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      Economic HistoryHistory of Economic ThoughtContemporary HistoryHistory of technocracy
Il volume licenziato da Achille Conti, storico contemporaneista presso il dipartimento di Scienze politiche e so-ciali dell'Università di Bologna, pone al centro della sua trattazione un tema che risulta, al contempo, classico e... more
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      Political HistoryHistory of CommunismContemporary Italian History and Politics
Recensione a Charles S. Maier, "Leviathan 2.0. Inventing Modern Statehood", Cambridge (MA)-Lonfon, Harvard University Press, 2012
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      History of Economic ThoughtContemporary HistoryInternational HistoryHistory of International Relations
In questo articolo si propone un'analisi delle prime fasi del processo di integrazione economica europea, prendendo in considerazione il ruolo svolto dall'Italia all'interno dell'Organizzazione europea per la cooperazione economica.
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      International HistoryEuropean Economic IntegrationHistory of International RelationsEuropean Integration History
Among all the Western European countries that joined the Organisation for European Economic Coop-eration (OEEC), Italy was one of the most active nations in the shaping of post-WWII European migra-tion policies. Unlike a number of its... more
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      History of Labour MigrationInternational HistoryInternational MigrationHistory of International Relations
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      International HistoryEuropean Integration HistoryHistory of international organizationsContemporary Italian History and Politics
This article deals with the history of the OECD from 1961 to the mid-1990s. Even though there will be several references to the present-day activities of the organisation, this contribution aims to explore the manifold aspects of the... more
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      International HistoryHistory of International RelationsEuropean Integration HistoryInternational Economic History
The paper overviews the main historiographical issues on which the research project titled A Flawed Germanization. Economic Cultures and Political Conflicts in Western Europe during the Great Recession (2010-2015) will be built. Starting... more
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      International HistoryEuropean Integration HistoryInternational Economic RelationsFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009
This article examines how Anglo-Italian relationships unfolded in the aftermath of the Second World War within the framework of the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC). By analysing Italy's participation in the early... more
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      European Integration HistoryBritish Politics since 1945Contemporary Italian History and PoliticsPost-War Reconstruction
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      International HistoryHistory of International RelationsEuropean Integration HistoryInternational Economic Relations
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      International HistoryHistory of International RelationsEuropean Integration HistoryCold War history
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      Contemporary Italian History and PoliticsFrancesco Saverio Nitti
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      International Economic RelationsOECD1970s economic crisis
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      European Economic IntegrationNeoliberalismEuropean Integration HistoryEconomic Crisis
This article deals with the origins, the spread and the consolidation of the so called 'neoliberal school of thought' across the European Economic Community (EEC) area between the 1970s and the 1980s. In order to assess whether, how and... more
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      European integrationHistory of Economic ThoughtNeoliberalismThink Tanks
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      Italian Communist PartyEmilia-RomagnaItalian CommunismItalian Contemporary History and Politics
L'articolo prenderà in esame l'esperienza dell'Italia all'interno dell'Organizzazione per la co-operazione economica europea (Oece) negli anni della prima legislatura repubblicana. A par-tire da una riflessione sulle motivazioni tanto... more
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      European integrationEconomic and Business History of Contemporary ItalyMARSHALL PLANEuropean Recovery Program
Questo numero di «Zapruder» intende analizzare criticamente i nodi costitutivi del processo di integrazione europea, indagato nelle sue declinazioni politico-istituzionali, economico-sociali e filosoficointellettuali. Finis Europae mira... more
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      European integrationSocial ConflictInternational and European Studies
Editoriale di Finis Europae, numero 51 di "Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale".
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      European integrationInternational Relations and European StudiesSocial Conflict
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      European integrationInternational Relations and European StudiesSocial Conflict