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Scientific reporting

As the grantee of a Horizon 2020 (H2020) or Horizon Europe (HE) ERC-funded project, you are required to submit scientific and financial reports as set out in your Grant Agreement (see Article 20 H2020 or Article 21 HE). The ERC Executive Agency’s Scientific Officers will assess your scientific reports and may contact you to request additional information if they believe something is missing or not clear enough.

Current as of 26-04-2024

Scientific reports are due halfway through and at the end of your project and must be submitted within 60 days after each period ends:

  • In the mid-term scientific report, you summarise the scientific progress that allows the Scientific Officers to monitor the implementation of the work and reported achievements against the commitments in your “Description of Action” (part B2 of your project proposal).
  • The final report submitted at the end of the project covers scientific and financial aspects. You are asked to report the work carried out and results obtained over the whole duration of your grant, including the scientific and societal impact of your research.

As corresponding Principal Investigator of a Synergy Grant, the scientific reporting is similar to main grants, however with two interim scientific reports after months 24 and 48 of your project. Proof of Concept specificities are outlined below.

Accessing the reporting module

At the end of the scientific reporting period, you will receive a notification via the Funding and Tenders Portal to complete your scientific report in the “Scientific Reporting” module.

You are required to modify your report in the “Scientific Reporting” module, a part of which is filled out automatically with information from the “Continuous Reporting” module. Note that the “Continuous Reporting” module is activated when your project starts and remains active for some time after the end of the project.

Log in

Step 1: Go to:
Step 2: Use your EU login credentials to log in
Step 3: Navigate to "My Project(s)" via the left-hand bar (1), click on "Actions" next to your project (2), and then select "Manage project" (3).

Click on 'Scientific Reporting'


Navigate through the different tabs of the report

e.g. here the 'Summary for publication':


Summary for publication

The three subsections of the summary for publication will appear for the public on the Cordis website, together with general information about your project (e.g., acronym/title, grant amount, abstract, publications). This summary is accessible via web search engines such as Google, and should be drafted to a wider audience. It should not make reference to confidential or personal information.

The different sections of the summary are meant to give an overview of the overall objectives of your project, progress and work performed and main results achieved. The subsections form a “stand-alone” text that is not linked to other parts of the report. To finalise the submission, you will also be asked to upload a suitable image related to your research project.

  • The summary will be public, should be informative, and should not include confidential information.
  • Confirm that the version of your summary is final in the report you submit through the Participant Portal. Note that any changes you make to the summary for publication may only become public after a periodic or scientific report is approved.
  • The three subsections should contain no more than 2,500 characters each, including spaces, i.e. in total no more than 7,480 characters, including spaces.

Deliverables, Ethics, DMP, Other Reports

ERC-funded projects may have two types of deliverables: for Ethics and the Data Management Plan. Neither of these need to be reported in the context of your scientific report. These sections will not block the submission of your scientific report.


Report all publications resulting from your ERC project by encoding (1) the doi of the publication (this should point to the version of record, i.e., the original publication), and (2) the doi of the deposited version (i.e., the repository).

When reporting publications, please check for each item that:

  • ERC funding is acknowledged;
  • The final version of the manuscript (“author’s accepted manuscript”) or the published version (“version of record”) is deposited in an institutional, discipline-specific or general-purpose Open Access repository;
  • The “repository link” points to the deposited version in an Open Science repository. This link should not lead to the publisher’s website, your own website, nor to platforms such as ResearchGate or Academia.edu.

More information about publications.

Do you have manuscripts under review at the time you have to submit your scientific reports? Mention these in the "Major achievements" section. However, abstracts, posters, slides, conference programmes, etc. should not be included in the list of publications. Please report participation in major conferences in the Dissemination and Outputs section below.

Patents (IPR)

This tab is reserved for reporting the Patents and the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
IT How to

Open Data

Complete the Open Data questionnaire.
IT How to

Major achievements

You are asked to provide a concise overview of the progress of the scientific work, as compared to the Description of the Action in your grant agreement (part B2). Specifically, you should describe the progress and results achieved for each of the objectives, making reference to your relevant publications.

If applicable, you may also refer to the novel methodologies, inter-disciplinary developments and/or knowledge and technology transfer achieved in the course of your project, as well as any scientific breakthroughs beyond the state of the art, and, for Starting and Consolidator Grant projects, how the ERC project has contributed to consolidating your research group.

Major challenges

As the ERC funds high-risk/high-gain research, it is possible that different challenges occur in the funded projects. Specify any major scientific or technical challenges you have encountered to date or anticipate in the near future related to the implementation of your research project. Where appropriate, indicate any changes of direction of work you envisage. In case your project needs significant scientific changes compared to the original plans stated in the Description of Action (part B2), please request an amendment. Read more here

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept projects are asked to submit a final report at the end of the project, which has a specific reporting template you can find here. In addition to the publishable summary, the lists of publications, dissemination and communication activities and IPR resulting from your project, you are asked to describe the results of the implementation of your project as compared to the Description of Action (Annex 1). You may also submit any additional material (e.g., business plan, feasibility study, etc.) as you see fit, which can serve the ERC for information purposes about your project.

Expeditions and awards

List any major research expeditions you have undertaken in order to conduct your research project (i.e., not simply visits to other research groups). Also list awards and recognitions that you or your team members have received for your research.
IT How to

Dissemination and outputs

You can list here the major conferences or events in which you presented results to academic and non-academic audiences, as well as any other project output such as software, tools, or media. You may also highlight them under “Major Achievements”.
IT How to


Please use only those keywords that are meaningful for your project, to enable e.g. searches concerning specific disciplines, topics and methods.

Submit the report

Technical guide

Save the report

When all sections are completed, go back to the Research & Innovation – Grant Management Service window:

Get a "Coordinator" or "Primary Coordinator" user profile in the Grant Management Service Portal to submit the scientific report

Should you not have such a profile, please contact your Host Institution support services. Then follow Steps 1-3 to submit the report:

See also here