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aletler içinde değerlendirilmiştir. Özellikle proto-iki yüzeylilerin varlığı ve endüstri grubu içinde yontuk çakıl kültürüne ait aletlerin çok sayıda olması dikkate alınarak Acheuléen kültürün erken aşamalarından söz etmek mümkün görünecektir. Ancak, Acheuléen görünümlü bu teknolojik yapıyı sunan bazı buluntu alanlarında Mousterién kültüre özgü alet ve çekirdeklerin de olması farklı olasılıkları düşündürmektedir. Paleolitik
yontmataş buluntuların sadece tekno-tipolojik özelliklerine bakılarak belirli bir kültüre bağlanması istisnai durumlar haricinde genellikle bir soru işareti içerir. Özellikle Ege Bölgesi için bu daha büyük bir sorunsaldır.
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü’nün
izni ve Türk Tarih Kurumu’nun maddi destekleri ile 31.08.2018-
11.09.2018 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilmiştir.
terms of the source of life. The area is important because of this feature for the archaeological data
especially Prehistoric Archaeology. It is also an important region where different life models develop
from the earliest settlements to the later settlements, in other words, the traces of the transition from
pastoral to urban life can be observed. All these different life models and thus the dynamics of the
settlement are manifested in the archaeological material produced and used. The architectural remains,
tombs, cemeteries, monumental buildings, sculpture works, ceramics, stone tools, bone tools, ornamentdecoration
objects, which constitute a benchmark in understanding the settlement, will each reveal a
different perspective. The aim of this study is to investigate the reasons and to understand the activities
pointed out by the archaeological material in daily life and to reveal the roles of these activities in the
economic structure of the settlement. Its also contains the techno-typological analysis and sample of
some bone tools.
which is the most important extant structure of the antique Prusias
and Hypium cities within the borderlines of Konuralp District have
been going on since 2013 under the presidency of Konuralp Museum
Managery and with the scientific counseling of Düzce University
Archaeology Department. During the works held in 2017 stage, a wall
built transversely to the entrance in the parados pass was discovered.
In the internal part of the structure to which a wall of 1.20 m height
and 70-71 cm width belongs, a lot of animal bones seemed as scrap
were obtained within highly dense lime detected at the 237 m. sea
level in the 2018 excavation studies. The existence of metapodial
bones among the sheep, cattle and goat bones that were understood
to have been cut with various methods and of a pawn found at the
same level proved the place to have been used as a bone workplace.
The coin which was found under the mentioned wall in 2017 and
thought to belong to Emperor Arcadius (395-408 AD) revealed the
fact that the wall was built within those years at the earliest. Besides,
the ceramics found at the same level as the scrap bones proved that
the structure was used in the 5th and 6th centuries, AD.
aletler içinde değerlendirilmiştir. Özellikle proto-iki yüzeylilerin varlığı ve endüstri grubu içinde yontuk çakıl kültürüne ait aletlerin çok sayıda olması dikkate alınarak Acheuléen kültürün erken aşamalarından söz etmek mümkün görünecektir. Ancak, Acheuléen görünümlü bu teknolojik yapıyı sunan bazı buluntu alanlarında Mousterién kültüre özgü alet ve çekirdeklerin de olması farklı olasılıkları düşündürmektedir. Paleolitik
yontmataş buluntuların sadece tekno-tipolojik özelliklerine bakılarak belirli bir kültüre bağlanması istisnai durumlar haricinde genellikle bir soru işareti içerir. Özellikle Ege Bölgesi için bu daha büyük bir sorunsaldır.
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü’nün
izni ve Türk Tarih Kurumu’nun maddi destekleri ile 31.08.2018-
11.09.2018 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilmiştir.
terms of the source of life. The area is important because of this feature for the archaeological data
especially Prehistoric Archaeology. It is also an important region where different life models develop
from the earliest settlements to the later settlements, in other words, the traces of the transition from
pastoral to urban life can be observed. All these different life models and thus the dynamics of the
settlement are manifested in the archaeological material produced and used. The architectural remains,
tombs, cemeteries, monumental buildings, sculpture works, ceramics, stone tools, bone tools, ornamentdecoration
objects, which constitute a benchmark in understanding the settlement, will each reveal a
different perspective. The aim of this study is to investigate the reasons and to understand the activities
pointed out by the archaeological material in daily life and to reveal the roles of these activities in the
economic structure of the settlement. Its also contains the techno-typological analysis and sample of
some bone tools.
which is the most important extant structure of the antique Prusias
and Hypium cities within the borderlines of Konuralp District have
been going on since 2013 under the presidency of Konuralp Museum
Managery and with the scientific counseling of Düzce University
Archaeology Department. During the works held in 2017 stage, a wall
built transversely to the entrance in the parados pass was discovered.
In the internal part of the structure to which a wall of 1.20 m height
and 70-71 cm width belongs, a lot of animal bones seemed as scrap
were obtained within highly dense lime detected at the 237 m. sea
level in the 2018 excavation studies. The existence of metapodial
bones among the sheep, cattle and goat bones that were understood
to have been cut with various methods and of a pawn found at the
same level proved the place to have been used as a bone workplace.
The coin which was found under the mentioned wall in 2017 and
thought to belong to Emperor Arcadius (395-408 AD) revealed the
fact that the wall was built within those years at the earliest. Besides,
the ceramics found at the same level as the scrap bones proved that
the structure was used in the 5th and 6th centuries, AD.