Two Classes of Posets with Real-Rooted Chain Polynomials

  • Christos A. Athanasiadis
  • Theo Douvropoulos
  • Katerina Kalampogia-Evangelinou


The coefficients of the chain polynomial of a finite poset enumerate chains in the poset by their number of elements. It has been a challenging open problem to determine which posets have real-rooted chain polynomials. Two new classes of posets, namely those of all rank-selected subposets of Cohen-Macaulay simplicial posets and all noncrossing partition lattices associated to finite Coxeter groups, are shown to have this property. The first result generalizes one of Brenti and Welker. As a special case, the descent enumerator of permutations of the set $\{1, 2,\dots,n\}$ which have ascents at specified positions is shown to be real-rooted, hence log-concave and unimodal, and a good estimate for the location of the peak is deduced.

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