Dynamics of Medical Screening: A Simulation Model of PSA Screening for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer
<p>Framework for modeling of PSA screening for prostate cancer (PCa).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Simplified structure for natural disease progression, screen- and clinical detection.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Generic structure of cancer screening for the general (at-risk) population—simplified.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Combined sector diagram for natural disease progression, screen detection and clinical detection (net immigration, aging, all cause and cancer death flows, and other parameters not shown).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Screening Adoption Sector.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Age specific prevalence of asymptomatic PCa among symptom-free men based on autopsy studies [<a href="#B50-systems-11-00252" class="html-bibr">50</a>] vs. base case simulation.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Base-case (<b>a</b>) fraction of screen- vs. clinically detected cancers; (<b>b</b>) overdiagnosis fraction of all diagnosed vs. screen-detected cases.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Overdiagnosis of (<b>a</b>) screen-detected vs. (<b>b</b>) all cases by varying latent fraction, after adoption trends are stabilized, and (<b>c</b>) overdiagnosis rates as maximum adoption fraction for the PSA practice varies between 0–100%.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Confidence plot for (<b>a</b>) overdiagnosed fraction of cases; (<b>b</b>) fraction of metastasized disease at time of diagnosis.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Confidence plot for (<b>a</b>) cumulative number of unnecessary biopsies; (<b>b</b>) fraction of healthy male population living with an FP test result.</p> ">
:1. Introduction and Motivation
2. Methodology and Background of Systems Models for Cancer
3. Overview of the PSA Screening Model
3.1. Data Types and Inputs
3.2. Population and Natural History of Disease
3.2.1. Population Increase and Aging
3.2.2. Natural History of Disease
3.3. Screening, Clinical Detection, Dissemination of Screening
3.3.1. Screening Structure and Test Specifics
3.3.2. Screening Dissemination
Name | Parameter [Unit] | Sensitivity Range | Source(s) for Base Case |
Probability of indolent tumor at onset | pOx [dmnl] | 0.2–0.6 | Expert judgement |
Hazard Asymptomatic Onset (by age group) PCa specific mortality fraction (by grade) | Oxi [1/year] dfM0, dfM1 [1/year] | 0.0–0.05 0.07–0.37 | [36,41,42] SEER survival curves by stage, [37,47,48] |
Pre-metastasis clinical diagnosis hazard (by age, grade) | Cx1, Cx2 [1/year] | 0–0.03 | [37,39] |
Multiplier for Hazard of Clinical Diagnosis (by age group) | MCx [dmnl] | 15–25 | [39] |
Time between screenings | TimeBtwSx [year] | 1.5–2.5 | [39] |
Biopsy compliance (by stage) | BiopCompM0/M1 [dmnl] | 0.3–0.7; 0.9 | [39,45] |
Time to act | τ [year] | 0.25–0.5 | [49] |
alpha | ⍺ [1/year] | 0.015–0.03 | Based on PSA curve [46] |
beta | β [1/year] | 0.45–0.65 | Based on PSA curve [46] |
Max adoption fraction | Amax [dmnl] | 0.25–0.9 | Expert judgement |
Stopping age to screen | Agestop [years] | 70–85 | Expert judgement |
HBR Translation Delay | λt [year] | 2–10 | Expert judgement |
4. Simulation Results
4.1. Basic Dynamics and Model Validation
4.1.1. Cancer Prevalence
4.1.2. Screen vs. Clinical Detection and Overdiagnosis Rates
4.2. Sensitivity Testing
4.2.1. Over-Diagnosis Due to Large Pool of Indolent (Latent) Disease
4.2.2. Parameter Set Exploration for Benefits and Harms of Screening
5. Discussion
5.1. Strategic Insights
- One of the important contributions of this study is the introduction of a more realistic yet flexible structure for routine medical screening that allows keeping track of critical stocks that have been generally overlooked in previous modeling studies. Existing modeling studies do not explicitly define some of these population stocks in the screening process, including men who currently live with an FP test result, which has implications for anxiety and depression. In this study, we use the flexibility of the SD modeling stock-flow structure to keep track and account for all critical stocks in the cancer screening problem, while their values are not readily measured in the literature. Simulations show that the fraction of healthy men who live with an FP may vary between 5 and 15% in most situations, depending on screening criteria, or breadth indications of disease, and may increase up to 30% with lower biopsy compliance rates. The value of the FP stock relative to the healthy population (i.e., “the fraction of healthy male population currently living with an FP”) may be an important indicator for policy making. Another variable for which we were not able to find historical data includes the the “fraction of disease in target screening population”. These metrics are potentially very important, yet not readily measured or considered in existing medical and modeling literature. Simulations show that the fraction of false positives in the healthy male population may have increased to as high as 18% in the 1990s when screening was overused. At the same time, the real diseased fraction of the target population must have dropped down to its historical minimum. We do not aim to suggest optimal estimates for these variables but would like to highlight the importance of having a better understanding of their dynamics by additional data collection, rather than excluding them from our “mental” models, or making the constancy assumption [52].
- The addition of an “indolent/latent” disease category is a novel addition in this modeling study, facilitating to make of inferences about the real (yet unknown) occult disease prevalence in the population. One aspect that increases the reported cancer prevalence is the existence of a silent pool of indolent diseases, which varies among different types of cancers. These are “TP” cases where the disease identified has uncertain significance, and where men would never become aware of their disease if they were not tested for it, as evidenced by the silent reservoirs of undetected thyroid, breast, and prostate [41] cancers. Our interview data for the PCa case study confirms the importance of the size of this latent pool of disease: “…If you take enough time to understand what this means, if I tell a patient, “Look I’m 47, my probability to have a prostate cancer histologically under the microscope right now as I sit here, is about 30%. Period.” That’s a start, so there’s a pool of prostate cancer that we all carry, most of them they’ll never become symptomatic, some of us have to have bad cards. Do we understand who have bad cards and who don’t? No, we don’t. There’s a residual risk that there’s something going on. “—Peter Juni. MD-PhD, Director, Applied Health Research Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital, and Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto, Previous: University of Bern, Director of the Institute of Primary Health Care, Professor and Chair of Primary Health Care and Clinical Epidemiology in the Faculty of Medicine, Switzerland.
- We endogenize variables that are mostly taken as constants in other studies. These include the breadth of indications of screening (including the biopsy threshold and the starting age to screen), the prevalence of disease in the screening population, the sensitivity and specificity of the test, and the harm reduction technology. It also separates the formal decision thresholds for screening from the decision thresholds that are implemented, showing their interdependency to each other as well as to the diagnostics of the test. For example, existing studies usually assume a constant PSA level as the trigger for biopsy, which stays constant over time, but this is not an accurate reflection of the clinical practice. Endogenizing such variables allows us to show how they are changing over time, affecting the target screening prevalence, and, hence, the screening diagnostics themselves which are also taken as constants in most studies. To be specific, the model endogenizes the adoption and diffusion of the screening process and defines the different components of screen detection explicitly. These include the fraction of the population that receives the screening test, the sensitivity of the test, biopsy compliance, and biopsy detection. The test sensitivity and currently screened fraction are endogenous to the model, while biopsy compliance and detection are exogenous. Subjects are eligible to receive regular screenings if their doctor adopted the PSA screening test at the time, and if they are around the age-eligible range for the test. Interview results confirm that one of the main determinants of screening is the doctor’s opinion: “Access to care, coverage, and I also think it is how the screening is presented by their doctor….a lot of medicine is sales, and if a doctor presents something as either optional or a bad idea like, “You don’t really want to do that, do you?” the patient’s going to say no. But if their doctor’s enthusiastic about it and believes in it, then they’re probably more likely to go ahead and get it done…”—MD, PhD Erin Hofstatter, Medical Oncologist, Yale School of Medicine.
- Karanfil and Sterman show that the “formal” recommended starting age to screen varies, both over time and between different guideline-issuing organizations [32]. The recommended “formal” biopsy threshold for PSA testing stayed constant at 4 ng/mL throughout the initial years of screening dissemination, after which it starts to vary in the 2000s. The informal, “practice” threshold, however, has reportedly been lower than the formal one, suggesting poor compliance with recommendations. The real pattern for the average biopsy threshold is unknown, but it is generally accepted to be 2.5 ng/mL between 1990 and 2000 [39]. In addition, Pinsky et al. [53] have shown that biopsy frequencies of men with PSAs between 2.5 and 4 ng/mL were of the same order of magnitude as for men with a PSA higher than 4 ng/mL. The actual starting age data are also not available, but they presumably follow the same pattern as the biopsy threshold, where formal indications first expand in the early years of screening and then start to narrow as harms and the evidence for harms accumulate over time.
- Since the test diagnostics are directly derived from the underlying probability distributions for diseased and healthy people, the model can as well be used to estimate the real prevalence of the disease.
5.2. Limitations and Further Research
Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AACR | American Association for Cancer Research |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CISNET | Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network |
COUHES | Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects |
CPG | Clinical Practice Guidelines |
DRE | Digital Rectal Exam |
FN | False Negative |
FP | False Positive |
HBR | Harms and Benefits Ratio |
HRT | Harm Reduction Technology |
NCHS | National Center for Health Statistics |
NCI | National Cancer Institute |
NHANES | National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. |
NHIS | National Health Interview Survey |
PCa | Prostate Cancer |
PLCO | Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Trial |
PSA | Prostate Specific Antigen |
SEER | Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results |
USPSTF | U.S. Preventive Services Task Force |
TP | True Positive |
TN | True Negative |
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Extreme Condition Test | Qualitative Behavior |
Screening switch turned off | PSA screening tests go to zero, % Ever had PSA goes to zero, % of Screen detected cancer goes to zero, % of Clinically detected cancer goes to 100%, Reported PCa prevalence goes down, % of men healthy with a FP goes to zero, no detection, and treatment of latent (indolent) disease |
Clinical detection switch turned off | % of Cancer clinically detected goes to zero, All cancer detection is through PSA screening |
Both screen and clinical detection switches turned off | Reported PCa incidence goes to zero, Reported PCa prevalence goes to zero, no new PCa cancer survivors |
Treatment switch turned off | % Ever treated goes to zero, There are no survivors with primary treatment |
Treatment is 100% effective | No one dies of prostate cancer, M0 and M1 PCa deaths go to zero |
Metastasis switch turned off | M0 loco-regional disease doesn’t get metastasized, no distant M1 cases, no M1 prostate cancer deaths |
All-cause mortality turned off | Mean population age increases, only deaths are PCa deaths |
Decrease in mortality trend is removed | Overall deaths increase, population’s mean age goes down |
All disease is indolent | No prostate cancer deaths, 100% overdiagnosis |
Other logic tests | |
% PSA detected | % of disease detected by screening is 100% for indolent disease (Latent cancer cannot get detected clinically) |
PCa incidence/prevalence | Reported PCa incidence is higher for older age groups |
% Loco-regional at detection | 100% for latent disease, as latent disease cannot get metastasized to M1 disease |
% Distant at detection | 0% for latent disease, higher for higher grade cancer |
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Share and Cite
Karanfil, Ö. Dynamics of Medical Screening: A Simulation Model of PSA Screening for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer. Systems 2023, 11, 252. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11050252
Karanfil Ö. Dynamics of Medical Screening: A Simulation Model of PSA Screening for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer. Systems. 2023; 11(5):252. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11050252
Chicago/Turabian StyleKaranfil, Özge. 2023. "Dynamics of Medical Screening: A Simulation Model of PSA Screening for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer" Systems 11, no. 5: 252. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11050252
APA StyleKaranfil, Ö. (2023). Dynamics of Medical Screening: A Simulation Model of PSA Screening for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer. Systems, 11(5), 252. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11050252