Edith Cowan University
The phrase`organic alexithymia' is introduced as a clinically and theoretically useful construct for furthering understanding of alexithymia and the occurrence of alexithymic symptoms in patients with acquired brain injury (ABI). The... more
Mindfulness practice is becoming an accepted psychological intervention used in clinical settings to help enhance attention. To date however relatively few randomised control trial (RCT) studies have investigated the effect of mindfulness... more
AbstrAct To critically review the literature on Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) within Mood Disorder populations. GSR profiles were examined for the various types of Mood Disorder and their association with comorbidity, suicidality and... more
Objectives: A cross-sectional empirical design was used to compare differences in alexithymia between Australian psychiatric and community samples and examine the influence of sample type on the relation between alexithymia and... more
(2016) A case study of the neuropsychological outcomes following microsurgery, conventional radiotherapy and stereotactic radiotherapy for an adult's recurrent craniopharyngioma, Brain Injury, 30:1,
Objectives: To undertake a critical review of the literature on emotional processing (EP) in bipolar patients in remission. This literature review focuses on a number of dimensions of EP including facial emotion recognition, emotional... more
The goal of this article is to provide a review of the literature on conceptual aspects and measurement of emotional reactivity, and to propose a new measurement of emotional reactivity that addresses the problems identified in the... more
Thirty-six studies met criteria for inclusion. Six domains of EF were identified: Set-shifting (SS), inhibition (INH), planning (PLA), verbal fluency (VF), working memory (WM), and attention (ATT). BD1s performed worse than HCs in all... more
We explore the discursive construction of Italian identity among a bilingual sample of Italian-born Western Australians. Focus groups were held with two groups: Italians who had migrated to Australia as children and a group who had... more
A phenomenological approach was used to explore the transition experiences of 12 undergraduate Seychellois international students within an Australian University. Interviews were conducted in Creole, the participants' native language, and... more
A case study approach was applied to understand the challenges of offering support services to international students (IS) within a university setting. A social constructivist theoretical framework informed the collection and analysis of... more
The purpose of this project is to provide current evidence on the value and effectiveness of support groups, and how ConnectGroups, as a leading peak body for self-help and peer support groups, compares to the activities and work of other... more