - BX7097 Churches of God (4)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX7101 - BX7260 Congregationalism (752)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX7301 - BX7343 Disciples of Christ. Campbellites (147)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX7401 - BX7430 Dowieism. Christian Catholic Church (2)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX7451 - BX7493 Evangelical and Reformed Church (18)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX7580 - BX7583 Free Congregations (Germany). Freie Gemeinden (6)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX7601 - BX7795 Friends. Society of Friends. Quakers (1,456)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX7801 - BX7843 German Baptist Brethren. Church of the Brethren. Dunkards (59)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX7901 - BX7943 German Evangelical Synod of North America (1)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX8001 - BX8080 Lutheran churches (1,348)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX8101 - BX8144 Mennonites (434)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX8201 - BX8495 Methodism (6,400)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX8525 - BX8528 Millennial Dawnists. Jehovah's Witnesses (101)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX8551 - BX8593 Moravian Church. United Brethren. Unitas Fratrum. Herrnhuters (159)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX8601 - BX8695 Mormons. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (585)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX8701 - BX8749 New Jerusalem Church. New Church. Swedenborgianism (146)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX8762 - BX8785 Pentecostal churches (184)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX8799 - BX8809 Plymouth Brethren. Darbyites (20)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX8901 - BX9225 Presbyterianism. Calvinistic Methodism (2,093)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX9301 - BX9359 Puritanism (192)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX9401 - BX9640 Reformed or Calvinistic Churches (1,442)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX9701 - BX9743 Salvation Army (49)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX9751 - BX9793 Shakers. United Society of Believers. Millennial Church (105)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX9801 - BX9869 Unitarianism (439)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX9875 - BX9877.1 United Brethren in Christ. Church of the United Brethren in Christ (33)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX9881 - BX9882.95 United Church of Canada (18)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX9884 - BX9886 United Church of Christ (37)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX4800 - BX9999 Protestantism|BX6101 - BX9999 Other Protestant denominations|BX9901 - BX9969 Universalism. Universalists (146)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX800 - BX4795 Catholic Church (27,219)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX800 - BX4795 Catholic Church|BX2400 - BX4563 Monasticism. Religious orders (4,373)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX800 - BX4795 Catholic Church|BX4600 - BX4644 Churches, cathedrals, abbeys (as parish churches), etc. (187)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX800 - BX4795 Catholic Church|BX4650 - BX4750 Biography and portraits (5,478)
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion|BX1 - BX9999 Christian Denominations|BX800 - BX4795 Catholic Church|BX4716.4 - BX4795 Dissenting sects other than Protestant (29)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History (20,614)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|C1 - C51 Auxiliary Sciences of History (General) (85)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CB3 - CB482 History of Civilization (3,690)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CB3 - CB482 History of Civilization|CB158 - CB161 Forecasts of future progress (67)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CB3 - CB482 History of Civilization|CB195 - CB281 Civilization and race (760)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CB3 - CB482 History of Civilization|CB305 - CB430 By period (1,614)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CB3 - CB482 History of Civilization|CB440 - CB482 Relation to special topics (201)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CC1 - CC960 Archaeology (1,959)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CC1 - CC960 Archaeology|CC135 - CC137 Preservation, restoration, and conservation of antiquities. Antiquities and state (168)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CC1 - CC960 Archaeology|CC200 - CC260 Bells. Campanology. Cowbells (24)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CC1 - CC960 Archaeology|CC300 - CC350 Crosses (20)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CC1 - CC960 Archaeology|CC72 - CC81 Philosophy. Theory (693)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CC1 - CC960 Archaeology|CC83 - CC97 Study and teaching. Research (10)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CD1 - CD6471 Diplomatics. Archives. Seals (2,132)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CD1 - CD6471 Diplomatics. Archives. Seals|CD1 - CD511 Diplomatics (76)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CD1 - CD6471 Diplomatics. Archives. Seals|CD5001 - CD6471 Seals (176)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CD1 - CD6471 Diplomatics. Archives. Seals|CD921 - CD4280 Archives (1,858)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CE1 - CE97 Technical Chronology. Calendar (258)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CE1 - CE97 Technical Chronology. Calendar|CE21 - CE46 Ancient (81)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CE1 - CE97 Technical Chronology. Calendar|CE51 - CE85 Medieval and modern (98)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CE1 - CE97 Technical Chronology. Calendar|CE91 - CE92 Perpetual calendars. Century calendars, etc. (7)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CJ1 - CJ6661 Numismatics (1,209)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CJ1 - CJ6661 Numismatics|CJ1 - CJ4625 Coins (1,085)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CJ1 - CJ6661 Numismatics|CJ4801 - CJ5450 Tokens (26)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CJ1 - CJ6661 Numismatics|CJ5501 - CJ6661 Medals and medallions (98)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CN1 - CN1355 Inscriptions. Epigraphy (768)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CN1 - CN1355 Inscriptions. Epigraphy|CN120 - CN740 Ancient inscriptions (497)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CN1 - CN1355 Inscriptions. Epigraphy|CN750 - CN753 Early Christian inscriptions (3)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CN1 - CN1355 Inscriptions. Epigraphy|CN805 - CN865 By language (4)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CN1 - CN1355 Inscriptions. Epigraphy|CN870 - CN1355 By region or country (229)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CR1 - CR6305 Heraldry (989)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CR1 - CR6305 Heraldry|CR101 - CR115 Flags, banners, and standards (62)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CR1 - CR6305 Heraldry|CR1101 - CR1131 Ecclesiastical and sacred heraldry (7)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CR1 - CR6305 Heraldry|CR1179 - CR3395 Family heraldry (88)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CR1 - CR6305 Heraldry|CR191 - CR1020 Public and official heraldry (86)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CR1 - CR6305 Heraldry|CR3499 - CR4420 Titles of honor, rank, precedence, etc (53)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CR1 - CR6305 Heraldry|CR4480 - CR4485 Royalty. Insignia. Regalia, crown and coronets, etc. (8)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CR1 - CR6305 Heraldry|CR4501 - CR6305 Chivalry and knighthood (Orders, decorations, etc.) (504)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CR1 - CR6305 Heraldry|CR4501 - CR6305 Chivalry and knighthood (Orders, decorations, etc.)|CR4547 - CR4553 Ceremonials, pageants, tournaments, etc. (1)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CR1 - CR6305 Heraldry|CR4501 - CR6305 Chivalry and knighthood (Orders, decorations, etc.)|CR4571 - CR4595 Duels and dueling (36)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CR1 - CR6305 Heraldry|CR4501 - CR6305 Chivalry and knighthood (Orders, decorations, etc.)|CR4651 - CR6305 Orders, etc. (318)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CR1 - CR6305 Heraldry|CR51 - CR79 Crests, monograms, devices, badges, mottoes (35)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CS1 - CS3090 Genealogy (3,337)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CS1 - CS3090 Genealogy|CS23 - CS35 Genealogical lists, etc., covering more than one country or continent (24)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CS1 - CS3090 Genealogy|CS2300 - CS3090 Personal or family names (441)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CS1 - CS3090 Genealogy|CS38 - CS39 Family history covering more than one country (1)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CS1 - CS3090 Genealogy|CS42 - CS2209 By region or country (2,772)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CT21 - CT9999 Biography (5,510)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CT21 - CT9999 Biography|CT21 - CT22 Biography as an art or literary form (102)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CT21 - CT9999 Biography|CT210 - CT3150 National biography (3,838)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CT21 - CT9999 Biography|CT31 - CT83 History of biographical literature. Lives of biographers (54)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CT21 - CT9999 Biography|CT3200 - CT9999 Biography. By subject (776)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CT21 - CT9999 Biography|CT3200 - CT9999 Biography. By subject|CT3200 - CT3830 Biography of women (Collective) (485)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CT21 - CT9999 Biography|CT3200 - CT9999 Biography. By subject|CT9960 - CT9998 Other miscellaneous groups (59)
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History|CT21 - CT9999 Biography|CT93 - CT206 General collective biography (515)
D - History (General) and History of Europe (309,741)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General) (38,545)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D1 - D24.5 General (6,233)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D101 - D110.5 Medieval and modern history, 476- (242)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D111 - D203 Medieval history (2,044)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D205 - D472 Modern history, 1453- (3,247)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D205 - D472 Modern history, 1453-|D219 - D234 1453-1648 (195)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D205 - D472 Modern history, 1453-|D242 - D283.5 1601-1715. 17th century (401)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D205 - D472 Modern history, 1453-|D284 - D297 1715-1789. 18th century (240)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D205 - D472 Modern history, 1453-|D299 - D472 -1789 (1,998)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D205 - D472 Modern history, 1453-|D299 - D472 -1789|D301 - D309 Period of the French Revolution (50)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D205 - D472 Modern history, 1453-|D299 - D472 -1789|D351 - D400 19th century. 1801-1914/1920 (551)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D205 - D472 Modern history, 1453-|D299 - D472 -1789|D410 - D472 20th century (1,290)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D25 - D27 Military and naval history (175)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D31 - D34 Political and diplomatic history (94)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|D1 - D2009 History (General)|D51 - D90 Ancient history (764)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DA1 - DA995 History of Great Britain (26,639)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DA1 - DA995 History of Great Britain|DA10 - DA18.2 British Empire. Commonwealth of Nations. The Commonwealth (412)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DA1 - DA995 History of Great Britain|DA20 - DA690 England (18,950)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DA1 - DA995 History of Great Britain|DA20 - DA690 England|DA28 - DA592 History (14,177)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DA1 - DA995 History of Great Britain|DA20 - DA690 England|DA28 - DA592 History|DA129 - DA592 By period (11,171)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DA1 - DA995 History of Great Britain|DA20 - DA690 England|DA28 - DA592 History|DA129 - DA592 By period|DA129 - DA260 Early and medieval to 1485 (1,914)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DA1 - DA995 History of Great Britain|DA20 - DA690 England|DA28 - DA592 History|DA129 - DA592 By period|DA300 - DA592 Modern, 1485- (9,195)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DA1 - DA995 History of Great Britain|DA20 - DA690 England|DA600 - DA667 Description and travel. Guidebooks (763)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DA1 - DA995 History of Great Britain|DA20 - DA690 England|DA670 - DA690 Local history and description (3,090)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DA1 - DA995 History of Great Britain|DA700 - DA745 Wales (390)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DA1 - DA995 History of Great Britain|DA750 - DA890 Scotland (1,698)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DA1 - DA995 History of Great Britain|DA900 - DA995 Ireland (3,144)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DAW1001 - DAW1051 History of Central Europe (106)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DB1 - DB3150 History of Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechslovakia (3,400)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DB1 - DB3150 History of Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechslovakia|DB1 - DB879 Austria. Austro-Hungarian Empire (2,074)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DB1 - DB3150 History of Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechslovakia|DB2000 - DB3150 Czechoslovakia (520)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DB1 - DB3150 History of Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechslovakia|DB2000 - DB3150 Czechoslovakia|DB2300 - DB2650 Local history and description of Czech lands (70)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DB1 - DB3150 History of Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechslovakia|DB2000 - DB3150 Czechoslovakia|DB2700 - DB3150 Slovakia (50)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DB1 - DB3150 History of Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechslovakia|DB881 - DB898 Liechtenstein (16)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DB1 - DB3150 History of Austria. Liechtenstein. Hungary. Czechslovakia|DB901 - DB999 Hungary (650)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DC1 - DC947 History of France (15,690)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DC1 - DC947 History of France|DC24 - DC424 History (12,635)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DC1 - DC947 History of France|DC24 - DC424 History|DC60 - DC424 By period (10,479)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DC1 - DC947 History of France|DC24 - DC424 History|DC60 - DC424 By period|DC110 - DC424 Modern, 1515- (9,525)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DC1 - DC947 History of France|DC24 - DC424 History|DC60 - DC424 By period|DC110 - DC424 Modern, 1515-|DC139 - DC249 Revolutionary and Napoleonic period, 1789-1815 (4,200)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DC1 - DC947 History of France|DC24 - DC424 History|DC60 - DC424 By period|DC110 - DC424 Modern, 1515-|DC251 - DC354.9 19th century (1,526)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DC1 - DC947 History of France|DC24 - DC424 History|DC60 - DC424 By period|DC110 - DC424 Modern, 1515-|DC361 - DC424 20th century (1,658)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DC1 - DC947 History of France|DC24 - DC424 History|DC60 - DC424 By period|DC60 - DC109 Early and medieval to 1515 (954)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DC1 - DC947 History of France|DC600 - DC801 Local history and description (1,736)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DC1 - DC947 History of France|DC921 - DC930 Andorra (5)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DC1 - DC947 History of France|DC941 - DC947 Monaco (14)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DD1 - DD901 History of Germany (13,406)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DD1 - DD901 History of Germany|DD258 - DD262 West Germany (825)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DD1 - DD901 History of Germany|DD280 - DD289.5 East Germany (591)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DD1 - DD901 History of Germany|DD301 - DD454 Prussia (562)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DD1 - DD901 History of Germany|DD701 - DD901 Local history and description (2,379)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DD1 - DD901 History of Germany|DD84 - DD257.4 History (6,915)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DD1 - DD901 History of Germany|DD84 - DD257.4 History|DD121 - DD257.4 By period (5,814)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DD1 - DD901 History of Germany|DD84 - DD257.4 History|DD121 - DD257.4 By period|DD121 - DD124 Earliest to 481 (27)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DD1 - DD901 History of Germany|DD84 - DD257.4 History|DD121 - DD257.4 By period|DD125 - DD174.6 Early and medieval to 1519 (397)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DD1 - DD901 History of Germany|DD84 - DD257.4 History|DD121 - DD257.4 By period|DD175 - DD257.4 Modern, 1519- (5,388)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DE1 - DE100 History of the Greco-Roman world (1,640)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DF10 - DF951 History of Greece (4,312)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DF10 - DF951 History of Greece|DF10 - DF289 Ancient Greece (2,951)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DF10 - DF951 History of Greece|DF501 - DF649 Medieval Greece. Byzantine Empire, 323-1453 (731)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DF10 - DF951 History of Greece|DF701 - DF951 Modern Greece (605)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DG11 - DG999 History of Italy (12,558)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DG11 - DG999 History of Italy|DG11 - DG365 Ancient Italy. Rome to 476 (4,090)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DG11 - DG999 History of Italy|DG401 - DG583.8 Medieval and modern Italy, 476- (4,411)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DG11 - DG999 History of Italy|DG600 - DG684.72 Northern Italy (849)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DG11 - DG999 History of Italy|DG691 - DG817.3 Central Italy (1,267)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DG11 - DG999 History of Italy|DG819 - DG875 Southern Italy (668)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DG11 - DG999 History of Italy|DG987 - DG999 Malta. Maltese Islands (54)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DH1 - DH925 History of the Low Countries. Benelux Countries (661)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DH1 - DH925 History of the Low Countries. Benelux Countries|DH401 - DH811 Belgium (455)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DH1 - DH925 History of the Low Countries. Benelux Countries|DH401 - DH811 Belgium|DH503 - DH694 History (139)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DH1 - DH925 History of the Low Countries. Benelux Countries|DH401 - DH811 Belgium|DH503 - DH694 History|DH571 - DH694 By period (101)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DH1 - DH925 History of the Low Countries. Benelux Countries|DH401 - DH811 Belgium|DH503 - DH694 History|DH571 - DH694 By period|DH571 - DH584 Early and medieval to 1555 (4)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DH1 - DH925 History of the Low Countries. Benelux Countries|DH401 - DH811 Belgium|DH503 - DH694 History|DH571 - DH694 By period|DH585 - DH619 1555-1794. Spanish and Austrian rule (13)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DH1 - DH925 History of the Low Countries. Benelux Countries|DH401 - DH811 Belgium|DH503 - DH694 History|DH571 - DH694 By period|DH620 - DH676 1794-1909 (45)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DH1 - DH925 History of the Low Countries. Benelux Countries|DH401 - DH811 Belgium|DH503 - DH694 History|DH571 - DH694 By period|DH677 - DH694 20th century (38)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DH1 - DH925 History of the Low Countries. Benelux Countries|DH401 - DH811 Belgium|DH801 - DH811 Local history and description (60)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DH1 - DH925 History of the Low Countries. Benelux Countries|DH901 - DH925 Luxembourg (15)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DH1 - DH925 History of the Low Countries. Benelux Countries|DH95 - DH207 History (119)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DH1 - DH925 History of the Low Countries. Benelux Countries|DH95 - DH207 History|DH141 - DH207 By period (104)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJ1 - DJ411 History of Netherlands (Holland) (397)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJ1 - DJ411 History of Netherlands (Holland)|DJ401 - DJ411 Local history and description (16)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJ1 - DJ411 History of Netherlands (Holland)|DJ95 - DJ292 History (180)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJ1 - DJ411 History of Netherlands (Holland)|DJ95 - DJ292 History|DJ151 - DJ292 By period (113)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJ1 - DJ411 History of Netherlands (Holland)|DJ95 - DJ292 History|DJ151 - DJ292 By period|DJ151 - DJ152 Early and medieval to 1555 (1)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJ1 - DJ411 History of Netherlands (Holland)|DJ95 - DJ292 History|DJ151 - DJ292 By period|DJ154 - DJ210 1555-1795. United provinces (73)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJ1 - DJ411 History of Netherlands (Holland)|DJ95 - DJ292 History|DJ151 - DJ292 By period|DJ215 - DJ292 19th-20th centuries (34)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJK1 - DJK77 History of Eastern Europe (General) (1,000)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJK1 - DJK77 History of Eastern Europe (General)|DJK26 - DJK28 Ethnography (118)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJK1 - DJK77 History of Eastern Europe (General)|DJK30 - DJK51 History (437)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJK1 - DJK77 History of Eastern Europe (General)|DJK61 - DJK77 Local history and description (66)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJK1 - DJK77 History of Eastern Europe (General)|DJK61 - DJK77 Local history and description|DJK61 - DJK66 Black Sea region (27)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJK1 - DJK77 History of Eastern Europe (General)|DJK61 - DJK77 Local history and description|DJK71 - DJK76 Carpathian Mountain region (8)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DJK1 - DJK77 History of Eastern Europe (General)|DJK61 - DJK77 Local history and description|DJK76.2 - DJK76.8 Danube River Valley (11)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics (29,524)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK36 - DK293 History (12,336)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK36 - DK293 History|DK112.8 - DK264.8 House of Romanov, 1613-1917 (3,646)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK36 - DK293 History|DK265 - DK265.95 Revolution, 1917-1921 (1,723)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK36 - DK293 History|DK266 - DK292 Soviet regime, 1918-1991 (3,687)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK36 - DK293 History|DK70 - DK112.42 Early to 1613 (545)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK36 - DK293 History|DK70 - DK112.42 Early to 1613|DK70 - DK99.7 Rus' (359)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK36 - DK293 History|DK70 - DK112.42 Early to 1613|DK99.8 - DK112.42 Muscovy (185)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description (14,400)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK502.3 - DK502.75 Baltic States (103)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK503 - DK503.95 Estonia (81)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK504 - DK504.95 Latvia (75)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK505 - DK505.95 Lithuania (135)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK507 - DK507.95 Belarus. Byelorussian S.S.R. White Russia (558)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK508 - DK508.95 Ukraine (3,771)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK509.1 - DK509.95 Moldova. Moldovian S.S.R. Bessarabia (91)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK510 - DK651 Russia (Federation). Russian S.F.S.R. (5,056)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK670 - DK679.5 Georgia (Republic). Georgian S.S.R. Georgian Sakartvelo (189)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK680 - DK689.5 Armenia (Republic). Armenian S.S.R. (66)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK690 - DK699.5 Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan S.S.R. (188)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK751 - DK781 Siberia (1,032)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK845 - DK860 Soviet Central Asia. West Turkestan (374)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK901 - DK909.5 Kazakhstan. Kazakh S.S.R. (432)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK911 - DK919.5 Kyrgyzstan. Kirghiz S.S.R. Kirghizia (222)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK921 - DK929.5 Tajikistan. Tajik S.S.R. Tadzhikistan (83)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK931 - DK939.5 Turkmenistan. Turkmen S.S.R. Turkmenia (40)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK1 - DK949.5 History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics|DK501 - DK949.5 Local history and description|DK941 - DK949.5 Uzbekistan. Uzbek S.S.R. (149)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK4010 - DK4800 History of Poland (4,547)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK4010 - DK4800 History of Poland|DK4123 - DK4452 History (2,814)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK4010 - DK4800 History of Poland|DK4123 - DK4452 History|DK4186 - DK4348 To 1795 (348)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK4010 - DK4800 History of Poland|DK4123 - DK4452 History|DK4348.5 - DK4395 1795-1918. 19th century (General) (310)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK4010 - DK4800 History of Poland|DK4123 - DK4452 History|DK4397 - DK4420 1918-1945 (394)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK4010 - DK4800 History of Poland|DK4123 - DK4452 History|DK4429 - DK4442 1945-1989. People's Republic (496)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK4010 - DK4800 History of Poland|DK4123 - DK4452 History|DK4445 - DK4452 -1989 (164)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DK4010 - DK4800 History of Poland|DK4600 - DK4800 Local history and description (899)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia (1,549)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL1002 - DL1180 Finland (220)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL1002 - DL1180 Finland|DL1024 - DL1141.6 History (94)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL1002 - DL1180 Finland|DL1024 - DL1141.6 History|DL1050 - DL1141.6 By period (59)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL1002 - DL1180 Finland|DL1024 - DL1141.6 History|DL1050 - DL1141.6 By period|DL1050 - DL1052.9 Early to 1523 (1)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL1002 - DL1180 Finland|DL1024 - DL1141.6 History|DL1050 - DL1141.6 By period|DL1055 - DL1141.6 Modern, 1523- (58)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL1002 - DL1180 Finland|DL1024 - DL1141.6 History|DL1050 - DL1141.6 By period|DL1055 - DL1141.6 Modern, 1523-|DL1070 - DL1078 Revolution, 1917-1918. Civil War (7)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL1002 - DL1180 Finland|DL1024 - DL1141.6 History|DL1050 - DL1141.6 By period|DL1055 - DL1141.6 Modern, 1523-|DL1090 - DL1105 1939-1945 (24)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL1002 - DL1180 Finland|DL1024 - DL1141.6 History|DL1050 - DL1141.6 By period|DL1055 - DL1141.6 Modern, 1523-|DL1090 - DL1105 1939-1945|DL1095 - DL1105 Russo-Finnish War, 1939-1940 (24)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL1002 - DL1180 Finland|DL1170 - DL1180 Local history and description (6)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL101 - DL291 Denmark (159)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL101 - DL291 Denmark|DL143 - DL263.3 History (71)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL101 - DL291 Denmark|DL143 - DL263.3 History|DL160 - DL263.3 By period (39)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL101 - DL291 Denmark|DL143 - DL263.3 History|DL160 - DL263.3 By period|DL160 - DL183.9 Early and medieval to 1523 (8)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL101 - DL291 Denmark|DL143 - DL263.3 History|DL160 - DL263.3 By period|DL184 - DL263.3 Modern, 1523- (30)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL301 - DL398 Iceland (70)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL401 - DL596 Norway (102)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL401 - DL596 Norway|DL443 - DL537 History (48)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL401 - DL596 Norway|DL443 - DL537 History|DL460 - DL537 By period (27)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL401 - DL596 Norway|DL443 - DL537 History|DL460 - DL537 By period|DL460 - DL478 Early and medieval to 1387 (9)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL401 - DL596 Norway|DL443 - DL537 History|DL460 - DL537 By period|DL480 - DL502 1387-1814. Union of Kalmar, 1397 (1)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL401 - DL596 Norway|DL443 - DL537 History|DL460 - DL537 By period|DL503 - DL526 1814-1905. 19th century (1)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL401 - DL596 Norway|DL443 - DL537 History|DL460 - DL537 By period|DL527 - DL537 20th century. Period of World War II, 1939-1945 (16)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL401 - DL596 Norway|DL576 - DL596 Local history and description (6)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL43 - DL87 History (153)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL43 - DL87 History|DL61 - DL87 By period (103)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL601 - DL991 Sweden (537)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL601 - DL991 Sweden|DL643 - DL879 History (225)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL601 - DL991 Sweden|DL643 - DL879 History|DL660 - DL879 By period (181)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL601 - DL991 Sweden|DL643 - DL879 History|DL660 - DL879 By period|DL660 - DL700.9 Early and medieval to 1523. Union of Kalmar, 1397 (8)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL601 - DL991 Sweden|DL643 - DL879 History|DL660 - DL879 By period|DL701 - DL879 Modern, 1523- (173)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DL1 - DL1180 History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia|DL601 - DL991 Sweden|DL971 - DL991 Local history and description (35)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP1 - DP402 History of Spain (6,733)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP1 - DP402 History of Spain|DP285 - DP402 Local history and description (1,139)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP1 - DP402 History of Spain|DP56 - DP272.4 History (4,826)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP1 - DP402 History of Spain|DP56 - DP272.4 History|DP91 - DP272.4 By period (4,256)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP1 - DP402 History of Spain|DP56 - DP272.4 History|DP91 - DP272.4 By period|DP161 - DP272.4 Modern Spain, 1479/1516- (3,469)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP1 - DP402 History of Spain|DP56 - DP272.4 History|DP91 - DP272.4 By period|DP161 - DP272.4 Modern Spain, 1479/1516-|DP161.5 - DP166 1479-1516. Fernando V and Isabel I (101)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP1 - DP402 History of Spain|DP56 - DP272.4 History|DP91 - DP272.4 By period|DP161 - DP272.4 Modern Spain, 1479/1516-|DP170 - DP189 1516-1700. Hapsburgs (323)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP1 - DP402 History of Spain|DP56 - DP272.4 History|DP91 - DP272.4 By period|DP161 - DP272.4 Modern Spain, 1479/1516-|DP192 - DP200.8 1700-1808. Bourbons (161)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP1 - DP402 History of Spain|DP56 - DP272.4 History|DP91 - DP272.4 By period|DP161 - DP272.4 Modern Spain, 1479/1516-|DP201 - DP232.6 1808-1886. 19th century (389)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP1 - DP402 History of Spain|DP56 - DP272.4 History|DP91 - DP272.4 By period|DP161 - DP272.4 Modern Spain, 1479/1516-|DP233 - DP272.4 20th century. 1886- (2,436)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP1 - DP402 History of Spain|DP56 - DP272.4 History|DP91 - DP272.4 By period|DP91 - DP96 Earliest to 711 (42)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP1 - DP402 History of Spain|DP56 - DP272.4 History|DP91 - DP272.4 By period|DP97.3 - DP160.8 711-1516. Moorish domination and the Reconquest (714)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP501 - DP900 History of Portugal (684)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP501 - DP900 History of Portugal|DP535 - DP682.2 History (436)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP501 - DP900 History of Portugal|DP535 - DP682.2 History|DP558 - DP682.2 By period (317)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP501 - DP900 History of Portugal|DP535 - DP682.2 History|DP558 - DP682.2 By period|DP558 - DP618 Early and medieval to 1580 (69)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP501 - DP900 History of Portugal|DP535 - DP682.2 History|DP558 - DP682.2 By period|DP620 - DP682.2 -1580 (245)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DP501 - DP900 History of Portugal|DP702 - DP802 Local history and description (65)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DQ1 - DQ851 History of Switzerland (618)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DQ1 - DQ851 History of Switzerland|DQ1 - DQ20 General (89)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DQ1 - DQ851 History of Switzerland|DQ20.5 - DQ26 Description and travel (36)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DQ1 - DQ851 History of Switzerland|DQ30 - DQ49.5 Antiquities. Social life and customs. Ethnography (71)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DQ1 - DQ851 History of Switzerland|DQ301 - DQ851 Local history and description (214)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DQ1 - DQ851 History of Switzerland|DQ51 - DQ210 History (192)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DQ1 - DQ851 History of Switzerland|DQ51 - DQ210 History|DQ51 - DQ57 General (38)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DQ1 - DQ851 History of Switzerland|DQ51 - DQ210 History|DQ78 - DQ210 By period (102)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DQ1 - DQ851 History of Switzerland|DQ51 - DQ210 History|DQ78 - DQ210 By period|DQ111 - DQ123 1516-1798 (12)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DQ1 - DQ851 History of Switzerland|DQ51 - DQ210 History|DQ78 - DQ210 By period|DQ124 - DQ191 19th century (33)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DQ1 - DQ851 History of Switzerland|DQ51 - DQ210 History|DQ78 - DQ210 By period|DQ201 - DQ210 20th century (41)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DQ1 - DQ851 History of Switzerland|DQ51 - DQ210 History|DQ78 - DQ210 By period|DQ78 - DQ110 Early and medieval to 1516 (14)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula (6,903)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR1202 - DR2285 Yugoslavia (1,013)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR1202 - DR2285 Yugoslavia|DR1232 - DR1321 History (444)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR1202 - DR2285 Yugoslavia|DR1232 - DR1321 History|DR1259 - DR1321 By period (398)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR1202 - DR2285 Yugoslavia|DR1232 - DR1321 History|DR1259 - DR1321 By period|DR1273 - DR1280 1800-1918 (5)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR1202 - DR2285 Yugoslavia|DR1232 - DR1321 History|DR1259 - DR1321 By period|DR1281 - DR1321 -1918 (392)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR1202 - DR2285 Yugoslavia|DR1232 - DR1321 History|DR1259 - DR1321 By period|DR1281 - DR1321 -1918|DR1313 - DR1313.8 Yugoslav War, 1991-1995 (198)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR1202 - DR2285 Yugoslavia|DR1350 - DR2285 Local history and description (514)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR201 - DR296 Romania (363)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR201 - DR296 Romania|DR215 - DR269.6 History (209)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR201 - DR296 Romania|DR215 - DR269.6 History|DR238 - DR269.6 By period (146)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR201 - DR296 Romania|DR215 - DR269.6 History|DR238 - DR269.6 By period|DR238 - DR240.5 Early and medieval to 1601. Roman period (9)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR201 - DR296 Romania|DR215 - DR269.6 History|DR238 - DR269.6 By period|DR241 - DR241.5 Phanariote regime, 1601-1822 (4)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR201 - DR296 Romania|DR215 - DR269.6 History|DR238 - DR269.6 By period|DR242 - DR249 1822-1881. 19th century (15)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR201 - DR296 Romania|DR215 - DR269.6 History|DR238 - DR269.6 By period|DR250 - DR266.5 1866/1881-1944 (41)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR201 - DR296 Romania|DR215 - DR269.6 History|DR238 - DR269.6 By period|DR267 - DR267.5 1944-1989 (25)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR201 - DR296 Romania|DR215 - DR269.6 History|DR238 - DR269.6 By period|DR268 - DR269.6 -1989 (26)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR201 - DR296 Romania|DR279 - DR296 Local history and description (84)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR32 - DR48.5 History. Balkan War, 1912-1913 (221)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR401 - DR741 Turkey (4,492)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR401 - DR741 Turkey|DR436 - DR605 History (2,838)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR401 - DR741 Turkey|DR436 - DR605 History|DR481 - DR605 By period (2,097)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR401 - DR741 Turkey|DR436 - DR605 History|DR481 - DR605 By period|DR485 - DR555.7 1281/1453-1789. Fall of Constantinople, 1453 (458)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR401 - DR741 Turkey|DR436 - DR605 History|DR481 - DR605 By period|DR556 - DR567 1789-1861. 19th century (108)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR401 - DR741 Turkey|DR436 - DR605 History|DR481 - DR605 By period|DR568 - DR575 1861-1909. War with Russia, 1877-1878 (256)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR401 - DR741 Turkey|DR436 - DR605 History|DR481 - DR605 By period|DR576 - DR605 20th century. Constitutional movement (1,236)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR401 - DR741 Turkey|DR701 - DR741 Local history and description (European Turkey) (486)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR50 - DR50.84 Thrace (6)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR51 - DR98 Bulgaria (217)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR51 - DR98 Bulgaria|DR65 - DR93.47 History (131)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR51 - DR98 Bulgaria|DR65 - DR93.47 History|DR73.7 - DR93.47 By period (95)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR51 - DR98 Bulgaria|DR65 - DR93.47 History|DR73.7 - DR93.47 By period|DR73.7 - DR80.8 Early and medieval (7)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR51 - DR98 Bulgaria|DR65 - DR93.47 History|DR73.7 - DR93.47 By period|DR81 - DR84 Turkish rule, 1396-1878 (21)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR51 - DR98 Bulgaria|DR65 - DR93.47 History|DR73.7 - DR93.47 By period|DR84.9 - DR89.8 1878-1944 (36)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR51 - DR98 Bulgaria|DR65 - DR93.47 History|DR73.7 - DR93.47 By period|DR89.9 - DR93.34 1944-1990 (20)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR51 - DR98 Bulgaria|DR65 - DR93.47 History|DR73.7 - DR93.47 By period|DR93.4 - DR93.47 -1990 (11)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR51 - DR98 Bulgaria|DR95 - DR98 Local history and description (11)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR901 - DR998 Albania (89)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR901 - DR998 Albania|DR927 - DR978.52 History (64)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR901 - DR998 Albania|DR927 - DR978.52 History|DR954 - DR978.52 By period (41)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR901 - DR998 Albania|DR927 - DR978.52 History|DR954 - DR978.52 By period|DR954 - DR960.5 To 1501 (3)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR901 - DR998 Albania|DR927 - DR978.52 History|DR954 - DR978.52 By period|DR961 - DR969 1501-1912. Turkish rule (6)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR901 - DR998 Albania|DR927 - DR978.52 History|DR954 - DR978.52 By period|DR969.8 - DR978.52 20th century (32)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DR1 - DR2285 History of Balkan Peninsula|DR901 - DR998 Albania|DR996 - DR998 Local history and description (3)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia (106,641)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS101 - DS151 Israel (Palestine). The Jews (18,006)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS101 - DS151 Israel (Palestine). The Jews|DS133 - DS151 Jews outside of Palestine (8,884)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS13 - DS28 Ethnography (565)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS153 - DS154.9 Jordan. Transjordan (226)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS155 - DS156 Asia Minor (45)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS161 - DS195.5 Armenia (250)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS201 - DS248 Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia (2,140)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS251 - DS326 Iran (Persia) (1,571)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS31 - DS35.2 History (545)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS327 - DS329.4 Central Asia (199)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS331 - DS349.9 Southern Asia. Indian Ocean Region (606)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS331 - DS349.9 Southern Asia. Indian Ocean Region|DS349.8 - DS349.9 Islands of the Indian Ocean (2)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS35.3 - DS35.77 The Islamic World (310)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS350 - DS375 Afghanistan (1,119)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS36 - DS39.2 Arab countries (1,781)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS36 - DS39.2 Arab countries|DS37 - DS39.2 History (952)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS376 - DS392.2 Pakistan (1,964)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS393 - DS396.9 Bangladesh. East Pakistan (687)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS401 - DS486.8 India (Bharat) (17,346)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS401 - DS486.8 India (Bharat)|DS430 - DS432 Ethnography. Sects (97)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS401 - DS486.8 India (Bharat)|DS433 - DS481 History (5,124)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS401 - DS486.8 India (Bharat)|DS483 - DS486.8 Local history and description (6,153)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS41 - DS66 Middle East. Southwestern Asia. Ancient Orient. Arab East. Near East (4,462)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS41 - DS66 Middle East. Southwestern Asia. Ancient Orient. Arab East. Near East|DS51 - DS54.95 Local history and description (1,201)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS41 - DS66 Middle East. Southwestern Asia. Ancient Orient. Arab East. Near East|DS51 - DS54.95 Local history and description|DS54 - DS54.95 Cyprus (364)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS488 - DS490 Sri Lanka (742)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS491 - DS492.9 Bhutan (104)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS493 - DS495.8 Nepal (513)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS498 - DS498.8 Goa. Portuguese in India (138)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS5.95 - DS10 Description and travel (107)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS501 - DS518.9 East Asia. The Far East (1,425)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS520 - DS560.72 Southeastern Asia (3,063)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS520 - DS560.72 Southeastern Asia|DS524 - DS526.7 History (213)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS520 - DS560.72 Southeastern Asia|DS527 - DS530.9 Burma (231)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS520 - DS560.72 Southeastern Asia|DS531 - DS560.72 French Indochina (2,238)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS520 - DS560.72 Southeastern Asia|DS531 - DS560.72 French Indochina|DS541 - DS553.7 History (135)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS520 - DS560.72 Southeastern Asia|DS531 - DS560.72 French Indochina|DS554 - DS554.98 Cambodia (166)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS520 - DS560.72 Southeastern Asia|DS531 - DS560.72 French Indochina|DS555 - DS555.98 Laos (62)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS520 - DS560.72 Southeastern Asia|DS531 - DS560.72 French Indochina|DS556 - DS559.93 Vietnam. Annam (1,771)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS520 - DS560.72 Southeastern Asia|DS531 - DS560.72 French Indochina|DS556 - DS559.93 Vietnam. Annam|DS557 - DS559.9 Vietnamese Conflict (1,444)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS520 - DS560.72 Southeastern Asia|DS531 - DS560.72 French Indochina|DS560 - DS560.72 Democratic Republic (North Vietnam), 1945- (18)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS561 - DS589 Thailand (Siam) (294)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS591 - DS599 Malaysia. Malay Peninsula. Straits Settlements (386)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS591 - DS599 Malaysia. Malay Peninsula. Straits Settlements|DS597.33 - DS597.34 Sabah. British North Borneo (4)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS591 - DS599 Malaysia. Malay Peninsula. Straits Settlements|DS597.36 - DS597.39 Sarawak (29)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS600 - DS605 Malay Archipelago (21)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS608 - DS610.9 Singapore (110)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS611 - DS649 Indonesia (Dutch East Indies) (684)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS611 - DS649 Indonesia (Dutch East Indies)|DS631 - DS632 Ethnography (6)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS611 - DS649 Indonesia (Dutch East Indies)|DS633 - DS644.46 History (212)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS611 - DS649 Indonesia (Dutch East Indies)|DS646.1 - DS646.15 Sumatra (8)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS611 - DS649 Indonesia (Dutch East Indies)|DS646.17 - DS646.29 Java (41)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS611 - DS649 Indonesia (Dutch East Indies)|DS646.3 - DS646.34 Borneo. Kalimantan, Indonesia (34)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS611 - DS649 Indonesia (Dutch East Indies)|DS646.4 - DS646.49 Celebes. Sulawesi (3)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS611 - DS649 Indonesia (Dutch East Indies)|DS646.5 - DS646.59 Timor (16)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS611 - DS649 Indonesia (Dutch East Indies)|DS646.6 - DS646.69 Moluccas. Maluku (10)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS650 - DS650.99 Brunei (11)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS651 - DS689 Philippines (710)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS67 - DS79.9 Iraq (Assyria, Babylonia, Mesopotamia) (2,406)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS701 - DS799.9 China (19,851)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS701 - DS799.9 China|DS730 - DS731 Ethnography (245)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS701 - DS799.9 China|DS733 - DS779.32 History (9,579)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS701 - DS799.9 China|DS781 - DS796 Local history and description (3,009)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS701 - DS799.9 China|DS781 - DS796 Local history and description|DS781 - DS784.2 Manchuria (252)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS701 - DS799.9 China|DS781 - DS796 Local history and description|DS785 - DS786 Tibet (239)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS701 - DS799.9 China|DS798.92 - DS799.9 Taiwan (1,184)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS80 - DS90 Lebanon (Phenicia) (879)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS801 - DS897 Japan (11,468)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS801 - DS897 Japan|DS833 - DS891.5 History (7,250)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS801 - DS897 Japan|DS894.21 - DS897 Local history and description (1,575)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS901 - DS937 Korea (7,146)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS901 - DS937 Korea|DS904.8 - DS922.46 History (4,702)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS901 - DS937 Korea|DS904.8 - DS922.46 History|DS918 - DS921.8 War and intervention, 1950-1953 (582)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS901 - DS937 Korea|DS924 - DS925 Local history and description (268)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS901 - DS937 Korea|DS930 - DS937 Democratic People's Republic, 1948- (590)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DS1 - DS937 History of Asia|DS92 - DS99 Syria (932)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa (28,609)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT1001 - DT1190 Southern Africa (663)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT1251 - DT1465 Angola (148)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT15 - DT16 Ethnography (73)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT1501 - DT1685 Namibia. South-West Africa (287)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT154.1 - DT159.9 Sudan. Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (804)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT160 - DT177 North Africa (187)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT160 - DT177 North Africa|DT167 - DT176 History (111)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT160 - DT177 North Africa|DT167 - DT176 History|DT168 - DT169.5 Carthaginian period (15)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT17 - DT39 History (1,549)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT1701 - DT2405 South Africa (2,639)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT1701 - DT2405 South Africa|DT1754 - DT1770 Ethnography (688)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT1701 - DT2405 South Africa|DT1772 - DT1974 History (1,148)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT1701 - DT2405 South Africa|DT1991 - DT2054 Cape Province. Cape of Good Hope (66)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT1701 - DT2405 South Africa|DT2075 - DT2145 Orange Free State. Oranje Vrystaat (8)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT1701 - DT2405 South Africa|DT2181 - DT2278 KwaZulu-Natal. Natal (40)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT1701 - DT2405 South Africa|DT2291 - DT2378 Transvaal. South African Republic (39)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT179.2 - DT179.9 Northwest Africa (4)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT181 - DT346 Maghrib. Barbery States (4,846)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT181 - DT346 Maghrib. Barbery States|DT211 - DT239 Libya (524)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT181 - DT346 Maghrib. Barbery States|DT241 - DT269 Tunisia (Tunis) (822)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT181 - DT346 Maghrib. Barbery States|DT271 - DT299 Algeria (1,708)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT181 - DT346 Maghrib. Barbery States|DT301 - DT330 Morocco (1,009)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT181 - DT346 Maghrib. Barbery States|DT331 - DT346 Sahara (68)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT2421 - DT2525 Botswana. Bechuanaland (87)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT2541 - DT2686 Lesotho. Basutoland (43)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT2701 - DT2825 Swaziland (19)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT2831 - DT2864 British Central Africa. Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (24)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT2871 - DT3025 Zimbabwe. Southern Rhodesia (338)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT3031 - DT3145 Zambia. Northern Rhodesia (136)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT3161 - DT3257 Malawi. Nyasaland (106)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT3291 - DT3415 Mozambique (84)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT348 - DT363.3 Central Sub-Saharan Africa (514)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa (2,701)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa|DT367 - DT367.8 Northeast Africa (22)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa|DT371 - DT390 Ethiopia (Abyssinia) (411)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa|DT391 - DT398 Eritrea (114)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa|DT401 - DT409 Somalia. Somaliland and adjacent territory (166)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa|DT411 - DT411.9 Djibouti. French Territory of the Afars and Issas. French Somaliland (16)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa|DT421 - DT432.5 East Africa. British East Africa (191)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa|DT433.2 - DT433.29 Uganda (200)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa|DT433.5 - DT434 Kenya (439)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa|DT436 - DT449 Tanzania. Tanganyika. German East Africa (247)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa|DT450 - DT450.49 Rwanda. Ruanda-Urundi (230)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa|DT450.5 - DT450.95 Burundi (40)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT365 - DT469 Eastern Africa|DT468 - DT469 Islands (East African coast) (6)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT43 - DT154 Egypt (5,682)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT43 - DT154 Egypt|DT115 - DT154 Local history and description (364)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT43 - DT154 Egypt|DT115 - DT154 Local history and description|DT139 - DT153.5 Cairo (114)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT43 - DT154 Egypt|DT56.8 - DT69.5 Antiquities (1,382)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT43 - DT154 Egypt|DT56.8 - DT69.5 Antiquities|DT63 - DT63.5 Pyramids (34)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT43 - DT154 Egypt|DT56.8 - DT69.5 Antiquities|DT68 - DT68.8 Religious antiquities (11)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT43 - DT154 Egypt|DT74 - DT107.87 History (2,125)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast (4,723)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT491 - DT516.9 British West Africa (1,901)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT491 - DT516.9 British West Africa|DT509 - DT509.9 Gambia (23)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT491 - DT516.9 British West Africa|DT509.97 - DT512.9 Ghana (Gold Coast) (438)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT491 - DT516.9 British West Africa|DT515 - DT515.9 Nigeria (933)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT491 - DT516.9 British West Africa|DT516 - DT516.9 Sierra Leone (136)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel (1,306)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT541 - DT541.9 Benin. Dahomey (77)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT543 - DT543.9 Guinea (83)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT545 - DT545.9 Cote d'Ivoire. Ivory Coast (133)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT546.1 - DT546.49 French-speaking Equatorial Africa (268)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT546.1 - DT546.49 French-speaking Equatorial Africa|DT546.1 - DT546.19 Gabon (Gaboon, Gabun) (48)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT546.1 - DT546.49 French-speaking Equatorial Africa|DT546.2 - DT546.29 Congo (Brazaville). Middle Congo (84)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT546.1 - DT546.49 French-speaking Equatorial Africa|DT546.3 - DT546.39 Central African Republic. Central African Empire. Ubangi-Shari (56)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT546.1 - DT546.49 French-speaking Equatorial Africa|DT546.4 - DT546.49 Chad (Tchad) (67)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT547 - DT547.9 Niger (59)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT549 - DT549.9 Senegal (151)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT551 - DT551.9 Mali. Mali Federation. Sudanese Republic. French Sudan (138)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT554 - DT554.9 Mauritania (52)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT521 - DT555.9 French West Africa. French Sahara. West Sahara. Sahel|DT555 - DT555.9 Burkina Faso. Upper Volta (46)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT561 - DT581 Cameroon (Cameroun, Kamerun) (234)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT582 - DT582.9 Togo. Togoland (53)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT591 - DT615.9 Portuguese-speaking West Africa (155)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT591 - DT615.9 Portuguese-speaking West Africa|DT613 - DT613.9 Guinea-Bissau. Portuguese Guinea (61)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT591 - DT615.9 Portuguese-speaking West Africa|DT615 - DT615.9 Sao Tome and Principe (4)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT619 - DT620.9 Spanish West Africa (25)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT619 - DT620.9 Spanish West Africa|DT620 - DT620.9 Equatorial Guinea (Spanish Guinea) (20)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT621 - DT637 Liberia (143)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT641 - DT665 Zaire. Congo (Democratic Republic). Belgian Congo (530)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT470 - DT671 West Africa. West Coast|DT669 - DT671 Islands (3)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DT1 - DT3415 History of Africa|DT7 - DT12.25 Description and travel (92)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas) (2,772)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU28.11 - DU68 History (135)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU400 - DU430 New Zealand (368)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU400 - DU430 New Zealand|DU419 - DU422 History (122)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU400 - DU430 New Zealand|DU422.5 - DU424.5 Ethnography (116)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU400 - DU430 New Zealand|DU428 - DU430 Local history and description (2)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU520 - DU950 Smaller Island Groups (715)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU520 - DU950 Smaller Island Groups|DU620 - DU629 Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii (253)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU80 - DU398 Australia (1,132)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU80 - DU398 Australia|DU108 - DU117.2 History (340)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU80 - DU398 Australia|DU120 - DU125 Ethnography (231)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU80 - DU398 Australia|DU150 - DU180 New South Wales (73)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU80 - DU398 Australia|DU182 - DU198 Tasmania. Van Diemen's Land (40)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU80 - DU398 Australia|DU200 - DU230 Victoria (29)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU80 - DU398 Australia|DU250 - DU280 Queensland (28)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU80 - DU398 Australia|DU300 - DU330 South Australia (12)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU80 - DU398 Australia|DU350 - DU380 Western Australia (19)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DU1 - DU950 History of Oceania (South Seas)|DU80 - DU398 Australia|DU392 - DU398 Northern Territory of Australia (12)
D - History (General) and History of Europe|DX101 - DX301 History of Gypsies (332)
E - History: America (61,409)
E - History: America|E11 - E143 America (10,309)
E - History: America|E11 - E143 America|E101 - E135 Discovery of America and early explorations (830)
E - History: America|E11 - E143 America|E101 - E135 Discovery of America and early explorations|E103 - E110 Pre-Columbian period (67)
E - History: America|E11 - E143 America|E101 - E135 Discovery of America and early explorations|E111 - E120 Columbus (234)
E - History: America|E11 - E143 America|E101 - E135 Discovery of America and early explorations|E121 - E135 Post-Columbian period. El Dorado (418)
E - History: America|E11 - E143 America|E11 - E29 General (269)
E - History: America|E11 - E143 America|E141 - E143 Descriptive accounts of America. Earliest to 1810 (72)
E - History: America|E11 - E143 America|E31 - E49.3 North America (117)
E - History: America|E11 - E143 America|E51 - E73 Pre-Columbian America. The Indians (1,294)
E - History: America|E11 - E143 America|E75 - E99 Indians of North America (4,350)
E - History: America|E11 - E143 America|E75 - E99 Indians of North America|E81 - E83 Indian wars (53)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States (49,830)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E151 - E169.13 General (3,033)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E171 - E183.9 History (6,960)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E171 - E183.9 History|E171 - E180 General (2,752)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E171 - E183.9 History|E171 - E180 General|E175 - E175.7 Historiography (337)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E171 - E183.9 History|E171 - E180 General|E176 - E176.8 Biography (559)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E171 - E183.9 History|E183 - E183.3 Political history (221)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E184 - E185.98 Elements in the population (10,789)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E184 - E185.98 Elements in the population|E184.5 - E185.98 Afro-Americans (6,548)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E184 - E185.98 Elements in the population|E184.5 - E185.98 Afro-Americans|E185.2 - E185.89 Status and development since emancipation (3,738)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E184 - E185.98 Elements in the population|E184.5 - E185.98 Afro-Americans|E185.96 - E185.98 Biography. Genealogy (1,201)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E186 - E199 Colonial history (1607-1775) (403)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E186 - E199 Colonial history (1607-1775)|E186 - E189 General (311)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E186 - E199 Colonial history (1607-1775)|E191 - E199 By period (80)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E186 - E199 Colonial history (1607-1775)|E191 - E199 By period|E195 - E199 1689-1775 (66)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E201 - E298 The Revolution, 1775-1783 (2,308)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861 (8,214)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E300 - E302.6 General (321)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E300 - E302.6 General|E302.5 - E302.6 Biography (Late eighteenth century) (50)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period (3,577)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E303 - E309 1775-1789. The Confederation, 1783-1789 (36)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E310 - E337 1789-1809. Constitutional period (1,105)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E310 - E337 1789-1809. Constitutional period|E311 - E320 Washington's administrations, 1789-1797 (508)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E310 - E337 1789-1809. Constitutional period|E321 - E330 John Adams' administration, 1797-1801 (149)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E310 - E337 1789-1809. Constitutional period|E331 - E337 Jefferson's administrations, 1801-1809 (376)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E310 - E337 1789-1809. Constitutional period|E331 - E337 Jefferson's administrations, 1801-1809|E336 - E336.5 Neutral trade and its restrictions, 1800-1810 (8)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E337.8 - E400 Early nineteenth century, 1801/1809-1845 (1,324)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E337.8 - E400 Early nineteenth century, 1801/1809-1845|E337.8 - E340 General (144)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E337.8 - E400 Early nineteenth century, 1801/1809-1845|E337.8 - E340 General|E339 - E340 Biography (13)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E337.8 - E400 Early nineteenth century, 1801/1809-1845|E341 - E370 Madison's administrations, 1809-1817 (468)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E337.8 - E400 Early nineteenth century, 1801/1809-1845|E341 - E370 Madison's administrations, 1809-1817|E351.5 - E364.9 War of 1812 (391)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E337.8 - E400 Early nineteenth century, 1801/1809-1845|E371 - E375 Monroe's administrations, 1817-1825 (52)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E337.8 - E400 Early nineteenth century, 1801/1809-1845|E376 - E380 John Quincy Adams' administration, 1825-1829 (57)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E337.8 - E400 Early nineteenth century, 1801/1809-1845|E381 - E385 Jackson's administrations, 1829-1837 (199)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E337.8 - E400 Early nineteenth century, 1801/1809-1845|E386 - E390 Van Buren's administration, 1837-1841 (25)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E337.8 - E400 Early nineteenth century, 1801/1809-1845|E391 - E393 William H. Harrison's administration, March 4-April 4, 1841 (25)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E337.8 - E400 Early nineteenth century, 1801/1809-1845|E396 - E400 Tyler's administration, April 4, 1841-1845 (42)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E401 - E415.3 Mexican War, 1846-1848 (221)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E415.6 - E440.5 Middle nineteenth century, 1845/1848-1861 (782)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E415.6 - E440.5 Middle nineteenth century, 1845/1848-1861|E415.6 - E415.9 General (181)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E415.6 - E440.5 Middle nineteenth century, 1845/1848-1861|E415.6 - E415.9 General|E415.8 - E415.9 Biography (5)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E415.6 - E440.5 Middle nineteenth century, 1845/1848-1861|E416 - E420 Polk's administration, 1845-1849 (45)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E415.6 - E440.5 Middle nineteenth century, 1845/1848-1861|E421 - E423 Taylor's administiration, 1849-July 9, 1850 (24)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E415.6 - E440.5 Middle nineteenth century, 1845/1848-1861|E426 - E430 Fillmore's administration, July 9, 1850-1853 (19)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E415.6 - E440.5 Middle nineteenth century, 1845/1848-1861|E431 - E435 Pierce's administration, 1853-1857 (60)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E303 - E440.5 By period|E415.6 - E440.5 Middle nineteenth century, 1845/1848-1861|E436 - E440.5 Buchanan's administration, 1857-1861 (96)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E300 - E453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861|E441 - E453 Slavery in the United States. Antislavery movements (3,657)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E456 - E655 Civil War period, 1861-1865 (9,111)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E456 - E655 Civil War period, 1861-1865|E456 - E459 Lincoln's administrations, 1861-April 15, 1865 (1,113)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E456 - E655 Civil War period, 1861-1865|E461 - E655 The Civil War, 1861-1865 (7,886)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E660 - E738 Late nineteenth century, 1865-1900 (1,442)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E660 - E738 Late nineteenth century, 1865-1900|E660 - E664 General (316)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E660 - E738 Late nineteenth century, 1865-1900|E660 - E664 General|E663 - E664 Biography (30)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E660 - E738 Late nineteenth century, 1865-1900|E666 - E670 Johnson's administration, April 15, 1865-1869 (278)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E660 - E738 Late nineteenth century, 1865-1900|E671 - E680 Grant's administrations, 1869-1877 (114)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century (4,211)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E740 - E749 General (2,460)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E740 - E749 General|E743 - E743.5 Political history (217)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E740 - E749 General|E744 - E744.5 Diplomatic history. Foreign and general relations (781)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E740 - E749 General|E747 - E748 Biography (58)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E756 - E760 Theodore Roosevelt's administrations, September 14, 1901-1909 (182)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E761 - E765 Tafts' administration, 1909-1913 (31)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E766 - E783 Wilson's administrations, 1913-1921 (178)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E784 - E805 1919-1933. Harding-Coolidge-Hoover era. The twenties (197)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E784 - E805 1919-1933. Harding-Coolidge-Hoover era. The twenties|E785 - E786 Harding's administration, 1921-August 2, 1923 (15)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E784 - E805 1919-1933. Harding-Coolidge-Hoover era. The twenties|E791 - E796 Coolidge's administration, August 2, 1923-1929 (34)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E784 - E805 1919-1933. Harding-Coolidge-Hoover era. The twenties|E801 - E805 Hoover's administration, 1919-1933 (73)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E806 - E813 Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administrations, 1933-April 12, 1945 (649)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E813 - E816 Truman's administrations, April 12, 1945-1953 (220)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E740 - E837.7 Twentieth century|E835 - E837.7 Eisenhower's administrations, 1953-1961 (154)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961 (3,046)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E838 - E840.8 General (666)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E838 - E840.8 General|E839.5 - E839.8 Political history (148)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E838 - E840.8 General|E840 - E840.3 Diplomatic history. Foreign and general relations (321)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E838 - E840.8 General|E840.6 - E840.8 Biography (General) (26)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E841 - E843 Kennedy's administration, 1961-November 22, 1963 (458)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E846 - E851 Johnson's administrations, November 22, 1963-1969 (143)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E855 - E861 Nixon's administrations, 1969-August 9, 1974 (279)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E855 - E861 Nixon's administrations, 1969-August 9, 1974|E860 - E861 Watergate Affair. Resignation (75)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E865 - E868 Ford's administration, August 9, 1974-1977 (41)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E872 - E875 Carter's administration, 1977-1981 (102)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E876 - E880 Reagan's administrations, 1981-1989 (316)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E881 - E884 Bush administration, 1989-1993 (87)
E - History: America|E151 - E889 United States|E838 - E889 Later twentieth century, 1961|E885 - E889 Clinton administration, 1993-2001 (214)
F - America: local history (78,058)
F - America: local history|F1 - F975 United States local history (27,888)
F - America: local history|F1 - F975 United States local history|F1 - F15 New England (261)
F - America: local history|F1 - F975 United States local history|F206 - F220 The South. South Atlantic States (1,012)
F - America: local history|F1 - F975 United States local history|F296 - F301 Gulf States. West Florida (23)
F - America: local history|F1 - F975 United States local history|F476 - F485 Old Northwest. Northwest Territory (57)
F - America: local history|F1 - F975 United States local history|F590.3 - F596.3 The West. Trans-Mississippi Region. Great Plains (1,030)
F - America: local history|F1 - F975 United States local history|F721 - F723 Rocky Mountains. Yellowstone National Park (70)
F - America: local history|F1 - F975 United States local history|F786 - F790 New Southwest. Colorado River, Canyon, and Valley (317)
F - America: local history|F1 - F975 United States local history|F850.5 - F851.5 Pacific States (50)
F - America: local history|F1001 - F1145.3 British America (5,674)
F - America: local history|F1001 - F1145.3 British America|F1001 - F1145.3 Canada (5,674)
F - America: local history|F1001 - F1145.3 British America|F1001 - F1145.3 Canada|F1001 - F1035 General (2,592)
F - America: local history|F1001 - F1145.3 British America|F1001 - F1145.3 Canada|F1060 - F1060.97 Canadian Northwest. Northwest Territories (307)
F - America: local history|F1001 - F1145.3 British America|F1001 - F1145.3 Canada|F1121 - F1139 Newfoundland and Labrador (95)
F - America: local history|F1001 - F1145.3 British America|F1001 - F1145.3 Canada|F1121 - F1139 Newfoundland and Labrador|F1135 - F1139 Labrador (19)
F - America: local history|F1001 - F1145.3 British America|F1001 - F1145.3 Canada|F1141 - F1145.3 Nunavut (6)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America (44,006)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F1201 - F1393 Mexico (8,383)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F1201 - F1393 Mexico|F1218.5 - F1221 Antiquities. Indians (1,834)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F1401 - F1419 Latin America (General) (3,604)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F1421 - F1440 Central America (1,361)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F1421 - F1440 Central America|F1435 - F1435.3 Mayas (394)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F1601 - F1629 West Indies (192)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2155 - F2191 Caribbean area. Caribbean Sea (371)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America (21,548)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America|F2201 - F2239 General (1,668)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America|F2251 - F2299 Colombia (2,642)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America|F2301 - F2349 Venezuela (1,083)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America|F2501 - F2659 Brazil (4,152)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America|F2661 - F2699 Paraguay (499)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America|F2701 - F2799 Uruguay (515)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America|F2801 - F3021 Argentina (2,391)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America|F3031 - F3031.5 Falkland Islands (55)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America|F3051 - F3285 Chile (923)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America|F3301 - F3359 Bolivia (1,262)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America|F3401 - F3619 Peru (3,992)
F - America: local history|F1201 - F3799 Latin America. Spanish America|F2201 - F3799 South America|F3701 - F3799 Ecuador (1,153)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation (74,306)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1 - G922 Geography (General) (6,104)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1 - G922 Geography (General)|G100.5 - G108.5 Toponymy (144)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1 - G922 Geography (General)|G149 - G180 Travel. Voyages and travels (General) (1,584)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1 - G922 Geography (General)|G149 - G180 Travel. Voyages and travels (General)|G154.9 - G180 Travel and state, Tourist Trade (1,291)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1 - G922 Geography (General)|G200 - G336 History of discoveries, explorations, and travel (324)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1 - G922 Geography (General)|G369 - G503 Special voyages and travels (961)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1 - G922 Geography (General)|G521 - G539 Adventures, shipwrecks, buried treasure, etc. (276)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1 - G922 Geography (General)|G540 - G550 Seafaring life, ocean travel, etc. (103)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1 - G922 Geography (General)|G575 - G890 Arctic and Antarctic regions (679)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1 - G922 Geography (General)|G80 - G99 History of geography (326)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1 - G922 Geography (General)|G905 - G910 Tropics (General) (5)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1 - G922 Geography (General)|G912 - G922 Northern and Southern Hemispheres (2)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases (2,824)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1000 - G1000.5 Atlases of the moon, planets, etc. (7)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1001 - G1046 World atlases (510)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1050 - G1052 Northern and Southern Hemispheres (1)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1059 - G1061 Maritime atlases (General) (6)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1100 - G3102 By region or country (2,149)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1100 - G3102 By region or country|G1100 - G1779 America. Western Hemisphere (664)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1100 - G3102 By region or country|G1100 - G1779 America. Western Hemisphere|G1100 - G1692 North America (573)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1100 - G3102 By region or country|G1100 - G1779 America. Western Hemisphere|G1445 - G2739 Africa (91)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1100 - G3102 By region or country|G1780 - G2799 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc. (1,423)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1100 - G3102 By region or country|G1780 - G2799 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc.|G1791 - G2082 Europe (391)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1100 - G3102 By region or country|G1780 - G2799 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc.|G2110 - G2196 Former Soviet republics. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Russia (Empire) (79)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1100 - G3102 By region or country|G1780 - G2799 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc.|G2200 - G2444.84 Asia (821)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1100 - G3102 By region or country|G1780 - G2799 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc.|G2740 - G2799 Australasia (17)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1100 - G3102 By region or country|G2800 - G3064 Oceans (General) (60)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G1000 - G3122 Atlases|G1100 - G3102 By region or country|G3100 - G3102 Antarctica (1)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3160 - G3171 Globes (8)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps (13,495)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3180 - G3182 Universe. Solar system (6)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3190 - G3192 Celestial maps (5)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3195 - G3199 Moon (10)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3200 - G3202 World maps (554)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3210 - G3222 Northern and Southern Hemispheres (5)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3260 - G3272 Polar regions (31)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3290 - G9880 By region or country (12,875)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3290 - G9880 By region or country|G3290 - G5668 America. Western Hemisphere (6,561)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3290 - G9880 By region or country|G3290 - G5668 America. Western Hemisphere|G3300 - G5184 North America (6,112)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3290 - G9880 By region or country|G3290 - G5668 America. Western Hemisphere|G5200 - G5668 South America (400)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3290 - G9880 By region or country|G5670 - G9084 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc. (5,913)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3290 - G9880 By region or country|G5670 - G9084 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc.|G5700 - G6967 Europe (1,718)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3290 - G9880 By region or country|G5670 - G9084 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc.|G7000 - G7342 Former Soviet republics. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Russia (Empire) (354)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3290 - G9880 By region or country|G5670 - G9084 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc.|G7400 - G8198.54 Asia (2,866)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3290 - G9880 By region or country|G5670 - G9084 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc.|G8200 - G8904 Africa (830)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|G3180 - G9980 Maps|G3290 - G9880 By region or country|G5670 - G9084 Eastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc.|G8950 - G9084 Australasia (81)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GA1 - GA1776 Mathematical geography. Cartography (842)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GA1 - GA1776 Mathematical geography. Cartography|GA101 - GA1776 Cartography (792)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GA1 - GA1776 Mathematical geography. Cartography|GA101 - GA1776 Cartography|GA110 - GA115 Projection (14)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GA1 - GA1776 Mathematical geography. Cartography|GA101 - GA1776 Cartography|GA125 - GA155 Map drawing, modeling, printing, reading, etc. (47)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GA1 - GA1776 Mathematical geography. Cartography|GA101 - GA1776 Cartography|GA192 - GA197.3 Map libraries, collections of maps, globes, etc. (23)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GA1 - GA1776 Mathematical geography. Cartography|GA101 - GA1776 Cartography|GA260 - GA288 Globe making, globes (8)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GA1 - GA1776 Mathematical geography. Cartography|GA101 - GA1776 Cartography|GA300 - GA325 World maps, general atlases, etc. (51)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GA1 - GA1776 Mathematical geography. Cartography|GA101 - GA1776 Cartography|GA341 - GA1776 Maps. By region or country (383)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GA1 - GA1776 Mathematical geography. Cartography|GA51 - GA87 Surveys (General) (15)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography (5,197)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB111 - GB398.7 By region or country (134)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB400 - GB649 Geomorphology (991)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB400 - GB649 Geomorphology|GB450 - GB460 Coasts (284)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB400 - GB649 Geomorphology|GB461 - GB468.99 Reefs (10)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB400 - GB649 Geomorphology|GB471 - GB478.99 Islands (34)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB400 - GB649 Geomorphology|GB500 - GB555 Mountains. Orography (40)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB400 - GB649 Geomorphology|GB561 - GB649 Other natural landforms: floodplains, caves, deserts, dunes, etc. (347)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB5000 - GB5030 Natural disasters (177)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB651 - GB2998 Hydrology. Water (3,838)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB651 - GB2998 Hydrology. Water|GB980 - GB2998 Ground and surface waters (1,196)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB651 - GB2998 Hydrology. Water|GB980 - GB2998 Ground and surface waters|GB1001 - GB1199.6 Groundwater. Hydrogeology (550)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB651 - GB2998 Hydrology. Water|GB980 - GB2998 Ground and surface waters|GB1201 - GB1598 Rivers. Stream measurements (370)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB651 - GB2998 Hydrology. Water|GB980 - GB2998 Ground and surface waters|GB1601 - GB1798.9 Lakes. Limnology. Ponds. Lagoons (75)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB651 - GB2998 Hydrology. Water|GB980 - GB2998 Ground and surface waters|GB2401 - GB2598 Ice. Glaciers. Ice sheets. Sea ice (92)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB651 - GB2998 Hydrology. Water|GB980 - GB2998 Ground and surface waters|GB2601 - GB2798 Snow. Snow surveys (10)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB651 - GB2998 Hydrology. Water|GB980 - GB2998 Ground and surface waters|GB2801 - GB2998 Hydrometerology (7)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GB3 - GB5030 Physical geography|GB651 - GB2998 Hydrology. Water|GB980 - GB2998 Ground and surface waters|GB980 - GB992 Watersheds. Runoff. Drainage (61)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography (1,595)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC100 - GC103 Seawater (16)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC1000 - GC1023 Marine resources. Applied oceanography (94)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC1080 - GC1581 Marine pollution. Seawater pollution (163)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC109 - GC149 Chemical oceanography (48)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC150 - GC182 Physical oceanography (39)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC170 - GC190 Environmental policy (1)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC190 - GC190.5 Ocean-atmosphere interaction (26)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC200 - GC376 Dynamics of the ocean (185)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC200 - GC376 Dynamics of the ocean|GC205 - GC226 Waves (72)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC200 - GC376 Dynamics of the ocean|GC228.5 - GC228.6 Ocean circulation (25)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC200 - GC376 Dynamics of the ocean|GC229 - GC296.8 Currents (27)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC377 - GC399 Marine sediments (64)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC401 - GC881 Oceanography. By region (119)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC65 - GC78 Underwater exploration (28)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC70 - GC90 Environmental education (88)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GC1 - GC1581 Oceanography|GC96 - GC97.8 Estuarine oceanography (61)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GE1 - GE350 Environmental sciences (4,609)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GF1 - GF900 Human ecology. Anthropogeography (1,880)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GF1 - GF900 Human ecology. Anthropogeography|GF101 - GF127 Settlements (27)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GF1 - GF900 Human ecology. Anthropogeography|GF500 - GF900 By region or country (619)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GF1 - GF900 Human ecology. Anthropogeography|GF53 - GF71 Environmental influences on humans (26)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology (12,233)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology|GN301 - GN674 Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology (6,603)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology|GN301 - GN674 Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology|GN357 - GN367 Culture and cultural processes (294)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology|GN301 - GN674 Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology|GN378 - GN396 Collected dthnographies (269)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology|GN301 - GN674 Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology|GN397 - GN397.5 Applied anthropology (1)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology|GN301 - GN674 Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology|GN406 - GN517 Cultural traits, customs, and institutions (2,135)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology|GN301 - GN674 Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology|GN537 - GN673 Ethnic groups and races (2,430)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology|GN49 - GN298 Physical anthropology. Somatology (1,392)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology|GN49 - GN298 Physical anthropology. Somatology|GN269 - GN279 Race (General) (87)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology|GN49 - GN298 Physical anthropology. Somatology|GN281 - GN289 Human evolution (531)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology|GN49 - GN298 Physical anthropology. Somatology|GN51 - GN59 Anthropometry (186)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology|GN49 - GN298 Physical anthropology. Somatology|GN62.8 - GN263 Human variation (228)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GN1 - GN890 Anthropology|GN700 - GN890 Prehistoric archaeology (1,890)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GR1 - GR950 Folklore (5,477)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GR1 - GR950 Folklore|GR420 - GR950 By subject (686)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GR1 - GR950 Folklore|GR420 - GR950 By subject|GR430 - GR487 Folklore relating to private life (including dreams, love, children, nursery rhymes, etc.) (75)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GR1 - GR950 Folklore|GR420 - GR950 By subject|GR500 - GR615 Supernatural beings, demonology, fairies, ghosts, charms, etc. (213)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GR1 - GR950 Folklore|GR420 - GR950 By subject|GR620 - GR640 Cosmic phenomena (9)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GR1 - GR950 Folklore|GR420 - GR950 By subject|GR650 - GR690 Geographical topics (12)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GR1 - GR950 Folklore|GR420 - GR950 By subject|GR700 - GR860 Animals, plants, and minerals (255)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GR1 - GR950 Folklore|GR420 - GR950 By subject|GR890 - GR910 Occupations (2)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GR1 - GR950 Folklore|GR420 - GR950 By subject|GR931 - GR935 Signs and symbols (7)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GR1 - GR950 Folklore|GR420 - GR950 By subject|GR940 - GR941 Mythical places (10)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GR1 - GR950 Folklore|GR72 - GR79 Folk literature (General) (145)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GR1 - GR950 Folklore|GR99.6 - GR390 By region or country (4,001)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GT1 - GT7070 Manners and customs (General) (5,873)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GT1 - GT7070 Manners and customs (General)|GT170 - GT476 Houses. Dwellings (94)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GT1 - GT7070 Manners and customs (General)|GT2400 - GT3390.5 Customs relative to private life (including children, marriage, eating and drinking, funeral customs, etc.) (1,977)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GT1 - GT7070 Manners and customs (General)|GT3400 - GT5090 Customs relative to public and social life (including town life, court life, festivals, holidays, ceremonies of royalty, etc.) (1,440)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GT1 - GT7070 Manners and customs (General)|GT495 - GT499 Human body and its parts. Personal beauty (104)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GT1 - GT7070 Manners and customs (General)|GT500 - GT2370 Costume. Dress. Fashion (1,977)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GT1 - GT7070 Manners and customs (General)|GT5220 - GT5286 Customs relative to transportation and travel (28)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GT1 - GT7070 Manners and customs (General)|GT5320 - GT6737 Customs relative to special classes (78)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GT1 - GT7070 Manners and customs (General)|GT5320 - GT6737 Customs relative to special classes|GT5320 - GT5690 By birth, rank, etc. (2)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GT1 - GT7070 Manners and customs (General)|GT5320 - GT6737 Customs relative to special classes|GT5750 - GT6390 By occupation (49)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure (13,735)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1199 - GV1570 Games and amusements (1,145)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1199 - GV1570 Games and amusements|GV1203 - GV1218 Children's games and amusements (83)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1199 - GV1570 Games and amusements|GV1218.5 - GV1220.8 Toys (19)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1199 - GV1570 Games and amusements|GV1221 - GV1469.62 Indoor games and amusements (695)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1199 - GV1570 Games and amusements|GV1221 - GV1469.62 Indoor games and amusements|GV1232 - GV1299 Card games: Poker, patience, whist, etc. (106)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1199 - GV1570 Games and amusements|GV1221 - GV1469.62 Indoor games and amusements|GV1301 - GV1311 Gambling. Chance and banking games (14)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1199 - GV1570 Games and amusements|GV1221 - GV1469.62 Indoor games and amusements|GV1312 - GV1469 Board games. Move games (282)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1199 - GV1570 Games and amusements|GV1221 - GV1469.62 Indoor games and amusements|GV1469.15 - GV1469.62 Computer games. Video games. Fantasy games (242)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1199 - GV1570 Games and amusements|GV1470 - GV1511 Parties. Party games and stunts (110)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1199 - GV1570 Games and amusements|GV1470 - GV1511 Parties. Party games and stunts|GV1491 - GV1507 Puzzles (29)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1199 - GV1570 Games and amusements|GV1541 - GV1561 Parlor magic and tricks (122)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1580 - GV1799.4 Dancing (3,376)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV1800 - GV1860 Circuses, spectacles, etc. (including rodeos, waxworks, amusement parks, etc.) (260)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV181.35 - GV181.6 Recreation leadership. Administration of recreation services (6)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV182 - GV182.5 Recreational areas and facilities. Recreation centers (8)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV191.2 - GV200.66 Outdoor life. Outdoor recreation (448)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV191.2 - GV200.66 Outdoor life. Outdoor recreation|GV191.68 - GV198.9 Camping (30)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV191.2 - GV200.66 Outdoor life. Outdoor recreation|GV198.94 - GV198.97 Dude ranches (1)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV191.2 - GV200.66 Outdoor life. Outdoor recreation|GV199 - GV199.6 Hiking. Pedestrian tours (169)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV191.2 - GV200.66 Outdoor life. Outdoor recreation|GV199.8 - GV200.3 Mountaineering (98)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV191.2 - GV200.66 Outdoor life. Outdoor recreation|GV200.4 - GV200.5 Orienteering. Wilderness survival (2)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV191.2 - GV200.66 Outdoor life. Outdoor recreation|GV200.6 - GV200.66 Caving. Spelunking (7)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV201 - GV555 Physical education and training (688)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV201 - GV555 Physical education and training|GV346 - GV351.5 School and college athletics. Intramural and interscholastic athletics (94)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV201 - GV555 Physical education and training|GV401 - GV433 Physical education facilities. Sports facilities (including gymnasiums, athletic fields, playgrounds, etc.) (79)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV201 - GV555 Physical education and training|GV435 - GV436.7 Physical measurements. Physical tests, etc. (8)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV201 - GV555 Physical education and training|GV450 - GV451.4 Nudism. Sunbathing (14)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV201 - GV555 Physical education and training|GV460 - GV555 Gymnastics. Gymnastic exercises (including calisthenics, heavy exercises, acrobatics, etc.) (228)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports (7,278)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV1020 - GV1038.2 Automobile travel. Motoring. Automobile racing (182)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV1040 - GV1060.4 Cycling. Bicycling. Motorcycling (169)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV1060.5 - GV1098 Track and field athletics (168)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV1101 - GV1150.9 Fighting sports: Bullfighting, boxing, fencing, etc. (410)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV1151 - GV1190 Shooting. Archery (66)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV1195 - GV1198.99 Wrestling (69)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV712 - GV725 Athletic contests. Sports Events (425)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV733 - GV734.5 Professionalism in sports. Professional sports (General) (9)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV743 - GV749 Athletic and sporting goods, supplies, etc. (8)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV750 - GV770.27 Air sports: Airplane flying, kiteflying, bungee-jumping, etc. (18)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV770.3 - GV840 Water sports: Canoeing, sailing, yachting, scuba diving, etc. (258)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV840.7 - GV857 Winter sports: Ice hockey, skiing, bobsledding, snowmobiling, etc. (176)
G - Geography. Anthropology. Recreation|GV1 - GV1860 Recreation. Leisure|GV557 - GV1198.99 Sports|GV861 - GV1017 Ball games: Baseball, football, golf, etc. (3,423)
H - Social sciences (389,115)
H - Social sciences|H1 - H99 Social sciences (General) (5,859)
H - Social sciences|HA1 - HA4737 Statistics (5,746)
H - Social sciences|HA1 - HA4737 Statistics|HA154 - HA4737 Statistical data (4,355)
H - Social sciences|HA1 - HA4737 Statistics|HA154 - HA4737 Statistical data|HA154 - HA155 Universal statistics (18)
H - Social sciences|HA1 - HA4737 Statistics|HA154 - HA4737 Statistical data|HA175 - HA4737 By region or country (4,305)
H - Social sciences|HA1 - HA4737 Statistics|HA29 - HA32 Theory and method of social science statistics (763)
H - Social sciences|HA1 - HA4737 Statistics|HA36 - HA37 Statistical services. Statistical bureaus (13)
H - Social sciences|HA1 - HA4737 Statistics|HA38 - HA39 Registration of vital events. Vital records (10)
H - Social sciences|HB1 - HB3840 Economic theory. Demography (23,054)
H - Social sciences|HB1 - HB3840 Economic theory. Demography|HB131 - HB147 Methodology (1,250)
H - Social sciences|HB1 - HB3840 Economic theory. Demography|HB201 - HB206 Value. Utility (137)
H - Social sciences|HB1 - HB3840 Economic theory. Demography|HB221 - HB236 Price (322)
H - Social sciences|HB1 - HB3840 Economic theory. Demography|HB238 - HB251 Competition. Production. Wealth (150)
H - Social sciences|HB1 - HB3840 Economic theory. Demography|HB3711 - HB3840 Business cycles. Economic fluctuations (1,288)
H - Social sciences|HB1 - HB3840 Economic theory. Demography|HB522 - HB715 Income. Factor shares (1,035)
H - Social sciences|HB1 - HB3840 Economic theory. Demography|HB71 - HB74 Economics as a science. Relation to other subjects (558)
H - Social sciences|HB1 - HB3840 Economic theory. Demography|HB75 - HB130 History of economics (3,167)
H - Social sciences|HB1 - HB3840 Economic theory. Demography|HB801 - HB843 Consumption. Demand (303)
H - Social sciences|HB1 - HB3840 Economic theory. Demography|HB846 - HB846.8 Welfare theory (135)
H - Social sciences|HB1 - HB3840 Economic theory. Demography|HB848 - HB3697 Demography. Population. Vital events (5,775)
H - Social sciences|HC1 - HC1085 Economic history and conditions (49,688)
H - Social sciences|HC1 - HC1085 Economic history and conditions|HC72 - HC88 Economic growth, development, planning (3,637)
H - Social sciences|HC1 - HC1085 Economic history and conditions|HC94 - HC1085 By region or country (41,959)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor (86,429)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD101 - HD1395.5 Land use (4,854)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD101 - HD1395.5 Land use|HD1241 - HD1339 Land tenure (865)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD101 - HD1395.5 Land use|HD1361 - HD1395.5 Real estate business (270)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD1401 - HD2210 Agriculture (8,189)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD1401 - HD2210 Agriculture|HD1428 - HD1431 International cooperation (31)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD1401 - HD2210 Agriculture|HD1470 - HD1476 Size of farms (105)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD1401 - HD2210 Agriculture|HD1483 - HD1486 Agricultural associations, societies, etc. (94)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD1401 - HD2210 Agriculture|HD1491 - HD1492.5 Cooperative agriculture (402)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD1401 - HD2210 Agriculture|HD1493 - HD1493.5 Government owned and operated farms. State farms. Sovkhozes (27)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD1401 - HD2210 Agriculture|HD1501 - HD1542 Agricultural classes (including farm tenancy, agricultural laborers (1,344)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD1401 - HD2210 Agriculture|HD1635 - HD1702 Utilization and culture of special classes of lands (including pasture lands, water resources development) (1,360)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD1401 - HD2210 Agriculture|HD1711 - HD1741 Irrigation (23)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD2321 - HD4730.9 Industry (9,295)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD2321 - HD4730.9 Industry|HD2331 - HD2336 Home labor. Home-based businesses (17)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD2321 - HD4730.9 Industry|HD2337 - HD2339 Sweatshops (12)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD2321 - HD4730.9 Industry|HD2340.8 - HD2346.5 Small and medium-sized businesses, artisans, handicrafts, trades (1,361)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD28 - HD70 Management. Industrial management (11,744)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD4801 - HD8943 Labor. Work. Working class (30,700)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD4801 - HD8943 Labor. Work. Working class|HD4861 - HD4895 Labor systems (387)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD4801 - HD8943 Labor. Work. Working class|HD4909 - HD5100.9 Wages (1,036)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD4801 - HD8943 Labor. Work. Working class|HD5106 - HD5267 Hours of labor (including overtime, shift work, sick leave, vacations) (278)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD4801 - HD8943 Labor. Work. Working class|HD5306 - HD5474 Labor disputes. Strikes and lockouts (665)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD4801 - HD8943 Labor. Work. Working class|HD5481 - HD5630.7 Industrial arbitration. Mediation and conciliation (109)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD4801 - HD8943 Labor. Work. Working class|HD5650 - HD5660 Employee participation in management. Employee ownership. Industrial democracy. Works councils (92)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD4801 - HD8943 Labor. Work. Working class|HD5701 - HD6000.9 Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand (including unemployment, manpower policy, occupational training, employment agencies) (3,863)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD4801 - HD8943 Labor. Work. Working class|HD6050 - HD6305 Classes of labor (including women, children, students, middle-aged and older persons, minorities) (4,427)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD4801 - HD8943 Labor. Work. Working class|HD6350 - HD6940.7 Trade unions. Labor unions. Worker's associations (3,714)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD4801 - HD8943 Labor. Work. Working class|HD6941 - HD6948 Employers' associations (7)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD9000 - HD9999 Special industries and trades (18,113)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD9000 - HD9999 Special industries and trades|HD9000 - HD9495 Agricultural industries (5,533)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD9000 - HD9999 Special industries and trades|HD9502 - HD9502.5 Energy industries. Energy policy. Fuel trade (1,534)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD9000 - HD9999 Special industries and trades|HD9506 - HD9624 Mineral industries. Metal trade (3,760)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD9000 - HD9999 Special industries and trades|HD9650 - HD9663 Chemistry industries (297)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD9000 - HD9999 Special industries and trades|HD9665 - HD9675 Pharmaceutical industry (344)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD9000 - HD9999 Special industries and trades|HD9680 - HD9714 Mechanical industries (including electric utilities, electronic industries, and machinery) (2,905)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD9000 - HD9999 Special industries and trades|HD9715 - HD9717.5 Construction industry (307)
H - Social sciences|HD28 - HD9999 Industries. Land use. Labor|HD9000 - HD9999 Special industries and trades|HD9720 - HD9975 Manufacturing industries (2,687)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications (10,510)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE1001 - HE5600 Railroads. Rapid transit systems (2,432)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE199 - HE199.5 Freight (General) (50)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE305 - HE311 Urban transportation (189)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE323 - HE328 Transportation geography. Trade routes (39)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE331 - HE380 Traffic engineering. Roads and highways. Streets (595)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE331 - HE380 Traffic engineering. Roads and highways. Streets|HE374 - HE377 Bridges (4)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE380.8 - HE971 Water transportation (1,258)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE380.8 - HE971 Water transportation|HE380.8 - HE560 Waterways (442)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE380.8 - HE971 Water transportation|HE561 - HE971 Shipping (781)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE380.8 - HE971 Water transportation|HE561 - HE971 Shipping|HE730 - HE943 Merchant marine. Ocean shipping. Coastwise shipping (360)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE5601 - HE5725 Automotive transportation (including trucking, bus lines, and taxicab service) (547)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE5746 - HE5749 Stage lines (2)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE5751 - HE5870 Ferries (13)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE5880 - HE5990 Express service (30)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE6000 - HE7500 Postal service. Stamps. Philately (647)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE8701 - HE9680.7 Telephone industry (157)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE9713 - HE9715 Cellular telephone services industry. Wireless telephone (46)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE9719 - HE9721 Artificial satellite telecommunications (11)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE9751 - HE9756 Messenger service (3)
H - Social sciences|HE1 - HE9990 Transportation and communications|HE9761 - HE9900 Air transportation. Airlines (486)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce (30,432)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF1021 - HF1027 Commercial geography. Economic geography (117)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF1040 - HF1054 Commodities. Commercial products (148)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF1701 - HF2701 Tariff. Free trade. Protectionism (1,479)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF294 - HF343 Boards of trade. Chambers of commerce. Merchants' associations (134)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF3000 - HF4055 By region or country (3,511)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business (17,767)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5381 - HF5386 Vocational guidance. Career development (1,314)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5387 - HF5387.5 Business ethics (433)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5410 - HF5417.5 Marketing. Disribution of products (3,637)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5419 - HF5422 Wholesale trade (32)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5428 - HF5429.6 Retail trade (273)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5429.7 - HF5430.6 Shopping centers. Shopping malls (18)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5437 - HF5444 Purchasing. Selling. Sales personnel. Sales executives (684)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5446 - HF5459 Canvassing. Peddling (12)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5460 - HF5469.5 Department stores. Mail order business. Supermarkets. Convenience stores (278)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5469.7 - HF5481 Markets. Fairs (287)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5482 - HF5482.4 Secondhand trade (10)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5482.6 - HF5482.65 Black market (2)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5484 - HF5495 Warehouses. Storage (26)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5520 - HF5541 Office equipment and supplies (6)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5546 - HF5548.6 Office management (647)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5548.7 - HF5548.85 Industrial psychology (204)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5549 - HF5549.5 Personnel management. Employment management (620)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5601 - HF5689 Accounting. Bookkeeping (1,729)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5691 - HF5716 Business mathematics. Commercial arithmetic (77)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5717 - HF5734.7 Business communication (306)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5735 - HF5746 Business records management (18)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5761 - HF5780 Shipment of goods. Delivery of goods (36)
H - Social sciences|HF1 - HF6182 Commerce|HF5001 - HF6182 Business|HF5801 - HF6182 Advertising (4,502)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance (23,869)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG1501 - HG3550 Banking (4,754)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG1501 - HG3550 Banking|HG1621 - HG1638 Interest rates. Interest tables (100)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG1501 - HG3550 Banking|HG1641 - HG1643 Bank loans. Bank credit. Commercial loans (94)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG1501 - HG3550 Banking|HG1685 - HG1704 Drafts. Checks (17)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG1501 - HG3550 Banking|HG1706 - HG1708 Accounting. Bookkeeping (24)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG1501 - HG3550 Banking|HG1710 - HG1710.5 Electronic funds transfers (110)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG1501 - HG3550 Banking|HG1811 - HG2351 Special classes of banks and financial institutions (880)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG1501 - HG3550 Banking|HG2397 - HG3550 By region or country (2,712)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG201 - HG1496 Money (3,520)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG201 - HG1496 Money|HG451 - HG1496 By region or country (2,107)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG3691 - HG3769 Credit. Debt. Loans (including credit institutions, credit instruments, consumer credit, bankruptcy) (626)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG3810 - HG4000 Foreign exchange. International finance (3,163)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG3810 - HG4000 Foreign exchange. International finance|HG3879 - HG3898 International monetary system (2,391)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG4001 - HG4285 Finance management, Business finance. Corporation finance (1,493)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG4301 - HG4480.9 Trust services. Trust companies (28)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG6105 - HG6270.9 Lotteries (66)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG8011 - HG9999 Insurance (1,164)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG8011 - HG9999 Insurance|HG8053.5 - HG8054.45 Insurance for professions. Malpractice (13)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG8011 - HG9999 Insurance|HG8075 - HG8107 Insurance business. Insurance management (41)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG8011 - HG9999 Insurance|HG8111 - HG8123 Government policy. State supervision (10)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG8011 - HG9999 Insurance|HG8205 - HG8220 Government insurance (3)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG8011 - HG9999 Insurance|HG8501 - HG8745 By region or country (263)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG8011 - HG9999 Insurance|HG8751 - HG9295 Life insurance (319)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG8011 - HG9999 Insurance|HG9301 - HG9343 Accident insurance (5)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG8011 - HG9999 Insurance|HG9371 - HG9399 Health insurance (97)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG8011 - HG9999 Insurance|HG9651 - HG9899 Fire insurance (40)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG8011 - HG9999 Insurance|HG9956 - HG9969 Casualty insurance (32)
H - Social sciences|HG1 - HG9999 Finance|HG8011 - HG9999 Insurance|HG9969.5 - HG9999 Other insurance (including automobile, burglary, disaster, title, etc.) (105)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance (9,022)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ2005 - HJ2216 Income and expenditure. Budget (689)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ2240 - HJ5908 Revenue. Taxation. Internal revenue (2,641)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ2240 - HJ5908 Revenue. Taxation. Internal revenue|HJ2321 - HJ2323 Tax incidence. Tax shifting. Tax equity (47)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ2240 - HJ5908 Revenue. Taxation. Internal revenue|HJ2326 - HJ2327 Progressive taxation (3)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ2240 - HJ5908 Revenue. Taxation. Internal revenue|HJ2336 - HJ2337 Tax exemption (16)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ2240 - HJ5908 Revenue. Taxation. Internal revenue|HJ2361 - HJ3192.7 By region or country (1,056)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ2240 - HJ5908 Revenue. Taxation. Internal revenue|HJ3801 - HJ3844 Revenue from sources other than taxation (36)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ2240 - HJ5908 Revenue. Taxation. Internal revenue|HJ4113 - HJ4601 Property tax (248)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ2240 - HJ5908 Revenue. Taxation. Internal revenue|HJ4629 - HJ4830 Income tax (448)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ2240 - HJ5908 Revenue. Taxation. Internal revenue|HJ4919 - HJ4936 Capitation. Poll tax (14)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ2240 - HJ5908 Revenue. Taxation. Internal revenue|HJ5309 - HJ5510 Administrative fees. User charges. License fees (81)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ241 - HJ1620 By region or country (1,723)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ6603 - HJ7390 Customs administration (226)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ7461 - HJ7980 Expenditures. Government spending (167)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ8001 - HJ8899 Public debts (681)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ8001 - HJ8899 Public debts|HJ8101 - HJ8899 By region or country (568)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ9103 - HJ9695 Local finance. Municipal finance (including the revenue, budget, expenditures of counties, boroughs, municipalities, etc.) (572)
H - Social sciences|HJ9 - HJ9940 Public finance|HJ9701 - HJ9940 Public accounting. Auditing (246)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General) (13,784)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM1001 - HM1281 Social psychology (4,022)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM1001 - HM1281 Social psychology|HM1041 - HM1101 Social perception. Social cognition (including perception of the self and others, prejudices, stereotype) (220)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM1001 - HM1281 Social psychology|HM1106 - HM1171 Interpersonal relations. Social behavior (1,164)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM1001 - HM1281 Social psychology|HM1176 - HM1281 Social influence. Social pressure (1,833)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM435 - HM477 History of sociology. History of sociological theory (348)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM435 - HM477 History of sociology. History of sociological theory|HM461 - HM473 Schools of sociology. Schools of social thought (108)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM481 - HM554 Theory. Method. Relations to other subjects (594)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM621 - HM656 Culture (1,279)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM661 - HM696 Social control (628)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM711 - HM806 Groups and organizations (1,510)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM711 - HM806 Groups and organizations|HM756 - HM781 Community (189)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM711 - HM806 Groups and organizations|HM786 - HM806 Organizational sociology. Organization theory (193)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM811 - HM821 Deviant behavior. Social deviance (124)
H - Social sciences|HM401 - HM1281 Sociology (General)|HM831 - HM901 Social change (2,014)
H - Social sciences|HN1 - HN995 Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform (19,243)
H - Social sciences|HN1 - HN995 Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform|HN30 - HN39 The church and social problems (317)
H - Social sciences|HN1 - HN995 Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform|HN41 - HN46 Community centers. Social centers (12)
H - Social sciences|HN1 - HN995 Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform|HN50 - HN995 By region or country (16,613)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women (42,425)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ1073 - HQ1073.5 Thanatology. Death. Dying (105)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ1075 - HQ1075.5 Sex role (456)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ1088 - HQ1090.7 Men (362)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ1101 - HQ2030.7 Women. Feminism (17,972)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ1101 - HQ2030.7 Women. Feminism|HQ1451 - HQ1870.7 By region or country (7,348)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ1101 - HQ2030.7 Women. Feminism|HQ1871 - HQ2030.7 Women's clubs (177)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ12 - HQ449 Sexual life (7,711)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ12 - HQ449 Sexual life|HQ101 - HQ440.7 Prostitution (1,290)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ12 - HQ449 Sexual life|HQ19 - HQ30.7 Sexual behavior and attitudes. Sexuality (916)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ12 - HQ449 Sexual life|HQ31 - HQ64 Sex instruction and sexual ethics (767)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ12 - HQ449 Sexual life|HQ75 - HQ76.8 Homosexuality. Lesbianism (2,471)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ2035 - HQ2039 Life skills. Coping skills. Everyday living skills (9)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ2042 - HQ2044 Life style (13)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ450 - HQ472 Erotica (285)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home (13,677)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ1001 - HQ1006 The state and marriage (7)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ1051 - HQ1057 The church and marriage (14)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ1058 - HQ1058.5 Widows and widowers. Widowhood (15)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ1060 - HQ1064 Aged. Gerontology (Social aspects). Retirement (599)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ750 - HQ755.5 Eugenics (153)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ755.7 - HQ759.92 Parents. Parenthood (1,329)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ760 - HQ767.7 Family size (1,633)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ767.8 - HQ792.2 Children. Child development (including child rearing, child care, child life) (2,644)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ793 - HQ799.2 Youth. Adolescents. Teenagers (1,771)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ799.5 - HQ799.9 Young men and women (281)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ799.95 - HQ799.97 Adulthood (25)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ800 - HQ800.4 Single people (107)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ801 - HQ801.83 Man-woman relationships. Courtship. Dating (283)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ811 - HQ960.7 Divorce (265)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ961 - HQ967 Free love (10)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ981 - HQ996 Polygamy (23)
H - Social sciences|HQ1 - HQ2044 The family. Marriage. Women|HQ503 - HQ1064 The family. Marriage. Home|HQ998 - HQ999 Illegitimacy. Unmarried mothers (9)
H - Social sciences|HS1 - HS3371 Societies: secret, benevolent, etc. (2,212)
H - Social sciences|HS1 - HS3371 Societies: secret, benevolent, etc.|HS101 - HS330.7 Secret societies (140)
H - Social sciences|HS1 - HS3371 Societies: secret, benevolent, etc.|HS1201 - HS1350 Knights of Pythias (11)
H - Social sciences|HS1 - HS3371 Societies: secret, benevolent, etc.|HS1501 - HS2460.7 Other societies. By classes (527)
H - Social sciences|HS1 - HS3371 Societies: secret, benevolent, etc.|HS1501 - HS2460.7 Other societies. By classes|HS1501 - HS1510 Benevolent and friendly societies and mutual assessment fraternities (25)
H - Social sciences|HS1 - HS3371 Societies: secret, benevolent, etc.|HS1501 - HS2460.7 Other societies. By classes|HS1525 - HS1560 Religious socieities (20)
H - Social sciences|HS1 - HS3371 Societies: secret, benevolent, etc.|HS1501 - HS2460.7 Other societies. By classes|HS1601 - HS2265 Race socieities (65)
H - Social sciences|HS1 - HS3371 Societies: secret, benevolent, etc.|HS1501 - HS2460.7 Other societies. By classes|HS2301 - HS2460.7 Political and patriotic societies (381)
H - Social sciences|HS1 - HS3371 Societies: secret, benevolent, etc.|HS2501 - HS3371 Clubs. Clubs and societies for special classes (including boys' societies, Boy Scouts, girls' societies) (371)
H - Social sciences|HS1 - HS3371 Societies: secret, benevolent, etc.|HS351 - HS929 Freemasons (987)
H - Social sciences|HS1 - HS3371 Societies: secret, benevolent, etc.|HS951 - HS1179 Odd Fellows (38)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races (14,048)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT101 - HT395 Urban groups. Urban sociology. The city (8,323)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT101 - HT395 Urban groups. Urban sociology. The city|HT161 - HT165 Garden cities. The 'city beautiful' (28)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT101 - HT395 Urban groups. Urban sociology. The city|HT165.5 - HT169.9 City planning (2,690)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT101 - HT395 Urban groups. Urban sociology. The city|HT170 - HT178 Urban renewal. Urban redevelopment (277)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT101 - HT395 Urban groups. Urban sociology. The city|HT201 - HT221 City population (including children in cities, immigration) (29)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT101 - HT395 Urban groups. Urban sociology. The city|HT251 - HT265 Mental and moral life (5)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT101 - HT395 Urban groups. Urban sociology. The city|HT321 - HT325 The city as economic factor. City promotion (133)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT101 - HT395 Urban groups. Urban sociology. The city|HT330 - HT334 Metropolitan areas (29)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT101 - HT395 Urban groups. Urban sociology. The city|HT351 - HT352 Suburban cities and towns (45)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT101 - HT395 Urban groups. Urban sociology. The city|HT361 - HT384 Urbanization. City and country (175)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT101 - HT395 Urban groups. Urban sociology. The city|HT390 - HT395 Regional planning (500)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT1501 - HT1595 Races (including race as a social group and race relations in general) (839)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT401 - HT485 Rural groups. Rural sociology (233)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT51 - HT65 Human settlements. Communities (9)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT601 - HT1445 Classes (3,771)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT601 - HT1445 Classes|HT621 - HT635 Orgin of social classes (7)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT601 - HT1445 Classes|HT641 - HT657 Classes arising from birth (372)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT601 - HT1445 Classes|HT675 - HT690 Classes arising from occupation (91)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT601 - HT1445 Classes|HT713 - HT725 Caste system (340)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT601 - HT1445 Classes|HT751 - HT815 Serfdom (39)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT601 - HT1445 Classes|HT851 - HT1445 Slavery (2,059)
H - Social sciences|HT51 - HT1595 Communities. Classes. Races|HT601 - HT1445 Classes|HT851 - HT1445 Slavery|HT1048 - HT1444 By region or country (1,445)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology (38,855)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV40 - HV69 Social service. Social work. Charity organization and practice (including social case work, private/public relief, institutional care, etc.) (751)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV4961 - HV4995 Degeneration (37)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV4997 - HV5000 Substance abuse (88)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV5001 - HV5720.5 Alcoholism. Intemperance. Temperance reform (1,335)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV551.2 - HV639 Emergency management (1,196)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV551.2 - HV639 Emergency management|HV553 - HV639 Relief in case of disasters (895)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV551.2 - HV639 Emergency management|HV553 - HV639 Relief in case of disasters|HV560 - HV583 Red Cross. Red Crescent (134)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV551.2 - HV639 Emergency management|HV553 - HV639 Relief in case of disasters|HV599 - HV639 Special types of disasters (386)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV5725 - HV5770 Tobacco habit (191)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV5800 - HV5840 Drug habits. Drug abuse (1,074)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV6001 - HV7220.5 Criminology (13,547)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV6001 - HV7220.5 Criminology|HV6035 - HV6197 Criminal anthropology (including criminal types, criminal psychology, prison psychology, causes of crime) (644)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV6001 - HV7220.5 Criminology|HV6201 - HV6249 Criminal classes (402)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV6001 - HV7220.5 Criminology|HV6250 - HV6250.4 Victims of crimes. Victimology (193)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV6001 - HV7220.5 Criminology|HV6251 - HV6773.55 Crimes and offenses (9,847)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV6001 - HV7220.5 Criminology|HV6774 - HV7220.5 Crimes and criminal classes (1,097)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV640 - HV645 Refugee problems (1,110)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV650 - HV670 Life saving (2)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV675 - HV677 Accidents. Prevention of accidents (30)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV680 - HV696 Free professional services (including medical charities) (86)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief (5,856)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV3025 - HV3174 Special classes. By occupation (5)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV3025 - HV3174 Special classes. By occupation|HV3025 - HV3163 Mariners (5)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV3176 - HV3199 Special classes. By race or ethnic group (102)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV4005 - HV4013 Immigrants (22)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV4023 - HV4470.7 Poor in cities. Slums (554)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV4480 - HV4630 Mendicancy. Vagabondism. Tramps. Homelessness (424)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV4701 - HV4890.9 Protection of animals. Animal rights. Animal welfare (343)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV4905 - HV5959 Animal experimentation. Anti-vivisection (106)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV697 - HV3024 Special classes (4,211)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV697 - HV3024 Special classes|HV1421 - HV1441 Young Adults. Youth. Teenagers (105)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV697 - HV3024 Special classes|HV1442 - HV1448 Women (66)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV697 - HV3024 Special classes|HV1450 - HV1494 Aged (410)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV697 - HV3024 Special classes|HV1551 - HV3024 People with disabilities (including blind, deaf, people with physical and mental disabilities) (1,482)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV697 - HV3024 Special classes|HV697 - HV700.7 Families. Mothers. Widow's pensions (187)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV697 - HV3024 Special classes|HV701 - HV1420.5 Children (1,802)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV697 - HV3024 Special classes|HV701 - HV1420.5 Children|HV835 - HV847 Foundlings (3)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV697 - HV3024 Special classes|HV701 - HV1420.5 Children|HV873 - HV887 Destitute, neglected, and abandoned children. Street children (425)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV697 - HV3024 Special classes|HV701 - HV1420.5 Children|HV888 - HV907 Children with disabilities (84)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV697 - HV3024 Special classes|HV701 - HV1420.5 Children|HV931 - HV941 Fresh-air funds (3)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV697 - HV4959 Protection, assistance, and relief|HV697 - HV3024 Special classes|HV701 - HV1420.5 Children|HV959 - HV1420.5 Orphanages. Orphans (199)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration (8,985)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV7435 - HV7439 Gun control (115)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV7551 - HV8280.7 Police. Detectives. Constabulary (3,264)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV7551 - HV8280.7 Police. Detectives. Constabulary|HV7935 - HV8025 Administration and organization (359)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV7551 - HV8280.7 Police. Detectives. Constabulary|HV8031 - HV8080 Police duty. Methods of protection (525)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV7551 - HV8280.7 Police. Detectives. Constabulary|HV8031 - HV8080 Police duty. Methods of protection|HV8079.5 - HV8079.55 Traffic control. Traffic accident investigation (5)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV7551 - HV8280.7 Police. Detectives. Constabulary|HV8081 - HV8099 Private detectives. Detective bureaus (22)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV7551 - HV8280.7 Police. Detectives. Constabulary|HV8130 - HV8280.7 By region or country (1,802)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV8290 - HV8291 Private security services (22)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV8301 - HV9920.7 Penology. Prisons. Corrections (4,840)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV8301 - HV9920.7 Penology. Prisons. Corrections|HV9051 - HV9230.7 The juvenile offender. Juvenile delinquency. Reform schools, etc. (955)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV8301 - HV9920.7 Penology. Prisons. Corrections|HV9261 - HV9430.7 Reformation and reclamation of adult prisoners (380)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV8301 - HV9920.7 Penology. Prisons. Corrections|HV9441 - HV9920.7 By region or country (1,639)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV7231 - HV9960 Criminal justice administration|HV9950 - HV9960 By region or country (238)
H - Social sciences|HV1 - HV9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|HV85 - HV525 By region or country (2,731)
H - Social sciences|HX1 - HX970.7 Socialism. Communism. Anarchism (11,859)
H - Social sciences|HX1 - HX970.7 Socialism. Communism. Anarchism|HX519 - HX550 Communism/socialism in relation to special topics (788)
H - Social sciences|HX1 - HX970.7 Socialism. Communism. Anarchism|HX626 - HX696 Communism: Utopian socialism, collective settlements (245)
H - Social sciences|HX1 - HX970.7 Socialism. Communism. Anarchism|HX806 - HX811 Utopias. The ideal state (312)
H - Social sciences|HX1 - HX970.7 Socialism. Communism. Anarchism|HX821 - HX970.9 Anarchism (771)
J - Political Science (86,528)
J - Political Science|J1 - J981 General legislative and executive papers (1,087)
J - Political Science|J1 - J981 General legislative and executive papers|J1 - J9 Gazettes (8)
J - Political Science|J1 - J981 General legislative and executive papers|J10 - J98 United States (335)
J - Political Science|J1 - J981 General legislative and executive papers|J10 - J98 United States|J80 - J82 Presidents' messages and other executive papers (28)
J - Political Science|J1 - J981 General legislative and executive papers|J100 - J981 Other regions and countries (736)
J - Political Science|JA1 - JA92 Political science (General) (5,138)
J - Political Science|JA1 - JA92 Political science (General)|JA1 - JA26 Periodicals (421)
J - Political Science|JA1 - JA92 Political science (General)|JA27 - JA34 Societies (31)
J - Political Science|JA1 - JA92 Political science (General)|JA60 - JA64 Dictionaries and encyclopedias (72)
J - Political Science|JA1 - JA92 Political science (General)|JA71 - JA80.2 Theory. Relations to other subjects (1,987)
J - Political Science|JA1 - JA92 Political science (General)|JA81 - JA84 History (355)
J - Political Science|JA1 - JA92 Political science (General)|JA86 - JA88 Study and teaching. Research (80)
J - Political Science|JC11 - JC607 Political theory (15,218)
J - Political Science|JC11 - JC607 Political theory|JC11 - JC607 State. Theories of the state (15,218)
J - Political Science|JC11 - JC607 Political theory|JC11 - JC607 State. Theories of the state|JC109 - JC121 Medieval state (53)
J - Political Science|JC11 - JC607 Political theory|JC11 - JC607 State. Theories of the state|JC131 - JC273 Modern state (2,016)
J - Political Science|JC11 - JC607 Political theory|JC11 - JC607 State. Theories of the state|JC311 - JC314 Nationalism. Nation state (888)
J - Political Science|JC11 - JC607 Political theory|JC11 - JC607 State. Theories of the state|JC319 - JC323 Political geography (256)
J - Political Science|JC11 - JC607 Political theory|JC11 - JC607 State. Theories of the state|JC345 - JC347 Symbolism (13)
J - Political Science|JC11 - JC607 Political theory|JC11 - JC607 State. Theories of the state|JC348 - JC497 Forms of the state (3,162)
J - Political Science|JC11 - JC607 Political theory|JC11 - JC607 State. Theories of the state|JC501 - JC607 Purpose, functions, and relations of the state (6,072)
J - Political Science|JC11 - JC607 Political theory|JC11 - JC607 State. Theories of the state|JC51 - JC93 Ancient state (599)
J - Political Science|JF20 - JF2112 Political institutions and public administration (3,847)
J - Political Science|JF20 - JF2112 Political institutions and public administration|JF1338 - JF2112 Public administration (1,564)
J - Political Science|JF20 - JF2112 Political institutions and public administration|JF1338 - JF2112 Public administration|JF1411 - JF1521 Civil service (67)
J - Political Science|JF20 - JF2112 Political institutions and public administration|JF1338 - JF2112 Public administration|JF2011 - JF2112 Political parties (260)
J - Political Science|JF20 - JF2112 Political institutions and public administration|JF20 - JF1177 General. Comparative government (2,273)
J - Political Science|JF20 - JF2112 Political institutions and public administration|JF20 - JF1177 General. Comparative government|JF201 - JF619 Organs and functions of government (581)
J - Political Science|JF20 - JF2112 Political institutions and public administration|JF20 - JF1177 General. Comparative government|JF201 - JF619 Organs and functions of government|JF251 - JF289 Executive. Heads of state (93)
J - Political Science|JF20 - JF2112 Political institutions and public administration|JF20 - JF1177 General. Comparative government|JF201 - JF619 Organs and functions of government|JF331 - JF341 Parliamentary government (24)
J - Political Science|JF20 - JF2112 Political institutions and public administration|JF20 - JF1177 General. Comparative government|JF201 - JF619 Organs and functions of government|JF441 - JF619 Legislation. Legislative process. Law (422)
J - Political Science|JF20 - JF2112 Political institutions and public administration|JF20 - JF1177 General. Comparative government|JF51 - JF56 General works. History (250)
J - Political Science|JF20 - JF2112 Political institutions and public administration|JF20 - JF1177 General. Comparative government|JF800 - JF1177 Political rights. Political participation (906)
J - Political Science|JJ1000 - JJ1019 Political institutions and public administration (7)
J - Political Science|JJ1000 - JJ1019 Political institutions and public administration|JJ1000 - JJ1019 North America (7)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration (10,784)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States (10,628)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK1717 - JK2248 Political rights. Practical politics (1,622)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK1717 - JK2248 Political rights. Practical politics|JK1756 - JK1761 Citizenship (101)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK1717 - JK2248 Political rights. Practical politics|JK1846 - JK1936 Suffrage (388)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK1717 - JK2248 Political rights. Practical politics|JK1961 - JK2248 Electoral system (681)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK2255 - JK2391 Political parties (1,280)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK2403 - JK9593 State government (2,345)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK401 - JK1685 Government. Public administration (3,569)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK401 - JK1685 Government. Public administration|JK1001 - JK1443 Congress. Legislative branch (846)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK401 - JK1685 Government. Public administration|JK1001 - JK1443 Congress. Legislative branch|JK1154 - JK1276 Senate (93)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK401 - JK1685 Government. Public administration|JK1001 - JK1443 Congress. Legislative branch|JK1308 - JK1443 House of Representatives (158)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK401 - JK1685 Government. Public administration|JK1606 - JK1685 Government property, etc. (53)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK401 - JK1685 Government. Public administration|JK501 - JK901 Executive branch (1,635)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK1 - JK9593 United States|JK401 - JK1685 Government. Public administration|JK501 - JK901 Executive branch|JK631 - JK873 Civil Service. Departments and agencies (369)
J - Political Science|JK1 - JK9993 Political institutions and public administration|JK9663 - JK9993 Confederate States of America (156)
J - Political Science|JL1 - JL3899 Political institutions and public administration (6,035)
J - Political Science|JL1 - JL3899 Political institutions and public administration|JL1 - JL500 Canada (1,095)
J - Political Science|JL1 - JL3899 Political institutions and public administration|JL1200 - JL1299 Mexico (891)
J - Political Science|JL1 - JL3899 Political institutions and public administration|JL1400 - JL1679 Central America (566)
J - Political Science|JL1 - JL3899 Political institutions and public administration|JL1850 - JL3899 South America (2,409)
J - Political Science|JL1 - JL3899 Political institutions and public administration|JL599.5 - JL839 West Indies. Caribbean Area (114)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration (11,968)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN1 - JN97 Europe (General) (2,196)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN101 - JN1179 Great Britain (2,909)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN1187 - JN1371 Scotland (100)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN1400 - JN1571.5 Ireland (128)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN1601 - JN2191 Austria-Hungary. Austria. Hungary (145)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN2210 - JN2229 Czech Republic. Czechoslovakia (22)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN2301 - JN3007 France (653)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN3201 - JN4980 Germany (1,262)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN5001 - JN5191 Greece (21)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN5201 - JN5690 Italy (419)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN5701 - JN5999 Netherlands (41)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN6101 - JN6371 Belgium (18)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN6500 - JN6598 Soviet Union. Russia. Former Soviet Republics (694)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN6630 - JN6639 Ukraine (85)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN6640 - JN6649 Belarus (20)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN6680 - JN6689 Moldova (1)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN6690 - JN6699 Russia (Federation) (400)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN6730 - JN6739 Latvia (1)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN6750 - JN6769 Poland (210)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN7011 - JN7066 Scandinavia. Northern Europe (28)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN7101 - JN7367 Denmark (12)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN7390 - JN7399 Finland (9)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN7401 - JN7695 Norway (14)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN7721 - JN7997 Sweden (61)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN8101 - JN8399 Spain (455)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN8423 - JN8661 Portugal (66)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN8701 - JN9599 Switzerland (67)
J - Political Science|JN1 - JN9689 Political institutions and public administration|JN9600 - JN9689 Balkan States (73)
J - Political Science|JQ1 - JQ6651 Political institutions and public administration (11,015)
J - Political Science|JQ1 - JQ6651 Political institutions and public administration|JQ1 - JQ1849 Asia (7,507)
J - Political Science|JQ1 - JQ6651 Political institutions and public administration|JQ1 - JQ1849 Asia|JQ1070 - JQ1199 Central Asia. Including former republics of the Soviet Union (128)
J - Political Science|JQ1 - JQ6651 Political institutions and public administration|JQ1 - JQ1849 Asia|JQ1499 - JQ1749 East Asia. Including China, Japan, Korea (3,082)
J - Political Science|JQ1 - JQ6651 Political institutions and public administration|JQ1 - JQ1849 Asia|JQ1758 - JQ1852 Middle East. Including Turkey, Iran, Israel, Arabian Peninsula (1,099)
J - Political Science|JQ1 - JQ6651 Political institutions and public administration|JQ1 - JQ1849 Asia|JQ200 - JQ620 India (1,859)
J - Political Science|JQ1 - JQ6651 Political institutions and public administration|JQ1870 - JQ3981 Africa (2,582)
J - Political Science|JQ1 - JQ6651 Political institutions and public administration|JQ3995 - JQ6651 Australia. New Zealand. Pacific Ocean islands (374)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government (4,219)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government|JS141 - JS271 Municipal government and local government other than municipal (38)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government|JS1701 - JS1800 Canada (70)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government|JS1840 - JS2058 West Indies. Caribbean Area (9)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government|JS2101 - JS2143 Mexico (125)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government|JS2145 - JS2219 Central America (34)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government|JS2300 - JS2778 South America (208)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government|JS300 - JS1583 United States (968)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government|JS3000 - JS6949.8 Europe (921)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government|JS55 - JS67 History (7)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government|JS6950 - JS7509 Asia (1,411)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government|JS7525 - JS7819 Africa (188)
J - Political Science|JS3 - JS8500 Local government. Municipal government|JS8001 - JS8490 Australia. New Zealand. Pacific Ocean islands (14)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration (5,965)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV1 - JV5399 Colonies and colonization (1,278)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV1 - JV5399 Colonies and colonization|JV412 - JV461 Administration and organization (24)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV1 - JV5399 Colonies and colonization|JV500 - JV5399 Colonizing nations (780)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV1 - JV5399 Colonies and colonization|JV61 - JV151 History (106)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration (4,687)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV6006 Periodicals. Serials (11)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6021 - JV6032 History (52)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6061 - JV6149 Emigration (59)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6201 - JV6348 Immigration (544)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6403 - JV7127 United States (885)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV7200 - JV7539 Canada, Latin America, etc. (700)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV7590 - JV8349 Europe (1,329)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV8490 - JV8758 Asia (405)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV8790 - JV9025 Africa (198)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV9029 - JV9036 Atlantic Ocean islands (3)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV9100 - JV9269 Australia. New Zealand (72)
J - Political Science|JV1 - JV9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV6001 - JV9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration|JV9290 - JV9470 Pacific Ocean islands (4)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations (10,315)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ1249 - JZ1254 Relation to other disciplines and topics (184)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ1305 - JZ2060 Scope of international relations (3,723)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ1305 - JZ2060 Scope of international relations|JZ1328 - JZ1395 By period (87)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ1305 - JZ2060 Scope of international relations|JZ1400 - JZ1454 Diplomatic and consular service (151)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ1305 - JZ2060 Scope of international relations|JZ1464 - JZ2060 By country, territory, or region (1,460)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ24 - JZ38 Societies. Associations, etc. (11)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ3675 - JZ3875 State territory and its different parts (33)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ3675 - JZ3875 State territory and its different parts|JZ3686 - JZ3875 International waters (23)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ4835 - JZ5490 International organizations and associations (1,204)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ4835 - JZ5490 International organizations and associations|JZ4841 - JZ4848 Political non-governmental organizations. NGOs (129)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ4835 - JZ5490 International organizations and associations|JZ4850 - JZ5490 Intergovernmental organizations. IGOs (998)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ4835 - JZ5490 International organizations and associations|JZ4850 - JZ5490 Intergovernmental organizations. IGOs|JZ4853 - JZ4934 The League of Nations (74)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ4835 - JZ5490 International organizations and associations|JZ4850 - JZ5490 Intergovernmental organizations. IGOs|JZ4935 - JZ5160 The United Nations (644)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ5.5 - JZ18 Periodicals (410)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ5511.2 - JZ6299 Promotion of peace. Peaceful change (3,389)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ5511.2 - JZ6299 Promotion of peace. Peaceful change|JZ5514 - JZ5526 Societies. Associations, etc. (135)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ5511.2 - JZ6299 Promotion of peace. Peaceful change|JZ5527 - JZ5532 Congresses and conferences (71)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ5511.2 - JZ6299 Promotion of peace. Peaceful change|JZ5586 - JZ6009 International security. Disarmament (1,082)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ5511.2 - JZ6299 Promotion of peace. Peaceful change|JZ6010 - JZ6299 Pacific settlement of international disputes (175)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ63 - JZ1153 Sources (61)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ63 - JZ1153 Sources|JZ221 - JZ1153 By region or country (53)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ6360 - JZ6377 Non-military coercion (315)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ6378 - JZ6405 The armed conflict. War and order (100)
J - Political Science|JZ2 - JZ6530 International relations|JZ6422 - JZ6422.5 Neutrality (9)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence (175,499)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence (22,554)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K36.5 Periodicals (298)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K100 - K103 Legal education (93)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K109 - K110 Law societies. International bar associations (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K115 - K130 The legal profession (149)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K140 - K165 History of law (142)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K190 - K195 Ethnological jurisprudence. Primitive law (38)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law (2,818)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K212 - K213 Methodology (130)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K215 - K218 History (33)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K237 - K264 The concept of law (324)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K270 - K274 Acts and events (4)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K280 - K286 Sources of law (43)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K288 - K296 Interpretation and construction of law. Lacunae in law (65)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K300 - K304 Classification of law. Typology (33)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K321 - K474 Schools of legal theory (956)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K321 - K474 Schools of legal theory|K325 - K328 Historical jurisprudence (5)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K321 - K474 Schools of legal theory|K330 - K344 Positivism (92)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K321 - K474 Schools of legal theory|K366 - K380 Sociology of law. Sociological jurisprudence (357)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K321 - K474 Schools of legal theory|K400 - K474 Natural law (291)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K201 - K487 Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law|K486 - K487 Relation of law to other topics (6)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K37 - K44 Bibliography (68)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K50 - K54 Dictionaries. Words and phrases (217)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law (16,864)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law (1,644)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1010 - K1014 The merchant. Business enterprises (8)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1021 - K1022 Commercial agency (4)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1024 - K1132 Commercial contracts (578)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1024 - K1132 Commercial contracts|K1026 - K1045 Sale of goods (180)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1024 - K1132 Commercial contracts|K1054 - K1065.5 Negotiable instruments (15)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1024 - K1132 Commercial contracts|K1066 - K1089 Banking (188)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1024 - K1132 Commercial contracts|K1094 - K1096 Loan of money (16)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1024 - K1132 Commercial contracts|K1100 - K1109 Secured transactions (36)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1024 - K1132 Commercial contracts|K1112 - K1116 Investments (80)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1024 - K1132 Commercial contracts|K1130 - K1132 Carriage of goods and passengers. Carriers (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1150 - K1231 Maritime law (169)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1150 - K1231 Maritime law|K1195 - K1223 Maritime social legislation (14)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1150 - K1231 Maritime law|K1226 - K1231 Marine insurance (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1241 - K1287 Insurance (39)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1301 - K1366 Business associations (385)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1000 - K1395 Commercial law|K1370 - K1395 Insolvency and bankruptcy. Creditors' rights (66)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1401 - K1578 Intellectual property (1,093)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1401 - K1578 Intellectual property|K1411 - K1485 Copyright (281)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1401 - K1578 Intellectual property|K1500 - K1578 Industrial property (358)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1700 - K1973 Social legislation (625)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1700 - K1973 Social legislation|K1701 - K1841 Labor law (557)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1700 - K1973 Social legislation|K1861 - K1929 Social insurance (23)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K1700 - K1973 Social legislation|K1960 - K1973 Public welfare. Public assistance (13)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K2100 - K2385 Courts. Procedure (418)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K2100 - K2385 Courts. Procedure|K2110 - K2155 Court organization and procedure (100)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K2100 - K2385 Courts. Procedure|K2201 - K2385 Civil procedure (214)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K2400 - K2405 Arbitration and award (449)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3154 - K3370 Constitutional law (3,119)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3154 - K3370 Constitutional law|K3171 - K3179 Constitutional principles (189)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3154 - K3370 Constitutional law|K3184 - K3188 Form and structure of government (36)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3154 - K3370 Constitutional law|K3224 - K3278 Individual and state (2,149)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3154 - K3370 Constitutional law|K3280 - K3282 Church and state (112)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3154 - K3370 Constitutional law|K3289 - K3367 Organs of government (124)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3154 - K3370 Constitutional law|K3289 - K3367 Organs of government|K3290 - K3304 The people. Election law (39)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3154 - K3370 Constitutional law|K3289 - K3367 Organs of government|K3310 - K3329 The legislature (53)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3154 - K3370 Constitutional law|K3289 - K3367 Organs of government|K3332 - K3363 Heads of state and the central government (27)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3400 - K3431 Administrative law (171)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3400 - K3431 Administrative law|K3402 - K3417 The administrative process (98)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3400 - K3431 Administrative law|K3420 - K3431 Administrative organization (3)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3440 - K3460 Civil service. Government officials and employees (12)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3476 - K3560 Public property. Public restraint on private property (316)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3566 - K3578 Public health (56)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3581 - K3598 Environmental law (711)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3601 - K3611 Medical legislation (90)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3615 - K3622 Veterinary laws. Veterinary medicine and hygiene. Prevention of cruelty to animals (29)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3625 - K3649 Food. Drugs. Cosmetics (81)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3651 - K3654 Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3661 - K3674 Public safety (47)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3700 - K3705 Control of social activities (58)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3740 - K3762 Education (23)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3770 - K3795 Science and arts. Research (155)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3820 - K3836 Economic constitution, policy, planning, and development (443)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3840 - K4375 Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law (1,456)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3840 - K4375 Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law|K3842 - K3862 Trade regulations. Control of trade practices (345)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3840 - K4375 Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law|K3870 - K3918 rimary production. Extractive industries (180)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3840 - K4375 Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law|K3921 - K3925 Manufacturing industries (15)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3840 - K4375 Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law|K3926 - K3935 Food processing industries (15)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3840 - K4375 Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law|K3941 - K3974 Trade and commerce (290)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3840 - K4375 Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law|K3978 - K3992 Public utilities (101)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3840 - K4375 Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law|K4011 - K4343 Transportation and communication (386)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K3840 - K4375 Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law|K4360 - K4375 Professions and occupations (34)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K4430 - K4675 Public finance (958)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K4430 - K4675 Public finance|K4453 - K4640 National revenue (847)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K4430 - K4675 Public finance|K4650 - K4675 State and local finance (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K4700 - K4705 Government measures in time of war, national emergency, or economic crisis (6)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K4720 - K4780 National defense. Military law (43)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K4720 - K4780 National defense. Military law|K4725 - K4734 The military establishment. Armed forces (7)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K4720 - K4780 National defense. Military law|K4740 - K4760 Military criminal law and procedure (15)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K5000 - K5582 Criminal law and procedure (1,421)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K5000 - K5582 Criminal law and procedure|K5015.4 - K5350 Criminal law (1,032)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K5000 - K5582 Criminal law and procedure|K5401 - K5570 Criminal procedure (252)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K5000 - K5582 Criminal law and procedure|K5575 - K5582 Juvenile criminal law and procedure (14)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K540 - K546 Trials (30)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K578 - K579 Concepts applying to several branches of law (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K583 - K591 Legal systems compared (151)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K592 - K597 Regional divisions. Interregional comparative law (3)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K600 - K615 Private law (48)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K600 - K615 Private law|K605 - K615 Unification (25)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K623 - K968 Civil law (1,485)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K623 - K968 Civil law|K625 - K709 Persons (593)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K623 - K968 Civil law|K720 - K792 Property (172)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K623 - K968 Civil law|K795 - K798 Trusts and trustees (56)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K623 - K968 Civil law|K805 - K821 Succession upon death (25)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K623 - K968 Civil law|K830 - K968 Obligations (575)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K623 - K968 Civil law|K830 - K968 Obligations|K840 - K917 Contracts (255)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K520 - K5582 Comparative law. International uniform law|K623 - K968 Civil law|K830 - K968 Obligations|K923 - K968 Torts (267)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K68 - K70 Directories (19)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws (633)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7051 - K7054 International unification, approximation, and harmonization (10)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7060 - K7081 Choice of law (21)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7120 - K7197 Persons (61)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7120 - K7197 Persons|K7125 - K7140 Natural persons (38)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7120 - K7197 Persons|K7155 - K7197 Domestic relations. Family law (21)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7120 - K7197 Persons|K7155 - K7197 Domestic relations. Family law|K7157 - K7179 Marriage. Husband and wife (7)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7120 - K7197 Persons|K7155 - K7197 Domestic relations. Family law|K7181 - K7197 Parent and child. Guardian and ward (8)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7200 - K7218 Property (18)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7230 - K7245 Succession upon death (7)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7260 - K7338 Obligations (49)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7260 - K7338 Obligations|K7265 - K7305 Contracts (32)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7260 - K7338 Obligations|K7315 - K7338 Torts (10)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7340 - K7512 Commercial law (76)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7340 - K7512 Commercial law|K7350 - K7444 Commercial contracts (30)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7340 - K7512 Commercial law|K7449 - K7460 Maritime law (3)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7340 - K7512 Commercial law|K7485 - K7495 Business associations. Business corporations (6)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7340 - K7512 Commercial law|K7510 - K7512 Insolvency and bankruptcy. Creditors' rights (22)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7550 - K7582 Intellectual property (14)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7550 - K7582 Intellectual property|K7555 - K7557 Copyright (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7550 - K7582 Intellectual property|K7570 - K7582 Industrial property (4)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7585 - K7595 Social legislation (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K7000 - K7720 Private international law. Conflict of laws|K7611 - K7688 Civil procedure. International civil procedure (112)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K1 - K7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|K85 - K89 Legal research (98)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence (127)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence|KB162 - KB250 Legal systems compared (27)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence|KB270 - KB280 Theory, philosophy, and science of religious law (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence|KB400 - KB4855 Interdisciplinary discussion of subjects (21)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence|KB400 - KB4855 Interdisciplinary discussion of subjects|KB1572 - KB1690 Courts and procedure (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence|KB400 - KB4855 Interdisciplinary discussion of subjects|KB2101 - KB2862 Constitutions and religion. Constitutional and administrative law (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence|KB400 - KB4855 Interdisciplinary discussion of subjects|KB3098 - KB3121.7 Medical legislation (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence|KB400 - KB4855 Interdisciplinary discussion of subjects|KB3790 - KB4855 Criminal law and procedure (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence|KB400 - KB4855 Interdisciplinary discussion of subjects|KB480 - KB482 Private international law. Conflict of laws (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence|KB400 - KB4855 Interdisciplinary discussion of subjects|KB524 - KB530 Persons (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence|KB400 - KB4855 Interdisciplinary discussion of subjects|KB531 - KB619 Domestic relations. Family law (4)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence|KB400 - KB4855 Interdisciplinary discussion of subjects|KB632 - KB636.2 Inheritance and succession (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KB1 - KB4855 Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence|KB400 - KB4855 Interdisciplinary discussion of subjects|KB810 - KB962.8 Obligations. Contracts and transactions (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah (138)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM1 - KBM523.72 Halakah (27)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri (110)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM1468 - KBM1547 Social laws and legislation (3)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM1572 - KBM1942 Courts and procedure (7)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM2070 - KBM2614 Constitutional law. Constitutional principles of the Jewish community (4)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM3098 - KBM3122 Medical legislation (9)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM3127 - KBM3134 Environmental law (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM3190 - KBM3436 Economic law (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM3526 - KBM3695 Public finance (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM3738 - KBM3785 Community defense. Military law (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM3790 - KBM4855 Criminal law and procedure (13)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM524.12 - KBM524.26 The concept of Jewish law (4)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM524.32 - KBM524.34 Methodology of law development (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM524.6 - KBM530 Persons (6)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM531 - KBM619 Domestic relations. Family law (17)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM632 - KBM636.2 Inheritance and succession (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBM1 - KBM4855 Jewish law. Halakah|KBM523.8 - KBM4855 Mishpat Ivri|KBM639 - KBM1424 Dinei mamonot (22)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBP1 - KBP4860 Islamic law. Shari'ah. Fiqh (3,793)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBP1 - KBP4860 Islamic law. Shari'ah. Fiqh|KBP173.25 - KBP0.6 Islamic law and other disciplines or subjects (3,328)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBP1 - KBP4860 Islamic law. Shari'ah. Fiqh|KBP42 - KBP43 Legal education. Study and teaching (8)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBP1 - KBP4860 Islamic law. Shari'ah. Fiqh|KBP50 - KBP69 History, development and application of Islamic law (91)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBP1 - KBP4860 Islamic law. Shari'ah. Fiqh|KBP70 - KBP75.4 Biography (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBR2 - KBR4090 History of canon law (192)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBR2 - KBR4090 History of canon law|KBR190 - KBR2154.5 Sources (60)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBR2 - KBR4090 History of canon law|KBR2160 - KBR2204.5 Canonical jurisprudence. Canonical science (4)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBR2 - KBR4090 History of canon law|KBR2224 - KBR2295 Ius ecclesiasticum privatum (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBR2 - KBR4090 History of canon law|KBR2310 - KBR3026 Constitution of the Church (12)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBR2 - KBR4090 History of canon law|KBR27 - KBR41.7 Official acts of the Holy See (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBR2 - KBR4090 History of canon law|KBR3077 - KBR3165 Sacraments. Administration of sacraments. De sacramentis et administratione (11)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBR2 - KBR4090 History of canon law|KBR3320 - KBR3460 Church property. Church economics and finance. Administration (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBR2 - KBR4090 History of canon law|KBR3500 - KBR3774 Penal (Criminal) law. De lege poenali (5)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBR2 - KBR4090 History of canon law|KBR3780 - KBR3983 Judiciary. Ecclesiastical courts and procedure. De processibus (10)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBR2 - KBR4090 History of canon law|KBR4000 - KBR4090 Church and state relationships. De relationibus inter ecclesiam et status. Ius publicum ecclesiae (4)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBR2 - KBR4090 History of canon law|KBR42 - KBR54.5 Decisions of ecclesiastical tribunals and courts, and related materials (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See (171)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU2 - KBU19 Bibliography (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU2155 - KBU2157 Canon law and other disciplines or subjects (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU2160 - KBU2204 Canonical jurisprudence. Theory and science of canon law (3)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU2210 - KBU2212 The codes of canon law (16)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU2215 - KBU2308 General norms and principles. De normis generalibus (10)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU2310 - KBU3026 Constitution of the Church (20)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU26.8 - KBU41.5 Official acts of the Holy See (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU3040 - KBU3070 The teaching office of the Church. Magisterium. De ecclesiae munere docendi (5)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU3075 - KBU3165 Sacraments. Administration of sacraments. De sacramentis et administratione (28)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU3180 - KBU3182 Sacramentals. Sacramentalia (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU3184 - KBU3256 Other acts of divine worship. De ceteris actibus Cultus Divini (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU3500 - KBU3774 Sanctions in the Church. Criminal law. De sanctionibus in Ecclesia. De lege poenali (9)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU3780 - KBU3985 Courts and procedure. De processibus (14)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU4000 - KBU4097 Church and state relationships. De relationibus inter ecclesiam et status. Ius publicum ecclesiae (6)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU4112 - KBU4820 Local Church government (8)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KBU2 - KBU4820 Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See|KBU42 - KBU54.5 Decisions of ecclesiastical tribunals and courts, and related materials (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KD - Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland (8,915)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KD - Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland|KD51 - KD9500 England and Wales (8,910)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KDZ1 - KDZ4999 Law of America. North America (408)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KDZ1 - KDZ4999 Law of America. North America|KDZ1101 - KDZ1199 Organization of American States (OAS) (34)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KDZ1 - KDZ4999 Law of America. North America|KDZ2001 - KDZ2499.2 Bermuda (16)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KDZ1 - KDZ4999 Law of America. North America|KDZ3001 - KDZ3499 Greenland (4)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KE - Law of Canada (2,623)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KE - Law of Canada|KE1 - KE9450 Federal law. Common and collective provincial law (2,623)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KF - Law of the United States (68,741)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KF - Law of the United States|KF0001 - KF999 (41,699)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KF - Law of the United States|KF1 - KF9827 Federal law. Common and collective state law (11)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KF - Law of the United States|KF1000 - KF1999 (5,628)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KF - Law of the United States|KF2000 - KF2999 (1,503)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KF - Law of the United States|KF3000 - KF3999 (3,969)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KF - Law of the United States|KF4000 - KF4999 (6,162)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KF - Law of the United States|KF5000 - KF5999 (1,812)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KF - Law of the United States|KF6000 - KF6999 (2,265)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KF - Law of the United States|KF7000 - KF7999 (360)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KF - Law of the United States|KF8000 - KF8999 (5,336)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KG1 - KG999 Latin America (General) (389)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KH1 - KH999 South America (General) (117)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KJ - Europe (179)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KJ - Europe|KJ2 - KJ1040 History of Law (173)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KL - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica (205)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KL - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica|KL2 - KL5915 History of law. The ancient orient (203)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KL - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica|KL2 - KL5915 History of law. The ancient orient|KL147 - KL177 Ancient legal systems compared (39)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KL - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica|KL2 - KL5915 History of law. The ancient orient|KL190 - KL420 Sources (5)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KL - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica|KL2 - KL5915 History of law. The ancient orient|KL2 - KL135 General (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KL - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica|KL2 - KL5915 History of law. The ancient orient|KL2200 - KL2499 Babylonia (3)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KL - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica|KL2 - KL5915 History of law. The ancient orient|KL2800 - KL3099 Egypt (12)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KL - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica|KL2 - KL5915 History of law. The ancient orient|KL4110 - KL4399 Greek law (84)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KL - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica|KL2 - KL5915 History of law. The ancient orient|KL4700 - KL4999 Hittite law (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KL - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica|KL2 - KL5915 History of law. The ancient orient|KL5300 - KL5599 Persia (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KL - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica|KL2 - KL5915 History of law. The ancient orient|KL700 - KL2215 Mesopotamia. Assyro (25)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLA1 - KLA9999 Russia. Soviet Union (970)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLB1 - KLB6499 Russia (Federation, 1992 (1,008)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLD1 - KLD490 Armenia (Republic) (5)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLE1 - KLE490 Azerbaijan (4)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLF1 - KLF490 Belarus (Republic) (144)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLH1 - KLH490 Georgia (Republic) (8)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLM1 - KLM490 Moldova (9)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLN1 - KLN489 Russian S.F.S.R. (to 1991) (34)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLP1 - KLP4989 Ukraine (1919-1991) (19)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLR1 - KLR490 Kazakhstan (55)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLS1 - KLS490 Kyrgyzstan (42)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLT1 - KLT490 Tadjikistan (9)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLV1 - KLV490 Turkmenistan (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KLW1 - KLW490 Uzbekistan (21)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KM - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica. Asia (63)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KM - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica. Asia|KM1 - KM999 General (55)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KN - South Asia. Southeast Asia. East Asia (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KQ - Africa (19)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KQ - Africa|KQ2 - KQ197 History of law (8)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KQ - Africa|KQ2010 - KQ9000 Law of indigenous peoples (11)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KU1 - KU4999 Australia (1,125)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KUQ1 - KUQ4990 New Zealand (364)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KV - Pacific area (6)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KWX - Antarctica (53)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations (8,558)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1165 - KZ1208 Trials (322)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1165 - KZ1208 Trials|KZ1168 - KZ1208 War crime trials (318)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1234 - KZ1236 Legal research. Legal bibliography (14)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1249 - KZ1252 International law and other disciplines (35)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1255 - KZ1273 Theory and principles (233)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1255 - KZ1273 Theory and principles|KZ1267 - KZ1273 Domain of the law of nations (106)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1284 - KZ1285.5 Methodology (19)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1287 - KZ1296 Codification of the law of nations (39)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1298 - KZ1304 The law of treaties. System of treaty law (138)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1319 - KZ1327 International legal regimes (16)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1329 - KZ3085 Early/Medieval development to ca. 1900. Ius Naturae et Gentium (262)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1329 - KZ3085 Early/Medieval development to ca. 1900. Ius Naturae et Gentium|KZ1330 - KZ1339 Peace of Westphalia to the French Revolution (1648 (8)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1329 - KZ3085 Early/Medieval development to ca. 1900. Ius Naturae et Gentium|KZ1345 - KZ1369 French Revolution to the American Civil War (1789 (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1329 - KZ3085 Early/Medieval development to ca. 1900. Ius Naturae et Gentium|KZ1373 - KZ1387.2 American Civil War to the First Conference of the Hague (1861-1899) (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ1329 - KZ3085 Early/Medieval development to ca. 1900. Ius Naturae et Gentium|KZ2064 - KZ3085 Publicists. Writers on public international law (243)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ2 - KZ5.5 Bibliography (31)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ24 - KZ38 Societies, etc. (445)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ24 - KZ38 Societies, etc.|KZ27 - KZ37 National (29)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ3092 - KZ3405 20th century (416)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ3092 - KZ3405 20th century|KZ3110 - KZ3405 Publicists. Writers on public international law (325)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ3670 - KZ3881 Objects of the law of nations. Territory and its different parts (193)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ3900 - KZ5490 The international legal community and members (1,265)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ3900 - KZ5490 The international legal community and members|KZ3910 - KZ5490 Subjects of the law of nations (1,255)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ3900 - KZ5490 The international legal community and members|KZ3910 - KZ5490 Subjects of the law of nations|KZ4002 - KZ4080 The state (321)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ3900 - KZ5490 The international legal community and members|KZ3910 - KZ5490 Subjects of the law of nations|KZ4112 - KZ4820 By state (255)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ3900 - KZ5490 The international legal community and members|KZ3910 - KZ5490 Subjects of the law of nations|KZ4850 - KZ5490 Intergovernmental organizations. IGOs (560)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ3900 - KZ5490 The international legal community and members|KZ3910 - KZ5490 Subjects of the law of nations|KZ4850 - KZ5490 Intergovernmental organizations. IGOs|KZ4853 - KZ4934 The League of Nations (96)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ3900 - KZ5490 The international legal community and members|KZ3910 - KZ5490 Subjects of the law of nations|KZ4850 - KZ5490 Intergovernmental organizations. IGOs|KZ4935 - KZ5275 The United Nations (334)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ5510 - KZ6299 International law of peace and peace enforcement (1,626)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ5510 - KZ6299 International law of peace and peace enforcement|KZ5586 - KZ5893 The system of collective security (706)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ5510 - KZ6299 International law of peace and peace enforcement|KZ5586 - KZ5893 The system of collective security|KZ5615 - KZ5893 Arms control and disarmament regimes (692)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ5510 - KZ6299 International law of peace and peace enforcement|KZ5586 - KZ5893 The system of collective security|KZ5615 - KZ5893 Arms control and disarmament regimes|KZ5637 - KZ5645 Conventional arms control (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ5510 - KZ6299 International law of peace and peace enforcement|KZ5586 - KZ5893 The system of collective security|KZ5615 - KZ5893 Arms control and disarmament regimes|KZ5647 - KZ5686 Nuclear (Strategic) arms limitation (387)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ5510 - KZ6299 International law of peace and peace enforcement|KZ5586 - KZ5893 The system of collective security|KZ5615 - KZ5893 Arms control and disarmament regimes|KZ5687 - KZ5788.5 Nuclear weapon free zones and zones of peace (25)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ5510 - KZ6299 International law of peace and peace enforcement|KZ5586 - KZ5893 The system of collective security|KZ5615 - KZ5893 Arms control and disarmament regimes|KZ5870 - KZ5893 Mutual and balanced reduction of armed forces (3)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ60 - KZ62.5 Intergovernmental congresses and conferences (1)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ63 - KZ1152 Sources. Fontes juris gentium (1,167)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ63 - KZ1152 Sources. Fontes juris gentium|KZ118 - KZ194 Treaties and other international agreements (82)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ63 - KZ1152 Sources. Fontes juris gentium|KZ118 - KZ194 Treaties and other international agreements|KZ119 - KZ165 To 1920 (5)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ63 - KZ1152 Sources. Fontes juris gentium|KZ118 - KZ194 Treaties and other international agreements|KZ170 - KZ173 -1920 (12)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ63 - KZ1152 Sources. Fontes juris gentium|KZ118 - KZ194 Treaties and other international agreements|KZ176 - KZ182.5 Boundary treaties (4)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ63 - KZ1152 Sources. Fontes juris gentium|KZ118 - KZ194 Treaties and other international agreements|KZ183 - KZ183.5 Treaties of arbitration, investigation, etc. (6)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ63 - KZ1152 Sources. Fontes juris gentium|KZ118 - KZ194 Treaties and other international agreements|KZ184 - KZ194 Peace treaties (38)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ63 - KZ1152 Sources. Fontes juris gentium|KZ199 - KZ218 Judicial decisions and arbitral awards. Law reports (44)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ63 - KZ1152 Sources. Fontes juris gentium|KZ221 - KZ1152 By region or country (927)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ6350 - KZ6785 Enforced settlement of international disputes (1,270)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ6350 - KZ6785 Enforced settlement of international disputes|KZ6360 - KZ6373 Non-military coercion (132)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ6350 - KZ6785 Enforced settlement of international disputes|KZ6374 - KZ6377 Threat of force (192)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ6350 - KZ6785 Enforced settlement of international disputes|KZ6378 - KZ6785 Law of war and neutrality. Jus belli (853)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ6350 - KZ6785 Enforced settlement of international disputes|KZ6378 - KZ6785 Law of war and neutrality. Jus belli|KZ6427 - KZ6437 Warfare on land (43)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ6350 - KZ6785 Enforced settlement of international disputes|KZ6378 - KZ6785 Law of war and neutrality. Jus belli|KZ6440 - KZ6530 Humanitarian law (257)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ6350 - KZ6785 Enforced settlement of international disputes|KZ6378 - KZ6785 Law of war and neutrality. Jus belli|KZ6540 - KZ6660 Warfare on sea (84)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ6350 - KZ6785 Enforced settlement of international disputes|KZ6378 - KZ6785 Law of war and neutrality. Jus belli|KZ6665 - KZ6714 Air warfare (19)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZ2 - KZ6785 Law of nations|KZ6350 - KZ6785 Enforced settlement of international disputes|KZ6378 - KZ6785 Law of war and neutrality. Jus belli|KZ6730 - KZ6785 The end of war. Armistice. Surrender. Postliminy (19)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZA1002 - KZA4205 Law of the sea (638)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZA1002 - KZA4205 Law of the sea|KZA1040 - KZA1065 Intergovernmental congresses and conferences (20)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZA1002 - KZA4205 Law of the sea|KZA1118 - KZA1122 Treaties and other international agreements (57)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZA1002 - KZA4205 Law of the sea|KZA1340 - KZA1417 Concepts and principles (36)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZA1002 - KZA4205 Law of the sea|KZA1340 - KZA1417 Concepts and principles|KZA1348 - KZA1405 Mare liberum doctrine (33)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZA1002 - KZA4205 Law of the sea|KZA1430 - KZA1690 Maritime boundaries (184)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZA1002 - KZA4205 Law of the sea|KZA1430 - KZA1690 Maritime boundaries|KZA1630 - KZA1664 Continental shelf (29)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZA1002 - KZA4205 Law of the sea|KZA4130 - KZA4205 Public order of the oceans (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZD1002 - KZD6715 Space law. Law of outer space (165)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZD1002 - KZD6715 Space law. Law of outer space|KZD1118 - KZD1122 Treaties and other international agreements (4)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZD1002 - KZD6715 Space law. Law of outer space|KZD1340 - KZD1400 Concepts and principles. Theory (3)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZD1002 - KZD6715 Space law. Law of outer space|KZD1340 - KZD1400 Concepts and principles. Theory|KZD1390 - KZD1400 Regulated use theory (2)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZD1002 - KZD6715 Space law. Law of outer space|KZD1420 - KZD1455 Boundaries (12)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZD1002 - KZD6715 Space law. Law of outer space|KZD3489 - KZD4406 Peaceful uses of outer space (31)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZD1002 - KZD6715 Space law. Law of outer space|KZD3489 - KZD4406 Peaceful uses of outer space|KZD3489.5 - KZD3608 Space resources (7)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZD1002 - KZD6715 Space law. Law of outer space|KZD3489 - KZD4406 Peaceful uses of outer space|KZD4030 - KZD4326 Public order in space and outer space (7)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZD1002 - KZD6715 Space law. Law of outer space|KZD3489 - KZD4406 Peaceful uses of outer space|KZD4030 - KZD4326 Public order in space and outer space|KZD4080 - KZD4210 Space flight (3)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZD1002 - KZD6715 Space law. Law of outer space|KZD5614 - KZD6715 Un-peaceful uses of outer space (9)
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence|KZD1002 - KZD6715 Space law. Law of outer space|KZD5614 - KZD6715 Un-peaceful uses of outer space|KZD5648 - KZD5680.2 Disarmament and demilitarization regimes in outer space (1)
L - Education (53,123)
L - Education|L7 - L991 Education (General) (2,371)
L - Education|L7 - L991 Education (General)|L111 - L791 Official documents, reports, etc. (1,506)
L - Education|L7 - L991 Education (General)|L7 - L97 Periodicals. Societies (512)
L - Education|L7 - L991 Education (General)|L797 - L898 Educational exhibitions and museums (16)
L - Education|L7 - L991 Education (General)|L900 - L991 Directories of educational institutions (269)
L - Education|LA5 - LA2396 History of education (9,781)
L - Education|LA5 - LA2396 History of education|LA173 - LA186 Higher education (60)
L - Education|LA5 - LA2396 History of education|LA201 - LA398 United States (2,509)
L - Education|LA5 - LA2396 History of education|LA2301 - LA2396 Biography (805)
L - Education|LA5 - LA2396 History of education|LA31 - LA135 By period (262)
L - Education|LA5 - LA2396 History of education|LA410 - LA2284 Other regions or countries (5,972)
L - Education|LA5 - LA2396 History of education|LA5 - LA25 General (125)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education (18,692)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1025 - LB1050.75 Teaching (Principles and practice) (2,898)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1025 - LB1050.75 Teaching (Principles and practice)|LB1049.9 - LB1050.75 Reading (General) (340)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1050.9 - LB1091 Educational psychology (712)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1101 - LB1139 Child study (691)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1139.2 - LB1139.5 Early childhood education (188)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1140 - LB1140.5 Preschool education. Nursery schools (147)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1141 - LB1489 Kindergarten (67)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1501 - LB1547 Primary education (120)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1555 - LB1602 Elementary or public school education (1,176)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1603 - LB1696.6 Secondary education. High schools (361)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1705 - LB2286 Education and training of teachers and administrators (1,275)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1705 - LB2286 Education and training of teachers and administrators|LB1771 - LB1773 Certification of teachers (24)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1705 - LB2286 Education and training of teachers and administrators|LB1775 - LB1785 Professional aspects of teaching and school administrators. Vocational guidance (430)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1705 - LB2286 Education and training of teachers and administrators|LB1805 - LB2151 State teachers colleges (114)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1705 - LB2286 Education and training of teachers and administrators|LB1805 - LB2151 State teachers colleges|LB1811 - LB1987 United States (64)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1705 - LB2286 Education and training of teachers and administrators|LB1805 - LB2151 State teachers colleges|LB1991 - LB2151 Other regions or countries (48)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB1705 - LB2286 Education and training of teachers and administrators|LB2165 - LB2278 Teacher training in universities and colleges (45)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2300 - LB2430 Higher education (4,052)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2300 - LB2430 Higher education|LB2326.4 - LB2330 Institutions of higher education (388)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2300 - LB2430 Higher education|LB2331.7 - LB2335.8 Teaching personnel (316)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2300 - LB2430 Higher education|LB2335.86 - LB2335.88 Trade unions (18)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2300 - LB2430 Higher education|LB2335.95 - LB2337 Endowments, trusts, etc. (42)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2300 - LB2430 Higher education|LB2337.2 - LB2340.8 Student financial aid (186)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2300 - LB2430 Higher education|LB2341 - LB2341.95 Supervision and administration. Business management (428)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2300 - LB2430 Higher education|LB2351 - LB2359 Admissions and entrance requirements (160)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2300 - LB2430 Higher education|LB2361 - LB2365 Curriculum (104)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2300 - LB2430 Higher education|LB2366 - LB2367.75 College examinations (62)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2300 - LB2430 Higher education|LB2371 - LB2372 Graduate education (107)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2300 - LB2430 Higher education|LB2381 - LB2391 Academic degrees (78)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2799 - LB2799.3 Educational consultants and consulting (1)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2801 - LB3095 School administration and organization (3,897)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2801 - LB3095 School administration and organization|LB2831.6 - LB2831.99 Administrative personnel (122)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2801 - LB3095 School administration and organization|LB2832 - LB2844.1 Teaching personnel (533)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2801 - LB3095 School administration and organization|LB2844.52 - LB2844.63 Trade unions (71)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2801 - LB3095 School administration and organization|LB3011 - LB3095 School management and discipline (1,299)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2801 - LB3095 School administration and organization|LB3011 - LB3095 School management and discipline|LB3045 - LB3048 Textbooks (74)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB2801 - LB3095 School administration and organization|LB3011 - LB3095 School management and discipline|LB3050 - LB3060.87 Educational tests, measurements, evaluations and examinations (552)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB3201 - LB3325 School architecture and equipment. School physical facilities. Campus planning (197)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB3497 - LB3499 Hygiene in universities and colleges (3)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB3525 - LB3575 Special days (2)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB3602 - LB3640 School life. Student manners and customs (256)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB5 - LB45 General (1,267)
L - Education|LB5 - LB3640 Theory and practice of education|LB51 - LB885 Systems of individual educators and writers (879)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education (13,462)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1200 - LC1203 Inclusive education (44)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons (4,631)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC1401 - LC2572 Women (844)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC2574 - LC2576 Gays. Lesbians. Bisexuals (16)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC2580 - LC2582 Student (5)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC2601 - LC2611 Education in developing countries (93)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC2630 - LC2638 Asian Americans. Asians in the United States (30)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC2667 - LC2698 Latin Americans. Hispanic Americans (136)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC2667 - LC2698 Latin Americans. Hispanic Americans|LC2680 - LC2688 Mexican Americans. Mexicans in the United States (39)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC2667 - LC2698 Latin Americans. Hispanic Americans|LC2690 - LC2698 Puerto Ricans. Puerto Ricans in the United States (4)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC2699 - LC2913 Blacks. African Americans (887)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC3001 - LC3501 Asians (83)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC3503 - LC3520 Romanies. Gypsies (9)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC3530 - LC3540 Lapps (2)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC3551 - LC3593 Jews (14)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC3701 - LC3740 Immigrants or ethnic and linguistic minorities. Bilingual schools and bilingual education (497)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC3745 - LC3747 Children of immigrants (First generation) (33)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC3950 - LC4806.5 Exceptional children and youth. Special education (1,199)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC3950 - LC4806.5 Exceptional children and youth. Special education|LC3991 - LC4000 Gifted children and youth (287)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC1390 - LC5160.3 Education of special classes of persons|LC3950 - LC4806.5 Exceptional children and youth. Special education|LC4001 - LC4806.5 Children and youth with disabilities. Learning disabled children and youth (764)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC251 - LC951 Moral and religious education (1,188)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC251 - LC951 Moral and religious education|LC251 - LC318 Moral education. Character building (270)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC251 - LC951 Moral and religious education|LC321 - LC951 Religion and education. Education under church control (918)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC251 - LC951 Moral and religious education|LC321 - LC951 Religion and education. Education under church control|LC361 - LC629 Christian education. Church education (589)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC251 - LC951 Moral and religious education|LC321 - LC951 Religion and education. Education under church control|LC361 - LC629 Christian education. Church education|LC461 - LC510 Roman Catholic (236)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC251 - LC951 Moral and religious education|LC321 - LC951 Religion and education. Education under church control|LC361 - LC629 Christian education. Church education|LC531 - LC629 Protestant (147)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC251 - LC951 Moral and religious education|LC321 - LC951 Religion and education. Education under church control|LC701 - LC775 Jewish education (92)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC251 - LC951 Moral and religious education|LC321 - LC951 Religion and education. Education under church control|LC901 - LC915 Islamic education (206)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC5161 - LC5163 Fundamental education (8)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC5201 - LC6660.4 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education (1,093)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC5201 - LC6660.4 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education|LC5451 - LC5493 Aged education (11)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC5201 - LC6660.4 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education|LC5501 - LC5560 Evening schools (16)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC5201 - LC6660.4 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education|LC5701 - LC5771 Vacation schools. Summer schools (13)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC5201 - LC6660.4 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education|LC5800 - LC5808 Distance education (70)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC5201 - LC6660.4 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education|LC5900 - LC6101 Correspondence schools (5)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC5201 - LC6660.4 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education|LC6201 - LC6401 University extension (239)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC5201 - LC6660.4 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education|LC6501 - LC6560.4 Lyceums and lecture courses. Forums (38)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC5201 - LC6660.4 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education|LC6571 - LC6581 Radio and television extension courses. Instruction by radio and television (3)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC5201 - LC6660.4 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education|LC6601 - LC6660.4 Reading circles and correspondence clubs (9)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education (4,546)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC129 - LC139 Compulsory education (62)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC142 - LC148.5 Attendance. Dropouts (128)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC149 - LC161 Literacy. Illiteracy (422)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC165 - LC182 Higher education and the state (212)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC189 - LC214.53 Educational sociology (2,000)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC189 - LC214.53 Educational sociology|LC212 - LC212.86 Discrimination in education (335)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC189 - LC214.53 Educational sociology|LC212.9 - LC212.93 Sex differences in education (37)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC189 - LC214.53 Educational sociology|LC213 - LC214.53 Educational equalization. Right to education (453)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC215 - LC238.4 Community and the school (255)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC215 - LC238.4 Community and the school|LC225 - LC226.7 Home and school (61)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC215 - LC238.4 Community and the school|LC230 - LC235 Parent-teacher associations. Home and school associations (13)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC215 - LC238.4 Community and the school|LC237 - LC238.4 College-university and the community (44)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC241 - LC245 Foundations, endowments, funds (32)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC65 - LC67.68 Economic aspects of education (235)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC68 - LC70 Demographic aspects of education (4)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC71 - LC120.4 Education and the state (1,125)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC71 - LC120.4 Education and the state|LC107 - LC120.4 Public school question. Secularization. Religious instruction in the public schools (126)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC65 - LC245 Social aspects of education|LC71 - LC120.4 Education and the state|LC72 - LC72.5 Academic freedom (71)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC8 - LC59 Forms of education (290)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC8 - LC59 Forms of education|LC25 - LC33 Self-education. Self-culture (28)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC8 - LC59 Forms of education|LC37 - LC44.3 Home education (67)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC8 - LC59 Forms of education|LC45 - LC45.8 Nonformal education (14)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC8 - LC59 Forms of education|LC47 - LC58.7 Private school education (112)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC8 - LC59 Forms of education|LC47 - LC58.7 Private school education|LC58 - LC58.7 Preparatory schools. Preparatory school education (7)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education (1,434)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education|LC1001 - LC1024 Humanistic education. liberal education (193)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education|LC1025 - LC1027 Collective education (1)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education|LC1031 - LC1034.5 Competency based education (21)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education|LC1035 - LC1035.8 Basic education. Basic skills education (5)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education|LC1036 - LC1036.8 Community education (6)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education|LC1037 - LC1037.8 Career education (19)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education|LC1041 - LC1048 Vocational education (General) (370)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education|LC1049 - LC1049.8 Cooperative education (9)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education|LC1051 - LC1072 Professional education (29)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education|LC1081 - LC1087.4 Industrial education (General) (98)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education|LC1090 - LC1091 Political education (184)
L - Education|LC8 - LC6691 Special aspects of education|LC980 - LC1099.5 Types of education|LC1099 - LC1099.5 Multicultural education (General) (272)
L - Education|LD13 - LD7501 Individual institutions (4,291)
L - Education|LD13 - LD7501 Individual institutions|LD13 - LD7501 United States (4,291)
L - Education|LD13 - LD7501 Individual institutions|LD13 - LD7501 United States|LD13 - LD7251 Universities. Colleges (4,095)
L - Education|LD13 - LD7501 Individual institutions|LD13 - LD7501 United States|LD13 - LD7251 Universities. Colleges|LD7020 - LD7251 Women's colleges (96)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions (654)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States) (654)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE11 - LE13 Central America (30)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE15 - LE17 West Indies (39)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE21 - LE78 South America (273)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE21 - LE78 South America|LE21 - LE23 Argentina (37)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE21 - LE78 South America|LE27 - LE29 Bolivia (17)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE21 - LE78 South America|LE31 - LE33 Brazil (50)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE21 - LE78 South America|LE36 - LE38 Chile (23)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE21 - LE78 South America|LE41 - LE43 Colombia (36)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE21 - LE78 South America|LE46 - LE48 Ecuador (12)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE21 - LE78 South America|LE61 - LE63 Paraguay (2)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE21 - LE78 South America|LE66 - LE68 Peru (65)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE21 - LE78 South America|LE71 - LE73 Uruguay (5)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE21 - LE78 South America|LE76 - LE78 Venezuela (13)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE3 - LE5 Canada (111)
L - Education|LE3 - LE78 Individual institutions|LE3 - LE78 America (except United States)|LE7 - LE9 Mexico (176)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions (2,163)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF1341 - LF1537 Austria (49)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF14 - LF1257 Great Britain (682)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF14 - LF1257 Great Britain|LF1140 - LF1257 Wales (8)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF14 - LF1257 Great Britain|LF14 - LF797 England (582)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF14 - LF1257 Great Britain|LF800 - LF957 Ireland (24)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF14 - LF1257 Great Britain|LF960 - LF1137 Scotland (51)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF1541 - LF1549 Czech Republic (4)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF1550 - LF1550.8 Slovakia (1)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF1705 - LF1709 Finland (1)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF1711 - LF2397 France (71)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF2402 - LF3197 Germany (462)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF3211 - LF3247 Greece (4)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF3248 - LF3897 Italy (72)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF3911 - LF4067 Belgium (208)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4071 - LF4197 Netherlands (4)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4203 - LF4209 Poland (141)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4251 - LF4437 Russia (Federation) (126)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4440 - LF4441 Estonia (7)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4445 - LF4446 Lithuania (4)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4447.2 - LF4447.5 Belarus (1)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4448 - LF4448.5 Moldova (1)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4449.2 - LF4449.5 Ukraine (25)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4451 - LF4487 Denmark (3)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4493 - LF4537 Norway (6)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4539 - LF4607 Sweden (48)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4610 - LF4827 Spain (153)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4831 - LF4887 Portugal (12)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF4901 - LF5047 Switzerland (9)
L - Education|LF14 - LF5627 Individual institutions|LF5051 - LF5627 Turkey and the Baltic states (28)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions (790)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG21 - LG395 Asia (568)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG21 - LG395 Asia|LG171 - LG172 Indochina (1)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG21 - LG395 Asia|LG181 - LG184 Indonesia (1)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG21 - LG395 Asia|LG200 - LG227 Philippines (29)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG21 - LG395 Asia|LG240 - LG277 Japan (82)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG21 - LG395 Asia|LG281 - LG285 Korea (36)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG21 - LG395 Asia|LG302.2 - LG320 Former Soviet republics in Asia (4)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG21 - LG395 Asia|LG341 - LG345 Israel. Palestine (20)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG21 - LG395 Asia|LG351 - LG357 Lebanon (7)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG21 - LG395 Asia|LG51 - LG53 China (124)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG21 - LG395 Asia|LG55 - LG57 Taiwan (12)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG21 - LG395 Asia|LG60 - LG170.2 India. Pakistan. Bangladesh. Burma. Sri Lanka. Nepal (218)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG401 - LG681 Africa (195)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG401 - LG681 Africa|LG405 - LG411 South Africa (2)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG401 - LG681 Africa|LG421 - LG423 Uganda (8)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG401 - LG681 Africa|LG431 - LG438 Natal (3)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG401 - LG681 Africa|LG461 - LG462 Zimbabwe (15)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG401 - LG681 Africa|LG471 - LG475 Transvaal (8)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG401 - LG681 Africa|LG481 - LG505 West Africa (40)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG401 - LG681 Africa|LG481 - LG505 West Africa|LG481 - LG483 Nigeria (29)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG401 - LG681 Africa|LG481 - LG505 West Africa|LG497 - LG499 Ghana (3)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG401 - LG681 Africa|LG513 - LG514 Sudan (2)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG401 - LG681 Africa|LG545 - LG547 Rwanda (1)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG401 - LG681 Africa|LG551 - LG552 Senegal (3)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG715 - LG720 Australia (10)
L - Education|LG21 - LG961 Individual institutions|LG741 - LG745 New Zealand (7)
L - Education|LH1 - LH9 College and school magazines and papers (208)
L - Education|LJ3 - LJ165 Student fraternities and societies, United States (137)
L - Education|LT6 - LT501 Textbooks (21)
M - Music (107,272)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music (64,992)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1 - M2.3 Collections (4,076)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1 - M2.3 Collections|M2 - M2.3 Collections of musical sources (2,400)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music (21,779)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1497 - M1998 Secular vocal music (15,577)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1497 - M1998 Secular vocal music|M1500 - M1527.8 Dramatic music (4,085)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1497 - M1998 Secular vocal music|M1528 - M1529.5 Duets, trios, etc., for solo voices (375)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1497 - M1998 Secular vocal music|M1530 - M1546.5 Choruses with orchestra or other ensemble (605)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1497 - M1998 Secular vocal music|M1547 - M1600 Choruses, part-songs, etc., with accompaniment of keyboard or other solo instrument, or unaccompanied (816)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1497 - M1998 Secular vocal music|M1611 - M1624.8 Songs (5,706)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1497 - M1998 Secular vocal music|M1625 - M1626 Recitations with music (124)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1497 - M1998 Secular vocal music|M1627 - M1853 National music (3,063)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1497 - M1998 Secular vocal music|M1900 - M1978 Songs (part and solo) of special character (156)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1497 - M1998 Secular vocal music|M1990 - M1998 Secular music for children (115)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music (5,908)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2000 - M2007 Oratorios (372)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2010 - M2017.6 Services (752)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2018 - M2019.5 Duets, trios, etc. for solo voices (146)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2020 - M2036 Choruses, cantatas, etc. (1,211)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2060 - M2101.5 Choruses, part-songs, etc., with accompaniment of keyboard or other solo instrument, or unaccompanied (1,063)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2102 - M2114.8 Songs (531)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2115 - M2146 Hymnals. Hymn collections (1,162)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2147 - M2188 Liturgy and ritual (188)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2147 - M2188 Liturgy and ritual|M2147 - M2155.6 Roman Catholic Church (102)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2147 - M2188 Liturgy and ritual|M2156 - M2160.87 Orthodox churches (20)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2147 - M2188 Liturgy and ritual|M2161 - M2183 Protestant churches (41)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2147 - M2188 Liturgy and ritual|M2186 - M2187 Jewish (17)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2190 - M2196 Sacred vocal music for children (90)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M1495 - M5000 Vocal music|M1999 - M2199 Sacred vocal music|M2198 - M2199 Gospel, revival, temperance, etc. songs M5000 Unidentified compositions (154)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M3 - M3.3 Collected works of individual composers (1,036)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M5 - M1490 Instrumental music (37,723)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M5 - M1490 Instrumental music|M1000 - M1075 Orchestra (7,389)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M5 - M1490 Instrumental music|M1100 - M1160 String orchestra (1,306)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M5 - M1490 Instrumental music|M1200 - M1269 Band (532)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M5 - M1490 Instrumental music|M1350 - M1353 Reduced orchestra (5)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M5 - M1490 Instrumental music|M1356 - M1356.2 Dance orchestra and instrumental ensembles (34)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M5 - M1490 Instrumental music|M1375 - M1420 Instrumental music for children (93)
M - Music|M1 - M5000 Music|M5 - M1490 Instrumental music|M6 - M175.5 Solo instruments (12,697)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music (37,972)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML100 - ML109 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias (626)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML110 - ML111.5 Music librarianship (85)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML112 - ML112.5 Music printing and publishing (81)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML112.8 - ML158.8 Bibliography (2,414)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML112.8 - ML158.8 Bibliography|ML113 - ML118 International (211)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML112.8 - ML158.8 Bibliography|ML136 - ML158 Catalogs. Discography (792)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML112.8 - ML158.8 Bibliography|ML158.4 - ML158.6 Video recordings (1)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism (27,587)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML1400 - ML3275 Vocal music (2,899)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML1400 - ML3275 Vocal music|ML1499 - ML1554 Choral music (57)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML1400 - ML3275 Vocal music|ML1600 - ML2881 Secular vocal music (1,622)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML1400 - ML3275 Vocal music|ML2900 - ML3275 Sacred vocal music (1,103)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML162 - ML197 Special periods (797)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML162 - ML197 Special periods|ML162 - ML169 Ancient (86)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML162 - ML197 Special periods|ML169.8 - ML190 Medieval. Renaissance (465)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML162 - ML197 Special periods|ML193 - ML197 -1601 (185)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML198 - ML360 By region or country (2,399)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML198 - ML360 By region or country|ML198 - ML239 America (423)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML198 - ML360 By region or country|ML240 - ML325 Europe (1,223)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML198 - ML360 By region or country|ML330 - ML345 Asia (490)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML3300 - ML3354 Program music (5)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML3400 - ML3465 Dance music (51)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML3469 - ML3541 Popular music (2,674)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML3544 - ML3775 National music (1,617)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML385 - ML429 Biography (13,687)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML430 - ML455 Composition (185)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music (2,243)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML1100 - ML1165 Chamber music (64)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML1200 - ML1270 Orchestra (151)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML1299 - ML1354 Band (85)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML465 - ML471 By period (20)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML475 - ML547 By region or country (162)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML475 - ML547 By region or country|ML475 - ML486 America (13)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML475 - ML547 By region or country|ML489 - ML522 Europe (43)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML475 - ML547 By region or country|ML525 - ML541 Asia (53)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML549 - ML1093 Instruments (1,540)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML549 - ML1093 Instruments|ML1030 - ML1049 Percussion instruments (104)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML549 - ML1093 Instruments|ML1049.8 - ML1091 Mechanical and other instruments (78)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML549 - ML1093 Instruments|ML1091.8 - ML1093 Electronic instruments (42)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML549 - ML1093 Instruments|ML549.8 - ML649 Organ (411)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML549 - ML1093 Instruments|ML649.8 - ML747 Piano, clavichord, harpsichord, etc. (264)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML549 - ML1093 Instruments|ML749.5 - ML927 Bowed string instruments (142)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML549 - ML1093 Instruments|ML929 - ML990 Wind instruments (197)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML159 - ML3775 History and criticism|ML459 - ML1380 Instruments and instrumental music|ML549 - ML1093 Instruments|ML999 - ML1015 Plucked instruments (47)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML25 - ML28 Societies and organizations (72)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML32 - ML33 Institutions (5)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML35 - ML38 Festivals. Congresses (64)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML3800 - ML3923 Philosophy and physics of music (2,570)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML3800 - ML3923 Philosophy and physics of music|ML3845 - ML3877 Aesthetics (572)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML3800 - ML3923 Philosophy and physics of music|ML3880 - ML3915 Criticism (36)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML3928 - ML3930 Literature for children (6)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML40 - ML44 Programs (35)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML47 - ML54.8 Librettos. Scenarios (1,184)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML62 - ML90 Special aspects. Including writings of musicians (662)
M - Music|ML1 - ML3930 Literature on music|ML93 - ML96.5 Manuscripts, autographs, etc. (147)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study (4,126)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT1 - MT5 History and criticism (322)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques (1,350)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT180 - MT198 Organ (74)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT200 - MT208 Reed organ (4)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT220 - MT255 Piano (364)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT259 - MT338 String instruments (200)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT259 - MT338 String instruments|MT260 - MT279.7 Violin (95)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT259 - MT338 String instruments|MT280 - MT298 Viola (16)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT259 - MT338 String instruments|MT300 - MT318 Violoncello (55)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT259 - MT338 String instruments|MT320 - MT334 Double bass (14)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT339 - MT533 Wind instruments (314)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT339 - MT533 Wind instruments|MT340 - MT359 Flute (110)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT339 - MT533 Wind instruments|MT360 - MT379 Oboe (22)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT339 - MT533 Wind instruments|MT380 - MT392 Clarinet (A, Bb, C, Eb, etc.) (23)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT339 - MT533 Wind instruments|MT400 - MT415 Bassoon (13)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT539 - MT654 Plucked instruments (142)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT539 - MT654 Plucked instruments|MT540 - MT557 Harp (11)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT539 - MT654 Plucked instruments|MT560 - MT570 Banjo (12)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT539 - MT654 Plucked instruments|MT580 - MT599 Guitar (86)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT539 - MT654 Plucked instruments|MT600 - MT612 Mandolin (5)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT539 - MT654 Plucked instruments|MT640 - MT654 Lute, balalaika, etc. (15)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT655 - MT725 Percussion and other instruments (128)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT728 - MT728.3 Chamber music (8)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT733 - MT733.6 Band (13)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT170 - MT810 Instrumental techniques|MT740 - MT810 Instrumental techniques for children (20)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT20 - MT32 Special methods (7)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT40 - MT67 Composition. Elements and techniques of music (457)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT40 - MT67 Composition. Elements and techniques of music|MT58 - MT67 Forms (86)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT5.5 - MT7 Music theory (315)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT70 - MT74 Instrumentation and orchestration (55)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT820 - MT915 Singing and vocal technique (313)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT820 - MT915 Singing and vocal technique|MT825 - MT850 Systems and methods (35)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT820 - MT915 Singing and vocal technique|MT855 - MT883 Special techniques (97)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT820 - MT915 Singing and vocal technique|MT898 - MT915 Techniques for children (2)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT90 - MT146 Analysis and appreciation of musical works (752)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT90 - MT146 Analysis and appreciation of musical works|MT110 - MT115 Oratorios, cantatas, etc. (8)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT90 - MT146 Analysis and appreciation of musical works|MT125 - MT130 Orchestral music (33)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT90 - MT146 Analysis and appreciation of musical works|MT140 - MT145 Chamber and solo instrumental music (20)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT90 - MT146 Analysis and appreciation of musical works|MT95 - MT100 Opera, ballet, etc. (45)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT918 - MT948 School music (18)
M - Music|MT1 - MT960 Musical instruction and study|MT955 - MT956 Musical theater (28)
N - Fine Arts (125,168)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts (46,727)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N1 - N58 General (944)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N400 - N3990 Art museums, galleries, etc. (2,555)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N4390 - N5098 Exhibitions (402)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N5198 - N5299 Private collections and collectors (818)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N5300 - N7418 History (29,848)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N61 - N72 Theory. Philosophy. Aesthetics of the visual arts (706)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N7420 - N7525.8 General works (2,767)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N7560 - N8266 Special subjects of art (5,406)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N81 - N390 Study and teaching. Research (647)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N8350 - N8356 Art as a profession. Artists (176)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N8510 - N8553 Art studios, materials, etc. (80)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N8554 - N8585 Examination and conservation of works of art (136)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N8600 - N8675 Economics of art (288)
N - Fine Arts|N1 - N9211 Visual arts|N8700 - N9165 Art and the state. Public art (379)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture (20,716)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA1 - NA60 General (333)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA100 - NA130 Architecture and the state (193)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA190 - NA1555.5 History (8,974)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA2000 - NA2320 Study and teaching. Research (77)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA2335 - NA2360 Competitions (42)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA2400 - NA2460 Museums. Exhibitions (21)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA2500 - NA2599 General works (1,292)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA2599.5 - NA2599.9 Architectural criticism (52)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA2695 - NA2793 Architectural drawing and design (450)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA2835 - NA4050 Details and decoration (599)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA4100 - NA8480 Special classes of buildings (6,883)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA4100 - NA8480 Special classes of buildings|NA4100 - NA4145 Classed by material (100)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA4100 - NA8480 Special classes of buildings|NA4150 - NA4160 Classed by form (4)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA4100 - NA8480 Special classes of buildings|NA4170 - NA8480 Classed by use (6,768)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA4100 - NA8480 Special classes of buildings|NA4170 - NA8480 Classed by use|NA4170 - NA7020 Public buildings (4,532)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA4100 - NA8480 Special classes of buildings|NA4170 - NA8480 Classed by use|NA4170 - NA7020 Public buildings|NA4590 - NA5621 Religious architecture (2,207)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA4100 - NA8480 Special classes of buildings|NA4170 - NA8480 Classed by use|NA7100 - NA7884 Domestic architecture. Houses. Dwellings (2,061)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA4100 - NA8480 Special classes of buildings|NA4170 - NA8480 Classed by use|NA7910 - NA8125 Clubhouses, guild houses, etc. (18)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA4100 - NA8480 Special classes of buildings|NA4170 - NA8480 Classed by use|NA8200 - NA8260 Farm architecture (61)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA4100 - NA8480 Special classes of buildings|NA4170 - NA8480 Classed by use|NA8300 - NA8480 Outbuildings, gates, fences, etc. (95)
N - Fine Arts|NA1 - NA9428 Architecture|NA9000 - NA9428 Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying (1,096)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture (6,024)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1 - NB50 General (63)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1135 - NB1150 General works (40)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1160 - NB1195 Designs and technique (21)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1199 - NB1200 Restoration of sculptures (4)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1203 - NB1270 Special materials (168)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1272 - NB1291 Mobiles, color, sculpture gardens, etc. (86)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1293 - NB1895 Special forms (356)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1293 - NB1895 Special forms|NB1293 - NB1310 Portrait sculpture (73)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1293 - NB1895 Special forms|NB1312 - NB1313 Equestrian statues (2)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1293 - NB1895 Special forms|NB1330 - NB1685 Sculptural monuments (47)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1293 - NB1895 Special forms|NB1750 - NB1793 Religious monuments and shrines (3)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1293 - NB1895 Special forms|NB1800 - NB1880 Sepulchral monuments (172)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB1910 - NB1952 Special subjects (446)
N - Fine Arts|NB1 - NB1952 Sculpture|NB60 - NB1115 History. Including collective biography (4,805)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration (7,412)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC1 - NC45 General. Including collective biography (208)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC1280 - NC1284 Printed ephemera. Imagerie populaire (12)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC1300 - NC1766 Pictorial humor, caricature, etc. (1,829)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC1800 - NC1850 Posters (409)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC1860 - NC1896 Greeting cards, postcards, invitations, book jackets, etc. (225)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC390 - NC670 Study and teaching (33)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC50 - NC266 History of drawing (2,138)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC703 - NC725 General works (57)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC730 - NC758 Technique (99)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC760 - NC825 Special subjects (121)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC845 - NC915 Graphic art materials (72)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC950 - NC996 Illustration (630)
N - Fine Arts|NC1 - NC1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration|NC997 - NC1003 Commercial art. Advertising art (786)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting (25,113)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1115 - ND1120 Study and teaching (5)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1130 - ND1156 General works (225)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1288 - ND1460 Special subjects (1,447)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1288 - ND1460 Special subjects|ND1290 - ND1293 Human figure (18)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1288 - ND1460 Special subjects|ND1300 - ND1337 Portraits (484)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1288 - ND1460 Special subjects|ND1340 - ND1367 Landscape painting (300)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1288 - ND1460 Special subjects|ND1370 - ND1375 Marine painting (18)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1288 - ND1460 Special subjects|ND1380 - ND1383 Animals. Birds (10)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1288 - ND1460 Special subjects|ND1385 - ND1388 Sports. Hunting, fishing, etc. (1)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1288 - ND1460 Special subjects|ND1390 - ND1393 Still life (31)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1288 - ND1460 Special subjects|ND1400 - ND1403 Flowers. Fruit. Trees (11)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1288 - ND1460 Special subjects|ND1410 - ND1460 Other subjects (279)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1470 - ND1625 Technique and materials (205)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1630 - ND1662 Examination and conservation of paintings (50)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND1700 - ND2495 Watercolor painting (607)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND25 - ND48 General (110)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND2550 - ND2733 Mural painting (338)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND2889 - ND3416 Illuminating of manuscripts and books (1,204)
N - Fine Arts|ND25 - ND3416 Painting|ND49 - ND813 History (16,167)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media (3,572)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1 - NE978 Printmaking and engraving (1,983)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1 - NE978 Printmaking and engraving|NE1 - NE90 General (159)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1 - NE978 Printmaking and engraving|NE218 - NE330 Engraved portraits. Self (27)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1 - NE978 Printmaking and engraving|NE390 - NE395 Collected works (1)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1 - NE978 Printmaking and engraving|NE400 - NE773 History of printmaking (1,540)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1 - NE978 Printmaking and engraving|NE830 - NE898 General works (69)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1 - NE978 Printmaking and engraving|NE951 - NE962 Special subjects (41)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1 - NE978 Printmaking and engraving|NE965 - NE965.3 Tradesmen's cards (15)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1 - NE978 Printmaking and engraving|NE975 - NE975.4 Competitions (1)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1000 - NE1352 Wood engraving (878)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1000 - NE1352 Wood engraving|NE1000 - NE1027 General (5)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1000 - NE1352 Wood engraving|NE1030 - NE1196.3 History (348)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1000 - NE1352 Wood engraving|NE1220 - NE1233 General works (20)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1000 - NE1352 Wood engraving|NE1310 - NE1326.5 Japanese prints (423)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1000 - NE1352 Wood engraving|NE1330 - NE1336 Linoleum block prints (8)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1400 - NE1879 Metal engraving (71)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1400 - NE1879 Metal engraving|NE1400 - NE1422 General (1)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1400 - NE1879 Metal engraving|NE1620 - NE1630 General works (4)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1400 - NE1879 Metal engraving|NE1634 - NE1749 History (31)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1400 - NE1879 Metal engraving|NE1750 - NE1775 Copper engraving (3)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1400 - NE1879 Metal engraving|NE1850 - NE1879 Color prints (18)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1940 - NE2232.5 Etching and aquatint (370)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1940 - NE2232.5 Etching and aquatint|NE1940 - NE1975 General (12)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1940 - NE2232.5 Etching and aquatint|NE1980 - NE2055.5 History (273)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1940 - NE2232.5 Etching and aquatint|NE2120 - NE2140 General works (14)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE1940 - NE2232.5 Etching and aquatint|NE2141 - NE2149 Special subjects (1)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE2236 - NE2240.6 Serigraphy (31)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE2242 - NE2246 Monotype (Printmaking) (5)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE2250 - NE2570 Lithography (213)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE2685 - NE2685.8 Lumiprints (1)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE2800 - NE2880 Printing of engravings (4)
N - Fine Arts|NE1 - NE3002 Print media|NE3000 - NE3002 Copying art. Copying machine art (2)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts (9,987)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK1 - NK570 General (189)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK1135 - NK1149.5 Arts and crafts movement (44)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK1160 - NK1590 Decoration and ornament. Design (1,021)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK1160 - NK1590 Decoration and ornament. Design|NK1160 - NK1174 General (37)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK1160 - NK1590 Decoration and ornament. Design|NK1175 - NK1498 History (570)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK1160 - NK1590 Decoration and ornament. Design|NK1505 - NK1535 General works (284)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK1160 - NK1590 Decoration and ornament. Design|NK1548 - NK1590 Special subjects for design (52)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK1648 - NK1678 Religious art (141)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK1700 - NK2195 Interior decoration. House decoration (356)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK1700 - NK2195 Interior decoration. House decoration|NK1700 - NK2138 General. History, etc. Including special rooms (317)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK1700 - NK2195 Interior decoration. House decoration|NK2140 - NK2180 Decorative painting (3)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK1700 - NK2195 Interior decoration. House decoration|NK2190 - NK2192 Church decoration (11)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK2200 - NK2750 Furniture (598)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK2775 - NK2898 Rugs and carpets (147)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK2975 - NK3049 Tapestries (63)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK3175 - NK3296.3 Upholstery. Drapery (7)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK3375 - NK3496.3 Wallpapers (32)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK3600 - NK9990 Other arts and art industries (6,081)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK3600 - NK9990 Other arts and art industries|NK3700 - NK4695 Ceramics (1,967)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK3600 - NK9990 Other arts and art industries|NK4700 - NK4890 Costume (86)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK3600 - NK9990 Other arts and art industries|NK5100 - NK5440 Glass (576)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK3600 - NK9990 Other arts and art industries|NK5500 - NK6060 Glyptic arts (272)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK3600 - NK9990 Other arts and art industries|NK6400 - NK8459 Metalwork (1,313)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK3600 - NK9990 Other arts and art industries|NK8800 - NK9505.5 Textiles (750)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK3600 - NK9990 Other arts and art industries|NK9600 - NK9955 Woodwork (189)
N - Fine Arts|NK1 - NK9990 Decorative arts|NK600 - NK806 History (172)
N - Fine Arts|NX1 - NX820 Arts in general (5,283)
N - Fine Arts|NX1 - NX820 Arts in general|NX1 - NX260 General (1,246)
N - Fine Arts|NX1 - NX820 Arts in general|NX280 - NX410 Study and teaching. Research (123)
N - Fine Arts|NX1 - NX820 Arts in general|NX411 - NX415 Competitions (2)
N - Fine Arts|NX1 - NX820 Arts in general|NX420 - NX430 Exhibitions (12)
N - Fine Arts|NX1 - NX820 Arts in general|NX440 - NX632 History of the arts (2,769)
N - Fine Arts|NX1 - NX820 Arts in general|NX650 - NX694 Special subjects, characters, persons, religious arts, etc. (754)
N - Fine Arts|NX1 - NX820 Arts in general|NX700 - NX750 Patronage of the arts (128)
N - Fine Arts|NX1 - NX820 Arts in general|NX760 - NX770 Administration of the arts (48)
N - Fine Arts|NX1 - NX820 Arts in general|NX798 - NX820 Arts centers and facilities (5)
P - Language and literature (636,907)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics (18,374)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P1 - P85 General (4,399)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P101 - P410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar (7,848)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P101 - P410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar|P118 - P118.75 Language acquisition (473)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P101 - P410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar|P121 - P149 Science of language (Linguistics) (1,106)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P101 - P410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar|P201 - P299 Comparative grammar (999)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P101 - P410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar|P301 - P301.5 Style. Composition. Rhetoric (163)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P101 - P410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar|P302 - P302.87 Discourse analysis (665)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P101 - P410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar|P306 - P310 Translating and interpreting (657)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P101 - P410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar|P321 - P324.5 Etymology (83)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P101 - P410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar|P325 - P325.5 Semantics (224)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P101 - P410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar|P326 - P326.5 Lexicology (36)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P101 - P410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar|P327 - P327.5 Lexicography (60)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P101 - P410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar|P375 - P381 Linguistic geography (66)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P501 - P769 Indo-European (Indo-Germanic) philology (196)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P87 - P96 Communication. Mass media (3,485)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P87 - P96 Communication. Mass media|P95 - P95.6 Oral communication. Speech (265)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P901 - P1091 Extinct ancient or medieval languages (230)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P98 - P98.5 Computational linguistics. Natural language processing (86)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P99 - P99.4 Semiotics. Signs and symbols (326)
P - Language and literature|P1 - P1091 Philology. Linguistics|P99.5 - P99.6 Nonverbal communication (19)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature (20,937)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA1 - PA199 Classical philology (2,589)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA1000 - PA1179 Medieval and modern Greek language (84)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA2001 - PA2915 Latin philology and language (897)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA201 - PA899 Greek philology and language (680)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA3000 - PA3049 Classical literature (796)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA3050 - PA4505 Greek literature (7,230)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA3050 - PA4505 Greek literature|PA3051 - PA3285 Literary history (962)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA3050 - PA4505 Greek literature|PA3300 - PA3516 Collections (512)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA3050 - PA4505 Greek literature|PA3520 - PA3564 Criticism, interpretation, etc. (41)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA3050 - PA4505 Greek literature|PA3601 - PA3681 Translations (302)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA3050 - PA4505 Greek literature|PA3818 - PA4505 Individual authors (5,404)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA5000 - PA5660 Byzantine and modern Greek literature (474)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA5000 - PA5660 Byzantine and modern Greek literature|PA5301 - PA5637 Individual authors (317)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA6001 - PA6971 Roman literature (6,406)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA6001 - PA6971 Roman literature|PA6001 - PA6095.5 Literary history (539)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA6001 - PA6971 Roman literature|PA6101 - PA6140 Collections (272)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA6001 - PA6971 Roman literature|PA6141 - PA6144 Criticism, interpretation, etc. (20)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA6001 - PA6971 Roman literature|PA6155 - PA6191 Translations (64)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA6001 - PA6971 Roman literature|PA6202 - PA6971 Individual authors (5,495)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA8001 - PA8595 Medieval and modern Latin literature (1,777)
P - Language and literature|PA1 - PA8595 Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature|PA8001 - PA8595 Medieval and modern Latin literature|PA8200 - PA8595 Individual authors (1,334)
P - Language and literature|PB1 - PB3029 Modern languages. Celtic languages (979)
P - Language and literature|PB1 - PB3029 Modern languages. Celtic languages|PB1 - PB431 Modern languages (417)
P - Language and literature|PB1 - PB3029 Modern languages. Celtic languages|PB1001 - PB3029 Celtic languages and literature (561)
P - Language and literature|PB1 - PB3029 Modern languages. Celtic languages|PB1001 - PB3029 Celtic languages and literature|PB1101 - PB1200 Goidelic. Gaelic (1)
P - Language and literature|PB1 - PB3029 Modern languages. Celtic languages|PB1001 - PB3029 Celtic languages and literature|PB1201 - PB1449 Irish (220)
P - Language and literature|PB1 - PB3029 Modern languages. Celtic languages|PB1001 - PB3029 Celtic languages and literature|PB1501 - PB1709 Gaelic (Scottish Gaelic, Erse) (51)
P - Language and literature|PB1 - PB3029 Modern languages. Celtic languages|PB1001 - PB3029 Celtic languages and literature|PB1801 - PB1867 Manx (18)
P - Language and literature|PB1 - PB3029 Modern languages. Celtic languages|PB1001 - PB3029 Celtic languages and literature|PB2001 - PB3029 Brittanic group (224)
P - Language and literature|PB1 - PB3029 Modern languages. Celtic languages|PB1001 - PB3029 Celtic languages and literature|PB2001 - PB3029 Brittanic group|PB2101 - PB2499 Welsh. Cymric (171)
P - Language and literature|PB1 - PB3029 Modern languages. Celtic languages|PB1001 - PB3029 Celtic languages and literature|PB2001 - PB3029 Brittanic group|PB2501 - PB2621 Cornish (13)
P - Language and literature|PB1 - PB3029 Modern languages. Celtic languages|PB1001 - PB3029 Celtic languages and literature|PB2001 - PB3029 Brittanic group|PB2801 - PB2932 Breton. Armorican (29)
P - Language and literature|PB1 - PB3029 Modern languages. Celtic languages|PB1001 - PB3029 Celtic languages and literature|PB2001 - PB3029 Brittanic group|PB3001 - PB3029 Gaulish (7)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages (6,439)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC1 - PC400 General (1,426)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC1001 - PC1977 Italian (810)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC1981 - PC1984 Sardinian (2)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC2001 - PC3761 French (1,815)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC2001 - PC3761 French|PC2700 - PC3708 Dialects. Provincialisms (537)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC2001 - PC3761 French|PC2700 - PC3708 Dialects. Provincialisms|PC2813 - PC2898 Old French (51)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC2001 - PC3761 French|PC2700 - PC3708 Dialects. Provincialisms|PC3201 - PC3366 Provencal (Old) (199)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC2001 - PC3761 French|PC2700 - PC3708 Dialects. Provincialisms|PC3371 - PC3420.5 Modern patois of South France (50)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC2001 - PC3761 French|PC2700 - PC3708 Dialects. Provincialisms|PC3420.8 - PC3495 Langue d'oc dialects (6)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC2001 - PC3761 French|PC3721 - PC3761 Slang. Argot (44)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC3801 - PC3976 Catalan (637)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC4001 - PC4977 Spanish (1,302)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC5001 - PC5498 Portuguese (225)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC601 - PC872 Romanian (186)
P - Language and literature|PC1 - PC5498 Romanic languages|PC901 - PC986 Raeto-Romance. Including Romansh (23)
P - Language and literature|PD1 - PD7159 Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages (1,443)
P - Language and literature|PD1 - PD7159 Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages|PD1 - PD780 General (988)
P - Language and literature|PD1 - PD7159 Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages|PD1001 - PD1350 Old Germanic dialects (19)
P - Language and literature|PD1 - PD7159 Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages|PD1001 - PD1350 Old Germanic dialects|PD1101 - PD1211 Gothic (19)
P - Language and literature|PD1 - PD7159 Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages|PD1501 - PD7159 North Germanic. Scandinavian (434)
P - Language and literature|PD1 - PD7159 Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages|PD1501 - PD7159 North Germanic. Scandinavian|PD2201 - PD2393 Old Norse. Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian (20)
P - Language and literature|PD1 - PD7159 Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages|PD1501 - PD7159 North Germanic. Scandinavian|PD2401 - PD2446 Modern Icelandic (14)
P - Language and literature|PD1 - PD7159 Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages|PD1501 - PD7159 North Germanic. Scandinavian|PD2501 - PD2999 Norwegian (42)
P - Language and literature|PD1 - PD7159 Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages|PD1501 - PD7159 North Germanic. Scandinavian|PD3001 - PD3929 Danish (48)
P - Language and literature|PD1 - PD7159 Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages|PD1501 - PD7159 North Germanic. Scandinavian|PD5001 - PD5929 Swedish (97)
P - Language and literature|PE1 - PE3729 English language (6,495)
P - Language and literature|PE1 - PE3729 English language|PE1001 - PE1693 Modern English (4,506)
P - Language and literature|PE1 - PE3729 English language|PE101 - PE458 Anglo-Saxon. Old English (162)
P - Language and literature|PE1 - PE3729 English language|PE1700 - PE3602 Dialects. Provincialisms, etc. (771)
P - Language and literature|PE1 - PE3729 English language|PE3701 - PE3729 Slang. Argot, etc. (120)
P - Language and literature|PE1 - PE3729 English language|PE501 - PE693 Middle English (75)
P - Language and literature|PE1 - PE3729 English language|PE814 - PE896 Early Modern English (14)
P - Language and literature|PF1 - PF5999 West Germanic languages (2,296)
P - Language and literature|PF1 - PF5999 West Germanic languages|PF1 - PF979 Dutch (113)
P - Language and literature|PF1 - PF5999 West Germanic languages|PF1401 - PF1541 Friesian (12)
P - Language and literature|PF1 - PF5999 West Germanic languages|PF3001 - PF5999 German (2,171)
P - Language and literature|PF1 - PF5999 West Germanic languages|PF3001 - PF5999 German|PF3801 - PF3991 Old High German (93)
P - Language and literature|PF1 - PF5999 West Germanic languages|PF3001 - PF5999 German|PF3992 - PF4010 Old Saxon (19)
P - Language and literature|PF1 - PF5999 West Germanic languages|PF3001 - PF5999 German|PF4043 - PF4350 Middle High German (54)
P - Language and literature|PF1 - PF5999 West Germanic languages|PF3001 - PF5999 German|PF4501 - PF4596 Early Modern German (15)
P - Language and literature|PF1 - PF5999 West Germanic languages|PF3001 - PF5999 German|PF5000 - PF5951 Dialects. Provincialism, etc. (302)
P - Language and literature|PF1 - PF5999 West Germanic languages|PF3001 - PF5999 German|PF5971 - PF5999 Slang. Argot, etc. (19)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language (36,490)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic (36,284)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG1 - PG499 Slavic philology and languages (General) (933)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG1151 - PG1199 Macedonian (34)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG1201 - PG1749 Serbo-Croatian (288)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG1801 - PG1962 Slovenian (94)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2001 - PG2826 Russian language (2,408)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2830 - PG2847 Belarusian (261)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature (22,622)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG2900 - PG3190 History and criticism (3,630)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG2900 - PG3190 History and criticism|PG2900 - PG2998 General (1,327)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG2900 - PG3190 History and criticism|PG3001 - PG3026 Special periods (1,151)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG2900 - PG3190 History and criticism|PG3041 - PG3065 Poetry (332)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG2900 - PG3190 History and criticism|PG3071 - PG3089 Drama (63)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG2900 - PG3190 History and criticism|PG3091 - PG3099 Prose (276)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3199 - PG3299 Collections (937)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3199 - PG3299 Collections|PG3199 - PG3205 General (66)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3199 - PG3299 Collections|PG3211 - PG3219 Translations (39)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3199 - PG3299 Collections|PG3223 - PG3229.2 Special periods (176)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3199 - PG3299 Collections|PG3230 - PG3238 Poetry (306)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3199 - PG3299 Collections|PG3240 - PG3255 Drama (48)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3199 - PG3299 Collections|PG3260 - PG3299 Prose (263)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3300 - PG3493.96 Individual authors and works (17,553)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3300 - PG3493.96 Individual authors and works|PG3300 - PG3308 Early to 1700 (92)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3300 - PG3493.96 Individual authors and works|PG3310 - PG3319 18th century (155)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3300 - PG3493.96 Individual authors and works|PG3320 - PG3447 1800-1870 (3,621)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3300 - PG3493.96 Individual authors and works|PG3450 - PG3470 1870-1917 (1,515)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3300 - PG3493.96 Individual authors and works|PG3475 - PG3476 1917-1960 (4)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3300 - PG3493.96 Individual authors and works|PG3477 - PG3490 1961-2000 (5,873)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3300 - PG3493.96 Individual authors and works|PG3491.2 - PG3493.96 -2001 (2,036)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3500 - PG3505 Provincial, local, etc. (89)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG2900 - PG3698 Russian literature|PG3515 - PG3550 Outside the Russian Federation (224)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG3801 - PG3987 Ukrainian (2,305)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG4001 - PG5146 Czech (390)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG500 - PG585 Slavic literature (General) (139)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG5201 - PG5546 Slovak (49)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG5631 - PG5689 Sorbian (Wendic) (12)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG6001 - PG7446 Polish (6,461)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG601 - PG716 Church Slavic (148)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG7900 - PG7925 Lechitic dialects (18)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG1 - PG7925 Slavic|PG801 - PG1146 Bulgarian (101)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG8001 - PG9146 Baltic (136)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG8001 - PG9146 Baltic|PG8201 - PG8208 Old Prussian (1)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG8001 - PG9146 Baltic|PG8501 - PG8772 Lithuanian (53)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG8001 - PG9146 Baltic|PG8801 - PG9146 Latvian (67)
P - Language and literature|PG1 - PG9665 Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language|PG9501 - PG9665 Albanian (70)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language (591)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH1 - PH87 General (35)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH101 - PH405 Finnish (119)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH1201 - PH1409 Ugric languages (6)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH2001 - PH3445 Hungarian (252)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH3801 - PH3820 Samoyedic languages (2)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH5001 - PH5490 Basque (85)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH501 - PH1109 Other Finnic languages and dialects (89)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH501 - PH1109 Other Finnic languages and dialects|PH1001 - PH1079 Permic (14)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH501 - PH1109 Other Finnic languages and dialects|PH1101 - PH1109 Udmurt (12)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH501 - PH1109 Other Finnic languages and dialects|PH501 - PH509 Karelian (3)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH501 - PH1109 Other Finnic languages and dialects|PH541 - PH549 Veps (2)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH501 - PH1109 Other Finnic languages and dialects|PH601 - PH671 Estonian (38)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH501 - PH1109 Other Finnic languages and dialects|PH701 - PH735 Sami (1)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH501 - PH1109 Other Finnic languages and dialects|PH751 - PH785 Mordvin (4)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH501 - PH1109 Other Finnic languages and dialects|PH801 - PH836 Mari (8)
P - Language and literature|PH1 - PH5490 Uralic languages. Basque language|PH91 - PH98.5 Finnic. Baltic-Finnic (1)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature (42,372)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ1 - PJ489 General (821)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ1 - PJ489 General|PJ1 - PJ195 Languages (704)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ1 - PJ489 General|PJ306 - PJ489 Literature (117)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ1001 - PJ1989 Egyptology (582)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ1001 - PJ1989 Egyptology|PJ1091 - PJ1109 Egyptian writing and its decipherment (70)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ1001 - PJ1989 Egyptology|PJ1111 - PJ1446 Language (110)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ1001 - PJ1989 Egyptology|PJ1481 - PJ1989 Literature. Inscriptions (319)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ2001 - PJ2199 Coptic (93)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ2340 - PJ2399 Libyco-Berber languages. Berber languages (122)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ2340 - PJ2399 Libyco-Berber languages. Berber languages|PJ2353 - PJ2367 Libyan group (1)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ2340 - PJ2399 Libyco-Berber languages. Berber languages|PJ2369 - PJ2399 Berber languages (91)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ2401 - PJ2594 Cushitic languages (38)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ3001 - PJ3097 Semitic philology and literature (492)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ4001 - PJ4091 Sumerian (105)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ4101 - PJ4197 West and North Semitic languages (60)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ4101 - PJ4197 West and North Semitic languages|PJ4171 - PJ4197 Phoenician-Punic (12)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ4501 - PJ5192 Hebrew (11,382)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ4501 - PJ5192 Hebrew|PJ4543 - PJ4937 Language (Biblical and modern) (689)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ4501 - PJ5192 Hebrew|PJ4951 - PJ4996 Medieval Hebrew (3)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ4501 - PJ5192 Hebrew|PJ5001 - PJ5060 Literature (8,774)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ4501 - PJ5192 Hebrew|PJ5001 - PJ5060 Literature|PJ5050 - PJ5055.51 Individual authors and works (7,684)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ4501 - PJ5192 Hebrew|PJ5061 - PJ5192 Other languages used by Jews (1,819)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ4501 - PJ5192 Hebrew|PJ5061 - PJ5192 Other languages used by Jews|PJ5111 - PJ5192 Yiddish (1,772)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ5201 - PJ5329.5 Aramaic (122)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ5201 - PJ5329.5 Aramaic|PJ5211 - PJ5289 West Aramaic (49)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ5201 - PJ5329.5 Aramaic|PJ5211 - PJ5289 West Aramaic|PJ5211 - PJ5219.5 Biblical (Chaldaic) (18)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ5201 - PJ5329.5 Aramaic|PJ5211 - PJ5289 West Aramaic|PJ5241 - PJ5249 Christian Palestinian (5)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ5201 - PJ5329.5 Aramaic|PJ5211 - PJ5289 West Aramaic|PJ5251 - PJ5259 Jewish Palestinian (7)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ5201 - PJ5329.5 Aramaic|PJ5211 - PJ5289 West Aramaic|PJ5271 - PJ5279 Samaritan (6)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ5201 - PJ5329.5 Aramaic|PJ5211 - PJ5289 West Aramaic|PJ5281 - PJ5289 Neo-Aramaic (7)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ5201 - PJ5329.5 Aramaic|PJ5301 - PJ5329.5 East Aramaic (11)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ5201 - PJ5329.5 Aramaic|PJ5301 - PJ5329.5 East Aramaic|PJ5321 - PJ5329.5 Mandaean (6)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ601 - PJ989 Special groups (109)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ601 - PJ989 Special groups|PJ601 - PJ621 Christian Oriental (1)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ601 - PJ989 Special groups|PJ701 - PJ989 Islamic (107)
P - Language and literature|PJ1 - PJ9500 Oriental languages and literature|PJ991 - PJ995 Afroasiatic languages (9)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature (19,477)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK1 - PK85 General (112)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages (15,160)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1001 - PK1095 Pali (27)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK101 - PK185 General (254)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1201 - PK1409.5 Prakrit (25)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1421 - PK1429.5 Apabhrams'a (19)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1471 - PK1490 Middle Indo-Aryan dialects (4)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages (14,378)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects (14,305)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK1550 - PK1569 Assamese (36)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK1651 - PK1799 Bengali (4,700)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK1801 - PK1831.95 Bihari (135)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK1841 - PK1870.95 Gujarati (117)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK1931 - PK2212 Hindi, Urdu, Hindustani languages and literatures (6,560)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK1931 - PK2212 Hindi, Urdu, Hindustani languages and literatures|PK1931 - PK1970 Hindi language (510)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK1931 - PK2212 Hindi, Urdu, Hindustani languages and literatures|PK1971 - PK1979.5 Urdu language (229)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK1931 - PK2212 Hindi, Urdu, Hindustani languages and literatures|PK1981 - PK2000 Hindustani language (44)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK1931 - PK2212 Hindi, Urdu, Hindustani languages and literatures|PK2030 - PK2142 Hindi, Hindustani literatures (2,373)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK1931 - PK2212 Hindi, Urdu, Hindustani languages and literatures|PK2151 - PK2212 Urdu literature (3,388)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK2261 - PK2270.9 Lahnda (10)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK2351 - PK2418 Marathi (230)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK2461 - PK2479 Marwari (9)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK2561 - PK2579.5 Oriya (223)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK2591 - PK2610 Pahari (168)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK2631 - PK2659 Panjabi (120)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK2701 - PK2708.9 Rajasthani (56)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK2781 - PK2790 Sindhi (104)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK2801 - PK2891 Sinhalese (Singhalese) (117)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK2892 - PK2892.95 Siraiki (20)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK1501 - PK2899 Modern Indo-Aryan languages|PK1550 - PK2899 Particular languages and dialects|PK2896 - PK2899 Romani (19)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK201 - PK379 Vedic (47)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK101 - PK2899 Indo-Aryan languages|PK401 - PK976 Sanskrit (398)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK2901 - PK5471 Indo-Aryan literature (2,015)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK2901 - PK5471 Indo-Aryan literature|PK2901 - PK2979 General (768)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK2901 - PK5471 Indo-Aryan literature|PK3591 - PK4485 Sanskrit (879)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK2901 - PK5471 Indo-Aryan literature|PK3591 - PK4485 Sanskrit|PK3791 - PK3799 Individual authors and works (610)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK2901 - PK5471 Indo-Aryan literature|PK3591 - PK4485 Sanskrit|PK3801 - PK4251 Special subjects (2)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK2901 - PK5471 Indo-Aryan literature|PK3591 - PK4485 Sanskrit|PK4471 - PK4485 Translations (23)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK2901 - PK5471 Indo-Aryan literature|PK4501 - PK4681 Pali literature (36)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK2901 - PK5471 Indo-Aryan literature|PK4990 - PK5046 Prakrit literature (53)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK2901 - PK5471 Indo-Aryan literature|PK5401 - PK5471 Modern Indo-Aryan literature (268)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK6001 - PK6996 Iranian philology and literature (1,763)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK6001 - PK6996 Iranian philology and literature|PK6001 - PK6099 General (30)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK6001 - PK6996 Iranian philology and literature|PK6101 - PK6119 Avestan (12)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK6001 - PK6996 Iranian philology and literature|PK6121 - PK6129 Old Persian (9)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK6001 - PK6996 Iranian philology and literature|PK6135 - PK6199.9 Middle Iranian languages (22)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK6001 - PK6996 Iranian philology and literature|PK6135 - PK6199.9 Middle Iranian languages|PK6141 - PK6199.5 Pahlavi (16)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK6001 - PK6996 Iranian philology and literature|PK6201 - PK6599.7 New Persian (1,371)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK6001 - PK6996 Iranian philology and literature|PK6201 - PK6599.7 New Persian|PK6201 - PK6399 Language (150)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK6001 - PK6996 Iranian philology and literature|PK6201 - PK6599.7 New Persian|PK6400 - PK6599.7 Literature (1,221)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK6001 - PK6996 Iranian philology and literature|PK6201 - PK6599.7 New Persian|PK6400 - PK6599.7 Literature|PK6450.9 - PK6562.35 Individual authors or works (969)
P - Language and literature|PK1 - PK9601 Indo-Iranian languages and literature|PK6001 - PK6996 Iranian philology and literature|PK6701 - PK6821 Afghan (Pashto, Pushto, Pushtu, etc.) (67)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania (38,857)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL1 - PL481 Ural-Altaic languages (3,432)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL1 - PL481 Ural-Altaic languages|PL21 - PL396 Turkic languages (3,132)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL1 - PL481 Ural-Altaic languages|PL400 - PL431 Mongolian languages (99)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL1 - PL481 Ural-Altaic languages|PL450 - PL481 Tungus Manchu languages (21)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL1001 - PL3208 Chinese language and literature (12,560)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL1001 - PL3208 Chinese language and literature|PL1001 - PL1960 Chinese language (2,094)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL1001 - PL3208 Chinese language and literature|PL2250 - PL3208 Chinese literature (10,450)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL1001 - PL3208 Chinese language and literature|PL2250 - PL3208 Chinese literature|PL2250 - PL2443 History and criticism (1,580)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL1001 - PL3208 Chinese language and literature|PL2250 - PL3208 Chinese literature|PL2450 - PL2659 Collections (1,510)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL1001 - PL3208 Chinese language and literature|PL2250 - PL3208 Chinese literature|PL2661 - PL2979 Individual authors and works (6,638)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL1001 - PL3208 Chinese language and literature|PL2250 - PL3208 Chinese literature|PL3030 - PL3208 Provincial, local, colonial, etc. (487)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL3301 - PL3311 Non-Chinese languages of China (14)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL3501 - PL3509 Non-Aryan languages of India and Southeastern Asia in general (21)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL3521 - PL4001 Sino-Tibetan languages (257)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL3521 - PL4001 Sino-Tibetan languages|PL3551 - PL4001 Tibeto-Burman languages (249)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL3521 - PL4001 Sino-Tibetan languages|PL3551 - PL4001 Tibeto-Burman languages|PL3561 - PL3801 Tibeto-Himalayan languages (125)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL3521 - PL4001 Sino-Tibetan languages|PL3551 - PL4001 Tibeto-Burman languages|PL3561 - PL3801 Tibeto-Himalayan languages|PL3601 - PL3775 Tibetan (117)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL3521 - PL4001 Sino-Tibetan languages|PL3551 - PL4001 Tibeto-Burman languages|PL3561 - PL3801 Tibeto-Himalayan languages|PL3781 - PL3801 Himalayan languages (5)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL3521 - PL4001 Sino-Tibetan languages|PL3551 - PL4001 Tibeto-Burman languages|PL3851 - PL4001 Assam and Burma (22)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL4070 - PL4074 Miao-Yao languages (5)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL4281 - PL4587 Austroasiatic languages (188)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL4281 - PL4587 Austroasiatic languages|PL4301 - PL4470 Mon-Khmer (Mon-Anam) languages (150)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL4281 - PL4587 Austroasiatic languages|PL4301 - PL4470 Mon-Khmer (Mon-Anam) languages|PL4371 - PL4379 Vietnamese. Annamese (91)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL4281 - PL4587 Austroasiatic languages|PL4301 - PL4470 Mon-Khmer (Mon-Anam) languages|PL4423 - PL4470 Bru, Chrau, Khasi, Muong, etc. (34)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL4281 - PL4587 Austroasiatic languages|PL4471 - PL4471.5 Nicobarese (2)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL4281 - PL4587 Austroasiatic languages|PL4501 - PL4587 Munda languages (Kolarian languages) (34)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL4601 - PL4890 Dravidian languages (1,526)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL490 - PL495 Far Eastern languages and literature (39)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL5001 - PL7511 Languages of Oceania (359)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL5001 - PL7511 Languages of Oceania|PL5001 - PL7101 Austronesian, Papuan, and Australian languages (350)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL5001 - PL7511 Languages of Oceania|PL5001 - PL7101 Austronesian, Papuan, and Australian languages|PL5051 - PL5497 Malayan (Indonesian) languages (179)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL5001 - PL7511 Languages of Oceania|PL5001 - PL7101 Austronesian, Papuan, and Australian languages|PL5501 - PL6135 Philippine languages (57)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL5001 - PL7511 Languages of Oceania|PL5001 - PL7101 Austronesian, Papuan, and Australian languages|PL6145 - PL6167 Taiwan languages (13)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL5001 - PL7511 Languages of Oceania|PL5001 - PL7101 Austronesian, Papuan, and Australian languages|PL6191 - PL6341 Micronesian and Melanesian languages (15)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL5001 - PL7511 Languages of Oceania|PL5001 - PL7101 Austronesian, Papuan, and Australian languages|PL6401 - PL6551 Polynesian languages (37)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL5001 - PL7511 Languages of Oceania|PL5001 - PL7101 Austronesian, Papuan, and Australian languages|PL6601 - PL6621 Papuan languages (3)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL5001 - PL7511 Languages of Oceania|PL5001 - PL7101 Austronesian, Papuan, and Australian languages|PL7001 - PL7101 Australian languages (8)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL501 - PL889 Japanese language and literature (9,100)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL501 - PL889 Japanese language and literature|PL501 - PL699 Japanese language (1,332)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL501 - PL889 Japanese language and literature|PL700 - PL889 Japanese literature (7,768)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL501 - PL889 Japanese language and literature|PL700 - PL889 Japanese literature|PL700 - PL751.5 History and criticism (1,978)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL501 - PL889 Japanese language and literature|PL700 - PL889 Japanese literature|PL752 - PL783 Collections (1,138)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL501 - PL889 Japanese language and literature|PL700 - PL889 Japanese literature|PL784 - PL866 Individual authors and works (4,178)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL501 - PL889 Japanese language and literature|PL700 - PL889 Japanese literature|PL885 - PL889 Local literature (56)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL8000 - PL8844 African languages and literature (1,180)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL8000 - PL8844 African languages and literature|PL8000 - PL8009 Languages (89)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL8000 - PL8844 African languages and literature|PL8009.5 - PL8014 Literature (293)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL8000 - PL8844 African languages and literature|PL8015 - PL8021 Languages. By region or country (13)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL8000 - PL8844 African languages and literature|PL8024 - PL8027 Special families of languages (43)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL8000 - PL8844 African languages and literature|PL8035 - PL8844 Special languages (alphabetically) (610)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL901 - PL998 Korean language and literature (9,698)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL901 - PL998 Korean language and literature|PL901 - PL949 Korean language (1,870)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL901 - PL998 Korean language and literature|PL950 - PL998 Korean literature (7,828)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL901 - PL998 Korean language and literature|PL950 - PL998 Korean literature|PL950.2 - PL969.5 History and criticism (2,249)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL901 - PL998 Korean language and literature|PL950 - PL998 Korean literature|PL969.8 - PL985 Collections (1,053)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL901 - PL998 Korean language and literature|PL950 - PL998 Korean literature|PL986 - PL993 Individual authors and works (3,033)
P - Language and literature|PL1 - PL8844 Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania|PL901 - PL998 Korean language and literature|PL950 - PL998 Korean literature|PL997 - PL998 Local literature (134)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages (1,522)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages|PM1 - PM94 Hyperborean languages of Arctic Asia and America (33)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages|PM101 - PM2711 American languages (Aboriginal) (255)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages|PM101 - PM2711 American languages (Aboriginal)|PM231 - PM355 American languages of British North America (3)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages|PM101 - PM2711 American languages (Aboriginal)|PM401 - PM501 American languages of the United States (and Mexico) (3)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages|PM101 - PM2711 American languages (Aboriginal)|PM549 - PM2711 Special languages of the United States and Canada (alphabetically) (149)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages|PM3001 - PM4566 Languages of Mexico and Central America (340)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages|PM5001 - PM7356 Languages of South America and the West Indies (460)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages|PM7801 - PM7895 Mixed languages (342)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages|PM7801 - PM7895 Mixed languages|PM7831 - PM7875 Creole languages (288)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages|PM8001 - PM8995 Artificial languages (75)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages|PM8001 - PM8995 Artificial languages|PM8201 - PM8298 Esperanto (49)
P - Language and literature|PM1 - PM9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages|PM9001 - PM9021 Secret languages (1)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General) (81,345)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1 - PN9 Periodicals (522)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN101 - PN245 Authorship (1,672)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN101 - PN245 Authorship|PN172 - PN239 Technique. Literary composition, etc. (617)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN101 - PN245 Authorship|PN241 - PN241.5 Translating as a literary pursuit (114)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1010 - PN1525 Poetry (1,822)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1010 - PN1525 Poetry|PN1031 - PN1049 Theory, philosophy, relations, etc. (673)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1010 - PN1525 Poetry|PN1065 - PN1085 Relations to, and treatment of, special subjects (173)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1010 - PN1525 Poetry|PN1110 - PN1279 History and criticism (349)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1010 - PN1525 Poetry|PN1301 - PN1333 Epic poetry (55)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1010 - PN1525 Poetry|PN1341 - PN1347 Folk poetry (19)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1010 - PN1525 Poetry|PN1351 - PN1389 Lyric poetry (67)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1560 - PN1590 The performing arts. Show business (207)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1560 - PN1590 The performing arts. Show business|PN1585 - PN1589 Centers for the performing arts (11)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama (35,164)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN1635 - PN1650 Relation to, and treatment of, special subjects (52)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN1660 - PN1693 Technique of dramatic composition (146)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN1720 - PN1861 History (202)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN1865 - PN1988 Special types (785)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN1990 - PN1992.92 Broadcasting (3,017)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN1990 - PN1992.92 Broadcasting|PN1991 - PN1991.9 Radio broadcasts (432)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN1990 - PN1992.92 Broadcasting|PN1992 - PN1992.92 Television broadcasts (2,496)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN1992.93 - PN1992.95 Nonbroadcast video recordings (31)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN1993 - PN1999 Motion pictures (19,488)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN1993 - PN1999 Motion pictures|PN1997 - PN1997.85 Plays, scenarios, etc. (2,211)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN2000 - PN3307 Dramatic representation. The theater (10,595)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN2000 - PN3307 Dramatic representation. The theater|PN2061 - PN2071 Art of acting (260)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN2000 - PN3307 Dramatic representation. The theater|PN2085 - PN2091 The stage and accessories (39)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN2000 - PN3307 Dramatic representation. The theater|PN2131 - PN2193 By period (117)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN2000 - PN3307 Dramatic representation. The theater|PN2131 - PN2193 By period|PN2131 - PN2145 Ancient (8)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN2000 - PN3307 Dramatic representation. The theater|PN2131 - PN2193 By period|PN2152 - PN2160 Medieval (13)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN2000 - PN3307 Dramatic representation. The theater|PN2131 - PN2193 By period|PN2171 - PN2179 Renaissance (11)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN2000 - PN3307 Dramatic representation. The theater|PN2131 - PN2193 By period|PN2181 - PN2193 Modern (82)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN2000 - PN3307 Dramatic representation. The theater|PN2219.3 - PN3030 Special regions or countries (8,016)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN2000 - PN3307 Dramatic representation. The theater|PN3151 - PN3171 Amateur theater (76)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN2000 - PN3307 Dramatic representation. The theater|PN3175 - PN3191 College and school theatricals (18)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN1600 - PN3307 Drama|PN2000 - PN3307 Dramatic representation. The theater|PN3203 - PN3299 Tableaux, pageants, 'Happenings,' etc. (75)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN20 - PN30 Societies (181)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN3311 - PN3503 Prose. Prose fiction (2,239)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN3311 - PN3503 Prose. Prose fiction|PN3329 - PN3352 Philosophy, theory, etc. (251)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN3311 - PN3503 Prose. Prose fiction|PN3355 - PN3383 Technique. Authorship (370)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN3311 - PN3503 Prose. Prose fiction|PN3427 - PN3448 Special kinds of fiction. Fiction genres (603)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN3311 - PN3503 Prose. Prose fiction|PN3451 - PN3503 History (215)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN4001 - PN4355 Oratory. Elocution, etc. (813)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN4001 - PN4355 Oratory. Elocution, etc.|PN4071 - PN4095 Study and teaching (15)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN4001 - PN4355 Oratory. Elocution, etc.|PN4177 - PN4191 Debating (74)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN4001 - PN4355 Oratory. Elocution, etc.|PN4199 - PN4321 Recitations (in English) (131)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN4001 - PN4355 Oratory. Elocution, etc.|PN4331 - PN4355 Recitations in foreign languages (4)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history (5,001)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN1008.2 - PN1009.5 Juvenile literature (152)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN451 - PN497 Biography (413)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN500 - PN519 Collections (585)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN597 - PN605 Special relations, movements, and currents of literature (123)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN610 - PN779 By period (2,074)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN610 - PN779 By period|PN611 - PN649 Ancient (13)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN610 - PN779 By period|PN661 - PN694 Medieval (to 1500) (1,038)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN610 - PN779 By period|PN661 - PN694 Medieval (to 1500)|PN683 - PN687 Legends (195)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN610 - PN779 By period|PN661 - PN694 Medieval (to 1500)|PN688 - PN691 Poetry (48)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN610 - PN779 By period|PN661 - PN694 Medieval (to 1500)|PN692 - PN693 Prose. Prose fiction (9)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN610 - PN779 By period|PN695 - PN779 Modern (1,012)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN610 - PN779 By period|PN695 - PN779 Modern|PN715 - PN749 Renaissance (1500-1700) (146)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN801 - PN820 Romance literature (90)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN821 - PN840 Germanic literature (53)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN851 - PN884 Comparative literature (455)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN905 - PN1008 Folk literature (90)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN441 - PN1009.5 Literary history|PN905 - PN1008 Folk literature|PN980 - PN995 Fables (85)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN45 - PN57 Theory. Philosophy. Esthetics (6,418)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN4699 - PN5650 Journalism. The periodical press, etc. (9,393)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN4699 - PN5650 Journalism. The periodical press, etc.|PN4735 - PN4748 Relation to the state. Government and the press. Liberty of the press (125)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN4699 - PN5650 Journalism. The periodical press, etc.|PN4775 - PN4784 Technique. Practical journalism (189)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN4699 - PN5650 Journalism. The periodical press, etc.|PN4825 - PN4830 Amateur journalism (7)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN4699 - PN5650 Journalism. The periodical press, etc.|PN4832 - PN4836 Magazines and other periodicals (113)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN4699 - PN5650 Journalism. The periodical press, etc.|PN4840 - PN5648 By region or country (6,956)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN59 - PN72 Study and teaching (140)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature (13,849)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6066 - PN6069 Special classes of authors (24)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6080 - PN6095 Quotations (434)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6080 - PN6095 Quotations|PN6081 - PN6084 English (191)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6080 - PN6095 Quotations|PN6086 - PN6089 French (10)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6080 - PN6095 Quotations|PN6090 - PN6110 German (19)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6099 - PN6110 Poetry (306)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6110.5 - PN6120 Drama (200)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6120.15 - PN6120.95 Fiction (103)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6121 - PN6129 Orations (39)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6130 - PN6140 Letters (34)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6141 - PN6145 Essays (27)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6146.5 - PN6231 Wit and humor (986)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6146.5 - PN6231 Wit and humor|PN6157 - PN6222 By region or country (508)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6233 - PN6238 Anacreontic literature (9)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6244 - PN6246 Literary extracts. Commonplace books (19)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6249 - PN6258 Ana (16)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6259 - PN6268 Anecdotes. Table talk (107)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6269 - PN6278 Aphorisms. Apothegms (108)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6279 - PN6288 Epigrams (61)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6288.5 - PN6298 Epitaphs (38)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6299 - PN6308 Maxims (53)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6309 - PN6318 Mottoes (4)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6319 - PN6328 Sayings, bon mots, etc. (6)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6329 - PN6338 Thoughts (33)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6340 - PN6348 Toasts (4)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6348.5 - PN6358 Emblems, devices (123)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6366 - PN6377 Riddles, acrostics, charades, conundrums, etc. (40)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6400 - PN6525 Proverbs (685)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN6010 - PN6790 Collections of general literature|PN6700 - PN6790 Comic books, strips, etc. (7,583)
P - Language and literature|PN1 - PN6790 Literature (General)|PN80 - PN99 Criticism (1,647)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature (127,011)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature (47,812)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1 - PQ771 History and criticism (4,845)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1 - PQ771 History and criticism|PQ1 - PQ150 General (1,348)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1 - PQ771 History and criticism|PQ151 - PQ221 Medieval. Old French (393)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1 - PQ771 History and criticism|PQ226 - PQ310 Modern (1,486)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1 - PQ771 History and criticism|PQ400 - PQ491 Poetry (384)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1 - PQ771 History and criticism|PQ500 - PQ591 Drama (303)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1 - PQ771 History and criticism|PQ601 - PQ771 Prose and prose fiction (841)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1100 - PQ1297 Collections (3,070)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1300 - PQ1595 Old French literature (To ca. 1500/1550) (1,482)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1300 - PQ1595 Old French literature (To ca. 1500/1550)|PQ1300 - PQ1391 Collections (322)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1600 - PQ2726 Modern literature (29,918)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1600 - PQ2726 Modern literature|PQ1600 - PQ1709 16th century (1,554)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1600 - PQ2726 Modern literature|PQ1710 - PQ1935 17th century (1,769)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1600 - PQ2726 Modern literature|PQ1947 - PQ2147 18th century (2,801)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1600 - PQ2726 Modern literature|PQ2149 - PQ2551 19th century (5,939)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1600 - PQ2726 Modern literature|PQ2600 - PQ2651 1900-1960 (8,454)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1600 - PQ2726 Modern literature|PQ2660 - PQ2686 1961-2000 (6,197)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ1600 - PQ2726 Modern literature|PQ2700 - PQ2726 -2001 (3,176)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ3800 - PQ3999 Provincial, local, colonial, etc. (8,421)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ1 - PQ3999 French literature|PQ781 - PQ841 Folk literature (2)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature (23,291)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4001 - PQ4199.5 History and criticism (3,064)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4001 - PQ4199.5 History and criticism|PQ4001 - PQ4063 General (1,035)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4001 - PQ4199.5 History and criticism|PQ4064 - PQ4075 Early to 1500 (85)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4001 - PQ4199.5 History and criticism|PQ4077 - PQ4088 Modern (548)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4001 - PQ4199.5 History and criticism|PQ4091 - PQ4131 Poetry (430)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4001 - PQ4199.5 History and criticism|PQ4133 - PQ4160 Drama (218)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4001 - PQ4199.5 History and criticism|PQ4161 - PQ4185 Prose (355)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4201 - PQ4263 Collections (1,376)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4265 - PQ4556 Individual authors and works to 1400 (2,996)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4561 - PQ4664 Individual authors, 1400-1700 (2,511)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4675 - PQ4734 Individual authors, 1701-1900 (2,922)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4800 - PQ4851 Individual authors, 1900-1960 (4,624)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4860 - PQ4886 Individual authors, 1961-2000 (3,903)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ4900 - PQ4926 Individual authors, 2001- (1,142)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ4001 - PQ5999 Italian literature|PQ5901 - PQ5999 Regional, provincial, local, etc. (251)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature (52,056)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6001 - PQ6168 History and criticism (3,022)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6001 - PQ6168 History and criticism|PQ6001 - PQ6056 General (1,167)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6001 - PQ6168 History and criticism|PQ6058 - PQ6060 Early to 1500 (81)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6001 - PQ6168 History and criticism|PQ6061 - PQ6073 Modern (506)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6001 - PQ6168 History and criticism|PQ6075 - PQ6098 Poetry (315)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6001 - PQ6168 History and criticism|PQ6098.7 - PQ6129 Drama (296)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6001 - PQ6168 History and criticism|PQ6131 - PQ6153 Prose (407)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6001 - PQ6168 History and criticism|PQ6155 - PQ6167 Folk literature (7)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6170 - PQ6269 Collections (1,809)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6271 - PQ6498 Individual authors and works to 1700 (3,077)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6500 - PQ6576 Individual authors, 1700-ca. 1868 (1,015)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6600 - PQ6647 Individual authors, 1868-1960 (3,356)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6650 - PQ6676 Individual authors, 1961-2000 (3,839)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ6700 - PQ6726 Individual authors, 2001- (1,179)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ7000 - PQ8929 Provincial, local, colonial, etc. (34,610)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ6001 - PQ8929 Spanish literature|PQ7000 - PQ8929 Provincial, local, colonial, etc.|PQ7081 - PQ8560 Spanish America (34,341)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature (3,836)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9129 History and criticism (101)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9129 History and criticism|PQ9000 - PQ9034 General (52)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9129 History and criticism|PQ9035 - PQ9055 Special periods (19)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9129 History and criticism|PQ9061 - PQ9081 Poetry (8)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9129 History and criticism|PQ9083 - PQ9095 Drama (1)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9129 History and criticism|PQ9097 - PQ9119 Prose (11)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature|PQ9131 - PQ9188 Collections (39)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature|PQ9191 - PQ9255 Individual authors and works, 1500-1700 (74)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature|PQ9262 - PQ9288 Individual authors, 1961-2000 (247)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature|PQ9300 - PQ9326 Individual authors, 2001- (72)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature|PQ9400 - PQ9999 Provincial, local, colonial, etc. (3,025)
P - Language and literature|PQ1 - PQ9698.43 French literature. Italian literature. Spanish literature. Portuguese literature|PQ9000 - PQ9999 Portuguese literature|PQ9400 - PQ9999 Provincial, local, colonial, etc.|PQ9500 - PQ9698.43 Brazil (2,800)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature (93,286)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR1 - PR56 Literary history and criticism (1,535)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR1098 - PR1369 Collections of English literature (3,692)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR1098 - PR1369 Collections of English literature|PR1119 - PR1151 By period (603)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR1098 - PR1369 Collections of English literature|PR1170 - PR1228 Poetry (1,302)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR1098 - PR1369 Collections of English literature|PR1241 - PR1273 Drama (852)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR1098 - PR1369 Collections of English literature|PR1281 - PR1309 Prose (General) (93)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR1098 - PR1369 Collections of English literature|PR1321 - PR1329 Oratory (3)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR1098 - PR1369 Collections of English literature|PR1341 - PR1349 Letters (27)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR1098 - PR1369 Collections of English literature|PR1361 - PR1369 Essays (101)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR111 - PR116 Women authors (200)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR125 - PR138.5 Relations to other literatures and countries (211)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR1490 - PR1799 Anglo-Saxon literature (349)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR161 - PR488 By period (3,753)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR161 - PR488 By period|PR171 - PR236 Anglo-Saxon (Beginnings through 1066) (187)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR161 - PR488 By period|PR251 - PR369 Medieval. Middle English (1066-1500) (546)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR161 - PR488 By period|PR401 - PR488 Modern (2,992)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR161 - PR488 By period|PR401 - PR488 Modern|PR421 - PR429 Elizabethan era (1550-1640) (462)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR161 - PR488 By period|PR401 - PR488 Modern|PR431 - PR439 17th century (209)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR161 - PR488 By period|PR401 - PR488 Modern|PR441 - PR449 18th century (527)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR161 - PR488 By period|PR401 - PR488 Modern|PR451 - PR469 19th century (914)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR161 - PR488 By period|PR401 - PR488 Modern|PR471 - PR479 20th century (520)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR161 - PR488 By period|PR401 - PR488 Modern|PR481 - PR488 21st century (7)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR1803 - PR2165 Anglo-Norman period. Early English. Middle English (1,501)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR2199 - PR3195 English renaissance (1500-1640) (8,185)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR3291 - PR3785 17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770) (7,522)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR3991 - PR5990 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900 (17,670)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR500 - PR614 Poetry (1,388)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR500 - PR614 Poetry|PR521 - PR614 By period (989)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR57 - PR78 Criticism (75)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR6000 - PR6049 1900-1960 (13,289)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR6050 - PR6076 1961-2000 (8,885)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR6100 - PR6126 -2001 (2,651)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR621 - PR744 Drama (1,116)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR621 - PR744 Drama|PR641 - PR744 By period (980)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR750 - PR890 Prose (2,441)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR750 - PR890 Prose|PR767 - PR818 By period (142)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR8309 - PR9680 English literature: Provincial, local, etc. (17,597)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR901 - PR907.2 Oratory (3)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR911 - PR918 Letters (21)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR921 - PR928 Essays (21)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR931 - PR938 Wit and humor (71)
P - Language and literature|PR1 - PR9680 English literature|PR951 - PR981 Folk literature (52)
P - Language and literature|PS1 - PS3626 American literature. Canadian literature (94,497)
P - Language and literature|PS1 - PS3626 American literature. Canadian literature|PS1 - PS3626 American literature (94,497)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature (36,539)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature (33,194)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1 - PT80 Literary history and criticism (562)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1100 - PT1479 Collections (2,205)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1100 - PT1479 Collections|PT1100 - PT1141 General (1,204)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1100 - PT1479 Collections|PT1151 - PT1241 Poetry (411)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1100 - PT1479 Collections|PT1251 - PT1299 Drama (69)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1100 - PT1479 Collections|PT1301 - PT1360 Prose (177)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1100 - PT1479 Collections|PT1371 - PT1374 Early to 1950. Old and Middle High German (29)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1100 - PT1479 Collections|PT1375 - PT1479 Middle High German (184)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1501 - PT2688 Individual authors or works (24,521)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1501 - PT2688 Individual authors or works|PT1501 - PT1695 Middle High German, ca. 1050-1450/1500 (903)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1501 - PT2688 Individual authors or works|PT1701 - PT1797 1500-ca. 1700 (628)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1501 - PT2688 Individual authors or works|PT1799 - PT2592 1700-ca. 1860/70 (8,434)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1501 - PT2688 Individual authors or works|PT2600 - PT2653 1860/70-1960 (9,180)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT1501 - PT2688 Individual authors or works|PT2660 - PT2688 1961-2000 (5,120)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT3701 - PT3971 Provincial, local, colonial, etc. (903)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT3701 - PT3971 Provincial, local, colonial, etc.|PT3701 - PT3746 East Germany (178)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT83 - PT873 History of German literature (4,345)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT83 - PT873 History of German literature|PT175 - PT230 Medieval (549)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT83 - PT873 History of German literature|PT236 - PT405 Modern (968)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT83 - PT873 History of German literature|PT500 - PT597 Poetry (259)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT83 - PT873 History of German literature|PT605 - PT709 Drama (240)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT83 - PT873 History of German literature|PT711 - PT871 Prose (428)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT881 - PT951 Folk literature (77)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT1 - PT4897 German literature|PT881 - PT951 Folk literature|PT923 - PT937 Faust legend (14)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT5001 - PT5980 Dutch literature (467)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT5001 - PT5980 Dutch literature|PT5001 - PT5348 Literary history and criticism (46)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT5001 - PT5980 Dutch literature|PT5001 - PT5348 Literary history and criticism|PT5001 - PT5112 General (11)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT5001 - PT5980 Dutch literature|PT5001 - PT5348 Literary history and criticism|PT5121 - PT5185 Special periods (20)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT5001 - PT5980 Dutch literature|PT5001 - PT5348 Literary history and criticism|PT5201 - PT5243 Poetry (5)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT5001 - PT5980 Dutch literature|PT5001 - PT5348 Literary history and criticism|PT5250 - PT5295 Drama (2)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT5001 - PT5980 Dutch literature|PT5001 - PT5348 Literary history and criticism|PT5300 - PT5348 Prose (4)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT5001 - PT5980 Dutch literature|PT5400 - PT5547 Collections (47)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT5001 - PT5980 Dutch literature|PT5901 - PT5980 Provincial, local, foreign (5)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT6000 - PT6466.36 Flemish literature since 1830 (42)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT6000 - PT6466.36 Flemish literature since 1830|PT6000 - PT6199 Literary history and criticism (1)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT6000 - PT6466.36 Flemish literature since 1830|PT6300 - PT6397 Collections (1)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT6000 - PT6466.36 Flemish literature since 1830|PT6400 - PT6466.36 Individual authors or works (40)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT6500 - PT6592.36 Afrikaans literature (87)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT6500 - PT6592.36 Afrikaans literature|PT6500 - PT6530 Literary history and criticism (9)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT6500 - PT6592.36 Afrikaans literature|PT6550 - PT6575 Collections (3)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT6500 - PT6592.36 Afrikaans literature|PT6590 - PT6592.36 Individual authors or works (75)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7001 - PT7099 Scandinavian literature (57)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7001 - PT7099 Scandinavian literature|PT7001 - PT7099 General (57)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7001 - PT7099 Scandinavian literature|PT7001 - PT7099 General|PT7001 - PT7087 Literary history and criticism (47)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7001 - PT7099 Scandinavian literature|PT7001 - PT7099 General|PT7090 - PT7099 Collections (10)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7101 - PT7338 Old Norse literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian (343)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7101 - PT7338 Old Norse literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian|PT7101 - PT7211 Literary history and criticism (134)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7101 - PT7338 Old Norse literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian|PT7101 - PT7211 Literary history and criticism|PT7170 - PT7176 Poetry (8)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7101 - PT7338 Old Norse literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian|PT7101 - PT7211 Literary history and criticism|PT7177 - PT7211 Prose (38)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7101 - PT7338 Old Norse literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian|PT7101 - PT7211 Literary history and criticism|PT7177 - PT7211 Prose|PT7181 - PT7193 Sagas (34)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7101 - PT7338 Old Norse literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian|PT7220 - PT7262.5 Collections (116)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7101 - PT7338 Old Norse literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian|PT7298 - PT7309 Religious works (1)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7101 - PT7338 Old Norse literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian|PT7312 - PT7318 Scientific and learned literature (12)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7101 - PT7338 Old Norse literature: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian|PT7326 - PT7338 Individual authors or works before 1540 (5)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7351 - PT7550 Modern Icelandic literature (87)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7351 - PT7550 Modern Icelandic literature|PT7351 - PT7418 Literary history and criticism (1)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7351 - PT7550 Modern Icelandic literature|PT7450 - PT7495 Collections (7)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7351 - PT7550 Modern Icelandic literature|PT7500 - PT7511 Individual authors or works (2)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7581 - PT7599 Faroese literature (3)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7581 - PT7599 Faroese literature|PT7593 - PT7596.5 Collections (1)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7581 - PT7599 Faroese literature|PT7598 - PT7599 Individual authors or works (2)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7601 - PT8260 Danish literature (481)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7601 - PT8260 Danish literature|PT7601 - PT7869 Literary history and criticism (23)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7601 - PT8260 Danish literature|PT7900 - PT7930 Folk literature (5)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7601 - PT8260 Danish literature|PT7945 - PT8046 Collections (21)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7601 - PT8260 Danish literature|PT8050 - PT8176.36 Individual authors or works (401)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7601 - PT8260 Danish literature|PT8050 - PT8176.36 Individual authors or works|PT8060 - PT8098 16th-18th centuries (36)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7601 - PT8260 Danish literature|PT8050 - PT8176.36 Individual authors or works|PT8100 - PT8167 19th century (158)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7601 - PT8260 Danish literature|PT8050 - PT8176.36 Individual authors or works|PT8176 - PT8176.36 1961-2000 (66)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT7601 - PT8260 Danish literature|PT8205 - PT8260 Provincial, local, foreign (1)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT8301 - PT9155 Norwegian literature (728)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT8301 - PT9155 Norwegian literature|PT8301 - PT8574 Literary history and criticism (22)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT8301 - PT9155 Norwegian literature|PT8301 - PT8574 Literary history and criticism|PT8420 - PT8456 Special periods (6)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT8301 - PT9155 Norwegian literature|PT8301 - PT8574 Literary history and criticism|PT8500 - PT8534 Drama (2)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT8301 - PT9155 Norwegian literature|PT8301 - PT8574 Literary history and criticism|PT8540 - PT8574 Prose (1)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT8301 - PT9155 Norwegian literature|PT8600 - PT8637 Folk literature (1)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT8301 - PT9155 Norwegian literature|PT8650 - PT8733 Collections (12)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT8301 - PT9155 Norwegian literature|PT8750 - PT8951.36 Individual authors or works (624)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT8301 - PT9155 Norwegian literature|PT8750 - PT8951.36 Individual authors or works|PT8750 - PT8775 16th-18th centuries (2)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT8301 - PT9155 Norwegian literature|PT8750 - PT8951.36 Individual authors or works|PT8800 - PT8942 19th century (308)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT8301 - PT9155 Norwegian literature|PT8750 - PT8951.36 Individual authors or works|PT8951 - PT8951.36 1961-2000 (151)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature (1,041)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9201 - PT9499 Literary history and criticism (50)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9201 - PT9499 Literary history and criticism|PT9320 - PT9370 Special periods (9)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9201 - PT9499 Literary history and criticism|PT9375 - PT9404 Poetry (12)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9201 - PT9499 Literary history and criticism|PT9415 - PT9449 Drama (1)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9201 - PT9499 Literary history and criticism|PT9460 - PT9499 Prose (4)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9547 - PT9639 Collections (40)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9547 - PT9639 Collections|PT9565 - PT9570 Translations (1)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9547 - PT9639 Collections|PT9580 - PT9599 Poetry (5)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9547 - PT9639 Collections|PT9626 - PT9639 Prose (6)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9650 - PT9876.36 Individual authors or works (844)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9650 - PT9876.36 Individual authors or works|PT9650 - PT9651 Medieval (2)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9650 - PT9876.36 Individual authors or works|PT9674 - PT9715 16th-18th centuries (23)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9650 - PT9876.36 Individual authors or works|PT9725 - PT9850 19th century (369)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9650 - PT9876.36 Individual authors or works|PT9876 - PT9876.36 1961-2000 (184)
P - Language and literature|PT1 - PT9999 German literature. Dutch literature. Flemish literature. Afrikaans literature. Scandinavian literature. Icelandic literature|PT9201 - PT9999 Swedish literature|PT9950 - PT9999 Provincial, local, foreign (18)
P - Language and literature|PZ1 - PZ90 Fiction and juvenile belles lettres (3,645)
P - Language and literature|PZ1 - PZ90 Fiction and juvenile belles lettres|PZ1 - PZ4 Fiction in English (262)
P - Language and literature|PZ1 - PZ90 Fiction and juvenile belles lettres|PZ5 - PZ90 Juvenile belles lettres (3,296)
Q - Science (141,793)
Q - Science|Q1 - Q390 Science (General) (12,201)
Q - Science|Q1 - Q390 Science (General)|Q1 - Q295 General (11,287)
Q - Science|Q1 - Q390 Science (General)|Q300 - Q390 Cybernetics (860)
Q - Science|Q1 - Q390 Science (General)|Q300 - Q390 Cybernetics|Q350 - Q390 Information theory (134)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics (30,503)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA1 - QA43 General (9,405)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA101 - QA141.8 Elementary mathematics. Arithmetic (280)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA150 - QA272.5 Algebra (3,105)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA273 - QA280 Probabilities. Mathematical statistics (3,496)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA299.6 - QA433 Analysis (4,195)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA299.6 - QA433 Analysis|QA303 - QA316 Calculus (356)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA440 - QA699 Geometry. Trigonometry. Topology (2,297)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA47 - QA59 Tables (56)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA71 - QA90 Instruments and machines (5,511)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA71 - QA90 Instruments and machines|QA75 - QA76.95 Calculating machines (5,444)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA71 - QA90 Instruments and machines|QA75 - QA76.95 Calculating machines|QA75.5 - QA76.95 Electronic computers. Computer science (5,421)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA71 - QA90 Instruments and machines|QA75 - QA76.95 Calculating machines|QA75.5 - QA76.95 Electronic computers. Computer science|QA76.75 - QA76.76 Computer software (80)
Q - Science|QA1 - QA939 Mathematics|QA801 - QA939 Analytic mechanics (1,308)
Q - Science|QB1 - QB991 Astronomy (3,240)
Q - Science|QB1 - QB991 Astronomy|QB1 - QB139 General (1,302)
Q - Science|QB1 - QB991 Astronomy|QB140 - QB237 Practical and spherical astronomy (124)
Q - Science|QB1 - QB991 Astronomy|QB275 - QB343 Geodesy (76)
Q - Science|QB1 - QB991 Astronomy|QB349 - QB421 Theoretical astronomy and celestial mechanics (67)
Q - Science|QB1 - QB991 Astronomy|QB455 - QB456 Astrogelogy (1)
Q - Science|QB1 - QB991 Astronomy|QB460 - QB466 Astrophysics (178)
Q - Science|QB1 - QB991 Astronomy|QB468 - QB480 Non-optical methods of astronomy (90)
Q - Science|QB1 - QB991 Astronomy|QB495 - QB903 Descriptive astronomy (1,049)
Q - Science|QB1 - QB991 Astronomy|QB495 - QB903 Descriptive astronomy|QB500.5 - QB785 Solar system (542)
Q - Science|QB1 - QB991 Astronomy|QB495 - QB903 Descriptive astronomy|QB799 - QB903 Stars (338)
Q - Science|QB1 - QB991 Astronomy|QB980 - QB991 Cosmogony. Cosmology (316)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics (18,499)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC1 - QC75 General (3,178)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC120 - QC168.85 Descriptive and experimental mechanics (369)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC170 - QC197 Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter (including molecular physics, relativity, quantum theory, and solid state physics) (3,860)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC221 - QC246 Acoustics. Sound (192)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC251 - QC338.5 Heat (588)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC251 - QC338.5 Heat|QC310.15 - QC319 Thermodynamics (278)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC350 - QC467 Optics. Light (1,269)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC350 - QC467 Optics. Light|QC450 - QC467 Spectroscopy (494)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC474 - QC496.9 Radiation physics (General) (353)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC501 - QC766 Electricity and magnetism (2,082)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC501 - QC766 Electricity and magnetism|QC501 - QC718.8 Electricity (1,696)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC501 - QC766 Electricity and magnetism|QC501 - QC718.8 Electricity|QC669 - QC675.8 Electromagnetic theory (109)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC501 - QC766 Electricity and magnetism|QC501 - QC718.8 Electricity|QC676 - QC678.6 Radio waves (Theory) (7)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC501 - QC766 Electricity and magnetism|QC501 - QC718.8 Electricity|QC701 - QC715.4 Electric discharge (99)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC501 - QC766 Electricity and magnetism|QC501 - QC718.8 Electricity|QC717.6 - QC718.8 Plasma physics. Ionized gasses (200)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC501 - QC766 Electricity and magnetism|QC750 - QC766 Magnetism (370)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC770 - QC798 Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity (2,273)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC770 - QC798 Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity|QC793 - QC793.5 Elementary particle physics (593)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC770 - QC798 Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity|QC794.95 - QC798 Radioactivity and radioactive substances (82)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC801 - QC809 Geophysics. Cosmic physics (152)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC81 - QC114 Weights and measures (759)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC811 - QC849 Geomagnetism (40)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC851 - QC999 Meteorology. Climatology (including the earth's atmosphere) (3,220)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC851 - QC999 Meteorology. Climatology (including the earth's atmosphere)|QC974.5 - QC976 Meteorological optics (15)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC851 - QC999 Meteorology. Climatology (including the earth's atmosphere)|QC980 - QC999 Climatology and weather (1,217)
Q - Science|QC1 - QC999 Physics|QC851 - QC999 Meteorology. Climatology (including the earth's atmosphere)|QC980 - QC999 Climatology and weather|QC994.95 - QC999 Weather forecasting (61)
Q - Science|QD1 - QD999 Chemistry (12,617)
Q - Science|QD1 - QD999 Chemistry|QD1 - QD65 General (including alchemy) (2,578)
Q - Science|QD1 - QD999 Chemistry|QD146 - QD197 Inorganic chemistry (660)
Q - Science|QD1 - QD999 Chemistry|QD241 - QD441 Organic chemistry (3,450)
Q - Science|QD1 - QD999 Chemistry|QD241 - QD441 Organic chemistry|QD415 - QD436 Biochemistry (298)
Q - Science|QD1 - QD999 Chemistry|QD450 - QD801 Physical and theoretical chemistry (3,712)
Q - Science|QD1 - QD999 Chemistry|QD450 - QD801 Physical and theoretical chemistry|QD625 - QD655 Radiation chemistry (33)
Q - Science|QD1 - QD999 Chemistry|QD450 - QD801 Physical and theoretical chemistry|QD701 - QD731 Photochemistry (86)
Q - Science|QD1 - QD999 Chemistry|QD71 - QD142 Analytical chemistry (1,440)
Q - Science|QD1 - QD999 Chemistry|QD901 - QD999 Crystallography (649)
Q - Science|QE1 - QE996.5 Geology (12,496)
Q - Science|QE1 - QE996.5 Geology|QE1 - QE350.62 General (including geographical divisions) (7,502)
Q - Science|QE1 - QE996.5 Geology|QE351 - QE399.2 Mineralogy (448)
Q - Science|QE1 - QE996.5 Geology|QE420 - QE499 Petrology (514)
Q - Science|QE1 - QE996.5 Geology|QE500 - QE639.5 Dynamic and structural geology (1,762)
Q - Science|QE1 - QE996.5 Geology|QE500 - QE639.5 Dynamic and structural geology|QE521 - QE545 Volcanoes and earthquakes (681)
Q - Science|QE1 - QE996.5 Geology|QE500 - QE639.5 Dynamic and structural geology|QE601 - QE613.5 Structural geology (161)
Q - Science|QE1 - QE996.5 Geology|QE640 - QE699 Stratigraphy (332)
Q - Science|QE1 - QE996.5 Geology|QE701 - QE760 Paleontology (1,255)
Q - Science|QE1 - QE996.5 Geology|QE760.8 - QE899.2 Paleozoology (528)
Q - Science|QE1 - QE996.5 Geology|QE901 - QE996.5 Paleobotany (158)
Q - Science|QH1 - QH278.5 Natural history (General) (6,090)
Q - Science|QH1 - QH278.5 Natural history (General)|QH1 - QH198 General (including nature conservation, geographical distribution) (5,721)
Q - Science|QH1 - QH278.5 Natural history (General)|QH201 - QH278.5 Microscopy (333)
Q - Science|QH301 - QH705.5 Biology (General) (10,514)
Q - Science|QH301 - QH705.5 Biology (General)|QH359 - QH425 Evolution (988)
Q - Science|QH301 - QH705.5 Biology (General)|QH426 - QH470 Genetics (1,644)
Q - Science|QH301 - QH705.5 Biology (General)|QH471 - QH489 Reproduction (50)
Q - Science|QH301 - QH705.5 Biology (General)|QH501 - QH531 Life (691)
Q - Science|QH301 - QH705.5 Biology (General)|QH540 - QH549.5 Ecology (2,945)
Q - Science|QH301 - QH705.5 Biology (General)|QH573 - QH671 Cytology (1,228)
Q - Science|QH301 - QH705.5 Biology (General)|QH705 - QH705.5 Economic biology (2)
Q - Science|QK1 - QK989 Botany (10,300)
Q - Science|QK1 - QK989 Botany|QK1 - QK474.5 General (including geographical distribution) (4,551)
Q - Science|QK1 - QK989 Botany|QK474.8 - QK495 Spermatophyta. Phanerogams (177)
Q - Science|QK1 - QK989 Botany|QK474.8 - QK495 Spermatophyta. Phanerogams|QK494 - QK494.5 Gymnosperms (22)
Q - Science|QK1 - QK989 Botany|QK504 - QK635 Cryptogams (2,602)
Q - Science|QK1 - QK989 Botany|QK640 - QK673 Plant anatomy (401)
Q - Science|QK1 - QK989 Botany|QK710 - QK899 Plant physiology (1,145)
Q - Science|QK1 - QK989 Botany|QK900 - QK989 Plant ecology (612)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology (14,768)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL1 - QL355 General (including geographical distribution) (3,372)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL360 - QL599.82 Invertebrates (3,265)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL360 - QL599.82 Invertebrates|QL461 - QL599.82 Insects (1,902)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL605 - QL739.8 Chordates. Vertebrates (6,467)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL605 - QL739.8 Chordates. Vertebrates|QL614 - QL639.8 Fishes (1,164)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL605 - QL739.8 Chordates. Vertebrates|QL640 - QL669.3 Reptiles and amphibians (770)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL605 - QL739.8 Chordates. Vertebrates|QL671 - QL699 Birds (2,178)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL605 - QL739.8 Chordates. Vertebrates|QL700 - QL739.8 Mammals (2,203)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL750 - QL795 Animal behavior (986)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL750 - QL795 Animal behavior|QL791 - QL795 Stories and anecdotes (38)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL799 - QL799.5 Morphology (15)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL801 - QL950.9 Anatomy (356)
Q - Science|QL1 - QL991 Zoology|QL951 - QL991 Embryology (230)
Q - Science|QM1 - QM695 Human anatomy (1,074)
Q - Science|QM1 - QM695 Human anatomy|QM1 - QM511 General (845)
Q - Science|QM1 - QM695 Human anatomy|QM531 - QM549 Regional anatomy (39)
Q - Science|QM1 - QM695 Human anatomy|QM550 - QM577.8 Human and comparative histology (70)
Q - Science|QM1 - QM695 Human anatomy|QM601 - QM695 Human embryology (89)
Q - Science|QP1 - QP801 Physiology (7,534)
Q - Science|QP1 - QP801 Physiology|QP1 - QP345 General (including influence of the environment) (2,983)
Q - Science|QP1 - QP801 Physiology|QP351 - QP495 Neurophysiology and neuropsychology (2,478)
Q - Science|QP1 - QP801 Physiology|QP501 - QP801 Animal biochemistry (2,059)
Q - Science|QR1 - QR502 Microbiology (1,688)
Q - Science|QR1 - QR502 Microbiology|QR1 - QR74.5 General (499)
Q - Science|QR1 - QR502 Microbiology|QR100 - QR130 Microbial ecology (255)
Q - Science|QR1 - QR502 Microbiology|QR180 - QR189.5 Immunology (251)
Q - Science|QR1 - QR502 Microbiology|QR355 - QR502 Virology (112)
Q - Science|QR1 - QR502 Microbiology|QR75 - QR99.5 Bacteria (293)
Q - Science|QR1 - QR502 Microbiology|QR99.6 - QR99.8 Cyanobacteria (12)
Q - Science|QS1 - QS681 Human Anatomy (6)
Q - Science|QS1 - QS681 Human Anatomy|QS1 - QS132 Anatomy (6)
Q - Science|QT1 - QT275 Physiology (3)
Q - Science|QT1 - QT275 Physiology|QT1 - QT33.1 Reference Works. General Works (2)
Q - Science|QT1 - QT275 Physiology|QT34 - QT37.5 Physics. Mathematics. Engineering (1)
Q - Science|QU1 - QU500 Biochemistry (4)
Q - Science|QU1 - QU500 Biochemistry|QU1 - QU54 Reference Works. General Works (2)
Q - Science|QU1 - QU500 Biochemistry|QU100 - QU133 Biochemistry of the Human Body (1)
Q - Science|QU1 - QU500 Biochemistry|QU145 - QU220 Vitamins (1)
Q - Science|QV1 - QV835 Pharmacology (7)
Q - Science|QV1 - QV835 Pharmacology|QV1 - QV55 Reference Works. General Works (4)
Q - Science|QV1 - QV835 Pharmacology|QV701 - QV835 Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics (1)
Q - Science|QV1 - QV835 Pharmacology|QV701 - QV835 Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics|QV738 - QV772 Drug Standardization. Pharmacognosy. Medicinal Plants (1)
Q - Science|QV1 - QV835 Pharmacology|QV76 - QV115 Central Nervous System Agents. Local Anesthetics (1)
Q - Science|QW1 - QW949 Microbiology. Immunology (1)
Q - Science|QW1 - QW949 Microbiology. Immunology|QW1 - QW300 Microbiology (1)
Q - Science|QW1 - QW949 Microbiology. Immunology|QW1 - QW300 Microbiology|QW1 - QW52 Reference Works. General Works (1)
Q - Science|QY1 - QY490 Clinical Patholgy (1)
Q - Science|QY1 - QY490 Clinical Patholgy|QY1 - QY39 Reference Works. General Works (1)
Q - Science|QZ1 - QZ380 Pathology (4)
Q - Science|QZ1 - QZ380 Pathology|QZ1 - QZ39 Reference Works. General Works (1)
Q - Science|QZ1 - QZ380 Pathology|QZ200 - QZ380 Neoplasms. Cysts (2)
Q - Science|QZ1 - QZ380 Pathology|QZ40 - QZ109 Pathogenesis. Etiology (1)
R - Medicine (51,900)
R - Medicine|R5 - R920 Medicine (General) (10,322)
R - Medicine|R5 - R920 Medicine (General)|R131 - R687 History of medicine. Medical expeditions (4,207)
R - Medicine|R5 - R920 Medicine (General)|R690 - R697 Medicine as a profession. Physicians (199)
R - Medicine|R5 - R920 Medicine (General)|R722 - R722.32 Missionary medicine. Medical missionaries (28)
R - Medicine|R5 - R920 Medicine (General)|R723 - R726 Medical philosophy. Medical ethics (882)
R - Medicine|R5 - R920 Medicine (General)|R726.5 - R726.8 Medicine and disease in relation to psychology, terminal care, dying (119)
R - Medicine|R5 - R920 Medicine (General)|R728 - R733 Practice of medicine. Medical practice economics (180)
R - Medicine|R5 - R920 Medicine (General)|R735 - R854 Medical education. Medical schools. Research (1,041)
R - Medicine|R5 - R920 Medicine (General)|R856 - R857 Biomedical engineering. Electronics. Instrumentation (145)
R - Medicine|R5 - R920 Medicine (General)|R858 - R859.7 Computer applications to medicine (77)
R - Medicine|R5 - R920 Medicine (General)|R895 - R920 Medical physics. Medical radiology. Nuclear medicine (52)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine (14,686)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA1 - RA418.5 Medicine and the state (4,151)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA1 - RA418.5 Medicine and the state|RA407 - RA409.5 Health status indicators. Medical statistics and surveys (943)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA1 - RA418.5 Medicine and the state|RA410 - RA410.9 Medical economics. Economics of medical care. Employment (641)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA1 - RA418.5 Medicine and the state|RA411 - RA415 Provisions for personal medical care. Medical care plans (524)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA1 - RA418.5 Medicine and the state|RA418 - RA418.5 Medicine and society. Social medicine. Medical sociology (444)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA1001 - RA1171 Forensic medicine. Medical jurisprudence. Legal medicine (444)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA1190 - RA1270 Toxiciology. Poisons (718)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine (7,624)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA565 - RA600 Environmental health (including sewage disposal, air pollution, nuisances, water supply) (583)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA601 - RA602 Food and food supply in relation to public health (39)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA604 - RA618 Parks, public baths, public carriers, buildings, etc. (21)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA619 - RA637 Disposal of the dead. Undertaking. Burial. Cremation. Cemeteries (40)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA639 - RA642 Transmission of disease (72)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA643 - RA645 Disease (Communicable and noninfectious) and public health (2,098)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA645.3 - RA645.37 Home health care services (40)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA645.5 - RA645.9 Emergency medical services (56)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA646 - RA648.3 War and public health (21)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA648.5 - RA767 Epidemics. Epidemology. Quarantine. Disinfection (383)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA771 - RA771.7 Rural health and hygiene. Rural health services (18)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA773 - RA788 Personal health and hygiene (947)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA421 - RA790.85 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine|RA790 - RA790.95 Mental health. Mental illness prevention (369)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA791 - RA954 Medical geography. Climatology. Meteorology (337)
R - Medicine|RA1 - RA1270 Public aspects of medicine|RA960 - RA1000.5 Medical centers. Hospitals. Dispensaries. Clinics (including ambulance service and nursing homes) (1,299)
R - Medicine|RB1 - RB214 Pathology (870)
R - Medicine|RB1 - RB214 Pathology|RB127 - RB150 Manifestation of disease (229)
R - Medicine|RB1 - RB214 Pathology|RB151 - RB214 Theories of disease. Etiology. Pathogenesis (265)
R - Medicine|RB1 - RB214 Pathology|RB24 - RB33 Pathology anatomy and histology (84)
R - Medicine|RB1 - RB214 Pathology|RB37 - RB56.5 Clinical pathology. Laboratory technique (75)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine (14,348)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC110 - RC216 Infectious and parasitic diseases (1,499)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC254 - RC282 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology (including cancer and carcinogens) (824)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC306 - RC320.5 Tuberculosis (292)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC321 - RC571 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry (7,395)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC321 - RC571 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry|RC346 - RC429 Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system (1,005)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC321 - RC571 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry|RC346 - RC429 Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system|RC423 - RC429 Speech and language disorders (152)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC49 - RC52 Psychosomatic medicine (54)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC581 - RC951 Specialties of internal medicine (2,376)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC581 - RC951 Specialties of internal medicine|RC581 - RC607 Immunologic diseases. Allergy (278)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC581 - RC951 Specialties of internal medicine|RC620 - RC627 Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases (13)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC581 - RC951 Specialties of internal medicine|RC627.5 - RC632 Metabolic diseases (126)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC581 - RC951 Specialties of internal medicine|RC633 - RC647.5 Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs (74)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC581 - RC951 Specialties of internal medicine|RC648 - RC665 Diseases of the endocrine glands (117)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC581 - RC951 Specialties of internal medicine|RC666 - RC701 Diseases of the circulatory (cardiovascular) system (789)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC581 - RC951 Specialties of internal medicine|RC705 - RC779 Diseases of the respiratory system (147)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC581 - RC951 Specialties of internal medicine|RC799 - RC869 Diseases of the digestive system. Gastroenterology (207)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC581 - RC951 Specialties of internal medicine|RC870 - RC923 Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology (329)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC581 - RC951 Specialties of internal medicine|RC924 - RC924.5 Diseases of the connective tissues (1)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC581 - RC951 Specialties of internal medicine|RC925 - RC935 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (80)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC71 - RC78.7 Examination. Diagnosis (including radiography) (279)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC71 - RC78.7 Examination. Diagnosis (including radiography)|RC78 - RC78.5 Radiography. Roentgenography (46)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC86 - RC88.9 Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid (68)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC91 - RC103 Diseases due to physical and chemical agents (23)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC952 - RC1245 Special situations and conditions (801)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC952 - RC1245 Special situations and conditions|RC1000 - RC1020 Submarine medicine (12)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC952 - RC1245 Special situations and conditions|RC1030 - RC1160 Transportation medicine (including automotive, aviation, and space medicine) (198)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC952 - RC1245 Special situations and conditions|RC1200 - RC1245 Sports medicine (99)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC952 - RC1245 Special situations and conditions|RC952 - RC954.6 Geriatrics (101)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC952 - RC1245 Special situations and conditions|RC955 - RC962 Arctic medicine. Tropical medicine (58)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC952 - RC1245 Special situations and conditions|RC963 - RC969 Industrial medicine. Industrial hygiene (175)
R - Medicine|RC31 - RC1245 Internal medicine|RC952 - RC1245 Special situations and conditions|RC970 - RC986 Military medicine. Naval medicine (110)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery (2,292)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD1 - RD31.7 General works (546)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD101 - RD104 Fractures (General) (37)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD118 - RD120.5 Plastic surgery. Reparative surgery (59)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD120.6 - RD129.8 Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. (95)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD137 - RD145 Surgery in childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, old age (11)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD151 - RD498 Military and naval surgery (111)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD32 - RD33.9 Operative surgery. Technique of surgical operations (55)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD49 - RD52 Surgical therapeutics. Preoperative and postoperative care (3)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD520 - RD599.5 Surgery by region, system, or organ (495)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD63 - RD76 Operating rooms and theaters. Instruments, apparatus, and appliances (40)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD651 - RD678 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology (44)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD680 - RD688 Diseases of the locomotor system (Surgical treatment) (32)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD701 - RD811 Orthopedic surgery (180)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD701 - RD811 Orthopedic surgery|RD792 - RD811 Physical rehabilitation (19)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD75 - RD79 Examinations. Diagnosis (16)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD78.3 - RD87.3 Anesthesiology (272)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD91 - RD91.5 Asepsis and antisepsis. Sterilization (Operative) (15)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD92 - RD97.8 Emergency surgery. Wounds and injuries (98)
R - Medicine|RD1 - RD811 Surgery|RD99 - RD99.35 Surgical nursing (2)
R - Medicine|RE1 - RE994 Opthamology (774)
R - Medicine|RE1 - RE994 Opthamology|RE91 - RE912 Particular diseases of the eye (208)
R - Medicine|RE1 - RE994 Opthamology|RE925 - RE939 Refraction and errors of refraction and accommodation (67)
R - Medicine|RE1 - RE994 Opthamology|RE939.2 - RE981 Optometry. Opticians. Eyeglasses (24)
R - Medicine|RE1 - RE994 Opthamology|RE986 - RE988 Artificial eyes and other prostheses (2)
R - Medicine|RF1 - RF547 Otorhinolaryngology (160)
R - Medicine|RF1 - RF547 Otorhinolaryngology|RF110 - RF320 Otology. Diseases of the ear (93)
R - Medicine|RF1 - RF547 Otorhinolaryngology|RF341 - RF437 Rhinology. Diseases of the nose, accessory sinuses, and nasopharynx (19)
R - Medicine|RF1 - RF547 Otorhinolaryngology|RF460 - RF547 Laryngology. Diseases of the throat (23)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics (2,114)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG104 - RG104.7 Operative gynecology (22)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG133 - RG137.6 Conception. Artificial insemination. Contraception (323)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG159 - RG208 Functional and systemic disorders. Endocrine gynecology (93)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG211 - RG483 Abnormalities and diseases of the female genital organs (66)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG484 - RG485 Urogynecology and obstetric urology. Urogynecologic surgery (2)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG491 - RG499 Diseases of the breast (15)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG500 - RG991 Obstetrics (1,034)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG500 - RG991 Obstetrics|RG551 - RG591 Pregnancy (144)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG500 - RG991 Obstetrics|RG600 - RG650 The embryo and fetus (107)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG500 - RG991 Obstetrics|RG651 - RG721 Labor. Parturition (90)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG500 - RG991 Obstetrics|RG725 - RG791 Obstetric operations. Operative obstetrics (101)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG500 - RG991 Obstetrics|RG801 - RG871 Puerperal state (49)
R - Medicine|RG1 - RG991 Gynecology and obstetrics|RG500 - RG991 Obstetrics|RG940 - RG991 Maternal care. Prenatal care services (239)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics (2,102)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ101 - RJ103 Child health. Child health services (85)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ125 - RJ145 Physiology of children and adolescents (119)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ206 - RJ235 Nutrition and feeding of children and adolescents (128)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ242 - RJ243 Hospital care (7)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ245 - RJ247 Nursing of children. Pediatric nursing (6)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ250 - RJ250.3 Premature infants (12)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ251 - RJ325 Newborn infants (including physiology, care, treatment, diseases) (66)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ370 - RJ550 Diseases of children and adolescents (1,099)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ370 - RJ550 Diseases of children and adolescents|RJ499 - RJ507 Mental disorders. Child psychiatry (695)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ47.3 - RJ47.4 Genetic aspects (3)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ50 - RJ51 Examination. Diagnosis (3)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ52 - RJ53 Therapeutics (5)
R - Medicine|RJ1 - RJ570 Pediatrics|RJ59 - RJ60 Infant and neonatal morbidity and mortality (6)
R - Medicine|RK1 - RK715 Dentistry (176)
R - Medicine|RK1 - RK715 Dentistry|RK301 - RK493 Oral and dental medicine. Pathology. Diseases (21)
R - Medicine|RK1 - RK715 Dentistry|RK501 - RK519 Operative dentistry. Restorative dentistry (9)
R - Medicine|RK1 - RK715 Dentistry|RK520 - RK528 Orthodontics (6)
R - Medicine|RK1 - RK715 Dentistry|RK58 - RK59.3 Practice of dentistry. Dental economics (5)
R - Medicine|RK1 - RK715 Dentistry|RK60.7 - RK60.8 Preventive dentistry (2)
R - Medicine|RK1 - RK715 Dentistry|RK641 - RK667 Prosthetic dentistry. Prosthodontics (3)
R - Medicine|RL1 - RL803 Dermatology (178)
R - Medicine|RL1 - RL803 Dermatology|RL110 - RL120 Therapeutics (2)
R - Medicine|RL1 - RL803 Dermatology|RL130 - RL169 Diseases of the glands, hair, nails (6)
R - Medicine|RL1 - RL803 Dermatology|RL201 - RL331 Hyperemias, inflammations, and infections of the skin (19)
R - Medicine|RL1 - RL803 Dermatology|RL391 - RL489 Atrophies. Hypertrophies (2)
R - Medicine|RL1 - RL803 Dermatology|RL760 - RL785 Diseases due to parasites (10)
R - Medicine|RL1 - RL803 Dermatology|RL87 - RL94 Care and hygiene (20)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology (1,759)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology|RM146 - RM146.7 Misues of therapeutic drugs. Medication Errors (7)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology|RM147 - RM180 Administration of drugs and other therapeutic agents (86)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology|RM182 - RM190 Other therapeutic procedures (including acupuncture, pneumatic aspiration, spinal puncture, pericardial puncture) (73)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology|RM214 - RM258 Diet therapy. Diet and dietetics in disease. Dietary cookbooks (202)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology|RM260 - RM263 Chemotherapy (20)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology|RM265 - RM267 Antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics (1)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology|RM270 - RM282 Immunotherapy. Serum therapy (50)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology|RM283 - RM298 Endocrinotherapy. Organotherapy (8)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology|RM300 - RM666 Drugs and their actions (353)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology|RM671 - RM671.5 Nonprescription drugs. Patent medicines (53)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology|RM695 - RM893 Physical medicine. Physical therapy (including massage, exercise, occupational therapy, hydrotherapy, phototherapy, radiotherapy, thermotherapy, elect (300)
R - Medicine|RM1 - RM950 Therapeutics. Pharmacology|RM930 - RM931 Rehabilitation therapy (12)
R - Medicine|RS1 - RS441 Pharmacy and materia medica (1,068)
R - Medicine|RS1 - RS441 Pharmacy and materia medica|RS125 - RS131.9 Formularies. Collected prescriptions (101)
R - Medicine|RS1 - RS441 Pharmacy and materia medica|RS139 - RS141.9 Pharmacopoeias (62)
R - Medicine|RS1 - RS441 Pharmacy and materia medica|RS151.2 - RS151.9 Dispensatories (34)
R - Medicine|RS1 - RS441 Pharmacy and materia medica|RS153 - RS441 Materia medica (570)
R - Medicine|RS1 - RS441 Pharmacy and materia medica|RS153 - RS441 Materia medica|RS160 - RS167 Pharmacognosy. Pharmaceutical substances (plant, animal, and inorganic) (186)
R - Medicine|RS1 - RS441 Pharmacy and materia medica|RS153 - RS441 Materia medica|RS189 - RS190 Assay methods. Standardization. Analysis (26)
R - Medicine|RS1 - RS441 Pharmacy and materia medica|RS153 - RS441 Materia medica|RS192 - RS199 Pharmaceutical technology (1)
R - Medicine|RS1 - RS441 Pharmacy and materia medica|RS153 - RS441 Materia medica|RS200 - RS201 Pharmaceutical dosage forms (1)
R - Medicine|RS1 - RS441 Pharmacy and materia medica|RS153 - RS441 Materia medica|RS250 - RS252 Commercial preparations. Patent medicines (3)
R - Medicine|RS1 - RS441 Pharmacy and materia medica|RS153 - RS441 Materia medica|RS400 - RS431 Pharmaceutical chemistry (81)
R - Medicine|RT1 - RT120 Nursing (515)
R - Medicine|RT1 - RT120 Nursing|RT89 - RT120 Specialties in nursing (27)
R - Medicine|RV1 - RV431 Botanic, Thomsonian, and eclectic medicine (51)
R - Medicine|RX1 - RX681 Homeopathy (128)
R - Medicine|RX1 - RX681 Homeopathy|RX211 - RX581 Diseases, treatment, etc. (23)
R - Medicine|RX1 - RX681 Homeopathy|RX601 - RX675 Materia medica and therapeutics (19)
R - Medicine|RZ201 - RZ999 Other systems of medicine (173)
R - Medicine|RZ201 - RZ999 Other systems of medicine|RZ201 - RZ275 Chiropractic (14)
R - Medicine|RZ201 - RZ999 Other systems of medicine|RZ301 - RZ397.5 Osteopathy (24)
R - Medicine|RZ201 - RZ999 Other systems of medicine|RZ400 - RZ408 Mental healing (56)
R - Medicine|RZ201 - RZ999 Other systems of medicine|RZ409.7 - RZ999 Miscellaneous systems and treatments (including magnetotherapy, mesmerism, naturopathy, organomic medicine, phrenology, radiesthesia, etc.) (64)
S - Agriculture (23,277)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General) (6,655)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S109.7 - S111 Methods for special areas (including cold regions, dry farming, tropical agriculture) (2)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S113.2 - S118.46 Seeds. Seed technology (7)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S119 - S124 Propagation (including breeding, selection, grafting, air layering) (10)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S419 - S482 History (1,373)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S530 - S559 Agricultural education (458)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S560 - S571.5 Farm economics. Farm management. Agricultural mathematics (132)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S583 - S587.73 Agricultural chemistry. Agricultural chemicals (94)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S588.4 - S589.6 Agricultural physics (13)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S589.75 - S589.76 Agriculture and the environment (41)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S589.8 - S589.87 Plant growing media. Potting soils (1)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S590 - S599.9 Soils. Soil science (Including soil surveys, soil chemistry, soil structure, soil-plant relationships) (1,051)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S600 - S600.7 Agricultural meteorology. Crops and climate (73)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S602 - S604.37 Methods and systems of culture. Cropping systems (51)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S604.5 - S604.64 Agricultural conservation (19)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S604.8 - S621.5 Melioration: Improvement, reclamation, fertilization, irrigation, etc. of lands (369)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S604.8 - S621.5 Melioration: Improvement, reclamation, fertilization, irrigation, etc. of lands|S606 - S621.5 Special classes of lands and reclamation methods (including woodlands, burning of lands, deserts, saline environments, moors) (240)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S622 - S627 Soil conservation and protection (152)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S631 - S667 Fertilizers and improvement of the soil (153)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S671 - S760.5 Farm machinery and farm engineering (101)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S71 - S87 History (16)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S770 - S790.3 Agricultural structures. Farm buildings (1)
S - Agriculture|S1 - S946.5 Agriculture (General)|S900 - S946.5 Conservation of natural resources (Including land conservation) (297)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture (5,609)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB170 - SB172.5 Tree crops (24)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB175 - SB177 Food crops (33)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB183 - SB317 Field crops (including cereals, forage crops, grasses, legumes, root crops, sugar plants, textile plants, alkaloidal plants, medicinal plants) (1,143)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB317.5 - SB319.86 Horticulture. Horticultural crops (44)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB320 - SB353.5 Vegetables (126)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB354 - SB402 Fruit culture and orchard care (279)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB354 - SB402 Fruit culture and orchard care|SB381 - SB386 Berries and Small Fruits (7)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB354 - SB402 Fruit culture and orchard care|SB387 - SB399 Grape Culture, Viticulture (65)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB403 - SB450.87 Flowers and flower culture. Ornamental plants (572)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB403 - SB450.87 Flowers and flower culture. Ornamental plants|SB406.7 - SB406.83 Plant propagation (1)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB403 - SB450.87 Flowers and flower culture. Ornamental plants|SB409 - SB413 Culture of Individual plants (49)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB403 - SB450.87 Flowers and flower culture. Ornamental plants|SB414.6 - SB417 Greenhouses and greenhouse culture (25)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB403 - SB450.87 Flowers and flower culture. Ornamental plants|SB418 - SB418.4 Container gardening (1)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB403 - SB450.87 Flowers and flower culture. Ornamental plants|SB419 - SB419.3 Indoor gardening and houseplants (4)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB403 - SB450.87 Flowers and flower culture. Ornamental plants|SB421 - SB439.8 Classes of plants (including annuals, climbers, ferns, lawns, perennials, shrubs) (246)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB403 - SB450.87 Flowers and flower culture. Ornamental plants|SB442.8 - SB443.4 Marketing, cut flower industry (7)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB403 - SB450.87 Flowers and flower culture. Ornamental plants|SB444 - SB446.6 Horticultural service industry (1)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB403 - SB450.87 Flowers and flower culture. Ornamental plants|SB449 - SB450.87 Flower arrangement and decoration (28)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB450.9 - SB467.8 Gardens and gardening (669)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB469 - SB476 Landscape gardening. Landscape architecture (356)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB481 - SB485 Parks and public reservations (including works on theory, management, history) (268)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB599 - SB990.5 Pests and diseases (1,184)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB599 - SB990.5 Pests and diseases|SB610 - SB615 Weeds, parasitic plants, etc. (138)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB599 - SB990.5 Pests and diseases|SB617 - SB618 Poisonous plants (14)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB599 - SB990.5 Pests and diseases|SB621 - SB795 Plant pathology (365)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB599 - SB990.5 Pests and diseases|SB818 - SB945 Economic entomology (90)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB599 - SB990.5 Pests and diseases|SB950 - SB990.5 Pest control and treatment of diseases. Plant protection (294)
S - Agriculture|SB1 - SB1110 Plant culture|SB992 - SB998 Economic zoology applied to crops. Agricultural zoology (including animals injurious and beneficial to plants) (21)
S - Agriculture|SD1 - SD669.5 Forestry (4,965)
S - Agriculture|SD1 - SD669.5 Forestry|SD131 - SD247.5 History of forestry. Forest conditions (1,088)
S - Agriculture|SD1 - SD669.5 Forestry|SD250 - SD363.3 Forestry education (105)
S - Agriculture|SD1 - SD669.5 Forestry|SD390 - SD390.43 Forest soils (37)
S - Agriculture|SD1 - SD669.5 Forestry|SD390.5 - SD390.7 Forest meteorology. Forest microclimatology (10)
S - Agriculture|SD1 - SD669.5 Forestry|SD391 - SD410.9 Sylviculture (591)
S - Agriculture|SD1 - SD669.5 Forestry|SD411 - SD428 Conservation and protection (447)
S - Agriculture|SD1 - SD669.5 Forestry|SD430 - SD557 Exploitation and utilization (382)
S - Agriculture|SD1 - SD669.5 Forestry|SD561 - SD669.5 Administration. Policy (248)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture (1,932)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF101 - SF103.5 Brands and branding, and other means of identifying (6)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF105 - SF109 Breeding (19)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF114 - SF121 Exhibitions (2)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF170 - SF180 Working animals (2)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF191 - SF275 Cattle (218)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF191 - SF275 Cattle|SF221 - SF250 Horses (46)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF191 - SF275 Cattle|SF250.5 - SF275 Horse sports. Horse shows (46)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF361 - SF361.73 Donkeys (4)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF371 - SF379 Sheep. Wool (40)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF380 - SF388 Goats (5)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF391 - SF397.83 Swine (22)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF402 - SF405 Fur-bearing animals (3)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF405.5 - SF407 Laboratory animals (25)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF408 - SF408.6 Zoo animals (8)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF41 - SF55 History (27)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF411 - SF459 Pets (185)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF411 - SF459 Pets|SF421 - SF440.2 Dogs. Dog racing (105)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF411 - SF459 Pets|SF441 - SF450 Cats (33)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF411 - SF459 Pets|SF451 - SF455 Rabbits and hares (4)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF411 - SF459 Pets|SF456 - SF458.83 Fishes. Aquariums (18)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF461 - SF473 Birds (15)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF481 - SF507 Poultry. Eggs (63)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF508 - SF510 Game birds (4)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF511 - SF511.5 Ostrich (4)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF515 - SF515.5 Reptiles (1)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF521 - SF539.8 Bee culture (103)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF541 - SF560 Sericulture. Silk culture (42)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF600 - SF1100 Veterinary medicine (308)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF600 - SF1100 Veterinary medicine|SF756.5 - SF769.5 Special preclinical sciences (including veterinary genetics, ethology, anatomy, physiology, embryology) (44)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF600 - SF1100 Veterinary medicine|SF780.2 - SF780.7 Veterinary microbiology, bacteriology, virology, mycology (1)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF600 - SF1100 Veterinary medicine|SF781 - SF809 Communicable diseases of animals (General) (17)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF600 - SF1100 Veterinary medicine|SF810.5 - SF810.7 Predatory animals and their control (2)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF600 - SF1100 Veterinary medicine|SF811 - SF909 Veterinary medicine of special organs, regions, and systems (5)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF600 - SF1100 Veterinary medicine|SF911 - SF914.4 Veterinary surgery (1)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF600 - SF1100 Veterinary medicine|SF915 - SF919.5 Veterinary pharmacology (5)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF600 - SF1100 Veterinary medicine|SF951 - SF997.5 Diseases of special classes of animals (87)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF84 - SF84.64 Economic zoology (4)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF84.82 - SF85.6 Rangelands. Range management. Grazing (54)
S - Agriculture|SF1 - SF1100 Animal culture|SF95 - SF99 Feeds and feeding. Animal nutrition (35)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling (2,558)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH20.3 - SH191 Aquaculture (250)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH20.3 - SH191 Aquaculture|SH151 - SH179 Fish culture (144)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH20.3 - SH191 Aquaculture|SH151 - SH179 Fish culture|SH171 - SH179 Diseases and adverse factors (60)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH20.3 - SH191 Aquaculture|SH33 - SH134.6 By region or country (56)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries (1,436)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries|SH213 - SH216.55 By oceans and seas (40)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries|SH219 - SH321 By region or country (537)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries|SH327.5 - SH327.7 Fishery resources. Fishery conservation (25)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries|SH328 - SH329 Fishery management. Fishery policy (153)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries|SH334.9 - SH336.5 Fishery processing (8)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries|SH343.2 - SH343.3 Fishery oceanography. Fishery meteorology (3)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries|SH344 - SH344.8 Methods and gear. Catching of fish (27)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries|SH346 - SH351 Fishery for individual species (37)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries|SH360 - SH363 Seal fisheries. Fur sealing (6)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries|SH365 - SH380.92 Shellfish fisheries. Shellfish culture (102)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries|SH381 - SH385 Whaling (96)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH201 - SH399 Fisheries|SH388.7 - SH391.5 Algae culture. Seaweed (11)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH400 - SH400.8 Seafood gathering (4)
S - Agriculture|SH1 - SH691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling|SH401 - SH691 Angling (including tackle, casting, methods of angling, angling for special kinds of fish) (148)
S - Agriculture|SK1 - SK663 Hunting (905)
S - Agriculture|SK1 - SK663 Hunting|SK281 - SK293 Special methods and types of hunting (including bolos, game calling, tracking, trapping, dressing) (31)
S - Agriculture|SK1 - SK663 Hunting|SK281 - SK293 Special methods and types of hunting (including bolos, game calling, tracking, trapping, dressing)|SK284 - SK287 Fox hunting (18)
S - Agriculture|SK1 - SK663 Hunting|SK281 - SK293 Special methods and types of hunting (including bolos, game calling, tracking, trapping, dressing)|SK291 - SK292 Coursing (1)
S - Agriculture|SK1 - SK663 Hunting|SK295 - SK305 Big game (18)
S - Agriculture|SK1 - SK663 Hunting|SK311 - SK335 Bird hunting. Fowling (61)
S - Agriculture|SK1 - SK663 Hunting|SK351 - SK579 Wildlife management. Game protection (397)
S - Agriculture|SK1 - SK663 Hunting|SK37 - SK39.5 Shooting (2)
S - Agriculture|SK1 - SK663 Hunting|SK40 - SK268 By country (193)
S - Agriculture|SK1 - SK663 Hunting|SK590 - SK593 Wild animal trade (13)
S - Agriculture|SK1 - SK663 Hunting|SK650 - SK664 Wildlife-related recreation (2)
T - Technology. (76,038)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General) (5,182)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T11.95 - T12.5 Industrial directories (49)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T14.7 - T33 History of technology (503)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T173.2 - T174.5 Technological change (340)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T175 - T178 Industrial research. Research and development (213)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T201 - T342 Patents. Trademarks (261)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T351 - T385 Mechanical drawing. Engineering graphics (63)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T391 - T995 Exhibitions. Trade shows. World's fairs (386)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T55 - T55.3 Industrial satety. Industrial accident prevention (66)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T55.4 - T60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering (1,406)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T55.4 - T60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering|T57 - T57.97 Applied mathematics. Quantitative methods (935)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T55.4 - T60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering|T57 - T57.97 Applied mathematics. Quantitative methods|T57.6 - T57.97 Operations research. Systems analysis (910)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T55.4 - T60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering|T58.5 - T58.64 Information technology (218)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T55.4 - T60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering|T58.5 - T58.64 Information technology|T58.6 - T58.62 Management information systems (86)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T55.4 - T60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering|T59 - T59.2 Standardization (4)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T55.4 - T60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering|T59.7 - T59.77 Human engineering in industry. Man-machine systems (8)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T55.4 - T60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering|T60 - T60.8 Work measurement. Methods engineering (20)
T - Technology.|T1 - T995 Technology (General)|T61 - T173 Technical education. Technical schools (277)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) (10,335)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA1001 - TA1280 Transportation engineering (132)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA1501 - TA1820 Applied optics. Photonics (1,511)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA166 - TA167 Human engineering (67)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA170 - TA171 Environmental engineering (23)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA177.4 - TA185 Engineering economy (50)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA190 - TA195 Management of engineering works (66)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA197 - TA198 Engineering meteorology (1)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA2001 - TA2040 Plasma engineering. Applied plasma dynamics (22)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA213 - TA215 Engineering machinery, tools, and implements (1)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA329 - TA348 Engineering mathematics. Engineering analysis (542)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA349 - TA359 Mechanics of engineering. Applied mechanics (739)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA365 - TA367 Acoustics in engineering. Acoustical engineering (51)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA401 - TA492 Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials (3,460)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA501 - TA625 Surveying (153)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA630 - TA695 Structural engineering (General) (1,110)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA703 - TA712 Engineering geology. Rock mechanics. Soil mechanics. Underground construction (550)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA715 - TA787 Earthwork. Foundations (139)
T - Technology.|TA1 - TA2040 Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)|TA800 - TA820 Tunneling. Tunnels (33)
T - Technology.|TC1 - TC978 Hydraulic engineering. (1,709)
T - Technology.|TC1 - TC978 Hydraulic engineering.|TC160 - TC181 Technical hydraulics (193)
T - Technology.|TC1 - TC978 Hydraulic engineering.|TC183 - TC201 General preliminary operations. Dredging. Submarine building (13)
T - Technology.|TC1 - TC978 Hydraulic engineering.|TC203 - TC380 Harbors and coast protective works. Coastal engineering. Lighthouses (171)
T - Technology.|TC1 - TC978 Hydraulic engineering.|TC401 - TC506 River, lake, and water-supply engineering (General) (492)
T - Technology.|TC1 - TC978 Hydraulic engineering.|TC530 - TC537 River protective works. Regulation. Flood control (34)
T - Technology.|TC1 - TC978 Hydraulic engineering.|TC540 - TC558 Dams. Barrages (118)
T - Technology.|TC1 - TC978 Hydraulic engineering.|TC601 - TC791 Canals and inland navigation. Waterways (185)
T - Technology.|TC1 - TC978 Hydraulic engineering.|TC801 - TC978 Irrigation engineering. Reclamation of wasteland. Drainage (226)
T - Technology.|TC1501 - TC1800 Ocean engineering (66)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering. (6,558)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD1020 - TD1066 Hazardous substances and their disposal (160)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD159 - TD168 Municipal engineering (14)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD169 - TD171.8 Environmental protection (476)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD172 - TD193.5 Environmental pollution (375)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD194 - TD195 Environmental effects of industries and plants (176)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD201 - TD500 Water supply for domestic and industrial purposes (2,469)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD201 - TD500 Water supply for domestic and industrial purposes|TD419 - TD428 Water pollution (505)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD201 - TD500 Water supply for domestic and industrial purposes|TD429.5 - TD480.7 Water purification. Water treatment and conditioning. Saline water conversion (143)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD201 - TD500 Water supply for domestic and industrial purposes|TD481 - TD493 Water distribution systems (19)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD511 - TD780 Sewage collection and disposal systems (384)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD783 - TD812.5 Municipal refuse. Solid wastes (408)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD813 - TD870 Street cleaning. Litter and its removal (7)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD878 - TD894 Special types of environmental pollution (including soil, air, and noise pollution) (806)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD895 - TD899 Industrial and factory sanitation (308)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD895 - TD899 Industrial and factory sanitation|TD896 - TD899 Industrial and factory wastes (308)
T - Technology.|TD1 - TD1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.|TD920 - TD934 Rural and farm sanitary engineering (28)
T - Technology.|TE1 - TE450 Highway engineering. Roads and pavements (535)
T - Technology.|TE1 - TE450 Highway engineering. Roads and pavements|TE175 - TE176.5 Highway design. Interchanges and intersections (31)
T - Technology.|TE1 - TE450 Highway engineering. Roads and pavements|TE177 - TE178.8 Roadside development. Landscaping (17)
T - Technology.|TE1 - TE450 Highway engineering. Roads and pavements|TE200 - TE205 Materials for roadmaking (12)
T - Technology.|TE1 - TE450 Highway engineering. Roads and pavements|TE206 - TE209.5 Location engineering (1)
T - Technology.|TE1 - TE450 Highway engineering. Roads and pavements|TE210 - TE228.3 Construction details (including foundations, maintenance, equipment) (82)
T - Technology.|TE1 - TE450 Highway engineering. Roads and pavements|TE250 - TE278.8 Pavements and paved roads (138)
T - Technology.|TE1 - TE450 Highway engineering. Roads and pavements|TE279.5 - TE298 Pedestrian facilities (5)
T - Technology.|TF1 - TF1620 Railroad engineering and operation (501)
T - Technology.|TF1 - TF1620 Railroad engineering and operation|TF1300 - TF1620 High speed ground transportation (12)
T - Technology.|TF1 - TF1620 Railroad engineering and operation|TF200 - TF320 Railway construction (62)
T - Technology.|TF1 - TF1620 Railroad engineering and operation|TF340 - TF499 Railway equipment and supplies (27)
T - Technology.|TF1 - TF1620 Railroad engineering and operation|TF501 - TF668 Railway operation and management (30)
T - Technology.|TF1 - TF1620 Railroad engineering and operation|TF670 - TF851 Local and light railways (66)
T - Technology.|TF1 - TF1620 Railroad engineering and operation|TF670 - TF851 Local and light railways|TF840 - TF851 Elevated railways and subways (37)
T - Technology.|TF1 - TF1620 Railroad engineering and operation|TF855 - TF1127 Electric railways (12)
T - Technology.|TG1 - TG470 Bridge engineering. (424)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction (1,281)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH1000 - TH1725 Systems of building construction. (122)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH2025 - TH3000 Details in building design and construction (including walls, roofs) (85)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH3301 - TH3411 Maintenance and repair (24)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH4021 - TH4977 Buildings: Construction with reference to use (including public buildings, dwellings) (177)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH5011 - TH5701 Construction by phase of work (49)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH6014 - TH6081 Environmental engineering of buildings. Sanitary engineering of buildings (27)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH6101 - TH6887 Plumbing and pipefitting (29)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH7005 - TH7699 Heating and ventilation. Air conditioning (134)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH7700 - TH7975 Illumination. Lighting (19)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH8001 - TH8581 Decoration and decorative furnishings (3)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH845 - TH895 Architectural engineering. Structural engineering of buildings (75)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH900 - TH915 Construction equipment in buildings (2)
T - Technology.|TH1 - TH9745 Building construction|TH9025 - TH9745 Protection of fuildings (including protection from dampness, fire, burglary) (207)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery (3,802)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ1040 - TJ1119 Machinery exclusive of prime movers (162)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ1125 - TJ1345 Machine shops and machine shops practice (149)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ1350 - TJ1418 Hoisting and conveying machinery (10)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ1480 - TJ1496 Agricultural machinery. Farm machinery (8)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ1501 - TJ1519 Sewing machines (6)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ163.12 - TJ163.25 Power resources (290)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ163.26 - TJ163.5 Energy conservation (126)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ170 - TJ179 Mechanics applied to machinery. Dynamics (62)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ181 - TJ210 Mechanical movements (66)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ210.2 - TJ211.47 Mechanical devices and figures. Automata. Ingenious mechanisms. Robots (General) (379)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ212 - TJ225 Control engineering systems. Automatic machinery (General) (510)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ227 - TJ240 Machine design and drawing (61)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ241 - TJ254.7 Machine construction (General) (35)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ255 - TJ265 Heat engines (121)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ266 - TJ267.5 Turbines. Turbomachines (General) (31)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ268 - TJ740 Steam engineering (153)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ268 - TJ740 Steam engineering|TJ603 - TJ695 Locomotives (49)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ751 - TJ805 Miscellaneous motors and engines (including gas, gasoline, diesel engines) (167)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ807 - TJ830 Renewable energy sources (523)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ836 - TJ927 Hydraulic machinery (127)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ940 - TJ940.5 Vacuum technology (40)
T - Technology.|TJ1 - TJ1570 Mechanical engineering and machinery|TJ950 - TJ1030 Pneumatic machinery (27)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering. (11,410)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK1001 - TK1841 Production of electric energy or power. Powerplants. Central stations (756)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK2000 - TK2891 Dynamoelectric machinery and auxiliaries (including generators, transformers, motors) (215)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK2896 - TK2985 Production of electricity by direct electricity conversion (261)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK3001 - TK3521 Distribution or transmission of electric power (220)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK301 - TK399 Electric meters (7)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK4001 - TK4102 Applications of electric power (26)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK4125 - TK4399 Electric lighting (47)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK452 - TK454.4 Electric apparatus and materials. Electric circuits. Electric networks (136)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK4601 - TK4661 Electric heating (8)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK5101 - TK6720 Telecommunication (including telegraphy, telephone, radio, radar, television) (3,837)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK7800 - TK8360 Electronics (4,558)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK7800 - TK8360 Electronics|TK7885 - TK7895 Computer engineering. Computer hardware (265)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK7800 - TK8360 Electronics|TK8300 - TK8360 Photoelectronic devices (General) (115)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK9001 - TK9401 Nuclear engineering. Atomic power (803)
T - Technology.|TK1 - TK9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.|TK9900 - TK9971 Electricity for amateurs. Amateur constructors' manuals (17)
T - Technology.|TL1 - TL4050 Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics (4,815)
T - Technology.|TL1 - TL4050 Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics|TL1 - TL484 Motor vehicles. Cycles (853)
T - Technology.|TL1 - TL4050 Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics|TL500 - TL777 Aeronautics. Aeronautical engineering (2,773)
T - Technology.|TL1 - TL4050 Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics|TL780 - TL785.8 Rocket propulsion. Rockets (112)
T - Technology.|TL1 - TL4050 Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics|TL787 - TL4050 Astronautics. Space travel (1,068)
T - Technology.|TN1 - TN997 Mining engineering. Metallurgy. (2,643)
T - Technology.|TN1 - TN997 Mining engineering. Metallurgy.|TN400 - TN580 Ore deposits and mining of particular metals (253)
T - Technology.|TN1 - TN997 Mining engineering. Metallurgy.|TN600 - TN799 Metallurgy (529)
T - Technology.|TN1 - TN997 Mining engineering. Metallurgy.|TN799.5 - TN948 Nonmetallic minerals (781)
T - Technology.|TN1 - TN997 Mining engineering. Metallurgy.|TN950 - TN997 Building and ornamental stones (54)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology. (4,760)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP1080 - TP1185 Polymers and polymer manufacture (208)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP155 - TP156 Chemical engineering (201)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP200 - TP248 Manufacture and use of chemicals (198)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP248.13 - TP248.65 Biotechnology (368)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP250 - TP261 Industrial electrochemistry (24)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP267.5 - TP301 Explosives and pyrotechnics (60)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP315 - TP360 Fuel (326)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP368 - TP456 Food processing and manufacture (212)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP480 - TP498 Low temperature engineering. Cyrogenic engineering. Refrigeration (46)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP500 - TP660 Fermentation industries. Beverages. Alcohol (363)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP670 - TP699 Oils, fats, and waxes (108)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP670 - TP699 Oils, fats, and waxes|TP690 - TP692.5 Petroleum refining. Petroleum products (73)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP700 - TP746 Illuminating industries (Nonelectric) (29)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP751 - TP762 Gas industry (44)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP785 - TP869 Clay industries. Ceramics. Glass (205)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP875 - TP888 Cement industries (33)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP890 - TP933 Textile bleaching, dyeing, printing, etc. (90)
T - Technology.|TP1 - TP1185 Chemical technology.|TP934 - TP945 Paints, pigments, varnishes, etc. (40)
T - Technology.|TR1 - TR1050 Photography (13,069)
T - Technology.|TR1 - TR1050 Photography|TR250 - TR265 Cameras (88)
T - Technology.|TR1 - TR1050 Photography|TR287 - TR500 Photographic Processing (126)
T - Technology.|TR1 - TR1050 Photography|TR504 - TR508 Transparencies, Diapositives (11)
T - Technology.|TR1 - TR1050 Photography|TR510 - TR545 Color Photography (34)
T - Technology.|TR1 - TR1050 Photography|TR550 - TR581 Studio and Laboratory (24)
T - Technology.|TR1 - TR1050 Photography|TR590 - TR620 Lighting (53)
T - Technology.|TR1 - TR1050 Photography|TR624 - TR835 Applied photography (Including artistic, commercial, medical photography, photocopying processes) (9,591)
T - Technology.|TR1 - TR1050 Photography|TR845 - TR899 Cinematography. Motion pictures (537)
T - Technology.|TR1 - TR1050 Photography|TR925 - TR1050 Photomechanical processes (30)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures (2,908)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS1080 - TS1268 Paper manufacture and trade (208)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS1300 - TS1865 Textile industries (438)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS155 - TS194 Production management. Operations management (1,005)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS1870 - TS1935 Rubber industry (61)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS195 - TS198.8 Packaging (39)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS1950 - TS1982 Animal products (26)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS200 - TS770 Metal manufactures. Metalworking (655)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS2120 - TS2159 Cereals and grain. Milling industry (26)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS2220 - TS2283 Tobacco industry (79)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS2284 - TS2288 Animal feeds and feed mills. Pet food industry (1)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS800 - TS937 Wood technology. Lumber (164)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS800 - TS937 Wood technology. Lumber|TS840 - TS915 Wood products. Furniture (54)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS800 - TS937 Wood technology. Lumber|TS920 - TS937 Chemical processing of wood (13)
T - Technology.|TS1 - TS2301 Manufactures|TS940 - TS1047 Leather industries. Tanning (45)
T - Technology.|TT1 - TT999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts (1,377)
T - Technology.|TT1 - TT999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts|TT161 - TT170.7 Manual training. School shops (10)
T - Technology.|TT1 - TT999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts|TT174 - TT176 Articles for children (22)
T - Technology.|TT1 - TT999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts|TT180 - TT200 Woodworking. Furniture making. Upholstering (52)
T - Technology.|TT1 - TT999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts|TT201 - TT203 Lathework. Turning (2)
T - Technology.|TT1 - TT999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts|TT205 - TT267 Metalworking (22)
T - Technology.|TT1 - TT999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts|TT300 - TT382.8 Painting. Wood finishing (30)
T - Technology.|TT1 - TT999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts|TT341 - TT641 Nutrition. Foods and food supply (564)
T - Technology.|TT1 - TT999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts|TT490 - TT695 Clothing manufacture. Dressmaking. Tailoring (46)
T - Technology.|TT1 - TT999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts|TT697 - TT927 Home arts. Homecrafts (including sewing, embroidery, decorative crafts) (391)
T - Technology.|TT1 - TT999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts|TT950 - TT979 Hairdressing. Beauty culture. Barbers' work (41)
T - Technology.|TT1 - TT999 Handicrafts. Arts and crafts|TT980 - TT999 Laundry work (21)
T - Technology.|TX1 - TX1110 Home economics. (4,482)
T - Technology.|TX1 - TX1110 Home economics.|TX642 - TX840 Cookery (2,228)
T - Technology.|TX1 - TX1110 Home economics.|TX851 - TX885 Dining-room service (14)
T - Technology.|TX1 - TX1110 Home economics.|TX901 - TX946.5 Hospitality industry. Hotels, clubs, restaurants, food service, etc. (480)
T - Technology.|TX1 - TX1110 Home economics.|TX950 - TX953 Taverns, barrooms, saloons (48)
T - Technology.|TX1 - TX1110 Home economics.|TX955 - TX985 Building operations and housekeeping (1)
U - Military science (General) (19,892)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General) (5,612)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U150 - U155 Military planning (55)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U161 - U163 Strategy (461)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U164 - U167.5 Tactics (53)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U21 - U22.3 War. Philosophy. Military sociology (701)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U250 - U255 Maneuvers (combined arms) (10)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U263 - U264.5 Atomic warfare. Atomic weapons (376)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U27 - U43 History of military science (492)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U300 - U305 Artillery and rifle ranges (1)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U310 - U310.2 War games (23)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U320 - U325 Physical training of soldiers (4)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U400 - U714 Military education and training (571)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U56 - U59 Army clubs (3)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U750 - U773 Military life, manners and customs, antiquities, etc. (86)
U - Military science (General)|U1 - U900 Military science (General)|U799 - U897 History of arms and armor (261)
U - Military science (General)|UA10 - UA997 Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation (7,168)
U - Military science (General)|UA10 - UA997 Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation|UA21 - UA885 By region or country (6,499)
U - Military science (General)|UA10 - UA997 Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation|UA910 - UA915 Mobilization (4)
U - Military science (General)|UA10 - UA997 Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation|UA920 - UA925 Plans for attack and defense (2)
U - Military science (General)|UA10 - UA997 Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation|UA926 - UA929 Civil defense (65)
U - Military science (General)|UA10 - UA997 Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation|UA929.5 - UA929.95 War damage in industry. Industrial defense (1)
U - Military science (General)|UA10 - UA997 Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation|UA940 - UA945 Military communication (15)
U - Military science (General)|UA10 - UA997 Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation|UA950 - UA979 Routes of travel. Distances (1)
U - Military science (General)|UA10 - UA997 Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation|UA985 - UA997 Military geography (20)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration (2,433)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB160 - UB165 Records, returns, muster rolls, etc. (1)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB170 - UB175 Adjutant generals' offices (2)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB180 - UB197 Civilian personnel departments (23)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB250 - UB271 Intelligence (396)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB273 - UB274 Sabotage (1)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB275 - UB277 Psychological warfare. Propaganda (46)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB320 - UB338 Enlistment, recruiting, etc. (135)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB340 - UB345 Compulsory service. Conscription and exemption (215)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB356 - UB369.5 Provision for veterans (235)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB370 - UB375 Military pensions, etc. (43)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB380 - UB385 Soldiers' and sailors' homes (15)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB407 - UB409 Warrant officers. Noncommissioned officers (5)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB410 - UB415 Officers (35)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB416 - UB419 Minorities, women, etc. in armed forces (167)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB420 - UB425 Furloughs (3)
U - Military science (General)|UB1 - UB900 Military administration|UB440 - UB449.5 Retired military personnel (7)
U - Military science (General)|UC10 - UC780 Maintenance and transportation (496)
U - Military science (General)|UC10 - UC780 Maintenance and transportation|UC20 - UC258 Organization of the service. By region or country (67)
U - Military science (General)|UC10 - UC780 Maintenance and transportation|UC260 - UC267 Supplies and stores (125)
U - Military science (General)|UC10 - UC780 Maintenance and transportation|UC270 - UC360 Transportation (76)
U - Military science (General)|UC10 - UC780 Maintenance and transportation|UC400 - UC440 Barracks. Quarters. Camps (9)
U - Military science (General)|UC10 - UC780 Maintenance and transportation|UC460 - UC535 Clothing and equipment (133)
U - Military science (General)|UC10 - UC780 Maintenance and transportation|UC600 - UC695 Horses. Mules. Remount service (6)
U - Military science (General)|UC10 - UC780 Maintenance and transportation|UC700 - UC780 Subsistence (22)
U - Military science (General)|UD1 - UD495 Infantry (210)
U - Military science (General)|UD1 - UD495 Infantry|UD157 - UD302 Tactics. Maneuvers. Drill regulations (61)
U - Military science (General)|UD1 - UD495 Infantry|UD330 - UD335 Firing. Military sharpshooting (11)
U - Military science (General)|UD1 - UD495 Infantry|UD340 - UD345 Bayonet drill (1)
U - Military science (General)|UD1 - UD495 Infantry|UD380 - UD425 Small arms. Swords, etc. (73)
U - Military science (General)|UD1 - UD495 Infantry|UD460 - UD464 Mountain troops (1)
U - Military science (General)|UD1 - UD495 Infantry|UD470 - UD475 Ski troops (1)
U - Military science (General)|UD1 - UD495 Infantry|UD480 - UD485 Airborne troops. Parachute troops (14)
U - Military science (General)|UD1 - UD495 Infantry|UD490 - UD495 Airmobile operations (3)
U - Military science (General)|UE1 - UE500 Cavalry. Armor. Including horse cavalry, armored cavalry, mechanized cavalry (106)
U - Military science (General)|UE1 - UE500 Cavalry. Armor. Including horse cavalry, armored cavalry, mechanized cavalry|UE144 - UE145 Horse cavalry (6)
U - Military science (General)|UE1 - UE500 Cavalry. Armor. Including horse cavalry, armored cavalry, mechanized cavalry|UE157 - UE302 Tactics. Maneuvers. Drill regulations (29)
U - Military science (General)|UE1 - UE500 Cavalry. Armor. Including horse cavalry, armored cavalry, mechanized cavalry|UE420 - UE425 Cavalry sword exercises (1)
U - Military science (General)|UE1 - UE500 Cavalry. Armor. Including horse cavalry, armored cavalry, mechanized cavalry|UE460 - UE475 Horses (6)
U - Military science (General)|UF1 - UF910 Artillery (537)
U - Military science (General)|UF1 - UF910 Artillery|UF157 - UF302 Tactics. Maneuvers. Drill regulations (10)
U - Military science (General)|UF1 - UF910 Artillery|UF400 - UF405 Field artillery (18)
U - Military science (General)|UF1 - UF910 Artillery|UF450 - UF455 Seacoast artillery (1)
U - Military science (General)|UF1 - UF910 Artillery|UF500 - UF515 Weapons systems (73)
U - Military science (General)|UF1 - UF910 Artillery|UF520 - UF537 Ordnance and small arms (89)
U - Military science (General)|UF1 - UF910 Artillery|UF540 - UF545 Arsenals, magazines, armories, etc. (11)
U - Military science (General)|UF1 - UF910 Artillery|UF560 - UF780 Ordnance material (Ordnance proper) (178)
U - Military science (General)|UF1 - UF910 Artillery|UF820 - UF830 Ballistics. Velocities and motions of projectiles (18)
U - Military science (General)|UF1 - UF910 Artillery|UF848 - UF856 Artillery instruments. Fire control, etc. (4)
U - Military science (General)|UG1 - UG620 Military engineering (962)
U - Military science (General)|UG1 - UG620 Military engineering|UG160 - UG302 Tactics and regulations (1)
U - Military science (General)|UG1 - UG620 Military engineering|UG360 - UG390 Field engineering (6)
U - Military science (General)|UG1 - UG620 Military engineering|UG400 - UG442 Fortification (243)
U - Military science (General)|UG1 - UG620 Military engineering|UG443 - UG449 Attack and defense. Siege warfare (382)
U - Military science (General)|UG1 - UG620 Military engineering|UG470 - UG474 Military surveying, topography, and mapping (15)
U - Military science (General)|UG1 - UG620 Military engineering|UG500 - UG565 Technical troops and other special corps (4)
U - Military science (General)|UG1 - UG620 Military engineering|UG570 - UG582 Military signaling (10)
U - Military science (General)|UG1 - UG620 Military engineering|UG590 - UG613.5 Military telegraphy and telephony (32)
U - Military science (General)|UG1 - UG620 Military engineering|UG615 - UG620 Military motor vehicles (16)
U - Military science (General)|UG1500 - UG1530 Military astronautics. Space warfare. Space surveillance (82)
U - Military science (General)|UG1500 - UG1530 Military astronautics. Space warfare. Space surveillance|UG1523 - UG1525 By region or country (37)
U - Military science (General)|UG622 - UG1435 Air forces. Air warfare (1,670)
U - Military science (General)|UG622 - UG1435 Air forces. Air warfare|UG1100 - UG1435 Equipment and supplies (461)
U - Military science (General)|UG622 - UG1435 Air forces. Air warfare|UG633 - UG635 By region or country (257)
U - Military science (General)|UG622 - UG1435 Air forces. Air warfare|UG637 - UG639 Education and training (27)
U - Military science (General)|UG622 - UG1435 Air forces. Air warfare|UG640 - UG645 Military aeronautical research (14)
U - Military science (General)|UG622 - UG1435 Air forces. Air warfare|UG700 - UG705 Tactics (35)
U - Military science (General)|UG622 - UG1435 Air forces. Air warfare|UG730 - UG735 Air defenses (25)
U - Military science (General)|UG622 - UG1435 Air forces. Air warfare|UG760 - UG765 Aerial reconnaissance (23)
U - Military science (General)|UG622 - UG1435 Air forces. Air warfare|UG770 - UG1045 Organization. Personnel management (37)
U - Military science (General)|UH20 - UH910 Other services (443)
U - Military science (General)|UH20 - UH910 Other services|UH20 - UH25 Chaplains (31)
U - Military science (General)|UH20 - UH910 Other services|UH201 - UH515 Medical and sanitary services (214)
U - Military science (General)|UH20 - UH910 Other services|UH520 - UH551 Care of sick and wounded. Relief societies (14)
U - Military science (General)|UH20 - UH910 Other services|UH600 - UH629.5 Military hygiene and sanitation (60)
U - Military science (General)|UH20 - UH910 Other services|UH700 - UH705 Public relations. Press. War correspondents (2)
U - Military science (General)|UH20 - UH910 Other services|UH750 - UH769 Military social work. Social welfare services (2)
U - Military science (General)|UH20 - UH910 Other services|UH800 - UH910 Recreation and information services (4)
V - Naval science (3,870)
V - Naval science|V1 - V995 Naval science (General) (1,065)
V - Naval science|V1 - V995 Naval science (General)|V160 - V165 Strategy (25)
V - Naval science|V1 - V995 Naval science (General)|V167 - V178 Tactics (21)
V - Naval science|V1 - V995 Naval science (General)|V210 - V214.5 Submarine warfare (32)
V - Naval science|V1 - V995 Naval science (General)|V25 - V55 History and antiquities of naval science (102)
V - Naval science|V1 - V995 Naval science (General)|V390 - V395 Naval research (9)
V - Naval science|V1 - V995 Naval science (General)|V396 - V396.5 Military oceanography (6)
V - Naval science|V1 - V995 Naval science (General)|V400 - V695 Naval education (90)
V - Naval science|V1 - V995 Naval science (General)|V720 - V743 Naval life, manners and customs, antiquities, etc. (8)
V - Naval science|V1 - V995 Naval science (General)|V750 - V995 War vessels: Construction, armament, etc. (349)
V - Naval science|VA10 - VA750 Navies: Organization, distribution, naval situation (930)
V - Naval science|VA10 - VA750 Navies: Organization, distribution, naval situation|VA400 - VA750 Other regions or countries (638)
V - Naval science|VA10 - VA750 Navies: Organization, distribution, naval situation|VA49 - VA395 United States (257)
V - Naval science|VB15 - VB345 Naval administration (120)
V - Naval science|VB15 - VB345 Naval administration|VB170 - VB187 Civil department (1)
V - Naval science|VB15 - VB345 Naval administration|VB21 - VB124 By region or country (15)
V - Naval science|VB15 - VB345 Naval administration|VB260 - VB275 Enlisted personnel (12)
V - Naval science|VB15 - VB345 Naval administration|VB307 - VB309 Warrant officers (1)
V - Naval science|VB15 - VB345 Naval administration|VB310 - VB315 Officers (9)
V - Naval science|VB15 - VB345 Naval administration|VB320 - VB325 Minorities, women, etc. in navies (12)
V - Naval science|VC10 - VC580 Naval maintenance (51)
V - Naval science|VC10 - VC580 Naval maintenance|VC20 - VC258 Organization of service (3)
V - Naval science|VC10 - VC580 Naval maintenance|VC260 - VC268 Supplies and stores (13)
V - Naval science|VC10 - VC580 Naval maintenance|VC270 - VC279 Equipment of vessels, supplies, allowances, etc. (1)
V - Naval science|VC10 - VC580 Naval maintenance|VC280 - VC345 Clothing and equipment (4)
V - Naval science|VC10 - VC580 Naval maintenance|VC350 - VC410 Subsistence. Provisioning (7)
V - Naval science|VD7 - VD430 Naval seamen (8)
V - Naval science|VD7 - VD430 Naval seamen|VD160 - VD302 Drill regulations (1)
V - Naval science|VD7 - VD430 Naval seamen|VD21 - VD124 By region or country (6)
V - Naval science|VD7 - VD430 Naval seamen|VD360 - VD390 Small arms (1)
V - Naval science|VE7 - VE500 Marines (132)
V - Naval science|VE7 - VE500 Marines|VE23 - VE124 By region or country (112)
V - Naval science|VE7 - VE500 Marines|VE430 - VE435 Training camps (4)
V - Naval science|VF1 - VF580 Naval ordnance (51)
V - Naval science|VF1 - VF580 Naval ordnance|VF160 - VF302 Ordnance instructions and drill books (3)
V - Naval science|VF1 - VF580 Naval ordnance|VF21 - VF124 Naval ordnance (9)
V - Naval science|VF1 - VF580 Naval ordnance|VF310 - VF315 Target practice (1)
V - Naval science|VF1 - VF580 Naval ordnance|VF346 - VF348 Naval weapons systems (13)
V - Naval science|VF1 - VF580 Naval ordnance|VF350 - VF375 Ordnance and arms (General) (5)
V - Naval science|VF1 - VF580 Naval ordnance|VF390 - VF510 Ordnance material (Ordnance proper) (8)
V - Naval science|VG20 - VG2029 Minor services of navies (176)
V - Naval science|VG20 - VG2029 Minor services of navies|VG100 - VG475 Medical service (26)
V - Naval science|VG20 - VG2029 Minor services of navies|VG20 - VG25 Chaplains (7)
V - Naval science|VG20 - VG2029 Minor services of navies|VG50 - VG55 Coast guard and coast signal service (31)
V - Naval science|VG20 - VG2029 Minor services of navies|VG500 - VG505 Public relations. Press. War correspondents (1)
V - Naval science|VG20 - VG2029 Minor services of navies|VG70 - VG85 Naval communication by telegraphy, telephone, etc. (3)
V - Naval science|VG20 - VG2029 Minor services of navies|VG90 - VG95 Naval aviation (69)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine (581)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK1000 - VK1249 Lighthouse service (45)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK1250 - VK1299 Shipwrecks and fires (50)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK1300 - VK1491 Saving of life and property (17)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK15 - VK124 History, conditions, etc. (161)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK1500 - VK1661 Pilots and pilotage (5)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK321 - VK369.8 Harbors. Ports (4)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK381 - VK397 Signaling (9)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK401 - VK529 Study and teaching (1)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK549 - VK572 Science of navigation (60)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK573 - VK587 Nautical instruments (9)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK588 - VK597 Marine hydrography. Hydrographic surveying (18)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK600 - VK794 Tide and current tables (9)
V - Naval science|VK1 - VK1661 Navigation. Merchant marine|VK798 - VK997 Sailing directions. Pilot guides (46)
V - Naval science|VM1 - VM989 Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering (707)
V - Naval science|VM1 - VM989 Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering|VM15 - VM124 History (149)
V - Naval science|VM1 - VM989 Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering|VM165 - VM276 Study and teaching (1)
V - Naval science|VM1 - VM989 Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering|VM298.5 - VM301 Shipbuilding industry. Shipyards (54)
V - Naval science|VM1 - VM989 Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering|VM311 - VM466 Special types of vessels (199)
V - Naval science|VM1 - VM989 Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering|VM595 - VM989 Marine engineering (105)
W - Health Sciences (146)
W - Health Sciences|W1 - W925 Health Professions (16)
W - Health Sciences|W1 - W925 Health Professions|W1 - W28 Reference Works. General Works (10)
W - Health Sciences|W1 - W925 Health Professions|W601 - W925 Forensic Sciences (2)
W - Health Sciences|W1 - W925 Health Professions|W601 - W925 Forensic Sciences|W601 - W750 Reference and General Works (1)
W - Health Sciences|W1 - W925 Health Professions|W601 - W925 Forensic Sciences|W775 - W867 Medicolegal Examination (1)
W - Health Sciences|W1 - W925 Health Professions|W74 - W80 Medical Economics (1)
W - Health Sciences|WA1 - WA950 Public Health (9)
W - Health Sciences|WA1 - WA950 Public Health|WA1 - WA106 Reference Works. General Works (4)
W - Health Sciences|WA1 - WA950 Public Health|WA300 - WA395 Health Problems of Special Population Groups (4)
W - Health Sciences|WA1 - WA950 Public Health|WA900 - WA950 Statistics. Surveys (1)
W - Health Sciences|WB1 - WB962 Practice of Medicine (12)
W - Health Sciences|WB1 - WB962 Practice of Medicine|WB1 - WB117 Reference Works. General Works (6)
W - Health Sciences|WB1 - WB962 Practice of Medicine|WB141 - WB293 Diagnosis (3)
W - Health Sciences|WB1 - WB962 Practice of Medicine|WB141 - WB293 Diagnosis|WB141 - WB143 General Diagnosis (1)
W - Health Sciences|WB1 - WB962 Practice of Medicine|WB141 - WB293 Diagnosis|WB143 - WB182 Signs and Symptoms (1)
W - Health Sciences|WB1 - WB962 Practice of Medicine|WB300 - WB962 Therapeutics (3)
W - Health Sciences|WB1 - WB962 Practice of Medicine|WB300 - WB962 Therapeutics|WB400 - WB449 Diet and Nutrition (1)
W - Health Sciences|WB1 - WB962 Practice of Medicine|WB300 - WB962 Therapeutics|WB880 - WB962 Complementary and Alternative Therapies (1)
W - Health Sciences|WC1 - WC950 Communicable Diseases (2)
W - Health Sciences|WC1 - WC950 Communicable Diseases|WC500 - WC593 Virus Diseases (2)
W - Health Sciences|WC1 - WC950 Communicable Diseases|WC500 - WC593 Virus Diseases|WC501 - WC520 General RNA Virus Infections (2)
W - Health Sciences|WC1 - WC950 Communicable Diseases|WC500 - WC593 Virus Diseases|WC501 - WC520 General RNA Virus Infections|WC505 - WC520 Viral Respiratory Tract Infections. Respirovirus Infections (2)
W - Health Sciences|WD1 - WD800 Disorders of Systemic, Metabolic or Environmental Origin, etc. (2)
W - Health Sciences|WD1 - WD800 Disorders of Systemic, Metabolic or Environmental Origin, etc.|WD200 - WD226 Metabolic Diseases (1)
W - Health Sciences|WD1 - WD800 Disorders of Systemic, Metabolic or Environmental Origin, etc.|WD200 - WD226 Metabolic Diseases|WD200.5 - WD214 Specific Metabolic Diseases (1)
W - Health Sciences|WD1 - WD800 Disorders of Systemic, Metabolic or Environmental Origin, etc.|WD600 - WD670 Disorders and Injuries of Environmental Origin (1)
W - Health Sciences|WE1 - WE890 Musculoskeletal System (1)
W - Health Sciences|WE1 - WE890 Musculoskeletal System|WE800 - WE886 Extremities (1)
W - Health Sciences|WE1 - WE890 Musculoskeletal System|WE800 - WE886 Extremities|WE850 - WE886 Lower Extremity (1)
W - Health Sciences|WF1 - WF985 Respiratory System (1)
W - Health Sciences|WF1 - WF985 Respiratory System|WF140 - WF900 Diseases of the Respiratory System (1)
W - Health Sciences|WG1 - WG700 Cardiovascular System (4)
W - Health Sciences|WG1 - WG700 Cardiovascular System|WG1 - WG113 Reference Works. General Works (1)
W - Health Sciences|WG1 - WG700 Cardiovascular System|WG120 - WG170 Cardiovascular Diseases, Diagnosis and Therapeutics (1)
W - Health Sciences|WG1 - WG700 Cardiovascular System|WG200 - WG460 Heart. Heart Diseases (1)
W - Health Sciences|WI1 - WI970 Digestive System (1)
W - Health Sciences|WI1 - WI970 Digestive System|WI1 - WI150 Reference Works. General Works (1)
W - Health Sciences|WJ1 - WJ875 Urogenital System (1)
W - Health Sciences|WJ1 - WJ875 Urogenital System|WJ300 - WJ378 Kidney (1)
W - Health Sciences|WK1 - WK920 Endocrine System (1)
W - Health Sciences|WK1 - WK920 Endocrine System|WK1 - WK148 Reference Works. General Works (1)
W - Health Sciences|WL1 - WL710 Nervous System (5)
W - Health Sciences|WL1 - WL710 Nervous System|WL1 - WL102.9 Reference Works. General Works (3)
W - Health Sciences|WL1 - WL710 Nervous System|WL200 - WL405 Central Nervous System. Disorders. Therapeutics (1)
W - Health Sciences|WL1 - WL710 Nervous System|WL200 - WL405 Central Nervous System. Disorders. Therapeutics|WL348 - WL362 Brain Diseases (1)
W - Health Sciences|WL1 - WL710 Nervous System|WL700 - WL710 Sense Organs (1)
W - Health Sciences|WM1 - WM611 Psychiatry (3)
W - Health Sciences|WM1 - WM611 Psychiatry|WM170 - WM197 Neurotic Disorders (2)
W - Health Sciences|WM1 - WM611 Psychiatry|WM200 - WM220 Psychotic Disorders (1)
W - Health Sciences|WO1 - WO950 Surgery (4)
W - Health Sciences|WO1 - WO950 Surgery|WO1 - WO102 Reference Works. General Works (1)
W - Health Sciences|WO1 - WO950 Surgery|WO660 - WO690 Transplantation (1)
W - Health Sciences|WO1 - WO950 Surgery|WO700 - WO820 Traumatic Injuries (2)
W - Health Sciences|WP1 - WP910 Gynecology (2)
W - Health Sciences|WP1 - WP910 Gynecology|WP1 - WP390 Reference Works. General Works (1)
W - Health Sciences|WP1 - WP910 Gynecology|WP580 - WP610 Menopause. Sexual Dysfunction (1)
W - Health Sciences|WQ1 - WQ505 Obstetrics (5)
W - Health Sciences|WQ1 - WQ505 Obstetrics|WQ1 - WQ150 Reference Works. General Works (4)
W - Health Sciences|WR1 - WR660 Dermatology (1)
W - Health Sciences|WR1 - WR660 Dermatology|WR140 - WR340 Skin Diseases (1)
W - Health Sciences|WS1 - WS463 Pediatrics (2)
W - Health Sciences|WS1 - WS463 Pediatrics|WS1 - WS100 Reference Works. General Works (1)
W - Health Sciences|WT1 - WT500 Geriatrics. Chronic Disease (5)
W - Health Sciences|WT1 - WT500 Geriatrics. Chronic Disease|WT1 - WT39 Reference Works (2)
W - Health Sciences|WT1 - WT500 Geriatrics. Chronic Disease|WT100 - WT166 Geriatrics (2)
W - Health Sciences|WX1 - WX225 Hospitals and Other Health Facilities (6)
W - Health Sciences|WX1 - WX225 Hospitals and Other Health Facilities|WX1 - WX100 Reference Works. General Works (1)
W - Health Sciences|WX1 - WX225 Hospitals and Other Health Facilities|WX150 - WX190 Hospital Administration (5)
W - Health Sciences|WY1 - WY300 Nursing (5)
W - Health Sciences|WY1 - WY300 Nursing|WY1 - WY49 Reference Works (3)
W - Health Sciences|WY1 - WY300 Nursing|WY90 - WY100.5 Referral. Nursing Care, Assessment and Audit (1)
W - Health Sciences|WZ1 - WZ350 History of Medicine (13)
W - Health Sciences|WZ1 - WZ350 History of Medicine|WZ100 - WZ150 Biography (5)
W - Health Sciences|WZ1 - WZ350 History of Medicine|WZ305 - WZ350 Miscellany Relating to Medicine (4)
W - Health Sciences|WZ1 - WZ350 History of Medicine|WZ51 - WZ80.5 History, By Period, Locality, etc. (1)
W - Health Sciences|WZ1 - WZ350 History of Medicine|WZ51 - WZ80.5 History, By Period, Locality, etc.|WZ59 - WZ1801 C.E.- (1)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general) (22,691)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography (8,711)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1001 - Z1121 General bibliography (2,106)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1001 - Z1121 General bibliography|Z1003 - Z1003.5 Choice of books. Books and reading. Book reviews (233)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1001 - Z1121 General bibliography|Z1011 - Z1017 General bibliographies (107)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1001 - Z1121 General bibliography|Z1019 - Z1033 Special classes of books. Including prohibited books, rare books, paperbacks, reprints (262)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1001 - Z1121 General bibliography|Z1035 - Z1035.9 Best books (156)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1001 - Z1121 General bibliography|Z1037 - Z1039 Books for special classes of persons, institutions, etc. (71)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1001 - Z1121 General bibliography|Z1041 - Z1121 Anonyms and pseudonyms (96)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1201 - Z4980 National bibliography (5,314)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1201 - Z4980 National bibliography|Z1201 - Z1946 America (1,765)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1201 - Z4980 National bibliography|Z1201 - Z1946 America|Z1215 - Z1363 United States (1,064)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1201 - Z4980 National bibliography|Z1201 - Z1946 America|Z1365 - Z1401 Canada. British North America (124)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1201 - Z4980 National bibliography|Z1201 - Z1946 America|Z1411 - Z1939 Latin America (430)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1201 - Z4980 National bibliography|Z2000 - Z2959 Europe (1,906)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1201 - Z4980 National bibliography|Z3001 - Z3496 Asia (1,190)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1201 - Z4980 National bibliography|Z3501 - Z3975 Africa (386)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z1201 - Z4980 National bibliography|Z4001 - Z4980 Australia. Oceania (62)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z5051 - Z7999 Subject bibliography. Subjects arranged in alphabetical sequence (1,100)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z1001 - Z8999 Bibliography|Z8001 - Z8999 Personal bibliography. Names of individuals arranged in alphabetical sequence (188)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z116 - Z659 Book industries and trade (5,305)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z116 - Z659 Book industries and trade|Z116 - Z265.5 Printing (2,457)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z116 - Z659 Book industries and trade|Z116 - Z265.5 Printing|Z124 - Z228 History (600)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z116 - Z659 Book industries and trade|Z116 - Z265.5 Printing|Z231 - Z232 Printers and printing establishments (34)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z116 - Z659 Book industries and trade|Z116 - Z265.5 Printing|Z235 - Z236 Printer's marks, mottoes, etc. (5)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z116 - Z659 Book industries and trade|Z116 - Z265.5 Printing|Z240 - Z241.5 Incunabula. Block books. Including broadsides, playing cards (234)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z116 - Z659 Book industries and trade|Z116 - Z265.5 Printing|Z242.9 - Z264.5 Practical printing. Including printing as a business, layout, paper and ink, machinery, type and type founding, electrotyping, desktop publishing (559)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z116 - Z659 Book industries and trade|Z266 - Z276 Bookbinding. Book decoration (266)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z116 - Z659 Book industries and trade|Z278 - Z549 Bookselling and publishing (2,121)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z116 - Z659 Book industries and trade|Z551 - Z656 Copyright (84)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z116 - Z659 Book industries and trade|Z657 - Z659 Freedom of the press. Censorship (355)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z4 - Z115.5 Books (General). Writing. Paleography (1,947)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z4 - Z115.5 Books (General). Writing. Paleography|Z105 - Z115.5 Manuscripts. Paleography (1,223)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z4 - Z115.5 Books (General). Writing. Paleography|Z4 - Z8 History of books and bookmaking (153)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z4 - Z115.5 Books (General). Writing. Paleography|Z40 - Z104.5 Writing (410)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z4 - Z115.5 Books (General). Writing. Paleography|Z40 - Z104.5 Writing|Z102.5 - Z104.5 Cryptography. Ciphers. Invisible writing (52)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z4 - Z115.5 Books (General). Writing. Paleography|Z40 - Z104.5 Writing|Z41 - Z42.5 Autographs. Signatures (79)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z4 - Z115.5 Books (General). Writing. Paleography|Z40 - Z104.5 Writing|Z43 - Z45 Calligraphy. Penmanship (90)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z4 - Z115.5 Books (General). Writing. Paleography|Z40 - Z104.5 Writing|Z49 - Z51 Typewriters. Typewriting. Keyboards. Keyboarding (15)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z4 - Z115.5 Books (General). Writing. Paleography|Z40 - Z104.5 Writing|Z52 - Z52.5 Word processing (13)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z4 - Z115.5 Books (General). Writing. Paleography|Z40 - Z104.5 Writing|Z53 - Z102 Shorthand. Stenography. Phonography (49)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries (6,088)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z662 - Z664 Collections (32)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science (3,161)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z668 - Z669.7 Library education. Research (34)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z674.2 - Z674.5 Information services. Information centers (11)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z674.7 - Z674.83 Library information networks (31)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z678 - Z678.88 Library administration and organization. Constitution (98)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z679 - Z680 Library buildings. Library architecture. Including planning, space utilization, security, safety, lighting, etc. (85)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z680.3 - Z680.6 Library communication systems (3)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z681 - Z681.3 Reproduction of library materials. Storage media of library materials (2)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z681.5 - Z681.7 Trustees. Library boards, committees, etc. (1)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z682 - Z682.4 Personnel (84)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z683 - Z683.5 Finance. Insurance (27)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z684 - Z685 Supplies. Shelving. Bookstacks (17)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books (1,487)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books|Z689 - Z689.8 Acquisition (selection, purchase, gifts, duplicates) (28)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books|Z691 - Z692 Special classes of materials. Including manuscripts, maps, microforms, serials (3)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books|Z693 - Z695.83 Cataloging (309)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books|Z695.9 - Z695.94 Indexing. Abstracting (33)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books|Z696 - Z697 Classification and notation (30)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books|Z699 - Z699.5 Machine methods of information and retrieval. Mechanized bibliographic control (97)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books|Z700.9 - Z701.5 Preservation, conservation and restoration of books, etc. (167)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books|Z703.5 - Z703.6 Moving. Disposition of books on shelves, etc. Including discarding, weeding (5)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books|Z711 - Z711.92 Reference work. Library service to special groups (232)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books|Z712 - Z714 Circulation. Loans. Charging systems (17)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books|Z716 - Z716.1 Library extension. Library commissions. Traveling libraries (4)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z665 - Z718.8 Library science. Information science|Z687 - Z718.8 The collections. The books|Z716.2 - Z718.8 Libraries in relation to special topics. Including libraries and community, libraries and television, children's libraries, libraries and students (105)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z719 - Z725 Libraries (General) (212)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z729 - Z871 Library reports. History. Statistics (1,371)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z881 - Z980 Library catalogs and bulletins (467)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z987 - Z997 Private libraries. Book collecting. Including bibliophilism, bookplates (286)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|Z662 - Z1000.5 Libraries|Z998 - Z1000.5 Booksellers' catalogs. Book prices (221)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|ZA3040 - ZA5185 Information resources (General) (418)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|ZA3040 - ZA5185 Information resources (General)|ZA3150 - ZA3159 Information services. Information centers (10)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|ZA3040 - ZA5185 Information resources (General)|ZA3201 - ZA3250 Information superhighway (13)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|ZA3040 - ZA5185 Information resources (General)|ZA4050 - ZA4750 Information in specific formats or media (211)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|ZA3040 - ZA5185 Information resources (General)|ZA4050 - ZA4750 Information in specific formats or media|ZA4050 - ZA4460 Electronic information resources (195)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|ZA3040 - ZA5185 Information resources (General)|ZA4050 - ZA4750 Information in specific formats or media|ZA4050 - ZA4460 Electronic information resources|ZA4150 - ZA4390 Computer network resources (117)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|ZA3040 - ZA5185 Information resources (General)|ZA4050 - ZA4750 Information in specific formats or media|ZA4050 - ZA4460 Electronic information resources|ZA4450 - ZA4460 Databases (1)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|ZA3040 - ZA5185 Information resources (General)|ZA5050 - ZA5185 Information from specific providers (19)
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information resources (general)|ZA3040 - ZA5185 Information resources (General)|ZA5050 - ZA5185 Information from specific providers|ZA5050 - ZA5185 Government information (19)