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All reports by Author Manindra Agrawal:

TR17-035 | 23rd February 2017
Manindra Agrawal, Michael Forbes, Sumanta Ghosh, Nitin Saxena

Small hitting-sets for tiny arithmetic circuits or: How to turn bad designs into good

Research in the last decade has shown that to prove lower bounds or to derandomize polynomial identity testing (PIT) for general arithmetic circuits it suffices to solve these questions for restricted circuits. In this work, we study the smallest possibly restricted class of circuits, in particular depth-$4$ circuits, which would ... more >>>

TR14-085 | 29th June 2014
Manindra Agrawal, Rohit Gurjar, Arpita Korwar, Nitin Saxena

Hitting-sets for ROABP and Sum of Set-Multilinear circuits

We give a $n^{O(\log n)}$-time ($n$ is the input size) blackbox polynomial identity testing algorithm for unknown-order read-once oblivious algebraic branching programs (ROABP). The best time-complexity known for this class was $n^{O(\log^2 n)}$ due to Forbes-Saptharishi-Shpilka (STOC 2014), and that too only for multilinear ROABP. We get rid of their ... more >>>

TR14-057 | 17th April 2014
Manindra Agrawal, Diptarka Chakraborty, Debarati Das, Satyadev Nandakumar

Measure of Non-pseudorandomness and Deterministic Extraction of Pseudorandomness

Revisions: 3

In this paper, we propose a quantification of distributions on a set
of strings, in terms of how close to pseudorandom the distribution
is. The quantification is an adaptation of the theory of dimension of
sets of infinite sequences first introduced by Lutz
We show that this definition ... more >>>

TR13-174 | 6th December 2013
Manindra Agrawal, Rohit Gurjar, Arpita Korwar, Nitin Saxena

Hitting-sets for low-distance multilinear depth-$3$

The depth-$3$ model has recently gained much importance, as it has become a stepping-stone to understanding general arithmetic circuits. Its restriction to multilinearity has known exponential lower bounds but no nontrivial blackbox identity tests. In this paper we take a step towards designing such hitting-sets. We define a notion of ... more >>>

TR12-113 | 7th September 2012
Manindra Agrawal, Chandan Saha, Nitin Saxena

Quasi-polynomial Hitting-set for Set-depth-$\Delta$ Formulas

We call a depth-$4$ formula $C$ $\textit{ set-depth-4}$ if there exists a (unknown) partition $X_1\sqcup\cdots\sqcup X_d$ of the variable indices $[n]$ that the top product layer respects, i.e. $C(\mathbf{x})=\sum_{i=1}^k {\prod_{j=1}^{d} {f_{i,j}(\mathbf{x}_{X_j})}}$ $ ,$ where $f_{i,j}$ is a $\textit{sparse}$ polynomial in $\mathbb{F}[\mathbf{x}_{X_j}]$. Extending this definition to any depth - we call ... more >>>

TR12-087 | 4th July 2012
Peyman Afshani, Manindra Agrawal, Doerr Benjamin, Winzen Carola, Kasper Green Larsen, Kurt Mehlhorn

The Deterministic and Randomized Query Complexity of a Simple Guessing Game

Revisions: 1

We study the $\leadingones$ game, a Mastermind-type guessing game first
regarded as a test case in the complexity theory of randomized search
heuristics. The first player, Carole, secretly chooses a string $z \in \{0,1\}^n$ and a
permutation $\pi$ of $[n]$.
The goal of the second player, Paul, is to ... more >>>

TR11-143 | 2nd November 2011
Manindra Agrawal, Chandan Saha, Ramprasad Saptharishi, Nitin Saxena

Jacobian hits circuits: Hitting-sets, lower bounds for depth-D occur-k formulas & depth-3 transcendence degree-k circuits

We present a single, common tool to strictly subsume all known cases of polynomial time blackbox polynomial identity testing (PIT) that have been hitherto solved using diverse tools and techniques. In particular, we show that polynomial time hitting-set generators for identity testing of the two seemingly different and well studied ... more >>>

TR08-062 | 11th June 2008
Manindra Agrawal, V Vinay

Arithmetic Circuits: A Chasm at Depth Four

We show that proving exponential lower bounds on depth four arithmetic
circuits imply exponential lower bounds for unrestricted depth arithmetic
circuits. In other words, for exponential sized circuits additional depth
beyond four does not help.

We then show that a complete black-box derandomization of Identity Testing problem for depth four ... more >>>

TR06-129 | 6th October 2006
Manindra Agrawal, Thanh Minh Hoang, Thomas Thierauf

The polynomially bounded perfect matching problem is in NC^2

The perfect matching problem is known to
be in P, in randomized NC, and it is hard for NL.
Whether the perfect matching problem is in NC is one of
the most prominent open questions in complexity
theory regarding parallel computations.

Grigoriev and Karpinski studied the perfect matching problem
more >>>

TR99-018 | 8th June 1999
Manindra Agrawal, Somenath Biswas

Reducing Randomness via Chinese Remaindering

We give new randomized algorithms for testing multivariate polynomial
identities over finite fields and rationals. The algorithms use
\lceil \sum_{i=1}^n \log(d_i+1)\rceil (plus \lceil\log\log C\rceil
in case of rationals where C is the largest coefficient)
random bits to test if a
polynomial P(x_1, ..., x_n) is zero where d_i is ... more >>>

TR98-057 | 10th September 1998
Manindra Agrawal, Eric Allender, Samir Datta, Heribert Vollmer, Klaus W. Wagner

Characterizing Small Depth and Small Space Classes by Operators of Higher Types

Motivated by the question of how to define an analog of interactive
proofs in the setting of logarithmic time- and space-bounded
computation, we study complexity classes defined in terms of
operators quantifying over oracles. We obtain new
characterizations of $\NCe$, $\L$, $\NL$, $\NP$, ... more >>>

TR97-060 | 2nd December 1997
Manindra Agrawal, Thomas Thierauf

The Satisfiability Problem for Probabilistic Ordered Branching Programs

We show that the satisfiability problem for
bounded error probabilistic ordered branching programs is NP-complete.
If the error is very small however
(more precisely,
if the error is bounded by the reciprocal of the width of the branching program),
then we have a polynomial-time algorithm for the satisfiability problem.
more >>>

TR97-016 | 29th April 1997
Manindra Agrawal, Eric Allender, Samir Datta

On TC^0, AC^0, and Arithmetic Circuits

Continuing a line of investigation that has studied the
function classes #P, #SAC^1, #L, and #NC^1, we study the
class of functions #AC^0. One way to define #AC^0 is as the
class of functions computed by constant-depth polynomial-size
arithmetic circuits of unbounded fan-in addition ... more >>>

TR96-032 | 12th March 1996
Manindra Agrawal, Thomas Thierauf

The Boolean Isomorphism Problem

We investigate the computational complexity of the Boolean Isomorphism problem (BI):
on input of two Boolean formulas F and G decide whether there exists a permutation of
the variables of G such that F and G become equivalent.

Our main result is a one-round interactive proof ... more >>>

TR96-002 | 10th January 1996
Manindra Agrawal, Eric Allender

An Isomorphism Theorem for Circuit Complexity

We show that all sets complete for NC$^1$ under AC$^0$
reductions are isomorphic under AC$^0$-computable isomorphisms.

Although our proof does not generalize directly to other
complexity classes, we do show that, for all complexity classes C
closed under NC$^1$-computable many-one reductions, the sets ... more >>>

TR96-001 | 10th January 1996
Manindra Agrawal, Richard Beigel, Thomas Thierauf

Modulo Information from Nonadaptive Queries to NP

The classes of languages accepted by nondeterministic polynomial-time
Turing machines (NP machines, in short) that have restricted access to
an NP oracle --- the machines can ask k queries to the NP oracle and
the answer they receive is the number of queries ... more >>>

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