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Frequently Asked Questions

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About Denver Urban Gardens

How are you funded?

Denver Urban Gardens is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is funded through a variety of sources, including individual contributions, grants from government agencies as well as private and corporate foundations. Community support is critical to our success! Click here to donate to Denver Urban Gardens..

What is your relationship with city government?

Denver Urban Gardens is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We currently receive funding through a competitive grant program offered by the Denver Office of Economic Development for our community garden operations in the City and County of Denver, and frequently partner with city and county agencies across the metro area in garden lease agreements, program development, and neighborhood improvement.

What is your relationship with DeLaney Community Farm?

DeLaney Community Farm is Denver Urban Gardens’ Community Supported Agriculture project in Aurora. Click here to learn more about DeLaney Community Farm.

What is your relationship with the Denver Botanic Gardens?

Denver Urban Gardens and the Denver Botanic Gardens frequently partner, but are two separate nonprofit organizations. Currently, Denver Botanic Gardens is a partner on a DUG Community Garden just east of the Botanic Gardens, and they have graciously hosted multiple DUG events and workshops in the past.

Are you affiliated with Denver Urban Ministries?

While DUG has partnered with Denver Urban Ministries in the past, the two organizations are not related. Click here to visit the Denver Urban Ministries website.

Do you have any employment opportunities?

The best way to learn about employment opportunities through Denver Urban Gardens is to participate in DUG leadership programs such as the Community Composter Training Program or Food Forestry Training Program. You might also consider becoming a regular volunteer with DUG.

Explore internship or employment opportunities, follow us on Instagram, or join our email list to be the first to find out when we’re hiring.

Community Gardens

How do your community gardens work?

Most DUG community gardens are comprised of many separate garden plots that are cared for by individuals or families. Community gardeners care for and harvest from their own plot. Shared spaces like pathways, perennial herb and flower beds, sheds, and gathering spaces are cared for by all members of a community garden. The day to day operations of the garden, including new gardener sign-ups and organization of community work days and potlucks, are handled by volunteer garden leaders or steering committees.

How do I get a plot in a Denver Urban Gardens community garden?

First, identify a garden (or two or three) that work for you by exploring our garden directory. There, you’ll find the contact information for the Garden Leader to whom you can inquire about available plots and the registration process.

Where are your gardens located, and who owns the land?

Denver Urban Gardens has assisted neighborhoods and community groups in establishing community gardens across the Denver metro area. Most DUG community gardens are located in the city’s low- to moderate-income neighborhoods. Many gardens are located at schools, community centers, churches, public housing developments, and in parks. Denver Urban Gardens owns a very small percentage of our community gardens. In most cases, we work with local governments, schools, or other organizations to develop long-term lease agreements.

How much does it cost?

Plot fees vary for each garden, but the average plot fee is $35 a year and helps us to cover the cost of water and other annual expenses such as compost. Plot fees can be waived for those who are unable to pay. To assist gardeners, DUG operates Grow a Garden for low- to moderate-income residents.

How big are the individual garden plots?

Plot sizes vary from garden to garden, but most are 10 feet by 15 feet or around 150 square feet.

How do I get an application for a community garden plot?

Applications are available from garden leaders in the spring. We do not post them online to ensure that gardeners first speak with garden leaders before turning in their applications. Garden leaders send all applications and plot fees to DUG in late Spring.

When does water get turned on?

DUG and agency partners begin turning on water at gardens in late April to early May, weather permitting. The average date of last freeze for Denver is May 5th, therefore DUG staff closely monitor weather forecasts beginning in late April to evaluate the earliest date to turn on water while minimizing the risk of freeze breaks in water systems.

Why does the water get turned off, and when does it happen?

When liquid water freezes solid, it increases in volume about 9%. As the remaining liquid water inside a pipe is relatively incompressible, this increase in volume easily breaks irrigation pipes, from flexible poly pipe to solid brass.  Anytime the air temperature drops below freezing (32 degrees F) for several hours, exposed pipes containing water are at risk to freeze and break, especially above ground pipes such as hose bib risers and back-flow prevention valves.

DUG and agency partners begin turning off water at gardens in early to mid October. The average date of first freeze for Denver is October 7th, therefore DUG staff closely monitor weather forecasts starting in October to evaluate the latest date to turn off water while minimizing the risk of freeze breaks in water systems. Once the water is turned off, the irrigation lines are drained and/or blown out with compressed air to remove all water, thereby eliminating the risk of costly, wasteful and time consuming freeze breaks.

How do I volunteer in a community garden?

Since community garden plots are gardened by individuals or families, volunteering in a community garden typically does not mean planting or harvesting. Volunteer opportunities in community gardens are most often related to garden construction or improvement. Learn more about volunteering with DUG.

Do I need a background check to garden with DUG?

Potential gardeners only need to submit to a background check if they would like to garden at a school-based community garden on Denver Public Schools (DPS) property.

Denver Public Schools considers community gardeners to be school volunteers and requires that each gardener comply with DPS Volunteer Services Policies. Therefore, all gardeners who wish to garden at a school-based community garden in Denver, including family members of students, fall under the classification of a DPS Volunteer, and a background check will be required. While a photo ID is required, it does not need to be issued by the US Government. For example, a foreign photo ID such as a passport, license, student or Consulate ID would suffice. A social security number is also not required to complete the process. The information provided by a volunteer on the background check form is completely confidential and is never shared with other government agencies outside of DPS. Background check forms are available from the garden leaders at each garden.

Denver Urban Gardens is grateful for our longstanding partnership with DPS. Gardens on school grounds allow DUG to increase our organizational capacity by eliminating the costs of land acquisition and water tap fees. More importantly, participants at school-based community gardens are afforded the opportunity to interact with school communities, strengthening the sense of community in urban neighborhoods and creating partnerships among teachers, students, volunteers, and neighbors.

I think my neighborhood or school could use a community garden. Can you help?

Partnering with community members to build and support community gardens is the foundation of DUG’s mission. Click here to request a new garden information packet. Once you have received the information in your packet, contact us with any further questions. If you feel you are ready to start the process, send in your completed community garden application. A staff member will contact you within two weeks. DUG partners with community members to create deeply rooted, lasting spaces for community building, and this means that we choose the projects with the greatest potential for meaningful community impact and sustainability. If your community garden project is not quite ready, DUG staff can work with you to identify your next steps.

What is Denver Urban Gardens' role in community gardens?

DUG offers neighborhoods the essential resources for community gardens, including on-going technical expertise with:

1. Securing sustainable land for gardens;
2. Designing and building gardens;
3. Supporting garden organization, leadership, outreach and maintenance;
4. Utilizing gardens as extraordinary places for learning and healthy living; and
5. Linking gardens with related local food system projects and policy.

Depending on the needs of the community, DUG can be involved every step of the way, including garden organization and leadership development, funding and fundraising, design and construction, education, and longterm garden support. Critical to our mission is the belief that we need to come alongside neighborhoods, in a support role, as they work to create their own urban community gardens. We seek to enable, unite and empower participants to reach out and build their community.

I own a vacant piece of land. Can I turn it into a community garden?

To ensure the longevity of a community garden, Denver Urban Gardens does not typically seek to build gardens on privately owned land. Community gardens work best when they are permanent spaces for community enjoyment, where the use as a garden is part of the longterm programming of the site.

Theft and Vandalism in Community Gardens

Someone is stealing our produce. What can we do?

It’s important to remember that most produce theft is not malicious. Often, people that steal produce are hungry and take from the garden if an opportunity presents itself. On rare occasions, a community gardener might be tempted to take produce from another gardener’s plot. Recognizing the incredible disappointment when a long-awaited vegetable is taken, seasoned gardeners tend to adopt the attitude that “if they needed it that bad, I hope they enjoyed it.”

DUG recommends the following strategies for deterring theft:

Install a Donation Basket: Affix a donation basket to a fence post near the front gate of the garden, where gardeners can easily donate their extra vegetables on their way out of the garden. Ideally the basket should include an informal sign offering the extra vegetables to neighbors in need and requesting that the basket be left in place. It would also be useful to explain on the sign the way the garden works and how to go about getting on a list for a plot. Rather than asking all gardeners to donate surplus to the basket, another strategy is for your garden to designate a community plot, cultivated specifically to provide produce for the basket. Donation baskets make non-gardeners feel welcome and included and that can go a long way toward creating a sense of community in your garden and neighborhood and in turn preventing theft.

Plant Perimeter Edibles: Plant a row of food along the outside of the garden fence, such as a raspberry hedge, or grape vines, that people walking by can snack from, potentially curbing their temptation to enter the garden and take vegetables from individual plots.

Educate the Broader Community: Create a flyer mentioning all of the neighboring business, institutions and police officers that are partnering with the garden in an informal neighborhood watch program. The purpose of the flyer is to help spread the word that a community garden is a neighborhood asset and that a garden works best when everyone does their part to help prevent theft and vandalism. The flyer should also explain how a community garden works, how to get involved and that “community” garden doesn’t mean the produce is free for all community members to take. Recently, DUG has developed signage for gardens to attach to their perimeter fence, which asks passersby to respect the garden and the hard work of the gardeners and to please not take produce without permission. To obtain one of these signs for your garden, please contact DUG at 303.292.9900 or dirt@dug.org.

Engage Watchful Eyes: If you seem to have a problem with theft (or vandalism), notify gardeners and neighbors and ask them to keep an eye on things. Make friends with neighbors whose windows overlook the community garden, trading flowers and vegetables for a protective eye. Talk to the community officer in your area and ask them to be sure and add the garden to their daily route. If you suspect that youth are vandalizing your community garden, alert the administrators of the local middle and high schools.

Confronting Someone in the Act: With every strategy, communication is critical, and that means talking to the produce thief if you happen to catch them in the act. It’s important not to accuse, but rather approach them in a friendly way, explain how a community garden works and that taking produce without permission is not allowed and then invite the person to get involved as a gardener or volunteer. Gardeners are generous people and they tend to be very willing to share their harvest, but they are especially willing when asked.

Planning Your Plot to Deter Theft: Consider arranging your plot to be less inviting to theft, including planting potatoes, other root crops, and/or less desirable vegetables at the edges of your plot, while being sure to harvest crops like tomatoes and peppers on a daily basis as soon as they ripen. Other creative ideas include planting crops such as purple varieties of cauliflower and beans and white eggplants to confuse opportunistic thieves.

Garden theft, while frustrating, is usually an act that comes from a place of hunger or misunderstanding. Community gardens, by their nature and location, will always be more prone to theft than home gardens. As a community gardener, you will have a much happier growing season if you anticipate and accept that garden theft sometimes happens, regardless of the steps you take to prevent it.

Someone is vandalizing our garden. What can we do?

Vandalism is a willful act of destruction that is often difficult to police or prevent. It has been DUG’s experience that most vandals are neighborhood youth just looking for something mischievous to do. The best solution is to be as inclusive as possible and provide ample education about the garden to the surrounding community. DUG encourages community gardeners to invite neighbors and young people to enjoy common spaces in the garden and even to get involved as a participant. Community gardens tend to be left alone when gardeners are present in the garden, when gardeners and neighbors know each other and when everyone values and understands the purpose of the garden.

In addition to many of the strategies suggested to deter theft, DUG also recommends the following for preventing vandalism:

Visiting the Garden Often: Encourage all gardeners to visit their garden regularly, including spending social time in the garden. A garden that is continuously populated by gardeners is the best deterrent for vandalism.

Invite Neighbors to Join a Garden Celebration: Host a potluck or picnic in the garden and invite the whole neighborhood, including neighborhood youth! Offer activities at the potluck to interest youth, such as painting a mural together. People who feel excluded from the garden are potential vandals. Also consider inviting local police and community officials to garden potlucks and celebrations.

Be Diligent about Locking the Gate: It is worth being thoughtful about locking gates when leaving your garden. While this may not keep out determined vandals that are just as willing to climb a 6ft fence as they are a 4ft one, it does have the potential to keep out those that are wandering by “just looking for something to do.”

Add Lighting: Consider requesting alley or sidewalk lighting from the City, or even install a few solar powered low voltage lights on the interior of the garden.

Have Children in the Garden Paint a Mural: Arrange a project with the children in the garden to paint a mural on a garden bench back or to hang on the outside of the fence. The mural can include a request for the community to respect and look after the garden, as well as a message about how much the children care about their garden. Often, youth involved in the garden become the garden’s best protectors.

Be Thoughtful when Planting Pumpkins: If your garden plans to grow pumpkins, consider making them less visible in the garden is some way, including their location. Their bright orange color and their size become a major temptation for vandals. Even consider planting gourds and miniature pumpkins instead.

Involve People in Their Own Process of Behavioral Change: If specific individuals are known to be vandalizing the garden, provide a positive channel (win-win situation) for them to personally get involved in repairing the damage. Have them replant, work on digging in compost to soil that has been compacted or be engaged in making improvements to small areas of the garden. Most people would rather be recognized for acts in which they can show a sense of pride than for those in which they have been responsible for damage.

Food Forests

What is a food forest?

DUG food forests are public access spaces where fruit trees and other edible perennials are planted with dryland techniques. Anyone in the community can walk through our twenty (and counting) food forests, harvest food, and enjoy the shade-producing oases. They are designed to thrive in a changing climate while providing food for the community at the same time.

What kinds of trees and plants are grown in your food forests?

We select fruit and nut trees that grow great in Denver and varieties that more disease resistant, such as: Apples, Pears (European and Asian), Plums, Tart/Pie Cherries, Jujube, Mulberry, Hazelnut, Persimmon, and Peaches (only in cool microclimates). Our food forests also have berry shrubs and smaller fruit bearing companions such as currants, jostaberries, honeyberries, bush cherries, elderberry, serviceberry, aronia, blackberry, and boysenberry. In each planting basin we also incorporate nitrogen fixers to further improve the vitality of the plants and soil.

Who can receive the food?

Everyone! These sites are for the public, so anyone walking by may harvest however much they like! Each site includes educational signage that displays information on how to interact with the food forest and harvesting instructions, as well as smaller species signs next to trees and fruit bearing shrubs so that they can be identified by visitors. If fruit goes unharvested by community members, we will partner with gleaning organizations to recover unpicked fruit and redistribute them out to the community.

How can I get involved in food forests?

Each food forest has at least two dedicated volunteers we call Tree Keepers, who are trained to steward the site to ensure it survives and thrives over the years. If you are interested in learning more or being a tree keeper, let us know on our website at dug.org/volunteer and click “Become a Tree Keeper.”


Can I become a long term volunteer with DUG / What is SPOT?

Volunteers can join our SPOT program to participate in ongoing, specialized, and/or programmatic projects throughout the growing season. This can include: supporting youth education, sustainability, construction, donation plot cultivation, community outreach and events, art projects, etc.

Can I volunteer with children?

Yes! DUG is always looking for volunteers to help support activities in classrooms and at after-school garden clubs. You can express interest in working with children by signing up for our SPOT program (described above) or emailing Marisa at marisa@dug.org

How can I volunteer with DUG?

From March to October, we have volunteer opportunities nearly every day which you can find and sign up for at dug.org/volunteer. Our volunteer workdays take place in our gardens and food forests all over Denver and are often run by our community garden leaders themselves. These opportunities range in location, timing, and project so you can find whatever works for you on our website! If you would like to complete community service hours with DUG, you can reach out to Volunteer Programs Manager, Marisa Loury, marisa@dug.org to learn about opportunities.

Can my company volunteer with DUG?

On most Wednesdays and Fridays from 9-12pm, we have team-building opportunities where groups can come out and tackle a bigger project together. This can include preparing food forests, planting trees, building plots, or even building a community garden. We provide snacks, training, music, and DUG swag. We charge $1500 to help offset the cost of supplies and staffing and can accommodate up to 25 volunteers. This is a super fun and rewarding way to get everyone out at the same time!

Educational Resources

How can I learn more?

We have a thriving online community called DUG Online where you can connect with thousands of other gardeners in the Denver metro area (and beyond). You can share photos of your harvest, ask questions, or share gardening resources. Joining is free so make your account at https://community.dug.org/

Where can I find information on gardening and composting online?

We have many resources available online in the form of blogs, guides, and infographics.

Do you offer classes or training programs?

DUG offers training and education programs that make learning interactive and engaging. Through DUG, community members, community gardeners, and students of all ages can take part in workshops and training programs in community organizing, basic horticulture, composting, and more. You can learn more and sign up for an upcoming workshop or training at dug.org/learn

I am a novice gardener and am looking for a mentor. Can DUG help?

We offer extensive free gardening resources/articles on our website. We also facilitate DUG Online, an online forum where gardeners exchange information across skill sets and gardening levels and is a great resource to share/gain knowledge!

In addition, the Grow a Garden program provides a select number of novice gardeners with a mentor every May. We match these new gardeners with experienced gardeners in their neighborhoods to provide support and advice. This program is offered at no-cost to participants. If you are interested in the possibility of being matched with a mentor, please note this when you fill out your order form for the Grow a Garden program.

Compost Programs

What is the Community Composting Program and how can I join?

The Community Composter Training & Outreach Program is a train-the-trainer program run in partnership with Denver’s Department of Transporation & Infrastructure (DOTI). This ten-session training program shares information about composting and waste diversion methods while preparing participants to lead grassroots-facilitated workshops and conversations around environmental stewardship. For more information, visit dug.org/community-composter/

What goes in my Denver Green Bin?

For more information on the City and County of Denver’s expanded waste collection services, including their green cart/compost pick-up program, visit denver.gov Expanded Waste Services.

Can I learn more about composting through DUG?

Yes, DUG offers pay-what-you-can compost workshops several times throughout the spring, summer, and fall. Each compost class is a two-hour, hands-on workshop on the fundamentals of backyard composting and vermicomposting techniques. You can also find DUG Community Composters at various farmers’ markets and community events during the growing season. You can learn more and sign up for an upcoming class at dug.org/events 

Where can I buy compost?

You can order through A1 Organics who offer bulk and individual compost orders. Learn more here!

Food Access

I am having a hard time affording plants and seeds for my garden this year. How can DUG help?

DUG offers a wide variety of low-cost or free options for you to get your garden started, all of which are listed here

Starting in February, the Community Seed Distribution runs out of the DUG office (1031 33rd St #100, Denver, CO 80205) and distributes over 90,000 herb, flower, and vegetable seeds at no cost to residents of the Denver Metro area. 

The Grow a Garden program is a beginner-friendly gardening program that allows gardeners to choose from five different prefixed kits, all of which consist of seeds, seedlings, and a bilingual educational booklet. This is a pay-what-you-can program with a free option. 

DUG also throws a Spring and Summer Plant Sales to provide gardeners with all their supplies to get their gardens ready for the seasons. SNAP recipients are able to receive free food producing plants at each of these sales. 

The Culturally Inclusive Seed program, while exclusive to DUG gardens, provides culturally relevant seeds at no cost to DUG gardens. The catalog consists of 64 seed varieties that are often expensive or hard to find in Colorado.

I want to pick up seeds from the DUG office, but I can’t make the limited hours during the workday. What other hours are available?

Depending on staff availability and timing of the season, DUG offers after-hours seed pick-ups. These will typically be one day of the week after 5:00 pm. Check the Community Seed Distribution website for updated information. 

Grow a Garden

What is Grow a Garden?

Grow a Garden is a pay-what-you-can food access program that connects individuals and families to seeds, seedlings, and education. Participants are provided a kit with prepackaged seeds and seedlings that will grow and eat well together. The program is designed to be beginner-friendly, and every kit includes a how-to guide for growing in Colorado called the Organic Growing Guide. Learn more at dug.org/growagarden/

When do I pick up my Grow a Garden kit?

In 2024, Grow a Garden kits will be available for pick up May 13th to 17th. All program participants will get email and text reminders providing the pickup hours and address for the distribution center they chose on the order form.

What if I need more than one Grow a Garden kit?

DUG encourages but does not require individual households to order only one kit in order to maximize the number of families DUG can serve. Plus, each kit contains a minimum of 12 plants and 5 seed packets. For groups like classrooms or senior living centers, there is a group version of the order form. Please email growagarden@dug.org for more information about group ordering.

Can I customize a kit?

Unfortunately, no! The Grow a Garden program has five themed kits and DUG cannot mix and match kit contents due to the scale of the program. In 2023, Grow a Garden served over 12,000 Denver residents.

How can I get a Grow a Garden kit?

You can order a Grow a Garden kit at dug.org/growagarden. The form goes live on February 1st! To distribute the kits, we partner with local organizations to meet our participants in the areas where they work and live. Check out the map online to find a Grow a Garden pick-up location near you. Distribution week for all Grow a Garden Kits happens in mid-May.

How much do Grow a Garden kits cost?

All Grow a Garden kits are available pay-what-you-can with a free option. The order form allows you to choose from a variety of price options, including an option to choose your own price of any amount, even zero! Grow a Garden is a food access program, and DUG encourages the community to order kits for free if contributing to the programs poses any financial burden.

Does Grow a Garden have resources in Spanish?

Yes! The Grow a Garden program is fully bilingual. Every program resource (the website, flier, order form, and Plant Care Guide) is translated into Spanish. To access the Spanish language version of the program online, visit dug.org/cultiveunjardin/

I ordered a Grow a Garden kit but I forgot the details of when/where to pick it up. When will I know exactly what I ordered and where to go?

When you signed up for your Grow a Garden kit, you received an email confirmation with the distribution center you chose and the kit type you ordered. Check your inbox! It might have gone to your spam folder. 

The pick-up dates and times for each distribution center are released approximately two weeks before distribution kicks off in mid-May. You will be texted and emailed directly. You can also find the distribution center locations on the Grow a Garden web page. In early May, that website will show pick-up hours too.  

If it is May and you still can’t find your kit details or pick-up hours, shoot us an email at growagarden@dug.org.

I heard about the Grow a Garden program but it is sold out! How can I participate?

Each year, DUG allocates a select number of extra Grow a Garden kits to each distribution site for walk-up ordering. These walk-up kits are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Check out the distribution site map on this page and head to the one nearest you during pick-up hours in mid-May. The walk-up kits go fast, so head to the distribution center of your choice at the start of their pick-up week. 


I still need help!

If you need additional support or have other questions, please check out our Contact Us page to find the right person to email or call!

Can I book a community garden or DeLaney Community Farm for an event?

In addition to growing spaces, DUG community gardens are community gathering spaces, and often have space for community gardeners to host neighborhood events. A community garden can be a wonderful location for a small event, but whether a garden is open for outside events is up to the gardeners and gardener leaders at each particular garden. If you are interested in holding an event at a particular garden, contact us, and we can put you in touch with the garden leaders.

DeLaney Community Farm is DUG’s urban community supported agriculture project in Aurora. In general, DeLaney does not host events that are unrelated to the farm mission.

Denver Urban Gardens does not provide event support or event planning services.