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Rice Kernel Separations Using Contour Analysis and Skeleton

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Determine the percentage of broken rice kernel is crucial for rice quality evaluation. This paper studies a digital image processing method that can effectively separate touching rice kernels in an image of rice used for quality evaluation. An alternative separation algorithm based on contour analysis and skeleton is proposed to separate touching rice kernels. The proposed algorithm can be divided into three parts, namely, pre-processing, obtaining the candidates for separation line endpoints, and analysis for separation process. In the pre-processing, the images are converted into grayscale images. Then the median filter is applied in order to remove noise. Finally the binary images are obtained using Otsu’s algorithm. The next step is to obtain the candidates for separation line endpoints from concave points on the contour of rice kernels. The final step is to draw a separation lines among the candidates using several categories based on concave analysis and skeleton. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can accurately separate touching rice kernels and as a result the accurate percentage of broken rice can be obtained.

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