The impervious surface area (ISA) at the regional scale is one of the important environmental factors for examining the interaction and mechanism of Land Use/Cover Change (LUCC)-ecosystem processes-climate change under the interactions of urbanization and global environmental change. Timely and accurate extraction of ISA from remotely sensed data at the regional scale is challenging. This study explored the ISA extraction based on MODIS and DMSP-OLS data and the incorporation of China’s land use/cover data. ISA datasets in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Metropolitan Area (BTTMA) in 2000 and 2008 at a spatial resolution of 250 m were developed, their spatiotemporal changes were analyzed, and their impacts on water quality were then evaluated. The results indicated that ISA in BTTMA increased rapidly along urban fringe, transportation corridors and coastal belt both in intensity and extents from 2000 to 2008. Three cities (Tangshan, Langfang and Qinhuangdao) in Hebei Province had higher ISA growth rates than Beijing due to the pressure of population-resources-environments in the city resulting in increasingly transferring industries to the nearby areas. The dense ISA distribution in BTTMA has serious impacts on water quality in the Haihe River watershed. Meanwhile, the proportion of ISA in sub-watersheds has significantly linear relationships with the densities of river COD and NH3-N.
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Foundation: The Young Scientist Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40901224; National Basic Research Program of China, No.2010CB950900; Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, No.2009KFJJ005; Open Fund of State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Information System, No.A0725
Author: Kuang Wenhui (1978–), Ph.D and Assistant Professor, specialized in land use/cover change, remote sensing and GIS.
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Kuang, W. Evaluating impervious surface growth and its impacts on water environment in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Metropolitan Area. J. Geogr. Sci. 22, 535–547 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-012-0945-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-012-0945-y