Spatial Orientation Skill Improvement with Geospatial Applications: Report of a Multi-Year Study
:1. Introduction
2. Spatial Orientation
Spatial Orientation Skill Measurement
3. Resources
4. Experiences Using On-Line Map Interfaces
5. Data Analysis
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No. Workshop (Participants) | Academic Year | Students | Hardware | Activity | Perspective Taking/Spatial Orientation Test Average Values | ||
Pre-Test (s.d.) | Post-Test (s.d.) | Gain (s.d.) | |||||
I (47) | 2009–2010 | First year engineering course | PC | Survey learning | 50.01 (31.40) | 37.11 (29.05) | 12.90 (19.47) |
II (52) | 2010–2011 | 50.36 (30.22) | 35.29 (28.27) | 15.06 (20.02) | |||
III (54) | 2010–2011 | Second year engineering course | Tablet PC (iPad) | 46.37 (24.49) | 28.16 (18.97) | 18.22 (16.53) | |
IV (248) | 2009–2014 | PC | 46.93 (25.29) | 27.72 (18.91) | 19.21 (15.54) | ||
V (158) | 2010–2014 | Survey learning and Wayfinding | 44.55 (21.74) | 25.49 (16.73) | 19.06 (16.13) |
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Carbonell-Carrera, C.; Hess Medler, S. Spatial Orientation Skill Improvement with Geospatial Applications: Report of a Multi-Year Study. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 278.
Carbonell-Carrera C, Hess Medler S. Spatial Orientation Skill Improvement with Geospatial Applications: Report of a Multi-Year Study. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2017; 6(9):278.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCarbonell-Carrera, Carlos, and Stephany Hess Medler. 2017. "Spatial Orientation Skill Improvement with Geospatial Applications: Report of a Multi-Year Study" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6, no. 9: 278.
APA StyleCarbonell-Carrera, C., & Hess Medler, S. (2017). Spatial Orientation Skill Improvement with Geospatial Applications: Report of a Multi-Year Study. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(9), 278.