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Esotouric Donation - Please choose the amount below

Esotouric Donation - Please choose the amount below

$ 5.00

Thank you for your kind interest in supporting our work. It’s through contributions like yours that we’re able to reveal and preserve the lost lore of Los Angeles. You can tip on this page, or support us by subscribing to the newsletter or streaming video channel, buying a gift certificate, or taking a tour.

  • $5.00 — A pot of good Chinese tea to help keep our heads clear.
  • $10.00 — Parking for university library special collections research.
  • $20.00 — Lunch on the road after recording a podcast interview.
  • $50.00 — Tank of gas for Southern California exploration.
  • $100.00 — Sponsor a full day’s historic preservation activism to help save a place that matters.

You can use your credit card to make a donation of any amount. If you’d rather send a check, we’re Esotouric at P.O. Box 31227, Los Angeles CA 90031. Donations are not tax-deductible, but they are greatly appreciated.

Due to limitations with the Web Framework on this site, we can not take custom amounts for donations.  Please contact us if you would like to do so.