Ultrathin Terahertz Dual-Band Perfect Metamaterial Absorber Using Asymmetric Double-Split Rings Resonator
<p>Ultrathin terahertz dual band metamaterial absorber. (<b>a</b>) Side view of the unit cell structure with t<sub>1</sub> = 7 μm, t = 0.036 μm; (<b>b</b>) Perspective view of the absorber; (<b>c</b>) The front view of the the unit cell with optimized parameters of L = 36 μm, W<sub>1</sub> = 2 μm, W<sub>2</sub> = 4 μm, g = 2 μm; (<b>d</b>) Periodic structure of the unit cell with Px = Py = 40 μm.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Simulated absorptivity for the split ring resonators (SRRs) with various distance of the gaps away from the center.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The resonance frequency (<b>a</b>) and the absorption peak (<b>b</b>) as a function of gaps position at low-frequency.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Absorptivity of the single SRR and the double SRRs with <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>Δ</mo> <mi>x</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> = 7.5 μm, respectively.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Equivalent circuit representation for the SRRs.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Simulated surface induction current at (<b>a</b>) <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>Δ</mo> <mi>x</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> = 0; (<b>c</b>) <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>Δ</mo> <mi>x</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> = 11 μm at low-frequency and (<b>b</b>) <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>Δ</mo> <mi>x</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> = 0 μm; (<b>d</b>) <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>Δ</mo> <mi>x</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> = 11 μm at high-frequency respectively.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Simulated absorptivity as a function of the frequency for the various width of the gaps, with the gaps displaced 11 μm asymmetrically.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Simulated absorptivity as a function of frequency for various widths of the middle arm with the gaps displaced 11 μm asymmetrically.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Design and Simulation
3. Results and Discussions
4. The Effects of the Width of the Gaps and the Middle Arm
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Lu, T.; Zhang, D.; Qiu, P.; Lian, J.; Jing, M.; Yu, B.; Wen, J. Ultrathin Terahertz Dual-Band Perfect Metamaterial Absorber Using Asymmetric Double-Split Rings Resonator. Symmetry 2018, 10, 293. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym10070293
Lu T, Zhang D, Qiu P, Lian J, Jing M, Yu B, Wen J. Ultrathin Terahertz Dual-Band Perfect Metamaterial Absorber Using Asymmetric Double-Split Rings Resonator. Symmetry. 2018; 10(7):293. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym10070293
Chicago/Turabian StyleLu, Taiguo, Dawei Zhang, Peizhen Qiu, Jiqing Lian, Ming Jing, Binbin Yu, and Jing Wen. 2018. "Ultrathin Terahertz Dual-Band Perfect Metamaterial Absorber Using Asymmetric Double-Split Rings Resonator" Symmetry 10, no. 7: 293. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym10070293
APA StyleLu, T., Zhang, D., Qiu, P., Lian, J., Jing, M., Yu, B., & Wen, J. (2018). Ultrathin Terahertz Dual-Band Perfect Metamaterial Absorber Using Asymmetric Double-Split Rings Resonator. Symmetry, 10(7), 293. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym10070293