A New Decision Method of Flexible Job Shop Rescheduling Based on WOA-SVM
<p>Original scheduling scheme.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Rescheduling mode selection framework.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Correlation among processes.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Rescheduling time point determination.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Key branches.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Flow chart of WOA-SVM parameters.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Original scheduling scheme.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>RSR scheme.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>PR scheme.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>TR scheme.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Sample distribution.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Parameter <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>C</mi> <mo>,</mo> <mi>g</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math>–Prediction accuracy.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Comparison of test accuracy of 6000 groups of data.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Problem Description
- The processing sequence of the same workpiece is fixed;
- There is no sequential connection between any process of different workpieces;
- Each process can only be processed on one machine at the same time;
- Each machine can only process one process at the same time;
- The processing priority of different workpieces is the same;
- The processing time of the same process in different machines can be different;
- The processing cannot be interrupted.
3. Rescheduling Mode Selection Model Based on Machine Learning
3.1. Rescheduling Decision
3.2. Rescheduling Mode Selection
3.3. Data Collection and Processing
3.4. Model Training and Algorithm Optimization
4. Improved Whale Optimization Algorithm to Optimize Support Vector Machine
4.1. Whale Optimization Algorithm
- (1)
- Encircling prey
- (2)
- Search for prey
- (3)
- Spiral trajectory search
4.2. Support Vector Machine
4.3. Improved WOA to Optimize SVM Parameters
5. Experiment
5.1. Single Sample Example
5.2. Large Sample Data Collection
5.3. Machine Learning Contrast Test
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Process 1 | Process 2 | Process 3 | |
Workpiece 1 | , | , | |
Workpiece 2 | , | ||
Workpiece 3 | , | , | |
Workpiece 4 | , | - |
Process 1 | Process 2 | Process 3 | |
Workpiece 1 | [3, 4] | 9 | [9, 10] |
Workpiece 2 | 6 | [8, 8] | 4 |
Workpiece 3 | 5 | [7, 8] | [7, 6] |
Workpiece 4 | [7, 7] | 3 | - |
Feature vector | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ |
Correlation coefficient | 0.1282 | 0.2420 | 0.2532 | −0.2748 | 0.1032 |
Feature vector | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ |
Correlation coefficient | 0.2487 | 0.3682 | 0.2532 | 0.2420 | 0.3719 |
Process 1 | Process 2 | Process 3 | Process 4 | Process 5 | Process 6 | |
Workpiece 1 | 5 | 6 | 4 | [2, 9] | [3, 7] | 5 |
Workpiece 2 | 4 | [2, 9] | 8 | [6, 7] | 5 | [1, 10] |
Workpiece 3 | 3 | [6, 8] | 7 | [2, 1] | [4, 10] | 5 |
Workpiece 4 | 5 | 2 | [4, 7] | [3, 10] | [2, 5] | [3, 6] |
Workpiece 5 | [4, 5] | 5 | [9, 10] | 6 | 2 | [3, 8] |
Workpiece 6 | [2, 6] | 4 | [6, 9] | 7 | 8 | [3, 9] |
Process 1 | Process 2 | Process 3 | Process 4 | Process 5 | Process 6 | |
Workpiece 1 | 3 | 10 | 9 | [5, 4] | [3, 3] | 10 |
Workpiece 2 | 6 | [8, 6] | 4 | [2, 6] | 3 | [3, 3] |
Workpiece 3 | 4 | [5, 7] | 7 | [5, 5] | [9, 11] | 1 |
Workpiece 4 | 7 | 3 | [4, 6] | [3, 3] | [1, 7] | [3, 6] |
Workpiece 5 | [6, 4] | 10 | [7, 9] | 8 | 5 | [4, 7] |
Workpiece 6 | [3, 7] | 10 | [8, 7] | 9 | 4 | [9, 4] |
The Exceedance of the End Time of the Disturbed Operation | 0.80 min |
Number of unprocessed processes | 23 |
Number of processes affected | 16 |
Whether the disturbance process and overdue process are the same as the workpiece | 0 |
Load rate | 0.6043 |
Total remaining processing time | 129.80 min |
Total free time | 85.00 min |
Proportion of PR process | 0.4444 |
Proportion of TR process | 0.6389 |
Average activity level of key branches | 1 |
Makespan of RSR (label 1) | 56.80 min |
Makespan of PR (label 2) | 56.00 min |
Makespan of TR (label 3) | 56.00 min |
Decision label | b |
Machine Learning Techniques | Scale of Data | ||||
300 | 900 | 1800 | 3000 | 6000 | |
WOA-SVM | 70.08% | 75.57% | 80.35% | 83.46% | 89.79% |
SVM(RBF) | 71.41% | 71.24% | 71.88% | 72.56% | 70.01% |
BP | 71.95% | 74.33% | 73.99% | 75.29% | 71.94% |
Machine Learning Techniques | Scale of Data | ||||
300 | 900 | 1800 | 3000 | 6000 | |
WOA-SVM | 1% | 34% | 27% | 5% | 0% |
SVM(RBF) | 8% | 6% | 8% | 4% | 5% |
BP | 14% | 6% | 3% | 4% | 0% |
Predictive Classification | Aggregate | Accuracy Rate | |||
RSR | PR | TR | |||
RSR | 351 | 14 | 35 | 400 | 87.75% |
PR | 18 | 366 | 16 | 400 | 91.50% |
TR | 11 | 29 | 360 | 400 | 90.00% |
Aggregate | 380 | 409 | 411 | 1200 |
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Share and Cite
Song, L.; Xu, Z.; Wang, C.; Su, J. A New Decision Method of Flexible Job Shop Rescheduling Based on WOA-SVM. Systems 2023, 11, 59. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11020059
Song L, Xu Z, Wang C, Su J. A New Decision Method of Flexible Job Shop Rescheduling Based on WOA-SVM. Systems. 2023; 11(2):59. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11020059
Chicago/Turabian StyleSong, Lijun, Zhipeng Xu, Chengfu Wang, and Jiafu Su. 2023. "A New Decision Method of Flexible Job Shop Rescheduling Based on WOA-SVM" Systems 11, no. 2: 59. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11020059
APA StyleSong, L., Xu, Z., Wang, C., & Su, J. (2023). A New Decision Method of Flexible Job Shop Rescheduling Based on WOA-SVM. Systems, 11(2), 59. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11020059