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Translation & Rotation Stages
Manual translators for linear or angular translation of an optical component.
Stable Steel Translation Stage has a large mounting surface, great travel range for this relatively small size, low profile, increased stability precision and is made of steel.
Vacuum Compatible Translation Stages 860-0052V have large mounting surfaces, great travel range for this relatively small size, low profile, and increased stability and precision.
Stable Aluminium Translation Stage is made of aluminium and has a large mounting surface, great travel range for this relatively small size, low profile and increased stability of precision.
Vacuum Compatible Aluminium Translation stages (travel range -100 mm or 150 mm) own integrated driving screws for very precise and long travel translation.
Low Profile Two-Axis Aluminium Translation Stage provides smooth, precise, X-Y axis movement. The travel of this stage is 10 mm with resolution of 10 µm.
A rare opportunity to access control of X-Y translation stage from a single side. The driving screw for X axis in the Translation Stage is rotated by 90°.