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TR99-018 | 8th June 1999 00:00

Reducing Randomness via Chinese Remaindering


Authors: Manindra Agrawal, Somenath Biswas
Publication: 8th June 1999 17:56
Downloads: 3543


We give new randomized algorithms for testing multivariate polynomial
identities over finite fields and rationals. The algorithms use
\lceil \sum_{i=1}^n \log(d_i+1)\rceil (plus \lceil\log\log C\rceil
in case of rationals where C is the largest coefficient)
random bits to test if a
polynomial P(x_1, ..., x_n) is zero where d_i is the degree of
x_i in P and has an error probability of \epsilon for any
\epsilon > 0. The running time of the algorithms is polynomial in
the size of arithmetic circuit representing the input polynomial and
These algorithms use fewer random bits than all the known methods and
also take an order of magnitude less time compared to
some of the recently proposed methods [Chen-Kao, Lewin-Vadhan].
Our algorithms first transform the input polynomial to a univariate
polynomial and then uses Chinese remaindering over univariate
polynomials to efficiently test if it is zero.

We also give a simple test for primality based on identity

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint