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Deciding the Existence of Cut-Off in Parameterized Rendez-Vous Networks

Authors Florian Horn, Arnaud Sangnier

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Florian Horn
  • Université de Paris, IRIF, CNRS, France
Arnaud Sangnier
  • Université de Paris, IRIF, CNRS, France

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Florian Horn and Arnaud Sangnier. Deciding the Existence of Cut-Off in Parameterized Rendez-Vous Networks. In 31st International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2020). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 171, pp. 46:1-46:16, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2020) https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2020.46


We study networks of processes which all execute the same finite-state protocol and communicate thanks to a rendez-vous mechanism. Given a protocol, we are interested in checking whether there exists a number, called a cut-off, such that in any networks with a bigger number of participants, there is an execution where all the entities end in some final states. We provide decidability and complexity results of this problem under various assumptions, such as absence/presence of a leader or symmetric/asymmetric rendez-vous.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Concurrency
  • Parameterized networks
  • Verification
  • Cut-offs


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