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GC5-mass – Mass extinctions, recovery and resilience

GC5-Mass-9 | Posters | GC5-mass

Sedimentary markers of ocean plateau volcanism during the Cenomanian–Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event

Lawrence Percival, Niels van Helmond, Christophe Snoeck, Steven Goderis, and Philippe Claeys

GC5-Mass-24 | Posters | GC5-mass

Is the rate of human-induced arthropod extinction comparable with diversity changes during the FIVE BIG mass extinctions?

Ulrich Kotthoff, Jason Dunlop, Danilo Harms, Martin Husemann, Jens Lehmann, Martin Kubiak, Bas van de Schootbrugge, and Torsten Wappler

GC5-Mass-25 | Posters | GC5-mass

A new proxy for trophic and ecosystem-level responses to mass extinction events? The palaeoecology of conodonts.

Christopher Stockey, Thomas Harvey, Duncan Murdock, Philip Donoghue, and Mark Purnell

GC5-Mass-20 | Orals | GC5-mass

Which impact had CAMP volcanism on the latest Triassic Earth System?

Jan Landwehrs, Georg Feulner, Matthias Hofmann, and Michael Wagreich

GC5-Mass-59 | Orals | GC5-mass

Sedimentological and geochemical facies changes in the NE Paris Basin linked to the end-Triassic mass extinction event

Natascha Kuhlmann, Jean Thein, Sven-Oliver Franz, Robert Colbach, and Alain Faber

GC5-Mass-41 | Orals | GC5-mass

Platinum-group elements link the end-Triassic mass extinction to volcanism

Christian Tegner, Andrea Marzoli, Iain McDonald, Nasrrddine Youbi, and Sofie Lindström

GC5-Mass-31 | Posters | GC5-mass

An orbital time scale of environmental perturbations across the Cretaceous – Paleogene boundary section of Nye Kløv (N. Denmark)

Sarah Møller, Thierry Adatte, Christian J. Bjerrum, Jorge E. Spangenberg, and Nicolas Thibault

GC5-Mass-51 | Posters | GC5-mass

First record of the end-Triassic mass-extinction in the Netherlands

Bas van de Schootbrugge, Mart Smeets, and Jelle Reumer

GC5-Mass-88 | Orals | GC5-mass

Volatile elements in CAMP basalts at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary

Andrea Marzoli, Manfredo Capriolo, Sara Callegaro, Jacopo Dal Corso, Angelo De Min, Don Baker, and Joshua H.F.L. Davies

GC5-Mass-57 | Posters | GC5-mass

Building an accurate and precise chronological framework for the British Palaeogene Igneous Province

Rasika Mahajan, Ryan Ickert, and Darren Mark

GC5-Mass-26 | Orals | GC5-mass

The onset of CAMP volcanism, environmental change, and the magnitude of carbon-cycle perturbation at the Triassic–Jurassic mass extinction (Neuquen Basin, Argentina)

Micha Ruhl, Stephen Hesselbo, Miguel Mancenido, Aisha Al-Suwaidi, Hugh Jenkyns, Susana Damborenea, Marisa Storm, and Alberto Riccardi

GC5-Mass-14 | Orals | GC5-mass

Timing and Paleoenvironmental Implications of Deccan Volcanism Relative to the KPg Extinction

Thierry Adatte, Gerta Keller, Font Eric, Paula Mateo, Jahnavi Punekar, Blair Schoene, Michael Eddy, Jorge Spangenberg, and Syed Khadri

GC5-Mass-63 | Posters | GC5-mass

Elucidating human-megafauna interactions in South America: The archaeological and paleontological potential of the archaeological site of Santa Elina, Brazil

Thaís Pansani, Águeda Vialou, Denis Vialou, Bruno Becker-Kerber, Levy Figuti, Mário Dantas, and Mírian Pacheco

GC5-Mass-65 | Posters | GC5-mass

Microbial Mats and Seafloor Recolonization following Mass Extinctions

Catherine Mascord, Liam Herringshaw, Krysia Mazik, Daniel Parsons, and Duncan McIlroy

GC5-Mass-66 | Posters | GC5-mass

Constraining end-Triassic carbon cycle perturbations from single fern spore carbon isotope records

Lucrezia Valeriani, Bas van de Schootbrugge, Joost Frieling, Linda van Roij, and Appy Sluijs

GC5-Mass-69 | Posters | GC5-mass

Photic zone euxinia in North East England following the end-Triassic mass extinction

Sarah Beith, Jessica Whiteside, Darren Gröcke, and John Marshall

GC5-Mass-90 | Posters | GC5-mass

Pulses of ocean acidification at the Triassic Jurassic boundary recorded by boron isotopes

Molly Trudgill, James Rae, Michael Van Mourik, Jessica Crumpton-Banks, Andrea Burke, Frank Corsetti, Rosanna Greenop, Andrew McIntyre, Catherine Rose, Joshua West, and Sarah Greene

GC5-Mass-91 | Posters | GC5-mass

Milankovitch forcing of Early Jurassic wildfires

Teuntje P. Hollaar, Sarah J. Baker, Jean-Francois Deconinck, Luke Mander, Micha Ruhl, Stephen P. Hesselbo, and Claire M. Belcher

GC5-Mass-12 | Orals | GC5-mass

High-resolution variation of ostracod assemblages from microbialites near the Permian-Triassic boundary at Zuodeng, Guangxi, South China

Junyu Wan, Aihua Yuan, Sylvie Crasquin, Haishui Jiang, Hao Yang, and Xia Hu

GC5-Mass-23 | Orals | GC5-mass

The end-Permian mass extinction in the Southern and Eastern Alps

Hendrik Nowak, Evelyn Kustatscher, and Guido Roghi

GC5-Mass-56 | Orals | GC5-mass

Survival of arid-adapted plants over global biotic crises is influenced by their pollination biology

Natasha Barbolini, Carina Hoorn, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Amber Woutersen, Daniele Silvestro, Niels Meijer, and Catarina Rydin

GC5-Mass-83 | Orals | GC5-mass

Mass loss of stable hypoxic habitats in the end-Ordovician

Emma Hammarlund and Christian J. Bjerrum

GC5-Mass-22 | Orals | GC5-mass

Marine anoxia and mass extinction – a ubiquitous link?

Paul Wignall and Satoshi Takahashi

GC5-Mass-33 | Orals | GC5-mass

Potential impact of the end-Permian pelagic deep-sea anoxia

Satoshi Takahashi, Kunio Kaiho, Shin-ichi Yamasaki, Noriyoshi Tsuchiya, Takeyoshi Yoshida, Ryoichi Nakada, Yusuke Watanabe, Yoshio Takahashi, Yasumasa Ogawa, and Kazuhiko Kimura

GC5-Mass-43 | Orals | GC5-mass

Paleoenvironmental and paleoecological trends leading up to the end-Triassic mass extinction event: story of two sites from northeastern Panthalassa.

Ekaterina Larina, David J. Bottjer, Frank A. Corsetti, William M. Berelson, John-Paul Zonneveld, Aaron J. Celestian, Jake V. Bailey, A. Joshua West, and Joyce A. Yager

GC5-Mass-60 | Orals | GC5-mass

Vegetation changes during Early Jurassic global warming with impacts on oceanic anoxia

Sam Slater, Richard Twitchett, Silvia Danise, and Vivi Vajda

GC5-Mass-75 | Orals | GC5-mass

Cambrian extinctions

Andrey Yu. Zhuravlev

GC5-Mass-17 | Orals | GC5-mass

The impact of the end-Permian mass extinction on the global distribution of marine invertebrates

Bethany J. Allen, Paul B. Wignall, Daniel J. Hill, Erin E. Saupe, and Alexander M. Dunhill

GC5-Mass-15 | Orals | GC5-mass

Rapid biological recovery following the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary catastrophe in the Maastrichtian type area

Johan Vellekoop, Kris H. Van Tilborgh, Paul Van Knippenberg, John W. M. Jagt, Peter Stassen, Stijn Goolaerts, and Robert P. Speijer

GC5-Mass-67 | Orals | GC5-mass

The assessment of end-Permian ozone shield strength using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to investigate sporopollenin chemistry

Matthew Kent, Wenchao Shu, Wesley Fraser, Jeffrey Benca, Cindy Looy, Ivo Duijnstee, and Barry Lomax

GC5-Mass-42 | Orals | GC5-mass

Refined Permian–Triassic timeline reveals early collapse and delayed recovery of the south polar terrestrial ecosystem

Chris Mays, Vivi Vajda, Tracy Frank, Christopher Fielding, Allen Tevyaw, and Stephen McLoughlin

GC5-Mass-49 | Orals | GC5-mass

Teratology in fossil spores and pollen - A result of chance, a genetic pattern or a result of ecological upheaval?

Julia Gravendyck, Julien Bachelier, and Wolfram Kürschner

GC5-Mass-79 | Orals | GC5-mass

Permian–Triassic biotic and abiotic facets

Elke Schneebeli-Hermann

GC5-Mass-52 | Orals | GC5-mass

Soil loss and resilience associated with end-Triassic deforestation

Bas van de Schootbrugge, Sofie Lindstrom, Paul Strother, Teuntje Hollaar, Natascha Kuhlmann, Jean Thein, Carolien van der Weijst, Han van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, Martin Schobben, Henk Visscher, and Appy Sluijs

GC5-Mass-50 | Orals | GC5-mass

Mutagenesis in land plants during the end-Triassic mass extinction

Sofie Lindström, Hamed Sanei, Bas van de Schootbrugge, Gunver K. Pedersen, Charles E. Lesher, Christian Tegner, Carmen Heunisch, Karen Dybkjær, and Peter M. Outridge

GC5-Mass-11 | Orals | GC5-mass

Second-coming of the dinosaurs: Rapid diversification of birds following the end-Cretaceous mass extinction

Daniel Field, Jacob Berv, Erin Saupe, Antoine Bercovici, Allison Hsiang, Tyler Lyson, and Regan Dunn

GC5-Mass-61 | Orals | GC5-mass

New Evidence for Canopy Collapse at the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary from Leaf Cuticles

Regan Dunn, Antoine Bercovici, Vivi Vajda, Daniel Field, Tyler Lyson, David Fastovsky, and Dean Pearson

GC5-Mass-86 | Orals | GC5-mass

Mammalian extinctions in the age of humans

S. Kathleen Lyons

GC5-Mass-84 | Orals | GC5-mass

Mesozoic plants in palaeo-atmospheric and climate change research

Margret Steinthorsdottir

GC5-Mass-35 | Orals | GC5-mass

Rapid ecological succession of pioneering fern species at the John’s Nose Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary section (North Dakota, USA)

Antoine Bercovici, Regan E Dunn, Vivi Vajda, Daniel J Field, Tyler R Lyson, David E Fastovsky, and Dean A Pearson

GC5-Mass-29 | Orals | GC5-mass

Changes in dinosaur ecosystems leading up to the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in North America

Tyler Lyson, Antoine Bercovici, and Ian Miller

GC5-Mass-85 | Orals | GC5-mass

Timing and pacing of the Late Devonian mass extinction event regulated by eccentricity and obliquity

David De Vleeschouwer and Anne-Christine Da Silva

GC5-Mass-71 | Orals | GC5-mass

Parallel pCO2, Hydrologic and Conifer Physiognomic Trends across the end-Triassic extinction

Jessica Whiteside, Paul Olsen, and Morgan Schaller

GC5-Mass-72 | Orals | GC5-mass

A biomarker and compound specific isotope investigation into the end-Triassic extinction; implications for CIEs and extinction

Calum P. Fox, Jessica H. Whiteside, Paul E. Olsen, Xingqian Cui, Roger E. Summons, and Kliti Grice

GC5-Mass-73 | Orals | GC5-mass

Catastrophe at the end of the Cretaceous? Shallow marine biodiversity, palaeoecology, and the complexities of the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction event

James Witts, Neil H. Landman, Matthew P. Garb, Kayla M. Irizarry, Nicolas Thibault, Mohammed Razmjooei, Ekaterina Larina, Lucy E. Edwards, Thomas E. Yancey, Remy Rovelli, and Corinne E. Meyers

GC5-Mass-82 | Orals | GC5-mass

Redox-dependent phosphorus cycling sets-off a cascading biogeochemical crisis during the end-Permian

Martin Schobben, David P.G. Bond, Paul B. Wignall, Robert J. Newton, and Simon W. Poulton

GC5-Mass-47 | Orals | GC5-mass

Sedex brine expulsions to the ocean: The underling culprit of catastrophic global change and mass extinctions

Emsbo Poul, Thijs R. A. Vandenbroucke, Patrick I. McLaughlin, Wayne. R. Premo, Leonid. A. Neymark, and Carlton E. Brett

GC5-Mass-48 | Orals | GC5-mass

Metal-induced malformations in fossil plankton ground-truth a sedex-fueled mechanism for early Palaeozoic mass extinctions

Thijs R. A. Vandenbroucke, Poul Emsbo, Patrick I. McLaughlin, Julie De Weirdt, Tim De Backer, Alyssa M. Bancroft, and Mark Williams

GC5-Mass-19 | Orals | GC5-mass

The nitrogen cycle and the Ammonium Ocean hypothesis for the end-Permian Mass Extinction

Yadong Sun, Manuel Zulla, Michael Joachimski, David Bond, Paul Wignall, Zaitian Zhang, and Muhui Zhang

GC5-Mass-36 | Orals | GC5-mass

Timing and causes of early Triassic climate disturbances; Linking U-Pb dates and δ13Ccarb record

Philipp Widmann, Nicolas Greber, Maria Ovtcharova, Elke Schneebeli-Hermann, Marc Leu, Nicolas Goudemand, Björn Baresel, Urs Schaltegger, and Hugo Bucher

GC5-Mass-62 | Orals | GC5-mass

Early Triassic nutrient crises limited marine productivity

Stephen Grasby, Jochen Knies, David Bond, Paul Wignall, and Benoit Beuchamp

GC5-Mass-8 | Orals | GC5-mass

Complex causes of Australian megafauna extinctions during the Late Pleistocene

Frédérik Saltré, Joel Chadoeuf, Katharina Peters, Matthew McDowell, Tobias Friedrich, Axel Timmermann, Sean Ulm, and Corey Bradshaw

GC5-Mass-81 | Orals | GC5-mass

Climate Related Stressors and Mass extinctions

Michael M. Joachimski
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