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Kulpigado de viktimoj

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Kulpigado de viktimoj okazas kiam viktimoj de maljustaj agoj estas konsiderataj aŭ tute aŭ parte respondecaj pri la damaĝo, kiu okazis al ili.[1] La studo de viktimologio serĉas malpliigi la percepton de viktimoj kiel respondecaj.[2] Estas multe pli granda tendenco kulpi viktimojn de seksatenco ol ekzemple rabo.[3]

William Ryan unue uzis la terminon blaming the victim (kulpo de la viktimo aŭ viktimkulpo) en sia libro Blaming the Victim el 1971,[4][5][6][7][8], por ideologio uzata por motivigi rasismon kaj socian maljustecon kontraŭ afrik-usonanoj.[9] Ankaŭ Theodore W. Adorno priskribis identan koncepton en 1947 kiel "unu el la plej sinistraj kvalitoj de la faŝisma karaktero."[10][11]

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  1. [1]
  2. Fox, K. A.; C. L. Cook (2011). “Is Knowledge Power? The Effects of a Victimology Course on Victim Blaming”, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 26, p. 3407–3427. doi:10.1177/0886260511403752. 
  3. Bieneck, S.; B. Krahe (2010). “Blaming the Victim and Exonerating the Perpetrator in Cases of Rape and Robbery: Is There a Double Standard?”, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 26 (9), p. 1785–97. doi:10.1177/0886260510372945. 
  4. ISBN 9780394417264
  5. Cole (2007) pp.111, 149, 213
  6. Downs (1998) p. 24
  7. Kirkpatrick (1987) p. 219
  8. Kent (2003)
  9. Arkivita kopio. Arkivita el la originalo je 2017-03-18. Alirita 2021-08-14.
  10. Adorno, TW (1947) Wagner, Nietzsche and Hitler in Kenyon Review Vol.ix (1), p. 158
  11. James Martin Harding (1997) Adorno and "A writing of the ruins": essays on modern aesthetics and Anglo-American literature and culture, p.143 citaĵo: "The mechanisms of this ideological affinity between Baraka and Wagner can be seen in a short critique of Wagner that Adorno wrote directly after the Second World War—at a time when Adorno was perhaps his most direct in singling out the proto-fascist tendencies in Wagner's corpus and character. Adorno criticizes Wagner's having bated his conductor Herman Levi so that he would seem to bear the responsibility for Wagner's subsequent insulting dismissal of him. This, for Adorno, is a classic example of blaming the victim. The anti-Semitic sub-text to the dismissal, viz., that as a Jew Levi supposedly desired and brought the dismissal upon himself, "bears witness to the existence of one of the most sinister features of the Fascist character even in Wagner's time: the paranoid tendency of projecting upon others one's own violent aggressiveness and then indicting, on the basis of this projection, those whom one endows with pernicious qualities" (Adorno "Wagner, Nietzsche and Hitler" 158)."

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