Translation:Catullus 96

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Catullus 96
by Catullus, translated from Latin by Wikisource

One of Catullus's several poems addressed to his friend Calvus; concerns the death of his wife or mistress. Elegiac Couplet.

11049Catullus 96WikisourceCatullus
Literal English Translation Original Latin Line

If anything pleasing or acceptable to silent sepulchers
  is able to be done by our grief, Calvus,
by this longing we renew old loves
  and we lament sent away friendships.
Certainly a premature death is not of such sadness
  to Quintilia, so much as she rejoices in your love.

Sī quicquam mūtīs grātum acceptumque sepulcrīs
  accidere ā nostrō, Calve, dolōre potest,
quō dēsīderiō veterēs renovāmus amōrēs
  atque ōlim missās flēmus amīcitiās,
certē nōn tantō mors immātūra dolōrī est
  Quīntiliae, quantum gaudet amōre tuō.
