Development of a Hybrid Support Vector Machine with Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Detection of the Solar Power Plants Anomalies
<p>Summary of the proposed methodology steps.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The proposed architecture of the GWO optimizer with SMV.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Correlation matrix for dataset variables.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Box plots for selected input variables.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Distribution of Power_<sub>Dc</sub> and IRR for each inverter.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Distribution of Power_DC and IRR for each inverter after determining inverter status.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Convergence curves for (<b>a</b>) GS optimizer, (<b>b</b>) GW optimizer, and (<b>c</b>) RS.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Confusion matrix for (<b>a</b>) SVM-GW_C model, (<b>b</b>) physical model, and (<b>c</b>) SVM-GW_R.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The number of the most failures days in inverters is ranked based on the SVM-GW_C model anomaly detection.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Ranking the number of failures in inverters based on the SVM-GW_C model anomaly detection.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- This study will investigate various anomaly detection models and conduct comparison tests to evaluate their precision and performance with optimized hyperparameters.
- This study aims to identify and categorize external and internal factors (AC and DC powers were an example of internal factors that may result in anomalies, while the ambient, module, and irradiation temperatures were examples of external factors) that affect anomalies in PV power plants.
- The impact of external and internal factors on model accuracy and the correlation between these factors and anomaly detection.
2. Related Work
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Theoretical Background
- A.
- Support Vector Machine
- B.
- Support Vector Machine Regression
- C.
- Support Vector Machine Classification
- D.
- Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO)
- The distance separating a grey wolf and its quarry:
- 2.
- Gray wolf location update:
- 3.
- Prey position positioning:
3.2. Materials
3.3. Methodology
3.3.1. Data Preparation
3.3.2. Features Selection
3.3.3. Prediction Phase
Physical Model
GWO-SVM Classification/Regression Model
3.3.4. Anomaly Prediction Decision for Models
3.3.5. Performance Evaluation
4. Experimental and Results
5. Results Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Variable Type | Variable Name | Variable Abbreviation (Unit) | Variable Description |
Internal factor | DC power | Power_DC (kW) | The DC power produced by the inverter |
AC power | Power_AC (kW) | The AC power produced by the inverter | |
Total yield | Total_power_DC (kW) | The total DC power output from the inverter over a period of time. | |
External factors | Solar irradiance | IRR (kW/m2) | The intensity of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun per unit area |
Ambient temperature | Amb_Temp (°C) | The temperature around the solar power plant | |
Solar panel temperature | Module_Temp (°C) | The temperature indication for the solar module is measured by attaching a sensor to the panel. |
Optimizer Name | Parameter | Value |
GWO | A | Min = 0 and max = 2 |
Number of agents | 100 | |
Iterations number | 50 | |
GS and RS | C = Linear | Min = 0.001 and max = 10,000 |
G = Linear, RBF, sigmoid | Min = 0.001 and max = 10,000 |
Model | RMSE |
RS_SVM | 532.47 |
SVM_R | 415.98 |
GS_SVM | 400.83 |
GWO-SVM_R | 318.04 |
Model | Sensitivity | Specificity |
SVM-GW_C | 85.71% | 99.21% |
SVM-GW_R | 68.42% | 94.57% |
Physical model | 52.63% | 93.02% |
Model | Accuracy (%) | Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) |
SVM-GW_C | 97.28 | 85.71% | 99.21% |
Reference model | 89.63 | 94.32 | 100% |
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Share and Cite
Ahmed, Q.I.; Attar, H.; Amer, A.; Deif, M.A.; Solyman, A.A.A. Development of a Hybrid Support Vector Machine with Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Detection of the Solar Power Plants Anomalies. Systems 2023, 11, 237.
Ahmed QI, Attar H, Amer A, Deif MA, Solyman AAA. Development of a Hybrid Support Vector Machine with Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Detection of the Solar Power Plants Anomalies. Systems. 2023; 11(5):237.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAhmed, Qais Ibrahim, Hani Attar, Ayman Amer, Mohanad A. Deif, and Ahmed A. A. Solyman. 2023. "Development of a Hybrid Support Vector Machine with Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Detection of the Solar Power Plants Anomalies" Systems 11, no. 5: 237.
APA StyleAhmed, Q. I., Attar, H., Amer, A., Deif, M. A., & Solyman, A. A. A. (2023). Development of a Hybrid Support Vector Machine with Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Detection of the Solar Power Plants Anomalies. Systems, 11(5), 237.