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HISAT: a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements


HISAT (hierarchical indexing for spliced alignment of transcripts) is a highly efficient system for aligning reads from RNA sequencing experiments. HISAT uses an indexing scheme based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform and the Ferragina-Manzini (FM) index, employing two types of indexes for alignment: a whole-genome FM index to anchor each alignment and numerous local FM indexes for very rapid extensions of these alignments. HISAT's hierarchical index for the human genome contains 48,000 local FM indexes, each representing a genomic region of 64,000 bp. Tests on real and simulated data sets showed that HISAT is the fastest system currently available, with equal or better accuracy than any other method. Despite its large number of indexes, HISAT requires only 4.3 gigabytes of memory. HISAT supports genomes of any size, including those larger than 4 billion bases.

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Figure 1: RNA-seq read types and their relative proportions from 20 million simulated 100-bp reads.
Figure 2: Alignment speed of spliced alignment software for 20 million simulated 100-bp reads.
Figure 3: Alignment accuracy of spliced alignment software for 20 million simulated 100-bp reads.
Figure 4: Alignment accuracy of spliced-alignment software for reads with small anchors from 20 million simulated reads.

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We thank G. Pertea and L. Song for their invaluable contributions to our discussions on HISAT. We also thank C. Trapnell for the use of his TuxSim simulation program. This work was supported in part by the National Human Genome Research Institute (US National Institutes of Health) under grants R01-HG006102 and R01-HG006677 to S.L.S.

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D.K., B.L. and S.L.S. performed the analysis and discussed the results of HISAT. D.K. implemented HISAT. D.K., B.L. and S.L.S. wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Daehwan Kim, Ben Langmead or Steven L Salzberg.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Integrated supplementary information

Supplementary Figure 1 Alignment speed and sensitivity of spliced alignment software for 40 million error-free simulated paired-end reads (100 bp long, 20 million pairs).

This figure shows the alignment speed and sensitivity for each type of pair (all, M, 2M_gt_15, 2M_8_15, 2M_1_7, gt_2M, where ‘all’ includes all the pair types). Since a pair consists of left and right reads, the type of a pair is determined by the more difficult read type. The difficulties of read types are given in the following order from easiest to most difficult: M, 2M_gt_15, 2M_8_15, 2M_1_7, and gt_2M. The plot on the left shows the alignment speed of the programs in terms of the number of pairs processed per second. The right plot shows alignment sensitivity. Pairs are categorized as: (1) correctly and uniquely mapped, (2) correctly mapped (multi-mapped), (3) incorrectly mapped, and (4) unmapped. Case (2) covers instances where an aligner mapped a pair to multiple locations and one of the locations was correct. These four categories encompass all of the pairs. The numbers in the right plot represent the percentages of case (1). The numbers inside the parentheses represent the percentages of cases (1) and (2) combined.

Source data

Supplementary Figure 2 Alignment speed and sensitivity of spliced alignment software for 20 million simulated single-end reads with a mismatch rate of 0.5% (100 bp long).

This figure shows the alignment speed and sensitivity for each type of read (all, M, 2M_gt_15, 2M_8_15, 2M_1_7, gt_2M, where ‘all’ includes all the read types). The plot on the left shows the alignment speed of the programs in terms of the number of reads processed per second. The right plot shows alignment sensitivity. Reads are categorized as: (1) correctly and uniquely mapped, (2) correctly mapped (multi-mapped), (3) incorrectly mapped, and (4) unmapped. Case (2) covers instances where an aligner mapped a read to multiple locations and one of the locations was correct. These four categories encompass all of the reads. The numbers in the right plot represent the percentages of case (1). The numbers inside the parentheses represent the percentages of cases (1) and (2) combined. Note that by looking at both plots, it is easy to see tradeoffs between alignment speed and sensitivity.

Source data

Supplementary Figure 3 Alignment results for 109 million reads, each 101 bp long, from a human sample.

Shown are the cumulative numbers of alignments up to a given edit distance. Edit distance is defined here simply as the number of differences (‘edits’) between the read and the reference sequence. The leftmost panel shows reads that matched exactly (with an edit distance of 0). The next panel (labelled “1”) shows the number of reads that aligned with either 0 or 1 mismatches; similarly for the panels labelled 2 and 3. Note that GSNAP and STAR report soft-clipped alignments where bases on the ends of reads are left unaligned. To compute edit distances for these alignments, we re-aligned the soft-clipped bases to their corresponding locations in the reference genome and calculated the number of mismatches.

Source data

Supplementary Figure 4 Alignment results of spliced alignment software for 109 million real reads (101 bp long).

This figure shows the cumulative number of spliced alignments up to a given edit distance (0, 1, 2, and 3) whose splice sites are known in gene annotations.

Source data

Supplementary Figure 5 Alignment speed and sensitivity of spliced-alignment software for 40 million simulated paired-end reads with a mismatch rate of 0.5% (100 bp long, 20 million pairs).

This figure shows the alignment speed and sensitivity for each type of pair (all, M, 2M_gt_15, 2M_8_15, 2M_1_7, gt_2M, where ‘all’ includes all the pair types). Since a pair consists of left and right reads, the type of a pair is determined by the more difficult read type. The difficulties of read types are given in the following order from easiest to most difficult: M, 2M_gt_15, 2M_8_15, 2M_1_7, and gt_2M. The plot on the left shows the alignment speed of the programs in terms of the number of pairs processed per second. The right plot shows alignment sensitivity. Pairs are categorized as: (1) correctly and uniquely mapped, (2) correctly mapped (multi-mapped), (3) incorrectly mapped, and (4) unmapped. Case (2) covers instances where an aligner mapped a pair to multiple locations and one of the locations was correct. These four categories encompass all of the pairs. The numbers in the right plot represent the percentages of case (1). The numbers inside the parentheses represent the percentages of cases (1) and (2) combined.

Source data

Supplementary Figure 6 Alignment results of spliced alignment software for ~218 million real paired-end reads (~109 million pairs).

This figure shows two plots: (1) the cumulative number of alignments up to a given edit distance (0, 1, 2, and 3) and (2) the cumulative number of spliced alignments whose splice sites are known in gene annotations. Note these alignments are pair alignments with the combined edit distance from the left and the right alignments. Spliced alignments are those whose read alignment is a spliced alignment.

Source data

Supplementary Figure 7 Alignment results of spliced alignment software for ~126 million real paired-end reads (~63 million pairs).

This figure shows two plots: (1) the cumulative number of alignments up to a given edit distance (0, 1, 2, and 3) and (2) the cumulative number of spliced alignments whose splice sites are known in gene annotations. Note these alignments are pair alignments with the combined edit distance from the left and the right alignments. Spliced alignments are those whose read alignment is a spliced alignment.

Source data

Supplementary Figure 8 Three working examples demonstrating how HISAT applies its hierarchical indexing for fast and sensitive alignment.

The examples include alignment of one exonic read and two junction reads (one an intermediate-anchored read and the other a long-anchored read). Reads are error-free and 100-bp long.

Supplementary Figure 9 Two-step approach version of HISAT to allow alignment of junction reads with small anchors.

This figure shows how to align reads with short anchors (1-7 bp) by making use of splice sites found by reads with long anchors.

Supplementary Figure 10 Alignment of junction reads in the presence of processed pseudogenes.

This figure shows how to correctly align reads that would otherwise be mapped incorrectly to processed pseudogenes.

Supplementary Figure 11 Three more examples demonstrating how HISAT applies its hierarchical indexing for reads involving mismatches, indels and three exons.

The examples include alignment of one exonic read with one mismatch, one exonic read with an indel, and three exon spanning reads with two small anchors on both sides. Reads are 100-bp long.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Text and Figures

Supplementary Figures 1–11, Supplementary Tables 1–7 and Supplementary Note (PDF 453 kb)

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Kim, D., Langmead, B. & Salzberg, S. HISAT: a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements. Nat Methods 12, 357–360 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.3317

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