Decision-Making Procedures and Their Relation to Knowledge Management and Quality Management
<p>Decision-making process.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Cynefin framework [<a href="#B34-sustainability-14-00572" class="html-bibr">34</a>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Obstacles to the implementation of knowledge management in Slovakia [<a href="#B38-sustainability-14-00572" class="html-bibr">38</a>].</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Knowledge management concerning decision-making [<a href="#B39-sustainability-14-00572" class="html-bibr">39</a>].</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Knowledge management in relation to decision-making in quality management [<a href="#B40-sustainability-14-00572" class="html-bibr">40</a>].</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Theoretical Background
- Quality is fitness for use:
- –
- Quality means the product or service does what it is intended to do.
- –
- Poor quality of a product or service cost users if it does not do what it is supposed to do.
- Quality is meeting customer expectations:
- –
- Quality is satisfying the customer.
- –
- The customer defines quality.
- –
- The customer perceives the quality of a product or service.
- Quality is exceeding customer expectations.
- –
- Quality is the extent to which the customers or users believe the product or service surpasses their needs and expectations.
- –
- Quality is delighting the customer.
- –
- Quality is superiority to competitors. Quality is how a company’s products and services compare to those of competitors or how they compare to those offered by the company in the past [24].
1.1.1. Decision-Making in Management and the Decision-Making Process
1.1.2. Decision-Making and the Requirements for the Decision-Making Process, at the Present Time
1.1.3. Manager as a Decision-Maker
- A manager can be defined as a person whose primary activities are the managerial functions by which he acts on objects of management. A manager is a person who plans, organizes, manages, and controls human, financial, and information resources [28].
- The manager is primarily a profession—the manager, through managerial functions, directs the activities of the organizational unit (departments, teams) to achieve the set goals [29]. A manager can be defined as an area manager who applies his vision, has a strategic perspective, works with ideas, and looks ahead [30].
- Managers are responsible for delivering results through the dedicated efforts of other people, individually, in groups, or organizations [31].
1.1.4. Types of Decision-Making in Management
1.1.5. Rational Decision-Making
- Consistency. The steps taken in the decision-making process are oriented towards the interests of the organization and are related to the achievement of the objectives of the particular organization.
- Objectivity and logic. Decisions are carried out in the interests of the best objective of the organization. The objectives of the organization are prioritized, and personal interests are not preferred.
- Logical. The logical organization of all objectives in the organization, including their specificity, measurability, and others [32].
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. A New One Deciding
- Includes large numbers of interconnected elements.
- Their interaction is non-linear and small changes can cause disproportionately significant consequences.
- A system is a dynamic unit that is larger than the sum of its parts.
- It is not possible to determine the solution; it is rather due to circumstances.
- It is very often referred to as emerging.
- The system has its history, and its past is integrated with the present.
- Elements evolve with the environment and this evolution is irreversible.
- Although a complex system may look predictable in retrospect, this view does not allow things to be predicted because the internal conditions and the system are constantly changing.
- In contrast to well-arranged systems in which the system constrains the components to some extent, in a complex system the constituents and the system limit each other, especially over time. This means that we cannot predict what will happen.
- They have multiple identities and freely switch between them.
- They make decisions based on past success and failure patterns more often than logically defined rules.
- They can, under certain conditions, purposefully change the systems in which they operate and thus bring them into equilibrium to achieve their intended objectives.
3.2. Barriers
3.3. Attractors
3.4. Incanting to Disconnection and Diversity
3.5. Preparation of East Conditions and Monitoring Development
- Difficult.
- Simple.
- Complex.
- Chaotic.
- Breakdown.
- Identify (the repayment received is lower than it should have been).
- Categorize (check the documentation and find out how to proceed in future instalments).
- Respond appropriately (will not accept payment).
3.6. Complex Context
- Evaluate intuitively.
- Analyze.
- React.
3.7. Complex Context
3.8. Chaotic Context
3.9. Knowledge Management, Its Importance and Use in the Company
- Businesses become “knowledge-sensitive”, with knowledge becoming as important or more important than capital. This is because the market is becoming more complex and knowledge is becoming the only tool that allows it to be placed at a competitive edge, so it is important to manage that knowledge.
- Forgetting—the market is constantly changing; it is necessary to change the characteristics of the product and change the way it operates in the market; the company must be able to forget what is inappropriate now and focus on what the market requires. Knowledge enables an enterprise to be “at the forefront of change”, enabling knowledge to survive and exploit external change (economic and political change). The market will, therefore, change, and knowledge will make it possible to take advantage of the newly created “opportunity window”.
- What is above standard today may not be later (for example, e-mail). The market is complex, requiring the integration of several market segments, and the increasing complexity can be managed through knowledge.
- Knowledge makes better decisions.
- Knowledge sharing—it is good for an organization to distribute knowledge among people. Knowledge is mobile—the knowledge of the organization is located (among other things) in people, so knowledge can get away from day to day by leaving people with knowledge. The market is globalizing, so competition is increasing, so there is a need to find an advantage through knowledge.
4. Discussion
4.1. Survey No. 1: Companies Want to Build and Maintain Employee Knowledge
4.2. Survey No. 2: The Slovak Business Environment Is Not Fully Prepared for the Implementation of Knowledge Management
4.3. Relationship of Knowledge Management to Decision-Making
4.4. Relationship of Knowledge Management (KM) to Decision-Making in Quality Management (QM)
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Characteristics of Context | Task Manager | Warning Signals | Responses to Warning Signals | |
Simple | need for professional diagnosis cause and effect relationships are possible to guess, but not always obvious unknown unknown fact-based management | perceive intuitively analyze and respond create expert panels and listen to opposing counsel | experts convinced of their truth analysis paralysis panels of experts, opinions of non-experts are excluded | to encourage rebuttal using experiments to eliminate circular thinking |
Characteristics of Context | Task Manager | Warning Signals | Responses to Warning Signals | |
Complex | repetitive patterns and outbreaks, clear cause-and-effect relationships, the existence of the correct answer we know each other, fact-based management | perceive intuitively, categorize, react, ensure appropriate processes, delegate, use best practice, and communicate clearly | complacency and comfort, efforts to simplify, circular thinking, and stability of old rules | creating communication channels, connection with micro-management, and assume things are simple |
Characteristics of Context | Task Manager | Warning Signals | Responses to Warning Signals | |
Complex | constant change and inability to predict, there is no correct answer, emergence of the solution, unknown unknown, a number of competing ideas, the need for a creative approach, and leadership is based on formulas | Probe, perceive intuitively, respond, increase the level of interaction and communication, and the use of methods leading to the production of new ideas | the tendency to return to the habitual directive management style, tendency to look for facts, and trying to solve the problem as quickly as possible | be patient and take time to consider, and use approaches to encourage interaction |
Characteristics of Context | Task Manager | Warning Signals | Responses to Warning Signals | |
Chaotic | high degree of confusion, no cause-effect relationships exist, the need to implement a number of decisions in the absence of time, high voltage, and leadership is based on formulas | act intuitively, perceive, respond, look for what works rather than finding the right answers, take steps to restore order, and communicate clearly and directly | the use of directive management methods more than necessary, personality cult, missed opportunities for innovation, and unrelenting chaos | mechanism setting (parallel teams), use the opportunities of a chaotic environment to your advantage, and seek to turn chaos into a complex context |
Solution Quality Problems in Enterprise (Product Quality and Process Quality) | Decision Assessment of Variable Solution, Selecting the Best, Most Effective Solution | Management Quality Improvement | |
1. | Diagnosis of the problem and diagnosis of the initial situation: methods and tools | Solution variants, analysis, evaluation, choice of solution variant, and solution procedure | Quality improvement management, and improving the quality of products and processes |
2. | SWOT analysis, statistical methods systems engineering, value analysis, risk analysis, 5 x why? etc. | Knowledge support systems for MK, generation and selection of ideas, testing, simulation of solution proposals, evaluation of proposals, and implementation of proposals | Quality improvement management, training programs for employees, improving the quality of products and processes, quality improvement methods: poka yoke, Kaizen Ideas, management workshops, etc. |
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Share and Cite
Litvaj, I.; Ponisciakova, O.; Stancekova, D.; Svobodova, J.; Mrazik, J. Decision-Making Procedures and Their Relation to Knowledge Management and Quality Management. Sustainability 2022, 14, 572.
Litvaj I, Ponisciakova O, Stancekova D, Svobodova J, Mrazik J. Decision-Making Procedures and Their Relation to Knowledge Management and Quality Management. Sustainability. 2022; 14(1):572.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLitvaj, Ivan, Olga Ponisciakova, Dana Stancekova, Jaroslava Svobodova, and Jozef Mrazik. 2022. "Decision-Making Procedures and Their Relation to Knowledge Management and Quality Management" Sustainability 14, no. 1: 572.
APA StyleLitvaj, I., Ponisciakova, O., Stancekova, D., Svobodova, J., & Mrazik, J. (2022). Decision-Making Procedures and Their Relation to Knowledge Management and Quality Management. Sustainability, 14(1), 572.