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World J Mens Health. 2024 Jul;42(3):610-619. English.
Published online Jan 02, 2024.
Copyright © 2024 Korean Society for Sexual Medicine and Andrology
Original Article

Combined Analysis of the Transcriptome, Proteome and Metabolome in Human Cryopreserved Sperm

Longlong Fu,1,* Fang Fang,2,* Ying Guo,1 Jing Ma,3 Shusong Wang,3 Yiqun Gu,1 Xiangming Yan,4 Wenhong Lu,1 and Ying Liu2
    • 1National Health Commission Key Laboratory of Male Reproductive Health, Human Sperm Bank, National Research Institute for Family Planning, Beijing, China.
    • 2Institute of Pediatric Research, Children’s Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou, China.
    • 3Key Laboratory of Reproductive Medicine of Hebei Provincial, Hebei Research Institute of Reproductive Health, Shijiazhuang, China.
    • 4Department of Pediatric Urology, Children’s Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou, China.
Received April 11, 2023; Revised June 15, 2023; Accepted July 14, 2023.

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This study aimed to identify the altered pathways and genes associated with freezing damage in human sperm during cryopreservation by multiomics analysis.

Materials and Methods

Fifteen fresh human semen samples were collected for transcriptomic analysis, and another 5 fresh human semen samples were obtained for metabolomic analysis. For each semen sample, 1 mL was cryopreserved, and another 1 mL was left untreated for paired design. The results were then combined with previously published proteomic results to identify key genes/pathways.


Cryopreservation significantly reduced sperm motility and mitochondrial structure. Transcriptomic analysis revealed altered mitochondrial function, including changes in tRNA-methyltransferase activity and adenosine tri-phosphate/adenosine di-phosphate transmembrane transporter activity. Metabolomic analysis showed that the citrate cycle in mitochondria was significantly altered. Combining transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic analyses revealed 346 genes that were altered in at least two omics analyses. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) analysis showed that metabolic pathways were significantly altered and strongly associated with mitochondria. Five genes were altered in all three omics analyses: COL11A1, COL18A1, LPCAT3, NME1, and NNT.


Five genes were identified by multiomics analysis in human cryopreserved sperm. These genes might have specific functions in cryopreservation. Explorations of the functions of these genes will be helpful for sperm cryopreservation and sperm motility improvement or even for reproduction in the future.

Cryopreservation; Humans; Multiomics; Sperm motility


Sperm cryopreservation is an important part of assisted reproductive technology (ART) and it is widely used for patients with oligospermia [1]. It is also an essential method for male fertility preservation, particularly for young men undergoing cytotoxic treatments for cancer or other infectious/genetic diseases [2, 3]. However, the freezing and thawing process can have negative impacts on sperm motility, integrity, viability, and acrosomal integrity, leading to reduced success in ART [4]. Understanding the mechanism of sperm cryopreservation damage and finding new ways to improve sperm vitality after cryopreservation are crucial.

Our previous research used proteomic and targeted metabolomic analysis of sperm to elucidate the effects of the freezing and thawing process [5, 6]. Some omics analyses, such as transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses of sperm, have been performed previously [7, 8]. However, each of these methods provides a one-sided view of the involved pathways and does not provide a comprehensive explanation of sperm freezing damage. Combined multiomics analysis is a method that integrates different types of data [9]. Therefore, we aimed to use multiomics analysis to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the sperm response to cryopreservation. We combined transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic analyses to identify key genes and pathways altered by human sperm cryopreservation in order to provide insights into sperm function and fertility and identify potential regulators and therapeutic targets.


1. Ethics statement and sample collection

This study was conducted with the approval of the Human Subjects Ethics Committee of National Research Institute for Family Planning (2018015). All sperm donors provided written consent before participating in the study, agreeing to the use of their anonymized information for future studies.

All sperm samples were obtained from the Human Sperm Bank at the National Research Institute for Family Planning. The healthy volunteers met the following inclusion criteria: age between 25 and 35 years, abstinence for 3 to 5 days, semen volume of 4 to 6 mL, sperm concentration of 60–80*106/mL, sperm vitality >40%, and normal sperm morphology rate >4%, with no white cells or bacteria in the sperm. Volunteers with sexually transmitted diseases, cardiovascular disease, endocrine diseases, or other conditions that could clearly affect sperm quality were excluded from the study. Written consent was obtained from all participants.

2. Study design and sample collection

Each omics analysis in this study employed a paired design to investigate the difference in sperm before and after cryopreservation. The associated information of the donors for the transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses are listed in Supplement Table 1.

For transcriptomic analysis, 15 fresh human semen samples were collected. They were randomly and equally divided into three groups of 5 samples. Then, 1 mL of semen from each sample was obtained for cryopreservation, and another 1 mL was taken and not subjected to any treatment (considered to be the normal control). All 5 samples in each group were mixed after cryopreservation when they had completely liquefied, and then the transcriptomics was performed.

For proteomics, 9 fresh human semen samples were collected. As previously described [5], they were randomly and equally divided into three groups of 3 samples. Then, 1 mL of semen from each sample was obtained for cryopreservation, and another 1 mL was taken and not subjected to treatment (considered to be the normal control). All 3 samples in each group were mixed after cryopreservation when they had completely liquefied, and then the proteomics was performed.

For metabolomic analysis, 5 fresh human semen samples were obtained. One milliliter of semen from each sample was obtained for cryopreservation and another 1 mL was taken and not subjected to any treatment (considered to be the normal control). Metabolomics was then performed on the 5 cryopreserved samples versus 5 normal controls.

3. Semen cryopreservation protocols

The sperm freezing process was conducted completely in accordance with the routine operations performed in the sperm bank [5, 6]. The cryoprotectant used was a mixture of glycerol, egg yolk, and citrate. The process involved thawing the cryoprotectant to room temperature and then adding it dropwise to the semen in a 2:1 ratio. The mixture was incubated at 30 to 35 ℃ for 5 minutes before being subjected to slow freezing using a programmable freezer. The samples in tubes were cooled at 1.5 ℃ per minute from 20 to -6 ℃, at 6 °C per minute to -100 ℃, and at -100 ℃ for 30 minutes. Then, the tubes containing samples were transferred to liquid nitrogen and was stored in liquid nitrogen for two days before being thawed for analysis.

4. Sperm motility parameter analysis and mitochondrial ultrastructure

After the semen was fully liquefied, a Makler sperm counting chamber was used to test the sperm concentration and activity. Sperm motility parameter analysis was performed by computer-aided sperm analysis (CASA, SuiPLus SAA-II).

The sperm samples were first fixed in a solution containing glutaraldehyde and paraformaldehyde and then postfixed in osmium tetroxide. The fixed samples were then dehydrated in a series of graded ethanol solutions and embedded in epoxy resin. The embedded samples were cut into 70 nm thick sections that were placed on a copper mesh with a thin film attached. The grids were then stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and viewed under a transmission electron microscope (TEM-1400 Plus) [10].

5. Comparative transcriptomics and bioinformatic analysis

The samples were grouped as described in the “Study design and sample collection” section. RNA sequencing was conducted by OE Biotech Company following the method described in a previous study [11]. We obtained 33.34 Gb clean data from the RNA sequencing results of 6 samples. The Q30 was 74.10% to 91.68%. The average guanine cytosine content was 51.58%. The original RNA sequencing data were imported into GeneSpring software (version 13.1; Agilent) and were standardized using the quantile method, which included the original signal value, standardized signal value, detection status, and detailed annotation information. All protein-coding genes/transcripts were used as the background list, and the list of differential protein-coding genes/transcripts was used as the candidate list screened from the background list. The differentially expressed genes were identified using paired t-test (p<0.05 and fold-change >2 or fold-change <0.5). The p-value representing whether the gene ontology (GO) functional set was significantly enriched in the list of differential protein-coding genes/transcripts was calculated using the hypergeometric distribution test, and then the p-value was corrected by the Benjamini & Hochberg multiple testing correction to obtain the false discovery rate. Enrichment analysis was performed using gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) software (UC San Diego and Broad Institute). The cell component, biological process, and molecular function enrichment analyses were performed using the Fisher algorithm for the differentially expressed genes between samples. A database (http://geneontology.org/) was consulted for comparison analysis and selection for subsequent studies.

6. Metabolomic experiment and bioinformatic analysis

The samples were grouped as described in the “Study design and sample collection” section. Approximately 40×106 fresh or cryopreserved sperm were collected for metabolomic analysis. Metabolomics was performed using a TSQ Quantiva (Thermo). A paired t-test was used as an analytical approach, and the p-value was set to 0.05. All significant differences were taken as input. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis was performed using MetaboAnalystR (https://www.metaboanalyst.ca/).

7. Statistical analysis and multiomics study

For the transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses, a paired t-test was used, and the p-value was set to 0.05 to identify the differentially expressed genes or metabolic products. Then, the transcriptomic and metabolomic results, as well as proteomic results published previously [5], were combined to explore the key genes affected by cryopreservation. The key genes were further analyzed with the DAVID Bioinformatics Resources v6.8 online server (https://david.ncifcrf.gov) for enrichment analysis.


1. Motility was altered in response to cryopreservation

The curvilinear velocity, straight-line velocity, and average path velocity, as well as the percentage of motile sperm after frozen recovery, were significantly reduced (p<0.05) (Fig. 1A-1D). The ultrastructure of mitochondria was also observed before and after cryopreservation because mitochondria are the key organells that provide energy to support the motility of sperm. Mitochondrial cristae and abundant mitochondrial matrix were observed in the normal mitochondria, as indicated by the arrows (Fig. 1E). However, the mitochondria in cryopreserved sperm showed abnormal structures such as widening of mitochondrial cristae, and increased vacuolization, as indicated by the arrows (Fig. 1F).

Fig. 1
Motility and mitochondrial ultrastructure of fresh and cryopreserved sperm. Trajectory of (A) untreated sperm and (B) cryopreserved sperm. Yellow: immotile (IM); green: progressively motile (PR); red: hyperactivated sperm (C) Motile velocity of sperm. (D) Percentage of PR sperm. The ultrastructure of mitochondria in (E) untreated and (F) cryopreserved sperm is shown. The scale bars were shown in the figure. VCL: curvilinear velocity, VSL: straight-line velocity, VAP: average path velocity. *p<0.05.

2. Differentially transcribed genes in sperm after cryopreservation

Fifteen semen samples were collected and treated as described in the Methods (Fig. 2A). A total of 3,212 genes were differentially expressed (p<0.05) between the cryopreserved and fresh groups. Among these genes, 3,097 (96.4%) genes were downregulated during the freezing and thawing procedure (Fig. 2B). The top 20 upregulated and downregulated genes were displayed (Fig. 2C). GO enrichment analysis was performed, and the top 30 altered pathways were shown (Fig. 2D). We observed altered function of mitochondria in the molecular function category due to altered tRNA-methyltransferase activity and adenosine tri-phosphate/adenosine di-phosphate transmembrane transporter activity. In addition, GSEA indicated that oxidative phosphorylation, which occured in mitochondria, was altered after cryopreservation (Fig. 2E). Of note, the androgen response (Fig. 2F) and spermatogenesis pathways (Fig. 2G), which were associated with sperm, were also significantly altered. All of the significantly differentially expressed genes were listed in Supplement Table 2.

Fig. 2
Transcriptomic results. (A) Protocols by which the sperm were treated in transcriptomic analysis. (B) Volcano plot of the total altered genes. Upregulated genes are shown in blue, and downregulated genes are shown in red. (C) Top 20 upregulated and top 20 downregulated genes during the freezing-thawing process. (D) GO enrichment analysis of the top 30 regulated genes. GSEA indicated that the (E) oxidative phosphorylation pathway, (F) androgen response pathway and (G) spermatogenesis pathway were altered by cryopreservation. GO: gene ontology, GSEA: gene set enrichment analysis.

3. Metabolomic analysis

Five semen samples were collected and treated as described in the Methods (Fig. 3A). The quantities of 20 metabolomic products were significantly altered: imidazole-4-acetate, succinate, beta-alanine, lactose, citrate, isocitrate, L-normetanephrine, glycerate 3-phosphate, cis-aconitate, phosphoenolpyruvate, D-gluconic acid, D-glucose, O-acetylcarnitine, NAD+, 3-dehydroxycarnitine, N2-acetyl-L-lysine, creatine, O-propanoylcarnitine, urate, and ethanolamine phosphate (Table 1), and the associated enriched pathways were identified by KEGG analysis (Supplement Table 3), and the citrate cycle (TCA cycle) in mitochondria was altered most significantly (Fig. 3B, 3C).

Fig. 3
Metabolomic analysis. (A) Protocols by which the sperm were treated in metabolomic analysis. (B) Top altered pathways indicated by metabolomic analysis. (C) Network of the metabolomic results.

Table 1
Twenty significantly altered metabolomic products

4. Combined analysis of the transcriptome, proteome and metabolome

We decided to combine the results of transcriptomics and metabolomics, as well as proteomic results that had been published previously, to explore the key genes of pathways that were affected by cryopreservation. First, we screened the results in each omics group to find 346 genes that were altered simultaneously in at least two omics analyses (Fig. 3A, Supplement Table 4). These genes were subjected to KEGG enrichment analysis (Fig. 3B). Notably, the top-ranking metabolic pathways were strongly associated with mitochondria [12, 13]. Moreover, five genes were altered in all three omics analyses: COL11A1, COL18A1, LPCAT3, NME1, and NNT (Table 2).

Table 2
The information of the 5 genes that altered in all the three omics analysis


Advances in fertility preservation research can not only meet fertility treatment needs for male fertility preservation patients but also improve sperm cryopreservation rates in patients with oligozoospermia. The conventional method of sperm freezing is commonly used as a model for related research and is recommended by the “WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen, Fifth Edition.” Although this topic has long been studied, there has been limited progress in improving the success of sperm cryopreservation. Therefore, this search was performed to screen damage markers among freezing or freezing-associated proteins. The results will be helpful for clinical applications in semen cryopreservation technology.

In this study, we found that the mitochondria in cryopreserved sperm had an abnormal ultrastructure, which indicated mitochondrial dysfunction. Then, the transcriptomes and metabolomes of human cryopreserved sperm were analyzed, and the results were combined with proteomic results published previously [5]. In the GO analysis of the transcriptomic results, although several terms were associated with mitochondria, an important organelle in spermatozoa, we did not observe any specific terms related to spermatozoa (Fig. 2D). Thus, the effect of the freezing-thawing cycle may be widely applicable and not limited to the morphology or motility of sperm (Fig. 1). Although the androgen response and spermatogenesis pathways enriched in GSEA were directly associated with sperm, whether the freezing-thawing process can affect the androgen response and spermatogenesis in cryopreserved sperm remains unclear, because the mature sperm in ejaculate may not participate in the response to androgen and in spermatogenesis. As a result, the key genes/pathways still need to be explored. Next, metabolomic analysis was performed.

We determined the top 10 associated metabolic pathways of the altered products. Mitochondria were again prominently featured, because there were two pathways that were strongly associated with mitochondria: The TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation (Fig. 3B). However, metabolomics can be used only to examine the alterations in metabolic products: it cannot reveal the exact alterations in gene expression. Thus, previously published proteomic results [5] were introduced.

The integrated multiomics analysis in this study leads to a more comprehensive understanding of the physiological changes that occur during sperm cryopreservation and increases the reliability and reproducibility of the other results by validating and replicating the results of multiple datasets. Although the transcriptomic results suggested that there were 3,212 differentially expressed genes, which was a rather high number, combining the results between two omics analyses suggested that there were 346 genes (Fig. 4A). KEGG enrichment of the 346 genes suggested that mitochondria were involved, as indicated by the “metabolic pathways” term [12, 13]. We also found five genes that were enriched in all three omics analyses.

Fig. 4
Combined analysis. (A) Statistical analysis of the results obtained with the three combined omics techniques. (B) KEGG enrichment analysis of the genes that were altered in at least two omics analyses. KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes.

Among the 5 genes, NNT (NAD(P)+ transhydrogenase) was the only one located in mitochondria. NNT supplies NADPH to remove endogenously generated H2O2 [14] and was once suggested as a potential therapeutic target to help sustain the redox balance under condition of oxidative stress associated with neurodegenerative disease [15]. As normal mitochondrial function and redox balance are important for sperm [12, 13], NNT may be a useful examination or therapeutic target related to damage from cryopreservation.

Another gene, LPCAT3 (lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 3), was also associated with mitochondria. This gene participates in the TCA cycle [16]. Although no direct association between LPCAT3 and sperm has been identified to date, the gene was once found to be enriched in a study conducted on differentially abundant metabolites in cumulus and mural granulosa cells from human preovulatory follicles to understand the mechanism of oocyte maturation [17]. Perhaps alterations in LPCAT3 are also associated with sperm maturation via the function of this gene in the TCA cycle.

Two human collagen genes, COL11A1 (collagen alpha-1(XI) chain) and COL18A1 (Collagen alpha-1(XVIII) chain), were found to be associated with the freezing-thawing process in this study. COL11A1 was previously identified to be differentially expressed in the testes of drakes with different libido levels [18]. The author of that study concluded that COL11A1 was related to cilium movement and involved in sperm motility [18]. The other gene, COL18A1, can be hypermethylated in the promoter region upon high-dose folic acid supplementation in human sperm [19], which might affect its transcription. Thus, COL11A1 and COL18A1, which were enriched in the multiomics analysis in this study may be associated with sperm cryopreservation conditions. The functions of the two collagen genes in sperm need to be further explored.

Finally, NME1 (nucleoside di-phosphate kinase A), which is also called metastasis inhibition factor nm23, has been found to be specifically expressed in human testis germinal cells and might have specific functions in the phosphotransfer network to participate in the early stages of spermatogenesis [20, 21]. Confirmatory evidence has been obtained in mice during spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis [22]. However, the cryopreserved sperm was mature and ejaculated by healthy donors. Thus, we consider that NME1 might play a role not only in the early stages of spermatogenesis, but also in the reaction to external stimuli, such as damage resulting from the freezing-thawing cycle.

However, there were still some limitations in this study. First, this work was preliminary exploration. We used the routine sperm cryo-resuscitation procedure recommended by the WHO manual and had strict inclusion and exclusion criteria, so we did not recruit a large number of donors to perform the omics analysis. We aim to expand the sample size to further explore the molecular mechanism of damage resulting from the freezing-thawing process in the future in order to help people with malignant cancer or idiopathic oligozoospermia who need to cryopreserve their sperm because of fertility issues. Second, different donors were recruited for the transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses, which might have resulted in variabilities. However, as the donors were all recruited following the WHO manual, there were no significant differences in the ages, sperm concentrations, days of abstinence, and postthaw sperm survival rates among the donors. Thus, we considered that the donors were similar and that combined analysis was appropriate.


In summary, five genes, NNT, LPCAT3, NME1, COL11A1, and COL18A1, were identified by transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses in human cryopreserved sperm. These genes were generally associated with sperm or reproduction, indicating their importance in cryopreservation. Further exploration of their functions will be helpful for improving sperm cryopreservation or sperm motility or even for reproduction in the future.

Supplementary Materials

Supplementary materials can be found via https://doi.org/10.5534/wjmh.230091.

Supplement Table 1

The information of the donors in combined omics analysis

Click here to view.(66K, pdf)

Supplement Table 2

The significantly differentially expressed genes in sperm after cryopreservation indicated by RNA-seq

Click here to view.(279K, xls)

Supplement Table 3

The associated pathways of the 20 metabolomic products

Click here to view.(34K, xls)

Supplement Table 4

The genes altered simultaneously in at least two omics analyses

Click here to view.(486K, xls)


Conflict of Interest:The authors have nothing to disclose.

Funding:This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81803116, No. 32001072, No.81971867), Non-profit Central Research Institute Fund of National Research Institute For Family Planing (2022GJM02, 2022GJZD0101), Key Laboratory Open Subject Funding from NHC Key Laboratory of Family Planning and Healthy/key laboratory of reproductive medicine of Hebei provincial (SZ-202001), Key Research and Development Plan of Hebei Province (20377715D), Suzhou Key Laboratory of Children's Structural Malformations (SZS2022018).

Author Contribution:

  • Conceptualization: YL, LF.

  • Data curation: FF, Y Guo.

  • Funding acquisition: YL, WL, Y Gu.

  • Investigation: FF, XY.

  • Methodology: Y Guo, JM, SW.

  • Project administration: YL, WL.

  • Writing - original draft: LF, YL, FF.

  • Writing - review & editing: WL, Y Gu.


We are grateful to the anonymous donors who participated in this research.

Data Sharing Statement

The data analyzed for this study have been deposited in HARVARD Dataverse and are available at https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/OIQ6A5.


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