Waste operators

Earth wrapped in green recycling arrowsSCIP is a database for information on Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products) established under the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC). Suppliers of articles need to submit this information to ECHA  from 5 January 2021 onwards. SCIP aims to ensure that the information about  substances of very high concern (SVHCs) on the Candidate List is available throughout the whole life cycle of products and materials, including at the waste stage.

It also:

  • encourages substitution of these hazardous substances by safer alternatives in the production of articles; and
  • contributes to a better circular economy by helping waste operators ensure that such substances are not present in recycled materials. 

The SCIP database does not impose duties on waste operators. It makes additional data available to them  to support the waste sector in improving current waste management practices and to foster the use of waste as a resource.

For instance:

  • it could support the segregation of waste containing Candidate List substances in collection, disassembling, and sorting waste operations;
  • it can help identify material-based streams that could be impacted by these substances in articles when they become waste, and;
  • it could also contribute to innovation and emergence of new waste treatment technologies.

Use cases


Crossing arrowsWaste sorting: Identification of articles potentially containing SVHCs in mixed plastic recyclate (Wood, 2019)

Bubbling lab tubeRecyclers: Improved identification of SVHC through the (recycled) plastics value chain (Wood, 2019)

RecyclingEEE recyclers: Improved granularity/dismantling in consumer electronics recycling (Wood, 2019)