The Impact of Late Holocene Flood Management on the Central Po Plain (Northern Italy)
<p>The wetlands in the Po Plain before the Renaissance land reclamation works, 1570 AD. Library of the Univerisità degli Studi di Bologna [<a href="#B32-sustainability-10-03968" class="html-bibr">32</a>]. The dashed line indicates the research area.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Location of the study area. 1—Tagliata Canal; 2—Parmigiana Canal; 3—<span class="html-italic">Crustulus Vetus</span>; 4—Camporainero area; 5—Valle di Gualtieri backswamp; 6—Valle di Novellara backswamp.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Schematic geomorphic map of the Po plain in the Emilia region (adapted from [<a href="#B47-sustainability-10-03968" class="html-bibr">47</a>,<a href="#B48-sustainability-10-03968" class="html-bibr">48</a>,<a href="#B49-sustainability-10-03968" class="html-bibr">49</a>]). The red dashed line highlights the study area: 1—Valle di Gualtieri; 2—Valle di Novellara.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Digital Terrain Model elaborated with software QGIS implemented with archaeological records. In the north of the mapped area, the meandering geomorphological feature corresponds to the so-called <span class="html-italic">Po Morto</span> or <span class="html-italic">Dead Po</span>, active in Roman Times.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The 3D model: altitude checkpoints attribute ×50.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Application of the soil map [<a href="#B70-sustainability-10-03968" class="html-bibr">70</a>] to the 3D model. Grey and Dark-Grey areas correspond to fine sediments settled after flood events.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Maximum extension of wetlands before the Renaissance large-scale land reclamation project.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The Tagliata Canal in the geomorphological map of the Po Plain edited in 1997 [<a href="#B47-sustainability-10-03968" class="html-bibr">47</a>]. The Tagliata Canal is considered a Proto-historic Po ridge characterized by crevasse splays on both sides.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The distribution of archaeological sites and materials in the study area shows an absence of Bronze Age and Roman Era findings suggesting that the Tagliata Canal ridge developed in medieval times.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Geomorphological analysis of the Tagliata Canal ridge: crevasse splays and land-fill ridges. 1—Villarotta; 2—Fangaia.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Medieval historical maps (18th-century copies) that show the environmental situation of the study area before (<b>A</b>), (for more details, see also <a href="#sustainability-10-03968-f012" class="html-fig">Figure 12</a>) and after (<b>B</b>), (for more details, see also <a href="#sustainability-10-03968-f013" class="html-fig">Figure 13</a>) the Renaissance wetland reclamation. The numbers in the schematic box in the center of the image helps to orientate: 1—Tagliata Canal; 2—Parmigiana Canal; 3—Crustulus Vetus; 4—Camporainero area; 5—Valle di Gualtieri backswamp; 6—Valle di Novellara backswamp; 7—Town of Guastalla; 8—Town of Novellara; 9—Town of Gualtieri. (AsMo 52 and 53, XVIIIsec. Modena National Historical Archive—“Congragazione delle Acque e delle Strade, Reggio e Reggiano”) [<a href="#B89-sustainability-10-03968" class="html-bibr">89</a>].</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Detail of the medieval historical map that shows the landscape before the Renaissance land reclamation project (<a href="#sustainability-10-03968-f011" class="html-fig">Figure 11</a>A). (AsMo 52, XVIIIsec. Modena National Historical Archive—“Congragazione delle Acque e delle Strade, Reggio e Reggiano) [<a href="#B89-sustainability-10-03968" class="html-bibr">89</a>]. This map shows the project of artificially diversion on the Crostolo River from the Valle di Novellara to the Po Plain through the Early Medieval <span class="html-italic">Fossa di Roncaglio</span> Canal. a—Town of Guastalla; b—Town of Novellara; c—the so-called <span class="html-italic">Crustulus Vetus</span>, still active at that time; d—the wetland area called <span class="html-italic">Camporainero</span>; e—<span class="html-italic">Fossa di Roncaglio</span> Canal; f—the area of the NNE Crostolo ridge, developed to fill the <span class="html-italic">Camporainero</span> area with Crostolo sediments; g—Valle di Gualtieri wetland; h—Valle di Novellara wetland.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Detail of the medieval historical map which shows the landscape before the Renaissance land reclamation project (<a href="#sustainability-10-03968-f011" class="html-fig">Figure 11</a>B). (AsMo 53, XVIIIsec. Modena National Historical Archive—“Congragazione delle Acque e delle Strade, Reggio e Reggiano) [<a href="#B89-sustainability-10-03968" class="html-bibr">89</a>]. This map shows the study area after the Renaissance Bonifica Bentivoglio land reclamation project. a—Town of Guastalla; b—Town of Novellara; c—<span class="html-italic">Crostolo Vecchio</span> or <span class="html-italic">Crustulus Vetus</span>, the medieval Crostolo watercourse that flowed into the Valle di Novellara wetland; d—The artificial diversion of the Crostolo River in the Po River; there are no more indications of both <span class="html-italic">Camporainero</span> and <span class="html-italic">Roncaglio</span>; e—Drained area in place of the Valle di Gualtieri wetland; f—Drained area in place of Valle di Novellara wetland; g—<span class="html-italic">Botte Bentivoglio</span> hydraulic device.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the Crostolo River medieval ridges. 1—NEE Crostolo ridge; 2—NE Crostolo ridge, called <span class="html-italic">Crustulus Vetus</span>; 3—Modern Crostolo River course; 4—Valle di Gualtieri wetland area; 5—Valle di Novellara wetland area; 6—Tagliata Canal ridge; 7—The dashed line indicates the modern Age <span class="html-italic">Fossa Alessandrina</span> Canal, the black square represents the S. Bernardino Church.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>The crossing between the Crostolo River (1) with the <span class="html-italic">Parmigiana Canal</span> (2) in the modern completely drained countryside. The white square highlights the 17th century AD structure of the <span class="html-italic">Botte Bentivoglio</span> hydraulic device (3).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area: Geomorphological and Historical Contexts
3. Materials and Methods
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Backswamps Limits
4.2. Tagliata Canal
4.3. Crostolo River
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Object | Chronicler | Medieval Italian | English Translation |
I | Tagliata Canal | Fra Salimbene de Adam (13th century AD) [60] p. 89 | “Tra Guastalla e Reggiolo era una stesa di terreno paludoso le cui acque incanalate nel detto cavo e asciugato il territorio, si conquistarono alla coltivazione ubertosissime campagne […]” | “Between Guastalla and Reggiolo there used to be a waterlogged area whose waters were channelled in the canal (Tagliata): the land was drained and turned into very fertile farmland”. |
II | Tagliata Canal | Fra Salimbene de Adam (13th century AD) [60] p. 93 | “Questa Tagliata impaludò larga zona di terreni, distrusse e sommerse molte ville, e dove prima di aveva abbondanza di frumento e di vino, ora si ha copia di pesci di diverse specie” | “The Tagliata canal flooded a wide area, razed many houses, and in place of wheat fields and vineyards now there is an abundance of fishes of different species”. |
III | Tagliata Canal | Ireneo Affò (18th century AD) [58] Vol. 8, p. 233 | “[…] La comunità da tempo memorabile aveva diritto di rompere gli argini quando menavano acque torbide perché spandere si potessero nelle valli. E molti uomini testificarono il mirabile effetto che ne era seguito, accennando de campi allora coltivabili nel luogo dei quali a loro memoria solevano i pescatori andare con le barche […]” | “Since time immemorial, the community (of Guastalla) was allowed to breach the levees when the watercourses carried turbid water to spread them in the wetlands. Many people testified to the admirable effect that followed, and they said that now cultivable fields replaced places in which fishermen were used to going by boat” |
IV | Crostolo River | Ireneo Affò (18th century AD) [58] Vol. 8, p. 240 | “[…] fu loro conseguenza permesso di fare un Cavo in Camporainero dal Crostolo […] lungo la Via di Roncaglio per cui tirar nelle valli più agevolmente tali acque” | “(the city council of Guastalla) allowed to excavated a canal from the Crostolo river to the Camporaneiro area, along the Roncaglio Road, in order to divert the (turbid) waters in the wetlands more easily”. |
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Brandolini, F.; Cremaschi, M. The Impact of Late Holocene Flood Management on the Central Po Plain (Northern Italy). Sustainability 2018, 10, 3968.
Brandolini F, Cremaschi M. The Impact of Late Holocene Flood Management on the Central Po Plain (Northern Italy). Sustainability. 2018; 10(11):3968.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBrandolini, Filippo, and Mauro Cremaschi. 2018. "The Impact of Late Holocene Flood Management on the Central Po Plain (Northern Italy)" Sustainability 10, no. 11: 3968.
APA StyleBrandolini, F., & Cremaschi, M. (2018). The Impact of Late Holocene Flood Management on the Central Po Plain (Northern Italy). Sustainability, 10(11), 3968.