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Elm City Webmakers

July 15, 2020

Do you have a new IndieWeb WordPress website? The Elm City Webmakers will host a getting started session.

This inter-generational session open to all ages and we will help anyone get started on WordPress

We will first go through activating your plugin and then customizing your site. We will then hang out and have fun building on our personal websites


Blog Posts


  • Greg McVerry quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/profile/jgmac1106

    Had such wonderful conversations with Melody Ramos who works for the New Haven Housing Authority. at the Elm City Webmaker Meet Up

    She noted how amazing our camp is for working moms. Melody noted how relaxing it is to work knowing her daughter is in trusted hands and learning skills she needs right away.

    We then discussed some ideas about how little netowrks like ours could help build up New Haven and the entire web.

    Yet as parents we are both happy to give our children the social media experience of living and learning online without their data being harvested.

    Melody was able to get a website up and running and even posted in RSVP to the meet up.

    I then got to hang with Diallo and we talked long form writing without authentication. Like what is easiest way to share a post by juts a link.

  • meoldyramos melodyramos.tech-4-teens.club/author/meoldyramos/ Attending LIVE NOW: Elm City Webmakers

    Do you have a new IndieWeb WordPress website? The Elm City Webmakers will host a getting started session.
    This inter-generational session open to all ages and we will help anyone get started on WordPress
    We will first go through activating your plugin and then customizing your site. We will then han…

    Building my website