Voltammetric Behaviour of Rhodamine B at a Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode and Its Trace Determination in Environmental Water Samples
<p>Cyclic voltammogram, obtained at a scan rate of 100 mVs<sup>−1</sup>, for a 1.0 mM solution of Rhodamine B in 0.1 M phosphate at pH 8.3. (<b>a</b>) Starting potential 0.0 V, initial switching potential −1.5 V, second switching potential +1.5 V, final potential −0.5 V and (<b>b</b>) second scan of the same SPCE. Voltammetric conditions as for <a href="#sensors-22-04631-f001" class="html-fig">Figure 1</a>a.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>(<b>a</b>) Starting potential 0.0 V, initial switching potential −1.5 V, second switching potential +0.5 V, final potential −0.5 V and (<b>b</b>) starting potential 0.0 V, initial switching potential −0.7 V, second switching potential +1.5 V, final potential −0.5 V.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Typical cyclic voltammograms obtained for 1.0 mM Rhodamine B in (<b>a</b>) pH 1.92, (<b>b</b>) 3.51, (<b>c</b>) pH 7.17, (<b>d</b>) pH 8.00, (<b>e</b>) pH 8.78 and (<b>f</b>) pH 11.4.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Plot of Ep vs. pH for Rhodamine B. Crosses O2; triangles O1; diamonds R1 and squares R2. Voltammetric conditions as <a href="#sensors-22-04631-f001" class="html-fig">Figure 1</a>.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The pH dependence for the spirolactam form of Rhodamine B.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Plots of peak current vs. square root of scan rate for (<b>a</b>) O1, (<b>c</b>) O2, (<b>e</b>) R1 and (<b>g</b>) R2. Plots of current function for (<b>b</b>) O1, (<b>d</b>) O2, (<b>f</b>) R1 and (<b>h</b>) R2. Other voltammetric conditions as for <a href="#sensors-22-04631-f001" class="html-fig">Figure 1</a>a.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Plot of <span class="html-italic">i</span><sub>p</sub> vs. pH for Rhodamine B (<b>a</b>) oxidation processes, O1 and O2 and (<b>b</b>) reduction processes, R1 and R2. Crosses O2; triangles O1; diamonds R1 and squares R2. Voltammetric conditions as <a href="#sensors-22-04631-f001" class="html-fig">Figure 1</a>. Error bars represent plus or minus a standard deviation.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Proposed scheme for the voltammetric behaviour of Rhodamine B at the SPCE.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Differential pulse voltammograms obtained with an SPCE for solid line, 2.1 µgmL<sup>−1</sup> Rhodamine B in 0.1 M phosphate buffer pH 7.1. Dashed line, buffer only. Voltammetric conditions: 0.0 V 15 s vs. Ag/AgCl. Pulse repetition time 0.2 s, step height 2.4 mV in the positive potential by applying pulse amplitude of 50 mV, pulse duration 50 ms.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Effect of Rhodamine B concentration on the differential pulse voltammetric current peak (<span class="html-italic">i</span><sub>p</sub>) for oxidation peak O2. Insert, linear section. Each point is the mean of three separate SPCEs. Error bars represent plus and minus a standard deviation.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Differential pulse voltammograms peak currents obtained with an SPCE for 2.1 µgmL<sup>−1</sup> Rhodamine B in 0.1 M phosphate buffer pH 7.1 with increasing concentrations of ascorbic acid. Voltammetric conditions as for <a href="#sensors-22-04631-f007" class="html-fig">Figure 7</a>. Each point is the mean of three individual SPCEs. Error bars represent plus and minus a standard deviation.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Differential pulse voltammogram of Rhodamine B in an environmental water sample adjusted to be 0.1 M pH 7.1 phosphate buffer, 0.8 M ascorbic acid. Insert shows same voltammogram at larger scale.</p> "> Scheme 1
<p>Structure of Rhodamine B.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Chemicals and Reagents
2.2. Apparatus
2.3. Voltammetric Procedures
2.4. Sample Preparation
3. Results
3.1. Cyclic Voltammetric Investigations
3.2. Effect of pH on Peak Potential and Peak Current
3.3. Calibration Plot, Limit of Detection and Precision
3.4. Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Rhodamine B Differential Pulse Voltammetric Response
3.5. Analytical Application
4. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sample | Linear Range µg/L | Limit of Detection µg/L | Technique | Comments | Reference |
Wastewater and surface water | 50–1000 | 0.5 | High-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection | Solid-phase extraction | [17] |
Fruit juice and Preserved fruit | 4.78–956.1 | 2.93 | Differential pulse voltammetry at a glassy carbon electrode | Preserved fruits extracted in water with the aid of ultrasonication for 4 h, and then filtrated under vacuum | [28] |
Chili powder and tomato sauce | 5–100 | 1.44 | Magnetic solid-phase extraction, with SPCE modified by multiwalled carbon nanotubes and a molecular imprinted polymer | Chili powder extracted with acetonitrile with the aid of ultrasonication. Centrifuged and mixed with NaCl and distilled water, stored at −20 °C for 2 h. Filtrated, under nitrogen, and reconstituted with distilled water at pH 5. Tomato sauce extract obtained via direct filtration | [30] |
Tomato and chili sauces | 0.96–44.07 | 1.79 | Zeolite imidazolate framework-67/reduced graphene oxide modified glassy carbon electrode | Sample was sonicated in water by ultrasonication and stirring The Rhodamine B concentration was then determined using the optimized conditions | [33] |
Water samples and hair colors | 48–720 | 9.6 | Multi-walled carbon nanotube carbon paste electrode | Hair color was sonicated in ethanol and diluted with PBS (pH = 3.0) and examined electrochemically | [34] |
Water samples and soft drinks | 23–2000 | 7.0 | Spectrophotometric detection | Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction | [67] |
Chili powder | 1.0–10,000 µg/g | 1.0 µg/g | Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy | Extraction with acetonitrile via shaking, sonication and centrifuging | [68] |
Bakery products, beverages and cooked foods | 600–5000 | 10 | High-performance liquid chromatography | Officially prescribed method of the Indian food regulatory authority | [69] |
Cosmetics | 0.765–478.03 | 0.239 | Micellar-enhanced fluorimetry | Lipstick extracted in water by stirring at 333 K (ca. 60 °C) for 15 min | [70] |
Surface water | -- | 0.000010 | High-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection | Solid-phase extraction of 1 L of sample water reconstituted in a 1.0 mL of mobile phase | [71] |
Soft drink, waste water and cosmetics | 250–3000 | 3.14 | Spectrophotometry at 556 nm | Solid-phase extraction | [72] |
Cosmetic products and water samples | -- | 2.2 | Spectrophotometry at 550 nm | Deep eutectic solvent-based liquid-phase microextraction | [73] |
Chili powder, tomato juice, soy sauce and pasta sauce | 144–1440 | 48 | Cu@CS nanohybrid-modified glassy carbon electrode | Tomato sauce extract was obtained by filtration. Chili powder was sonicated in acetonitrile and centrifuged. NaCl and water were added and the mixture frozen and centrifuged. The acetonitrile layer collected. Soy sauce was sonicated in a mixture of ethanol/water/acetic acid, and filtered. Pasta sauce was diluted in water and filtered. Once processed, extracts were made up in pH 6.5 PBS, and examined using the optimized procedure | [74] |
Chili powder and preserved fruit | 5–2400 | 2.1 | Silica-pillared zirconium phosphate/Nafion composite modified glassy carbon electrode | Sample added to acetone–n-hexane solution and sonicated. Mixture then centrifuged and supernatant extracted with n-hexane and organic phase discarded following addition of water. An aliquot was then diluted in pH 5.0 BR buffer and investigated using the optimized conditions | [75] |
Surface water | 60–4000 | 10 | Differential pulse voltammetry at an unmodified SPCE | Dilution with phosphate buffer and addition of ascorbic acid | This work |
Original Concentration ng/mL | Added ng/mL | Found ng/mL | % Recovery | |
1 | ND | 96.0 | 90.0 | 93.8 |
2 | ND | 96.0 | 90.5 | 94.3 |
3 | ND | 96.0 | 89.9 | 93.6 |
4 | ND | 96.0 | 87.1 | 90.7 |
5 | ND | 96.0 | 95.3 | 99.3 |
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Share and Cite
Honeychurch, K.C. Voltammetric Behaviour of Rhodamine B at a Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode and Its Trace Determination in Environmental Water Samples. Sensors 2022, 22, 4631. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22124631
Honeychurch KC. Voltammetric Behaviour of Rhodamine B at a Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode and Its Trace Determination in Environmental Water Samples. Sensors. 2022; 22(12):4631. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22124631
Chicago/Turabian StyleHoneychurch, Kevin C. 2022. "Voltammetric Behaviour of Rhodamine B at a Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode and Its Trace Determination in Environmental Water Samples" Sensors 22, no. 12: 4631. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22124631
APA StyleHoneychurch, K. C. (2022). Voltammetric Behaviour of Rhodamine B at a Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode and Its Trace Determination in Environmental Water Samples. Sensors, 22(12), 4631. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22124631