Microlearning helps Alzheimer’s Disease Patients
Microlearning, Alzheimer’s disease, Machine learning, Just-in-Time Learning, Learners, Bite-Sized Learning Units, Caregivers, HealthcareAbstract
Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common diseases in older adults, and as the disease progresses, the need for daily care increases. Caregivers of Alzheimer's Disease patients face a variety of stresses and work pressures. Receiving professional and continuous training is one of the effective ways to improve their skills and competencies. A new approach to education is microlearning, where microeducational content is provided to learners. Microlearning as a pedagogical technique focuses on designing learning modules through micro-steps in a digital media environment. These activities can be integrated into learners' daily lives and tasks. Unlike "traditional" e-learning methods, microlearning often favours technology delivered through push media, thus reducing the cognitive load on the learner. Microlearning educational methods have been shown to be effective and efficient in educating and delivering materials to caregivers of older adults with Alzheimer's disease. This paper begins with a brief introduction to microlearning. And it details the key features and benefits of microlearning. Microlearning offers potential benefits to Alzheimer's Disease patients and their caregivers with its concise and focused approach. Secondly, machine learning enhances the design and delivery of microlearning, helping to provide a more personalised and effective learning experience. Machine learning plays a role in the design of microlearning. To conclude, microlearning offers a promising avenue of support and care for Alzheimer's Disease patients. Microlearning also provides a valuable resource for carers and healthcare professionals to gain the knowledge and skills needed to provide effective care.
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