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Music Information Retrieval Meets Music Education

Authors Christian Dittmar, Estefanía Cano, Jakob Abeßer, Sascha Grollmisch

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  • 26 pages

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Christian Dittmar
Estefanía Cano
Jakob Abeßer
Sascha Grollmisch

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Christian Dittmar, Estefanía Cano, Jakob Abeßer, and Sascha Grollmisch. Music Information Retrieval Meets Music Education. In Multimodal Music Processing. Dagstuhl Follow-Ups, Volume 3, pp. 95-120, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2012)


This paper addresses the use of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) techniques in music education and their integration in learning software. A general overview of systems that are either commercially available or in research stage is presented. Furthermore, three well-known MIR methods used in music learning systems and their state-of-the-art are described: music transcription, solo and accompaniment track creation, and generation of performance instructions. As a representative example of a music learning system developed within the MIR community, the Songs2See software is outlined. Finally, challenges and directions for future research are described.
  • Music learning
  • music transcription
  • source separation
  • performance feedback


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